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Just fought against one of the devs. It was a really cool match but I never drew the cards I needed πŸ˜… don’t be afraid of a dueling them! It’s fun!

External link β†’
6 days ago - /u/WotC_Jay - Direct link

Ha! They're a menace, and their name is not to be trusted.

Fun fact: A decent chunk of Arena's new player experience (with Spark Rank and the Starter Deck Duels) was inspired by a story a coworker told. They were trying to teach their partner Magic, and very shortly out of the tutorial their partner, quite randomly, got paired with this "NotVeryGoodAtMagic" player. And, well, that poor new player had absolutely no idea what happened to them as they got destroyed. So we built a longer, safer onramp before new players would have to encounter monsters like this

5 days ago - /u/WotC_Jay - Direct link

Originally posted by VoraciousChallenge

This is a decent place to ask this. Do employee names always appear in mythic orange, or is it something that can be toggled? I ask because I reported a username a couple weeks back that was WotC_* but appeared in white.

The vast majority of Wizards employees should have orange names, but there are likely a few that haven't submitted their accounts to get the treatment