about 1 year ago - MARVEL Strike Force - Direct link

Transcript (by Youtube)

4s this team of superheroes joined forces
7s to stop the Nazis and aliens
17s during World War II Captain America and
20s his sidekick Bucky joined forces with
22s Namor the Android Human Torch and others
25s to oppose the forces of fascism
31s after this team saved the life of
34s Winston Churchill Britain's prime
36s minister Churchill suggested that the
38s heroes should continue fighting as a
40s team known as the Invaders
44s with a common goal and a Snappy name the
47s Invaders were born marking the first
50s great Gathering of superhuman champions
52s ever recorded
57s the Invaders fought the access powers
59s and their super powered operatives all
62s over Europe
65s eventually met Lord James Montgomery
67s fallsworth the first hero to take on the
69s name Union Jack and set up a base of
72s operations at is a state and he soon
75s joined the team
77s foreign
81s Strike Force the Invaders are joined by
84s Orson Randall AKA The Immortal Iron Fist
87s of the 1930s
89s while not originally a member of the
91s team Orson founded the Confederates of
93s the Curious a group that served as a
96s predecessor to teams like the Invaders
98s and eventually The Avengers
105s the members of this team over the years
107s have included many popular names and
110s together they've cut down Nazi plans
112s like the occupation of Atlantis and
114s battle out Litany of enemies including
116s Hydra and even alien Gods from the Stars
121s now this squad out of time is coming
124s together to form the Invaders once again
127s to fight alongside strike and their
129s allies in Marvel Strike Force
136s if you enjoy this video share it with
138s your fellow fans and let us know what
140s you think of the newest characters in
141s the comments below if there's a
143s character you want to see in Marvel
144s Strikeforce then let us know thanks for
147s watching