about 5 years
ago -
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We've only seen this happen a handful of times, and what we've narrowed it down to is either parental controls that block our matchmaker's IP (you would know if you had this), or, what's more likely, is that your internet service provider is unable to properly make a connection to our matchmaker. I believe this has only been an issue with Comcast/Xfinity, and it's very rare. You can attempt to hotspot your phone and connect to see if the matchmaker is available that way (I don't recommend playing like that, it would just be to verify that it has something to do with your ISP). How this has been fixed in the past is EVENTUALLY the ISP fixes its issue and it ends up working. It's a mystery to me how or why this happens, and how it miraculously fixes itself.
It probably won't help, but this guy had the same issue as you are describing: https://steamcommunity.com/app/572220/discussions/0/1729828401701354511/
In the meantime (if you haven't already) feel free to refund the game if you don't feel like waiting for your ISP to randomly resolve the issue.
Sorry (and happy new year)!
We've only seen this happen a handful of times, and what we've narrowed it down to is either parental controls that block our matchmaker's IP (you would know if you had this), or, what's more likely, is that your internet service provider is unable to properly make a connection to our matchmaker. I believe this has only been an issue with Comcast/Xfinity, and it's very rare. You can attempt to hotspot your phone and connect to see if the matchmaker is available that way (I don't recommend playing like that, it would just be to verify that it has something to do with your ISP). How this has been fixed in the past is EVENTUALLY the ISP fixes its issue and it ends up working. It's a mystery to me how or why this happens, and how it miraculously fixes itself.
It probably won't help, but this guy had the same issue as you are describing: https://steamcommunity.com/app/572220/discussions/0/1729828401701354511/
In the meantime (if you haven't already) feel free to refund the game if you don't feel like waiting for your ISP to randomly resolve the issue.
Sorry (and happy new year)!