about 5 years ago - brettpennings - Direct link

We've only seen this happen a handful of times, and what we've narrowed it down to is either parental controls that block our matchmaker's IP (you would know if you had this), or, what's more likely, is that your internet service provider is unable to properly make a connection to our matchmaker. I believe this has only been an issue with Comcast/Xfinity, and it's very rare. You can attempt to hotspot your phone and connect to see if the matchmaker is available that way (I don't recommend playing like that, it would just be to verify that it has something to do with your ISP). How this has been fixed in the past is EVENTUALLY the ISP fixes its issue and it ends up working. It's a mystery to me how or why this happens, and how it miraculously fixes itself.

It probably won't help, but this guy had the same issue as you are describing: https://steamcommunity.com/app/572220/discussions/0/1729828401701354511/

In the meantime (if you haven't already) feel free to refund the game if you don't feel like waiting for your ISP to randomly resolve the issue.

Sorry (and happy new year)!

about 5 years ago - brettpennings - Direct link
Yes, it could also be that -- the ports aren't terribly unusual though. The matchmaker cycles between ports 80 and 8081 each version update. (I'm sure 80 isn't blocked as that's web default)

IP address is or matchmaker.magequit.com

I'm curious what you get if you visit that address in your browser. I receive ERR_EMPTY_RESPONSE which is what the matchmaker is programmed to return when sent an unrecognized request (in this case a standard GET). I imagine your browser will not be able to resolve the address if it is indeed an issue with your ISP. If it is a DNS resolution issue, than you'd receive a different response for visiting the IP address vs the named address, but I doubt this is the case.

Who is your internet service provider if you don't mind me asking?

Hope this helps.

about 5 years ago - brettpennings - Direct link
Okay, I expected everything mentioned except for that last part about it not working for your other provider as well.

I've loosened up the Azure firewall restrictions for the matchmaking VM just to see if that makes a difference at all for you. Please let me know if the responses are any different (or if Online magically works for you now).

If not, I'm going to open up a support ticket with the Azure team to see if something could be causing this on their end.

Thank you for your patience!!

about 5 years ago - brettpennings - Direct link
Assuming that doesn't work, would you be able to run a command for me and report back what it returns?

tracert matchmaker.magequit.com
about 5 years ago - brettpennings - Direct link
Okay, this IS interesting. It appears to be an issue on the Azure side then, because clearly your request is reaching their servers. I'm attempting to pay them for technical support but it saying it's currently unavailable. I will keep trying and we will figure this out!!

about 5 years ago - brettpennings - Direct link
That's my hope! I really appreciate your patience on this. How about if the fix takes longer than 2 weeks, you can refund it and I'll give you a key for your trouble :)
Currently I have a billing ticket open with Azure because I am unable up create a technical ticket even though they definitely billed me for it LOL. I will try again in the morning.
We'll get to the bottom of it!
about 5 years ago - brettpennings - Direct link
Alright! I have successfully opened a technical ticket with Azure Support. Now we wait...
about 5 years ago - brettpennings - Direct link
Wow, thank you for the insight, AllegedBanana! That is very helpful :)
Azure support got back to me and it sounds in line with what you are saying regarding ICMP.
There is a tool called PsPing that can circumvent that.

ScienceDiscoverer, the first thing Azure support requested was for you to try using PsPing to reach the MageQuit matchmaking server. Would you be willing to try this?
There are instructions for it here: http://www.azurespeed.com/Azure/PsPing

After installing that you would run "psping"

From Azure support: Successful pspings from a source that can't access the matchmaking would tell us there's something happening above layer 4, and the Azure platform is ok.

Thanks again for your patience!
