Transcript (by Youtube)

3s [Music]
6s greetings Marvel Strikeforce Community I
8s am cerebro and welcome to your community
11s update show we have an extreme interview
14s to get to today I am so excited I've
17s said this before but today I really mean
19s it I am excited let's get into it please
23s welcome back to the show The Amazing the
26s one and only Matt Daner Grant principal
29s game designer how are you good sir hey
32s doing well good to be back awesome well
35s I don't know about you but I can hardly
38s believe that we're already in December
41s the year has just flown by do you have
44s any holiday traditions uh yeah
47s definitely
48s um the big one my favorite is just
51s Christmas lights I love Christmas lights
53s I love putting up Christmas lights uh
56s just yesterday I was telling my
57s neighbors all about the Christmas lights
59s I was putting up SL warning them and
61s making sure they were okay with it is
64s there a reason why they would not be
66s okay with you putting up lights there's
68s just a lot of them and they uh there's a
72s lot of them how many are we talking
74s about here
76s Matt I mean every year I put up all the
79s lights we have and then go buy some more
81s so it keeps growing oh I see we we do it
85s in phases we just kind of pull the box
87s out and then whenever my daughter comes
89s home we put more lights up and we just
91s keep doing that and every year we buy
93s more lights so yeah oh so you might say
96s it's
99s snowballs it does it is it does and it
102s will continue to well speaking of the
104s holidays I feel like I'm personally
107s getting a huge gift this year uh with
113s the announcement of a new team new
116s characters would you please do the
118s honors yeah so I am thrilled to announce
122s that we are adding Nightcrawler to the
124s game along with his extreme
128s X-Men uh which includes two more new
130s characters uh Forge and Sunspot and
134s reworks for Cyclops and Gambit I
138s absolutely cannot wait uh for me Marvel
141s and video games have always gone
143s together so whenever I played a Marvel
145s game I always picked Nightcrawler first
147s just always um I'm hoping this that
150s there's going to be lots of bamp with
153s our version oh oh yes uh the bamp
157s himself will be teleporting all over the
159s place um in fact he has the very first
163s uh unlimited range rebound chain attack
166s so if there are two enemies on complete
168s opposite sides of the battlefield he can
169s just teleport back and forth uh and keep
172s hitting them so you said unlimited range
176s can you get a little bit more granular
178s and and talk about the mechanics of that
180s his special attack is going to rebound
182s chain three times uh but each of those
185s chains as long as there is an other
187s enemy any other enemy on the field he
189s will reach them he will teleport to them
191s and hit them no matter how far away they
194s are a lot of our rebound chains are
196s adjacency base so they have to be right
198s next to each other um and Nightcrawler
200s with his teleportation powers bypasses
202s that and is able to rebound all over the
204s place before we dive into the kits could
207s you give us a little bit of backstory on
210s this new trait of the
212s extreme
214s X-Men yeah certainly so as you can maybe
218s guess by the name they debuted in the
219s early 2000s uh running from 2001 to 2004
225s uh the team featured some familiar faces
226s including Gambit and Rogue uh with
229s Sunspot also making an appearance about
232s eight years later there was a second run
233s from 2012 to 2013 with a new team lineup
237s featuring alternate universe versions of
239s night crawler and cyclops uh we took
242s inspiration from both of those runs and
244s worked closely with Marvel to choose
246s Forge as our fifth member of the lineup
249s this makes Strike Force the only place
251s to see and play with this distinct
253s version of the extreme X-Men team thank
256s you very much for that setup now we are
259s going to talk about the team we're not
261s going to go into the details of all the
263s kits because it's we'd be here all day
265s could you give us a highlevel
267s description of the team uh including
269s some of the highlight synergies of the
272s characters yeah for sure so the extreme
275s X-Men are your next mutant raid team so
279s they will be just breezing on through
281s those incursion 2 raids once properly
284s built while the The Raid is their
286s primary goal they also have more so than
289s previous teams they have less locked to
292s raids and less locked to extreme X-Men
296s specifically and a lot more opened up to
298s all X-men not just just the extreme
300s X-Men as for their specific utility in
303s other modes that's still kind of like a
304s play and find out they are a raid team
307s but they are not as locked to raids as
309s our previous teams now specifically
312s Nightcrawler he is your speed battery
315s night crawler's special ability costs
317s three energy very very low and provides
