Transcript (by Youtube)

30s d
87s the time has come to share with you news
90s that's Bleak but sadly true I'm talking
92s of the fell black B A spreading Darkness
96s Endless
98s Night the environment's changing and the
100s monster population's taking a nose dive
103s black grass rampaging monsters what do
106s you know of this
110s corruption this so-called black mist is
112s actually the black light then there most
115s likely be a blighted monster nearby too
117s looks like this whole village has been
119s blighted
121s do we know what the blight is or why
123s it's eating away at the world no but we
125s know that it attacked our home and that
128s it must be
131s destroyed the kinship Stone commands the
134s might to purify this F black
139s blight and we're going to stop the black
147s blight we can befriend monsters easy
150s enough enough but other humans are a
152s different
156s story hunters and
159s Riders like they both respect and live
162s with monsters they're the same that
166s way I've been waiting my whole life for
169s this I want to help my friends
174s everyone but right now evil is growing
177s in power
180s and soon this whole world shall be
184s devoured yeah we got claws for concern
188s ra is
189s blighted you can use it to stop the
193s blight but I'm curious about this
195s kinship with monster stuff so I was
198s hoping you could show everyone what it
200s means to be a rider
221s he
258s our world is not headed for disaster as
260s you say the exalted ones Awakening is
263s simply the first step towards the birth
265s of a brand new
267s world everything will be destroyed Jo to
271s be born a
273s new we're going to finish the work that
276s red started we won't let you awaken
283s it I get it that you want to protect
286s rraa but all you're doing is making him
289s suffer rraa here is the one paying the
292s price for your selfish obsession with
294s the
296s nante let's go Ray fire
300s it may be impossible to save the world
302s without ratha's
305s help bonds of friendship between Riders
309s and Hunters looks like the children
311s really are our future looking up
314s understood I won't
322s F time to put our pinship to the task
325s this is where it all ends
333s all
387s ah
391s w
435s where
476s w
527s where dreams become reality
560s Monster Hunter Bridge
572s the Capcom digital sale is on
575s now check related entries to titles in
578s the
580s Showcase also don't forget to check
583s these hit titles from last
585s year with monster hunter Wild's nearing
588s release monster hunter games are on sale
592s now many popular capcon titles are also
596s now on sale don't miss this chance
616s hello and thank you for tuning in to
618s Capcom
620s Spotlight we'll be showing off soon to
622s release titles and games releasing later
625s down the
626s line now for our first piece of exciting
634s news a fascinating Kuni dances onto the
639s stage all right it's my time to
643s shine snk's legendary fatal Fury series
646s character ma shiranui joins the roster
649s as the second guest character for Street
651s Fighter 6 on February 5th
655s PST Mai is a speedy character who
657s bedazzles opponents with agile mov ments
660s tricky projectiles and quick
665s attacks with moves like kachen y u and
669s hu Shinobi Bachi use the Arts of shinui
672s style Ninjutsu to find new ways to fight
675s in Street Fighter 6
679s K and releasing simultaneously celebrate
682s the occasion with the say hello to my
684s fighting
686s pass unlock customization items related
690s to my and snk's fatal Fury
695s series here comes a new
698s Challenger the final character for year
700s 2 Elena will be next to join the
705s fight her capoa martial arts are sure to
708s shake up the
711s streets stay tuned for even more
714s exciting details about Street Fighter 6
717s carry
718s Co
723s Pony Capcom cup 11 will be the
726s Battleground where the title of best
728s Street Fighter 6 player is
732s decided preliminary tournaments held
734s across the globe in Capcom Pro Tour 2024
737s provided the stage for 48 fighters who
740s fought their way to the top for the
741s chance of a
743s lifetime and for the second year in a
745s row they'll be fighting for a grand
747s prize of $1 million
750s on top of that the top three teams from
752s battles carried out across Japan the US
756s and Europe will battle it out in the
758s official Team league
760s tournament Street Fighter League World
762s Championship 2024 taking place alongside
766s Capcom cup
768s 11 and for the first time in Capcom Cup
772s history the stage for these battles will
774s be the home of Japanese Street Fighter
776s tournament history Dooku kokugikan
780s the battle to determine the best of the
782s best begins March
784s 5th all matches will be streamed
787s worldwide on YouTube and
790s twitch tickets are also now available
793s for purchase to watch the matches in
797s person expect plenty of fierce battles
800s and tense drama for Street Fighter 6's
802s first world championship at the do Goku
