about 1 year ago - MARVEL Strike Force - Direct link

Transcript (by Youtube)

0s this Marvel Strikeforce character is
3s essential for every roster Quicksilver
5s is a global brawler and the origin of
8s his powers at the hands of the high
9s evolutionary led to him receiving the
12s Mystic trait
13s he has high health and damage stats but
16s Quicksilver is also fast no blank really
20s really fast his speedball can't be
24s reduced and every time Quicksilver takes
27s a turn he takes two turns
31s on top of frequent attacks Quicksilver
35s can clear charged clear enemy positive
37s effects and gains of random positive
40s effect on an Ally's turn how can you
43s speed up your enemies demise at the
45s hands of quicksilver with ISO 8 the
48s striker class is a solid Choice with his
50s frequent hard-hitting attacks
53s however if he's if he's not on a team
56s with a skirmisher or Raider to apply
58s vulnerable then the skirmisher class
60s will take advantage of his extra attacks
62s allowing him to land vulnerable
65s to get your hands on this Speedster
67s you'll need to impress The Living
68s Tribunal as quicksilver's character
71s shards are among the cosmic Crucible
73s trial rewards so when you're ready run
77s don't walk to add this essential
79s Speedster to your roster of Marvel
81s superheroes and villains in Marvel
84s Strike Force
89s if you enjoy this video share it with
91s your fellow fans and let us know what
93s you think of the newest characters in
95s the comments below if there's a
96s character you want to see in Marvel
97s Strikeforce then let us know thanks for
100s watching