Transcript (by Youtube)

3s [Music]
6s green Marvel Strikeforce Community I am
8s cerebro your community manager and
11s welcome to your community update show
14s we've got a great episode for you today
16s announcing a brand new team coming to
18s Marvel Strikeforce along with the
20s community Spotlight so let's get right
22s into it please welcome back to the show
24s one of my favorite people Mr Byron
27s melack game designer how are you doing
28s good sir I'm doing well thanks for
30s having be back s bro so I'm really
32s excited to get to the new team that
34s we're here to talk about today but Loki
36s season 2 has just started I'm so excited
39s for this uh do you have any predictions
42s or things that you'd like to see in
44s season 2 you know it's hard to say I
46s mean the first season was so full of
48s surprises I mean how can you predict the
51s you know the god of trickery yeah so if
54s we were to see a new version of Kang so
56s Like Gladiator Kang uh mermaid Kang or
61s something like that in season 2 what do
62s you think would be a great version of
64s Kang that we we should see in season 2
66s obviously the one that we're all waiting
68s for or to see a re assurgent of is the
70s Conqueror but again we'll see I mean
73s there's enough Loki variant there's got
74s to be a Loki King at this point right
76s like that's is that an inevitability I
79s don't know that is a cool idea though
81s maybe they could call call him the
82s usurper oh that's that's pretty cool
85s King the usurper here to take over
89s Loki's r or something like that yeah or
91s the other way around oh oh the other way
94s around oh wow see you're blowing my mind
96s now byon well speaking of surprises uh
100s you are here today to deliver special
103s delivery some exciting news about our
106s next team coming to Marvel Strike Force
109s yeah well I'm afraid it's not great news
111s for our friendly neighborhood
113s Spider-Man uh because gliding in is the
116s brand new Superior 16 we've got some
120s high High requested villains emerging
121s from the Shadows including the slippery
123s lizard the wild Craven the hunter the
127s Relentless Spider Slayer and the next
129s legendary character the dastardly Green
131s Goblin the classic version from Universe
134s 616 the fifth member of the team will be
136s Dr Octopus who will be getting a
138s moderate rework including some updated
141s stats and of course Dr Octopus can bring
144s in another Sinister 6 member making it
146s six right um does that mean that we're
148s also going to be touching up some of the
150s other Sinister 6 characters yeah it made
152s sense to do not just a pass on Dr
155s Octopus but some of our other Sinister 6
157s characters as well shocker Electro
160s besterio Rhino and vure are all getting
162s improved stats and some additional
164s mechanics added to their kits you'll
166s notice I didn't mention swarm or our
169s original Green Goblin because they
171s already got reworks in the last year
173s with the infant station and underworld
175s team okay so wait we're getting six
179s reworks in in the next version along
182s with all the new characters that just
184s must have been a ton of work for the
185s team I certainly wouldn't say it was a
187s walk in the park but we know how much
190s our our players love re reworks of older
193s characters Especial of iconic Marvel
196s villains kind of more than we can go
198s through all in this video but the kits
201s are now up over on Marvel strike
203s so you can check those out uh
205s either after the show or during while
207s we're chatting here um could you give us
210s a highlevel look at the superior six
213s team and some of the highlights for each
216s of the characters sure s bro the
218s superior SE are going to excel in Cosmic
220s Crucible on offense and defense you'll
223s see a number of call outs to that uh to
225s that mode in their kits especially with
227s Green Goblin one cool mechanic he has is
230s the ability to prevent ability block and
232s vulnerable from being applied to himself
233s and other Sinister Six allies while he
236s is charged lizard has a brutal ultimate
239s ability that can copy and clear all
241s positive effects from all enemies to
243s himself and then spread most positive
246s effects from himself to all Sinister Six
248s allies I also love when we get to
250s incorporate a bit of lore into the into
252s character kits and it's passive on spawn
256s if there is an enemy spiderverse
257s character fill his character speed bar
260s by 40% for Spider Slayer his special
263s ability gives defense up and deflect to
265s all villains not just CER or Superior
268s six characters so he's got some great
270s added versatility Craven the hunter
272s lives up to his moniker in several ways
275s I'll highlight his ultimate which