805s kokong so be sure to secure your seat
808s and experience the excitement for
810s yourself find more details on the Capcom
813s cup 11 official
818s site a collaboration of heroic
821s proportions
826s returns seven legendary titles from the
828s dream matchup between Marvel and
831s Capcom packed with new features such as
834s online
837s play Marvel versus Capcom fighting
840s collection arcade Classics is now
842s available on Nintendo switch PlayStation
845s 4 and
848s steam the Xbox One version will be
851s available at the end of this showcase
853s see the official site to learn
859s more the Flames of the fight never die
865s out Capcom fighting collection 2 is
868s packed with classic titles including
871s Crossovers and 3D
875s Fighters Capcom versus SNK Millennium
878s fight 2000
885s Pro Capcom versus snk2 Mark of the
889s Millennium 2001
900s project
914s Justice Power
926s Stone Power Stone 2
930s So Soft
936s now Street Fighter Alpha 3
948s upper Capcom fighting evolution
961s plasma sword nightmare of
971s billin online play with roll back net
974s code available for all
977s titles over 600 pieces of artwork and
980s over 400 songs to explore in the
983s museum packed with new features like
986s training mode one button specials and
988s saving at
990s anytime f- tune your experience with X
993s settings to change secret character
994s options game versions and
999s more for Capcom versus snk2 Mark of the
1002s Millennium
1004s 2001 powerstone 2 and project Justice
1008s play with newly arranged
1014s soundtracks Capcom fighting collection 2
1017s releases May 16th 202 5 available for
1021s pre-order after this
1023s showcase as a pre-order bonus receive
1026s rearranged versions of soy sauce for
1028s geese and rival schools medley by cap
1031s jams available in the museum for your
1033s listening
1035s pleasure additionally a limited amount
1037s of physical copies will include the
1039s Capcom versus snk2 original comic see
1042s the official site for more
1047s details a new oom project was announced
1050s late last year
1105s w
1122s within the classic japanese styled world
1125s of Okami a new adventure of amateras is
1128s being drawn to life we hope you look
1131s forward to Future details
1139s also featuring a Japanese inspired world
1142s is kunami path of the Goddess which is
1145s available
1147s now band together with the Villagers to
1150s protect the maiden from The Fearsome sea
1153s in a unique blend of action and strategy
1158s gamepl the free demo allows you to play
1160s the opening
1162s stages we invite you to try it
1167s out and now oh Okami HD and kitagami
1171s path of the Goddess are available in the
1174s Okami plus kitagami bundle where you can
1176s experience both Japanese inspired
1181s worlds check out these other Capcom
1184s titles available
1187s now Dead Rising Deluxe remastered is out
1191s now survive for 72 hours against hordes
1195s of zombies using anything and everything
1198s as a weapon now with full voice acting
1201s and better graphics this classic is
1203s reanimated and better than ever try out
1206s the early sections of the game for free
1208s in the demo available
1212s now the survival horror Masterpiece
1215s lauded as the best remake in gaming
1218s Resident Evil 2 is out now on iPhone
1221s iPad and Mac you bastard you hurt her
1225s I'm not handing over anything playable
1226s on iPhones with the a17 pro chip or
1229s later as well as iPads and Macs with the
1232s M1 chip or
1235s later
1237s objection Ace Attorney investigations
1240s collection is
1241s here from the court battling Ace
1244s Attorney series play as genius
1246s prosecutor miles Edgeworth in the full
1249s HD remaster of the two Ace Attorney
1251s investigation games try the first
1254s episode of each game for free in the
1256s demo available now
1261s the latest entry in capcom's Samurai
1263s Epic
1317s it feels like
1320s I'm getting less Human by the
1332s minute hello everybody my name is Kaki
1336s and I'm producer on Oni Musha way of the
1338s sword thank you for tuning
1342s in this title is the newest entry in
1344s Capcom sword fighting action game series
1347s Oni Musha
1349s to add some detail to what we showed in
1351s the video in this game we are taking Oni
1354s musha's signature sword fighting action
1356s and Dark Fantasy elements and using
1359s capcom's latest technology to make this
1361s new game as captivating as possible
1364s we're focusing on Three core
1366s aspects compelling characters including
1370s a new protagonist and enemies that are
1372s interesting more than just
1375s visually the setting of Kyoto a location
1378s rming with historic spots with
1380s mysterious and unsettling
1383s backstories and lastly the ultimate
1385s sword fighting action these are the
1388s three core aspects we're working to
1390s emphasize in our
1392s game now I would like to introduce the
1394s director of this title
1398s ni hello I am the director of Oni Musha
1402s way of the sword ni thank you for your
1405s time
1409s we decided to set this game in the Ado
