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about 15 hours ago - /u/WotC_Jay - Direct link

Originally posted by Quirky_Contract_7652

When I was a kid, the rare in my first pack was a Lord of the Pit. My older friend convinced me to trade it to him for a Healing Salve bc lifegain was so good. Luckily I wouldn't play black at the time because it was scary so it wasn't as bad of a rip off as it normally would be. I was TERRIFIED of Sengir Vampire.

Jokulhaups was my favorite card.

Boomer story over, but new players really overrated lifegain.

I got Lord of the Pit in one of my first sealed decks too! (Also a crappy Scrubland; bah. Who cares about that?)

about 14 hours ago - /u/WotC_Jay - Direct link

Originally posted by MrPopoGod

Lucky. My first rare was a Stasis in my Revised starter. Why would I want my stuff to not untap? And I agree, Scrubland was like $10 when you could just run a plains and a swamp instead. Much better to spend that money on a playset of Craw Wurm and have some change.

Or why not some real power, like Force of Nature? I think that was the first card I ever bought as a single. 8/8 AND Trample? No way you could beat it!