276s inflicts a lot of debuffs and flips
278s Death Proof and stealth on all enemies
281s so I notice in going over the kits for
283s these characters there's a lot of call
285s outs to actually Sinister Six not just
289s Superior six is that uh the game design
294s team's way of encouraging players to
297s kind of test things out maybe a little
298s bit of theory crafting absolutely as
300s designers who wanted to keep the doors
302s open for e theory crafting to allow
304s players to try out some different Squad
306s combination as always we're excited to
308s see what players come up with the goal
310s for these characters is to be able to
312s mix and match older sinister six
314s characters with Superior six characters
316s all Superior six characters will also
317s have the Sinister 6 tag in a few of the
320s reworks for sinister 6 characters some
322s of their new abilities will only unlock
325s in the presence of a few Superior six
327s allies so the older Sinister Six
329s character that are getting reworks
332s what's the highle takeaway there sure
335s the big news item here is that we've
337s added a lot of call outs to war to these
340s older Sinister 6 uh characters in their
342s reworks so you should be expecting some
345s sinister six teams with a Das of
347s superior six characters on helicarriers
349s pretty soon all right awesome uh that
352s there a war team are there any matchups
355s that you envision that they're going to
356s be particularly effective against there
359s is actually a few combinations that can
361s take out the gamma team are you ready to
363s spill the beans on what that actual
366s combination of sinister six characters
368s is now now C bro don't be jumping the
371s gun on us designers um a b a big reason
375s for how we reworked the characters and
378s how we made the call outs is we really
380s wanted the players to Theory CR and find
383s that out for themselves so back to
385s specifically the superior six uh the new
388s characters what are some of your is8
390s recommendations that you're favoring
392s Green Goblin has very high focus so he
394s can leverage skirmisher reliably and
397s apply all those vulnerables uh lizard
399s can flip regeneration apply bleed and
401s heal black on his ISO attack so Striker
404s works really well on him and he's still
407s a durable protector so you can also slap
409s fortifier on him to really up his
411s already considerable durability Craven
413s is a straight damage dealer and he has
415s ways to guarantee getting extra critical
418s effects I tend to run him with Raider to
420s get those vulnerables applied and that
422s bonus crit damage Spider Slayer can
424s apply offense up to an ally on his ISO
427s attack so Striker is a smart play with
429s him I'm glad you mentioned Spider Slayer
431s uh one thing I wanted to Circle back on
434s um I got the kit up I'm looking at it
436s his ultimate looks pretty strong is this
440s accurate yes so he deals piercing damage
444s he deals 350 piercing damage twice
448s ignores defense up
450s and then if somehow that doesn't finish
452s off U your target he calls two of his
455s highest damage allies to also attack you
457s get access to his ultimate a little
459s earlier if you're going up against a
461s spider vers enemy that works well with
463s part of his passive where he gets an
465s extra ability energy on spawn if there
467s is a spiderverse character on the enemy
469s team so you can open up with his
471s ultimate otherwise you uh you'll be
473s opening up with either with his basic or
475s his special another question about
477s Spider
478s Slayer the f that's on the screen looks
482s pretty familiar is is that who I think
485s it is uh yeah that is a Jay Jonas
488s Jameson our version of Spider Slayer was
491s commissioned by him part of the visual
493s design is that he's taunting Spiderman
496s from the screen what what is what is
498s JJ's problem I I never really figured it
501s out like he's got it out for Spider-Man
502s but I've never really figured out why
504s through the comic books has been a few
506s reasons we'd be here all day if we were
508s going through all of them all right
510s Byron I'm ready for some six action does
515s that sound
517s weird when can we get our hands on uh
520s the superior 6 and the Sinister 6
523s reworks the superior 6 characters and
525s the Sinister 6 rework are going to be
527s coming out in our next patch of 7.5
530s which is coming soon yes this is coming
532s soon all right Byron uh as always it is
535s an absolute pleasure thank you so much
537s for taking your time to come by and tell
540s us all about this amazing team yeah
542s again I love I love coming down here and
544s doing strike time with you s bro until
545s next time what's up commanders Archangel
