over 4 years ago - WotC_Lexie - Direct link


Title is self explanatory. I was really excited when ToE was finally announced and thought it was a cool idea for a plane. I really don't think it was a great idea to make it a one-set thing, however, as it makes it feel like a throw-away and quickly abandons a lot of the new themes and mechanics that got introduced. We had 3 sets in Ravnica and have so thoroughly explored that plane at this point that I hope we don't go back for 10 years (I love Ravnica...but it's stale now). Eldraine was something fresh and brand new and it doesn't feel like we're going to get a chance to really explore it properly. None of the stories or world-building is really even getting a chance to become a solid part of the MTG universe.
I know we've done this before with places like Amonkhet and Dominaria, and though I don't like the puddle-jumping from set to set in general, at least those planes were already known quantities. Eldraine is brand new and the Anglo-Celtic-Arthurian theme just screams mystery and a need to explore. Sadly we won't get a chance.

I feel it. I have absolutely loved Throne of Eldraine. It sounds like you may have already read the book, but if not, check it out!