8 months ago - /u/CM_Cerebro - Direct link

The dev team has reviewed feedback regarding the time window allotted to redeem TVA Gift Cards in the TVA Gift Shop, especially since the latest influx of them on Monday. To allow you more time to spend your credits, we’ll extend the store's duration by two days before the Store ends on Thursday, 9/7 PT.
We understand that some players spent Power Cores to refresh the shop with the intent of using all TVA Gift Cards within the time limit. We’ll be refunding a percentage of Power Cores spent on refreshes of the TVA Gift Shop from the time of the influx on Monday to the time of this message. Any Power Cores spent on refreshes after this message is live will not be eligible for a percentage refund.
Thank you for providing your valuable feedback, and enjoy spending the rest of your TVA Gift Cards.

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