548s here bringing you this episode's
549s Community Spotlight last episode we left
551s you with the question what Marvel
553s character do you most want to see com to
555s Marvel Strikeforce and y'all didn't let
557s us down at all there were so many good
559s comments let's take a look at a few of
560s them Abu gamer commented blade Sandman
563s Hob Goblin and a lot of tear emojis Abu
567s uh don't cry Green Goblins on the way
570s that should cover hob gobin right close
573s enough next we have Bonville who
575s commented the Mandarin Iron Monger
578s Justin Hammer modok Whiplash all of them
584s we have DV Davis who said where's blade
587s that's another blade request I gotta say
590s if blade comes to the
592s game so exciting fourth we have Dylan
596s who writes I want scorpion sincerely
600s Dylan fifth we have Gilbert retro who
602s says I would love to see Sentry modok
605s leader strong ey and N crawler who
608s wouldn't want to see Nightcrawler six we
611s have NL Marcus 4690 who commented
614s Warpath would be dope also Havoc maybe
617s dusk or Darwin and ends with
619s Nightcrawler yes
621s Marcus that would be
624s dope and finally user bq2 WM wrote one
629s character I've been wanting to see
630s forever now is enchantress and Odin I
634s don't think you're alone on that one
635s thank you everyone for all the comments
637s you gave to last episode's question you
640s may have noticed that in our weekly blog
641s on every Friday that charts are no
643s longer in the middle of the blog as a
645s picture now at the end of every event
648s there's a little link you can click on
650s that pulls a chart up so our question to
653s you what are some changes you would like
655s to see done to those charts whether it
657s be color formatting let us us know in
659s the comments Below on our Marvel
661s Strikeforce official Discord there is a
663s channel for blog questions please go
666s there and post your questions about the
668s blog when they come out now it's time
670s for our brag channel so the Marvel stri
672s Force Discord go to the brag Channel and
674s post your pictur screenshots or videos
677s of amazing things have happened to you
678s in the game that you want to brag about
681s first of all we have flow baby who
683s posted within 10 minutes of Iron Heart
685s Mark I entering the game their pool of
687s seven R for her they said first seven
690s restor posted I win yes flow baby you
694s win and your prize as you get featured
696s on community Spotlight good job next is
699s Agent Ward who pulled 5 million level
701s five blue ISO 8 ions sweet third boom
706s you looking for this that's the name of
707s our next poster who shows off their
710s Seven Star seven red apocalypse and his
713s Horsemen that's the end of the world
715s stuff right there four we have minurva
718s primiero who says yes it's time for Big
721s Boy that's right manura go get him now
724s the fact that this is a picture of my
726s namesake has nothing to do with getting
728s on the community Spotlight it's just a
731s coincidence Fifth and finally L3 V1 gets
734s a shout out not only for their Max
737s Kestrel but also because of the awesome
740s angle and pose they got krol in for the
743s screenshot next up we have epic replays
746s and for this segment of Epic replays we
749s going to show off two common teams you
751s can come across in Cosmic Crucible on
753s how to beat them the first team is gamma
755s which you no doubt will come across much
757s in cos Crucible new Warriors actually
760s stomp them as you will see here in the
776s video for our second team we have dark
779s darkhold with quicksilver in room six
782s this has caused many of player problems
784s take a look at this special
803s [Music]
808s counter
815s for our final segment commanders we got
816s the art section on the Marvel
818s Strikeforce Discord there is a art
820s Channel please go there and put your
822s artwork that you have personally made
823s there so for today's segment I have two
825s artists I really want to highlight to
827s you first check out the work of fridge
830s look at his hilarious curvy art style
833s it's just awesome for our second artist
836s is Rogan who has made a c Al comic book
840s take a look it's awesome it's only four
842s pages long but he does some great work
845s show us some of your amazing work and
847s maybe just maybe you'll be in the next
851s Community Spotlight thank you so much
853s for watching we really appreciate it be
855s sure to like And subscribe because
857s you're going to want to see more
858s episodes of course you are and we will
860s see you next
868s time y you know if I had the power of a
870s God the first thing I would do get rid
872s of the ties all the ties in fact that
875s would be my platform no wonder Loki
878s wasn't president