321s speed bar to himself and his team and
323s that's increased in raids even further
326s but even outside of raids every three
328s turns he's uh speed bar to the team um
331s and this same ability is also the
332s aforementioned unlimited range rebound
335s chain so constantly speeding up the team
338s constantly bouncing around the enemies
340s Nightcrawler's cool speed bar mechanic
342s is gated by charges he starts with two
345s he cannot gain anymore unless you bring
348s Forge one of forge's cool things that he
350s does for the team is on his ultimate
352s ability he applies plus one charged to
355s all of your X-Men allies he also applies
358s plus 10 charged to Cyclops get into that
362s later but yeah this is one of forge's
363s big things is he's the the charged
365s generator which keeps your team charged
367s you may be familiar with Gambit Gambit
369s also starts with some charged and runs
372s out uh no longer if you bring Forge you
375s can keep putting those charges on Gambit
377s and Gambit can keep throwing out ability
379s blocks Forge is also the primary healer
381s of the team you really are going to want
384s him to be able to sustain through all of
386s the raid nodes and he can revive he's
388s the kind of backup emergency button when
391s your run starts to go a little South he
393s can help you get back on track Forge
394s also has an invention mechanic which is
397s on his turn he will craft one of three
400s random inventions and each invention
402s does different things uh over the course
404s of three turns he will gain them all but
406s importantly when you're fighting as
408s Forge or against Forge you can see
410s visually these different inventions turn
412s on and off there's like a shoulder
413s Cannon and a and eyepiece and his gun
416s transforms it's awesome but these things
418s don't have like buff or debuff icon you
420s have to actually look at him and see
421s which of his things are turning on and
423s off another and each each of the bonuses
426s each of the bonuses is really cool and
427s impactful so when the battle starts when
429s Forge takes his turn there's this moment
430s of excitement like okay which how am I
432s going to play out this battle depending
434s on which invention comes up and then
436s we've got Sunspot he is your energy
439s battery his special gives out one energy
442s to all of your X-Men allies his ultimate
444s gives out two energy and also on spawn
447s he will give out energy but it's based
449s on his own charges so this is a RAID
452s specific mechanic or it's intended that
454s way that over the course of multiple
456s battles you'll build up sunspots charges
458s higher and higher so you enter battle
460s two and three with a powered up Sunspot
463s already ready to fight his charges go up
465s to 10 and he gains more passive healing
468s he gains more damage when he reaches a
470s threshold of five charges he actually
472s gives more damage to all of the extreme
474s X-Men and these charges drive his ons
477s spawn give energy to all of the extreme
479s X-Men which is very important to their
482s their success in raids being able to
483s start a new battle with your ultimates
485s ready to go is good Sunspot can also
488s clear charges from all enemies only one
491s charge from each enemy but basically
494s he's soaking in the the Rays you know he
497s takes one charge from each enemy and
498s grants them to himself so against teams
501s with lots of charges he's extra
502s effective at kind of clearing those
504s charges away and ramping up his own
506s charged capacity uh very quickly I love
509s cops he got lots of good stat increases
513s to kind of bring him up to line with our
514s modern characters um and additionally
517s you know he's he's the leader of the of
519s the X-Men I mentioned before we were
521s trying to lean further into just pure
523s X-Men Synergy it's especially true on
525s cyclops he has a lot of pure X-Men
526s Synergy not specifically tied to extreme
529s but then also with the extreme X-Men in
532s raids he has the capability of going up
535s to 40 charges he was previously limited
538s to 20
540s and now both on his own kit his passive
542s can slowly get up to 40 based on your
545s extreme X-Men turns or as I'm mentioned
548s previously with Forge Forge can just
549s give him 10 and that plus 10 also goes
552s up to 40 that is cyclops's job now in
555s raids is gaining charges and telling
558s people to get off his lawn we all know
560s and love Gambit and now he's even better
562s some of his things that were locked to
564s Crucible are now Crucible or raids some
567s of his things that were locked to
568s Crucible are now just everywhere such as
570s his ons spawn charged used to start with
572s one plus one in Crucible that's now just
574s plus two everywhere he also gained stat
577s boost to bring him up to par not as much
579s as Cyclops circling back to something
581s you said uh a little bit ago that the
584s extreme X-Men we expect that those can
586s probably Sim incursion rate are we
589s talking about like the highest level
