I too have experienced nothing but increased lag with each new set.
When I first started playing MTGA it was pretty smooth but now it is extreme lag all of the time. This is not my PC or internet connection, it is your game. Stop being so cheap and fix the issues WoTC.
Again, performance issues are VERY hard to pinpoint/reproduce. Please report them so we can look into it and be as specific as you can. Saying "my performance is worse, fix the issues" doesn't tell us anything.
Yes, but the fact that the lag seems to increase with each new addition should give you all a heads up that your server is too bogged down with crap and should give you an idea of what to look for.
Listen to the players, read between the lines and the answer will come.
Ignore the obvious and the issues will increase.
Unfortunately "new update, more problems" doesn't tell us much and performance issues are hard to reproduce. A problem you are having may not happen for someone else. For example, I have had zero performance issues playing on my work computer and custom PC at home (which admittedly needs major hardware upgrades haha).
We are listening to the players, but it could be anything from new card interactions to your personal computer hardware/settings/programs running in the background to your internet connection to who knows what. Game logs and specific instances are what help us figure these things out... So you have to let us know via the support page. The more data that we have to tackle a problem, the better!