Transcript (by Youtube)

0s all right people let's do this one last
4s time his name is Peter B Parker he was
7s bitten by a radioactive spider and for
10s about 22 years he thought he was the one
13s and only Spiderman now he's in Marble
16s Strike Force you know the rest dual
19s origin traits of bio and skill along
22s with City blah blah blah he's got beefy
25s Health stats to help beat up bad guys
28s and big Focus stats to help beat up even
31s more bad guys because there are a lot of
34s bad guys and Spider-Man has to keep his
36s Focus oh and this might be bad parenting
40s but his daughter Mayday is Peter B's
43s Little Helper say hi
46s Mayday now Peter B is the mentor to the
49s spider Society team and the rest of the
52s spiderverse he gives them all a boost on
55s spawn with a bunch of fancy positive
58s effects including death bre because
61s spider people only kick the bucket
63s during Canon
64s events the best way to learn is under
67s intense lifethreatening pressure so
70s whenever a bad guy gets a lucky shot on
72s Peter B or a spiderverse Ally his
75s passive ability heals the most injured
78s spiderverse Ally he and Mayday dish out
81s regeneration with each ability and his
84s special ability has a juicy heal for
87s when one of his proteges really gets
90s into a a tough spot then just lather
93s Whip and repeat for
97s Success here's a Peter B Parker
100s Spider-Man tip the spider Society is
103s really good in raids pretty standard
105s Spider-Man stuff and Peter B has got
108s your spider Society covered on spawn he
111s applies Safeguard to all spider Society
113s allies to start the battle off right if
116s he has three or more spider Society
119s allies Bang
120s his allies can't gain defense down he
123s can do that on command by the way he
126s saves his best Ultimate for raids which
128s heals his allies even more and because
131s he's The Amazing Spider-Man he gives his
134s spider Society allies more resistance
137s here's another Peter B Spider-Man tip
140s equip him with ISO 8 go with Striker it
143s works well with his basic and Striker
146s just sounds like a fun Spider-Man thing
149s so are you ready to take a leap of faith
152s with Peter B Parker let us know in the
154s comments if you'd invest in a spider
156s themed
164s restaurant