about 6 years ago - brettpennings - Direct link
Is lack of AI bots...

1 person asked this to you dear dev and you said ok sure i can work on it.

so if you maek those bots. i will buy this game faster than light.

the thing is... people are people you cant force a single person to play this game forever

and when the servers and lobbies are empty. i dont want my money to go to waste

pls developer i count on you <3 <3
about 6 years ago - brettpennings - Direct link
Hahaha, yes KINGLER. Bots are the next big feature to implement :)
As you mentioned, it will be vital for both online and offline play!
I've already experimented with machine learning for the bots and had... mixed results.
So I'll be creating some sort of heuristic/learning hybrid and I just bought a pathfinding asset from the unity store to make this even more feasible.
Wish me luck!
about 5 years ago - brettpennings - Direct link
Just sent you a friend request, I will message you some info :)
over 4 years ago - brettpennings - Direct link
Right now there isn't a way to play with bots in couch mode or practice range, but based on player requests this weekend, I definitely want to add it now :)