1411s period of historic Japan you'll explore
1414s historic locations around Kyoto such as
1417s kadera temple in a heroic tale of a soul
1420s Samurai fighting against hordes of
1422s Twisted creatures known as
1424s Gemma the protagonist due to a twist of
1427s fate finds himself wielding an Oni
1430s Gauntlet now in Oni Musha he sets about
1433s mowing down the monstrosities roaming
1435s the world of the living and feeding
1436s their souls to the gauntlet
1439s through gritty bloody soaked braws he
1441s searches for his reason to
1443s fight what fade awaits at the end of his
1448s path adding our own touches to real life
1450s historical figures you will meet a cast
1453s of unique
1456s characters and in addition to sword
1458s battles drama will unfold in a
1461s beautifully Eerie depiction of
1464s kto now to talk about the action of the
1467s game
1469s with sword to sword combat we put
1471s particular emphasis on the satisfaction
1473s of slicing through
1477s enemies as you saw in the footage
1479s released there's also plenty of soul
1481s sucking action with the Oni
1485s Gauntlet by absorbing Souls you can
1487s restore your health as well as use
1490s special
1492s moves deciding how to absorb The Souls
1494s of your enemy in the heat of an intense
1496s battle will be the key to Victory
1499s we're not trying to make an impossibly
1501s difficult game instead we want to make a
1504s game where fans of action can experience
1506s thrilling sword fights and take
1508s satisfaction from slaying their
1511s enemies we sincerely hope you look
1513s forward to what we are
1516s creating the footage we showed earlier
1518s was from a short version of the trailer
1521s the full version is available right now
1523s on the game's official website so we
1525s hope you give it a
1527s watch for some regions gameplay footage
1531s was recorded with dismemberment
1535s disabled but please note that
1537s dismemberment and blood will be fully
1539s featured in the
1542s game Oni Musha way of the sword will be
1545s on PlayStation 5 Xbox series Xs and
1550s steam in its release plann for
1552s 2026 we're currently hard at work on
1555s development and will share more
1556s information in the future
1559s for the last piece of information from
1561s me we have prepared one more video for
1563s you
1564s all please take a
1566s look thank you so much for supporting
1569s Oni Musha
1603s my name
1605s is golden datis the greatest swordsman
1610s of all
1616s demons the Capcom digital sale is on
1620s now check out games related to the
1622s titles introduced in this
1625s showcase also don't forget to check
1628s these hit titles from last
1630s year with monster hunter Wild's nearing
1633s release monster hunter games are on sale
1637s now many popular capcon titles are also
1641s now on sale don't miss this
1646s chance that wraps up our Capcom
1649s Spotlight thank you for
1652s watching up next is the Monster Hunter
1655s wild
1656s showcase stay tuned for the latest info
1659s on this upcoming title please enjoy and
1662s until next time
1704s w
1709s d
1798s a
1843s hello to everyone looking forward to
1845s Monster Hunter Wilds I'm producer noo
1848s sujimoto
1849s it's finally time for the game's
1852s worldwide release this month on February
1855s 28th with that please take a look look
1858s at our new
1860s trailer
1866s enjoy why is it
1869s glowing no clue but I noticed it when
1872s setting up camp
1902s that way straight on to the end
1940s hey hey here hey
1958s why why did it attack us there must be a
1963s reason right if things were different
1966s you wouldn't have this unique
1968s perspective but you do
1981s we will find his people I remember this
1985s I came through here the Keeper's Village
1987s should be right through
1993s there is that monster absorbing its
1996s energy
2012s look alive men
2031s report in a new Frosty region known as
2034s the ice Shard Cliffs you can find a new
2037s monster hero bami as well as the
2039s familiar monsters from past titles near
2042s Sila and Gore
2045s magala we've introduced many other
2048s monsters in previous trailers but we
2050s still have more surprises to come so
2053s look forward to
2055s it we have one more announcement for
2059s everyone the dates were already
2061s announced
2062s previously but as you can see we are
2065s holding a second open beta test
2070s we have some new features to share so
2072s without further Ado let's take a
2088s look in the second open beta test you'll
2091s be able to challenge the new flagship
2093s monster arkville
2099s you will also have access to the
2101s training area in the base
2110s camp some online features will be
2113s available as well including private
2115s lobbies and online single player
2118s mode private lobbies won't appear in
2121s searches making them perfect for small
2123s groups of
2126s friends online sing single player is a
2128s mode for those who want to play without
2131s joining a
2134s Lobby you won't be able to see other
