Monster Hunter: World

Monster Hunter: World Dev Tracker

10 Apr

09 Apr

Gather 'round, hunters, and see what's being served up in the next free title update for Monster Hunter World: Iceborne!

[New Variant Monsters - Furious Rajang and Raging Brachydios]
To access these two new superpowered brutes, you'll first need to complete Iceborne's story and complete the special assignments that fully expand the Guiding Lands and investigate the mysterious Red Dragon. Following that, you'll be asked to speak with the Tracker, who will give you two additional special assignments: Furious Rajang and Raging Brachydios. These two monsters won't go down easily, but the rewards will be well worth the fight. The Furious Rajang armor has a fierce, primal style and the set bonus enhances a very appropriate skill called "Heroics" that grants you bonus attack power and defense rates if your health drops below a certain threshold—a burst of "furious" adrenaline that's bound to help in a pinch!

The Raging Brachydios armor also comes with set bonuses that ma... Read more

Inspired by elegance, the Full Bloom Fest welcomes players with beautiful decorations sure to bedazzle even the most seasoned "fashion hunters". Here's what you've got to look forward to when the Full Bloom Fest is live for all Iceborne players from April 10th 00:00 UTC (April 9th 5pm PDT). This seasonal event will run through May 7th 23:59 UTC (May 7th 4:59 PDT).

• Luxurious armor sets based on the core theme of elegance and roses are up for grabs.
• Get more daily login bonus items, enjoy discounts at various vendors, and even order a delicious special meal platter limited to the event at the Seliana Gathering Hub.
• Complete special event quests to earn materials for forging speci... Read more

08 Apr

06 Apr

03 Apr

30 Mar

27 Mar

25 Mar