591s difficulties here like if you max out
592s the team that that's the goal yes when
595s they come out the highest difficulty
596s mutant nodes will be simble by the full
600s extreme X-Men they do have some
602s mechanics that that help them with that
604s Forge has some reactive healing and some
606s any turn healing so he's always kind of
609s topping off the the lowest Health people
611s uh Nightcrawler gives out evades to your
613s lowest Health allies so that helps the
616s the AI get through these battles okay so
618s we added some mechanics in there
620s specifically with potential simming in
623s mind yes absolutely uh a lot of their
625s raid specific mechanics are also at
628s least the way I've been I was thinking
629s about is like oh in raids they really
630s need the AI to do this thing properly so
633s I'm going to add this in ra as a raids
635s bonus to help them help them him a big
638s one is actually Cyclops cyclops's
640s special applies taunt to enemies so you
643s can get around enemy taunts but now in
645s raids it also applies taunt to your two
647s healthiest X-Men allies every time
650s cyclop specials he's distracting the
652s enemies having them attack whoever's the
655s healthiest so constantly having the
656s enemies attack whoever's healthiest
658s constantly having Forge heal whoever's
660s lowest all of these things combined to
662s let the AI pilot its way through the
664s battles for us so Diamonds Are a new
666s feature to the game so we should
667s probably touch on that really quick as
670s players are powering up this team you've
672s got five characters you've got some
674s choices on which you're going to try and
677s get to three diamonds first do you have
679s any recommendations on on which you
681s would recommend prioritizing the obvious
684s answer is Nightcrawler because okay
687s Nightcrawler another way to approach it
689s is
690s you want the the backup emergency button
692s to be the strongest and in that case you
694s want Forge to have uh the highest stats
697s because he's he's the Healer his heals
699s are based on his health
701s stat and he has the revive he has the
703s only Revive on the team so if Forge does
705s go down then you could your your team
708s could fall apart but it's probably more
710s effective to just make a Nightcrawler a
712s complete damage monster first or Cyclops
715s if you want to go for the biggest 40
716s charged ultimate of all time throw
719s diamonds on
721s cyclops 40 charges please 40 piece
726s charge 40 charge times three diamonds
729s plus offense up uh yeah equals not just
732s get off my lawn get out of my
734s neighborhood yes and of course we always
737s have to talk about ISO and always again
739s I say subjective play with what you want
742s guys um but Matt could you give us some
746s recommendations if people are looking
748s for them on so we for each character
750s yeah definitely so starting with
753s Nightcrawler usually these these latest
755s and greatest damage dealing characters
758s you just put striker on by default but I
760s think Nightcrawler is actually a a
762s Raider because his basic attack has lots
764s of bonus attacks and those bonus attacks
766s do not translate to his counter assist
769s ISO attack and he does have some crit
771s Synergy he gains more regen per crit for
773s example Forge as your team healer it is
778s always acceptable to use the Healer ISO
781s on your healer characters did a lot of
782s my testing with the Healer ISO on him
785s but also Striker conversely how Striker
788s is maybe not the best for Nightcrawler
789s Striker is maybe really good for Forge
792s because forge's basic gives out deflect
795s and Regen to all of your X-Men allies so
798s if you can proc those extra deflect and
800s extra Regens consistently then Striker
803s is a worthy alternative to healer
805s Sunspot is actually another example of
808s the way his basic works and the way his
810s passive works with the charged mechanics
812s you want Striker on Sunspot because that
814s gives you extra basic attacks through
816s the iso assist and that gives you more
819s charges and the more you charge him up
821s the better he gets the more energy for
823s your whole team uh so this one more than
825s usual I'm going to say probably just go
827s with Striker on Sunspot but also he is a
830s a massive debuff character as well so um
833s skirmisher the extra Focus from
835s skirmisher is also good for him Cyclops
838s as we just mentioned he does some big
841s damage with his big ultimate and for
843s that purpose I once again like Raider
845s because if you can get crits on that big
848s 40 charged ultimate you are a happy
852s X-Men and then Gambit I know a lot of
854s people use Gambit as a Raider and I
856s don't see any reason to to change that
858s he has really important uh crit Synergy
861s on his passive giving the team a aades
863s you can just leave your Gambit as Raider
865s all right Matt well I am one happy
868s camper uh again you know my favorite
871s character to play as this game in games