2136s players in base camp but by using an SOS
2139s flare you can temporarily switch to
2145s multiplayer just like the past open beta
2148s test character creation a story trial
2151s and the doaga hunt are included but this
2154s time there are additional gyos and arkel
2157s hunts
2159s crossplatform multiplayer is also
2163s available you can even transfer your
2165s character data from the past beta test
2167s save
2170s data your character data will transfer
2172s to the full game but please be aware
2175s that your game progression will
2179s not players who take on the open beta
2182s test will get a pendant as a bonus to
2184s decorate their weapon or sacred and an
2187s item pack in the full
2191s game these are the dates for the second
2194s open beta test check the official
2196s website for more
2201s information in addition to Gip zeros
2203s introduced in January a quest for arkel
2207s the monster that appears on the key art
2208s of the game will also be
2212s available the content will be the same
2215s for both dates listed so you can ipate
2218s during whichever time is convenient for
2221s you the arkel hunt in the open beta test
2225s will be a special Advanced Quest this is
2228s a rather dangerous Quest so we encourage
2230s Hunters who are confident in their
2232s skills to take it
2235s on your feedback is important to us and
2239s we on the development team take it into
2241s consideration we are working hard to
2244s improve various game elements and make
2246s balance adjustments for the final
2249s release Please be aware that these
2252s adjustments won't be reflected in the
2254s second open beta test but they will be
2257s in the full
2261s game check the official website and
2264s social media for details on improvements
2267s for the final
2271s release Monster Hunter Wilds also offers
2275s various cosmetic elements to add more
2277s flare to your hun
2281s layered armor for your Hunter and Pico
2283s will be registered whenever you craft
2285s high rank
2290s equipment allowing you to customize your
2292s appearance without changing your armor
2300s stats as you progress through the story
2302s you'll also be able to change your
2304s sacreds color and decorations
2315s you can even customize your pop-up camps
2318s such as your tent
2324s appearance camping chairs and other
2328s features and even the background music
2331s for the area
2344s in past games Hunters used what was
2347s called a guild card to introduce
2349s themselves to others but in this game
2352s we've introduced the hunter profile
2354s which has more features than
2357s ever customize it to your liking and
2360s really show off your personality
2373s in photo mode you can change the camera
2376s view and depth of
2380s field and in online single player mode
2384s you can even pause the game to take a
2389s photo keep an eye out for that perfect
2392s shot
2401s pre-ordering the game will give you the
2403s hunter layered armor Guild night set and
2406s the Talisman hope charm exclusive
2410s bonuses players with save data from
2413s Monster Hunter world and iceborn will
2415s receive Pico equipment and a name plate
2418s for their Hunter
2423s profile for those who register and Link
2425s their Capcom ID there will be item packs
2433s available there will also be familiar
2435s gestures from the series and character
2437s and Pico edit vouchers that will allow
2440s you to edit your characters even after
2443s creation these will be available for
2445s free from each platform store after
2451s release for those who want even more
2454s style the deluxe edition will include
2456s the full game with extra fashionable
2461s content furthermore the premium deluxe
2463s edition will also include two additional
2466s cosmetic DLC packs as postlaunch
2473s updates those who purchase these items
2475s can download the contents from the day
2477s of release
2504s players that purchased the premium
2505s deluxe edition will also receive the
2507s background music proof of a hero 2025
2513s recording layered armor and items for
2517s their Hunter Pro profile as premium
2520s bonuses for those who ordered the
2522s standard edition you can still purchase
2524s the deluxe pack and cosmetic DLC pack
2527s separately after the game's
2530s release the Cosmetic DLC packs are
2533s planned to go on sale in the spring or
2535s summer of
2536s 2025 please look forward to the details
2539s in later
2541s updates Monster Hunter Wilds available
2544s worldwide from Friday February 28th 2025
2548s on PlayStation 5 Xbox series X S and
2559s St starting the week following release
2562s limited time event quests will be
2566s introduced through these quests you can
2568s earn armor with special looks as
2573s rewards updates are planned following
2575s the initial release please look forward
2578s to more details regarding these
2579s additional
2583s contents thank you for
2588s watching the release is almost here
2591s until then we invite everyone to play
2594s the second open beta
2597s test on that note Happy Hunting