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The weekly tournament from Call of Duty Companion App is bugged. Some squads are appearing with a wrong high score (something like 500k points), which does not match with the points made by the members. Does anyone else have this problem? This bug occurred today.

Before this bug, we were first in our bracket. Now we are in fifth, with a score that does not match our squad points too (almost 400k points, before it was close to 8400).

I don't know where and how to contact the app developer, but if anyone can help me, I would appreciate it.

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about 4 years ago - /u/codcompanionapp - Direct link

Hi, squads that had a higher total than their actual total should be fixed. We are looking into the issue for squads with a lower total than their actual total and should have a fix for it soon.

about 4 years ago - /u/codcompanionapp - Direct link

Originally posted by Apokalip5e

Hi! Thanks for fixing this bug, bug we have another problem.

On the tournament that ended today, we are at first place with more than 32000 points. The second place was between 17000~18000 points. But if we check the results, our score is wrong, showing as 399632.

And today, when we collected our rewards, we received the third place prizes only...

Coincidently, this wrong score (399632) was there before you fix the bug you mentioned. So I think it's not completly fixed.

All my clan mates are frustrated with this... Some of them will stop playing the tournament if they don't receive the calling card for the first place.

Can you take a look at this problem, please?

Hi and thanks for reaching out. We're aware of this issue and in the process of fixing it. In the meantime - if you could send us an email with these details, your username, and your squad name to [[email protected]] that will help us verify we've resolved the issue for you.

about 4 years ago - /u/codcompanionapp - Direct link

Originally posted by DarKneSSETA

2 weeks ago i had the same problem losing the "Hello Copters" badge.This week we had problems with the score, where i made more than 6,400 kills and was apparently at 5,475.We were in first place until the last moment and today when i went to receive the first place award, the third place prize appeared.It is frustrating for several times to dedicate yourself to the competition and have your prize canceled or incorrect.This week should receive the award called: "Eye Protection" but i receive the 3rd place reward....

How to fix this?

ATT: clan name: Everybody Together Again

Please email us the details to [[email protected]] and we can look into getting it resolved.