873s is finally coming Nightcrawler uh I feel
875s like I've got to talk about it just one
876s more time can we just talk about how
879s great this is going to be please he's
881s the best Nightcrawler is the best I'm so
883s excited I've been watching him like
886s teleport all over the battlefield for
888s for many weeks now and I'm so so excited
891s for everyone to be able to play around
892s with him and uh I can't wait to read all
895s the comments about him and and I'm just
899s so excited for all of the extreme X-Men
901s really I actually love Forge as a
903s character so I'm super excited for him
906s um just thrilled all around can't wait
910s thank you cerebro thank you msf
912s community thank you everyone you should
915s uh thank me for my patience Matt because
918s I've been waiting over five
920s years thank you for your patience
924s bro all right Matt when please tell me
929s when can I get this team in my hands uh
933s the extreme X-Men will be available in
935s our next major release uh 7.6 which is
939s coming very soon all right Matt thank
941s you so much for taking the time to come
943s on the show and tell us about this
944s amazing team uh really appreciate it my
948s pleasure enjoy what's up commanders
951s Community manager Archangel here
952s bringing you this episode's Community
954s Spotlight did you enjoy the previous
957s segment all about the extreme X-Men men
959s are you as excited about the X-Men as I
962s am well in the spirit of excitement over
965s X-Men let's first start off and show
967s some love to our players on the Facebook
969s community and notice these posts about
971s Nightcrawler first up we have William
974s who says best Christmas present ever
978s I've been waiting five years for him to
980s come to the game yes Nightcrawler is
984s upon us William we're all excited yes
987s next we have Dominique who shows an
989s appreciation post for def seed he
992s laments that we're getting ready to get
995s the new Mutant raid team extreme X-Men
999s So Def seed is going to be retired in
1002s the hardest raid so it is sad So Def
1005s seed we will miss you but Extreme
1008s X-Men's coming this next post I had to
1010s share because it made me chuckle Sam
1012s posted beat God just barely he beat him
1016s by two points he beat God
1020s good job
1021s Sam next up we have Julius who shows off
1024s his huge Agent Venom gear tier 18 one
1029s Diamond dude I hope you're doing
1031s incursion Ray too and you have super
1034s scroll and are taking on those noes good
1037s job finally for our Facebook love
1039s section we have pokey who put this
1042s screenshot up and entitled it what the
1046s heck man 62 bleeds okay look at this
1049s screenshot okay zoom in zoom in 62
1054s bleeds on Morgan Lefay and then look
1057s just over a little bit at heartless he's
1060s got 44
1062s bleeds what is up with all those bleeds
1064s that's hilarious next commanders we have
1067s our art segment and we have a special
1070s one
1071s today do you know the nine words to
1075s activate Winter
1076s Soldier let's do them together
1080s longing
1082s rusted
1084s 17
1086s Daybreak
1088s furnace nine
1091s benign
1093s homecoming
1094s one freight
1097s car and Winter Solder is activated ready
1101s to
1102s comply yes that one chaotic artist
1107s supplied us with this gy not only is the
1111s artwork amazing I love that they put the
1116s nine words on the poster amazing work
1119s next I have one EP replay to share with
1121s you I was recently enlightened to how
1124s amazing our game looks on a folding
1126s phone because of the aspect ratio
1128s normally when you use green gobbin
1130s Classic's ultimate ability you'll see
1132s the characters blow off screen and fall
1135s back down well with a folding phone you
1138s actually get to see how high they go
1140s it's hilarious
1142s [Music]
1154s watch finally commanders just want to
1157s take a moment to remind you of where you
1159s can get all the great information that
1160s you may be looking for for our game
1163s please be sure to check out Marvel
1164s stripfor but please go to our
1167s official Discord even if you're not
1169s looking to fully engage and talk with
1171s other people please go on there and at
1174s least have access to the announcements
1177s Channel anytime something really
1179s important comes up or there's any
1180s official communication that is the best
1183s place to go to immediately get that
1186s information and also check out the Art
1189s Channel The Epic replay Channel and the
1191s brag Channel please go there and show
1193s off some of your artwork show off some
1195s of your epic replays record some great
1198s batt and let us see them and just maybe
1202s you will be shared on the community
1204s Spotlight thank you so much for watching
1207s if you enjoyed this hit the like button
1209s it really helps a lot with the algorithm
1211s stuff and of course subscribe if you
1213s want to see more episodes of strike time
1216s we'll see you all next
1224s time H more coffee one second
1233s ah