over 4 years ago - WotC_Lexie - Direct link

PHYREXIAN ARENA HYPE!! I am SO stoked for that card.

over 4 years ago - WotC_Lexie - Direct link



PHYREXIAN ARENA HYPE!! I am SO stoked for that card.
See! People get excited about the old cards. Implement more of those in to the Arena.
I'm not saying anyone should or should not be excited, but I think that WotC employees getting excited over a WotC offering doesn't really count as far as "people get excited" in a general sense.
I'm on the fence about this Historic Anthology stuff. I'm still missing a bunch of Ixalan block and Dominaria, and I was pretty much completely out of MTGA during War of the Spark, so I'm not really even fully equipped yet for several of the Historic decks I've got a mind to eventually build and play. Now, it feels like even if I catch up, I'm still going to be behind the curve.
Considering what some of those Anthology cards do, and what it says about possible future Anthology bundles, it kinda feels like this is literally a pay-to-win offering; like, if you don't buy or craft these cards, you're going to be at a disadvantage compared to the people who do buy it. Am I wrong, MtG veterans?

Yeah, I'm a WotC employee, but I'm a Magic player even more so. I'm still a human being with hopes and dreams and favorite cards haha. I basically live on the internet consuming MTG Arena content and feedback, so I can confidently say that I'm not the only one that's excited! Some people aren't excited and I understand why. I am diligently passing along that feedback to the devs as well.