over 4 years ago - WotC_Lexie - Direct link

Secret Lair is a paper MTG product that consists of new art on popular cards, that you can get in themed 24-hour-only drops. I'm really excited for OMG KITTIES and Seeing Visions (the art is SO good). :slightly_smiling_face: You can get them here: https://secretlair.wizards.com/us

Note: If you click the ad, it will take you to the page where you can buy/get more info. One reason they're shown in the client is because each bundle comes with a redemption code for an MTG Arena sleeve. The sleeves will be available in the MTG Arena store at a later date. Hope this clears things up!

over 4 years ago - WotC_Lexie - Direct link

@Doctor Who:

Interesting marketing fail. I got numerous emails about it, and had no idea what the product was either.

It's all over the MTG Arena twitter, MTG twitter, our website, your email inbox, Reddit, Facebook, in game, etc.... Also, maybe open those emails next time? :joy:

If you're not into paper MTG I guess I understand why you're avoiding it.

over 4 years ago - WotC_Lexie - Direct link

@Doctor Who:

So it's my fault I don't use twitter? What?
I just re-read all 3 emails I received on Secret Lair. None of the emails specify that the cards are for paper play. I also play paper btw. When I click through to the shop it also does not mention paper that I can see, although it does confusingly mention MTGO and MTGA. I find the product very confusing given that I don't recall singles ever being sold before (albeit in a bundle).
But hey if you think the marketing was spot on - well done.

I will pass along your feedback to our marketing team. :slight_smile: If you'd like to see the cards, scroll down the Secret Lair page and you can watch a video on each drop.

over 4 years ago - WotC_Lexie - Direct link


Can't get a representative to comment on anything that matters.

A thread opens up about selling something and the dev's respond three times.

Isn't WoTC wonderful?

I’m sorry you feel that way, but of course I’m going to answer a genuine question. I reply to something if I can/if my response would be useful. I do read every single post on this forum and pass along feedback to the team even if I’m not replying.

Sometimes players ask questions that I can’t answer, and I know that’s frustrating, but I do what I can. Players are always free to tag me or send a DM as well if they have a question or are looking for a resource. :slight_smile: