over 4 years ago - /u/Jaaxxxxon - Direct link


Sorry about the late post on this one, but as always, we're eager to hear what you all have to say!
Please post anything that comes to mind, and we'll be sure to take note of it.

Last week's post can be found here:

External link →
over 4 years ago - /u/Jaaxxxxon - Direct link

Originally posted by danprince

  • Ballista priority for the engineer that built them. You should be able to use a ballista you built even if someone is already using it. Allow the builder to press E and be put straight onto it.
  • Stop the kicking griefing that happens with catapults and large ballistas. If a player is setting out to be a jerk, then they'll just kick you once before you take a shot until you give up or teamkill them. A kick shouldn't disrupt the users of siege weapons, if someone wants the user off, then they should either have to go through a votekick, or teamkill them and suffer the consequences.
  • Relax the build restrictions near certain parts of spawns, especially vertically. There are lots of spots that would be good for braziers or ballistas that can't be built in because (I assume) of their proximity to the spawn. Think brazier for red ballista above the spawn on mountain peak or the walls above blue spawn on crossroads.
  • Publicly release stats for the different game types on maps so that we can see that you can see how badly some maps are balanced. What's the win rate on Crossroads Invasion? 5%? Less? That maps needs the catapult removed and the time limit decreased.
  • I'll keep coming back to this one, but count kicks off walls/buildings and kicks into spikes as teamkills. That guy who sits in-front of the spikes on Castello kicking friendlies into them as they run past? Do a votekick and you'll see almost no team damage.
  • Stop defenders from being able to eat the food on Feitoria. Possibly even better to just stop anyone other than the nobles eating it. If attackers don't want them to heal, then they need to lock down that room. That's a lot more interesting than some objective rusher spending the first 30 seconds of the objective running through eating it all.
  • Add a "Hold E" option that resets the catapult if it gets stuck. It's super frustrating to be backing up then run over a plank of wood which enters the frame and grounds the catapult until you destroy it and wait for it to respawn.
  • Remove hitboxes from foliage/leaves on all trees. Only the trunk should register for collisions. This is particularly bad near the bottom of the leaves where you have clear shots but somehow they collide with thin air.
  • Consider adding a regen on kill mechanic for all of the nobles to make camping less attractive.
  • Per weapon stats. I also think achievement-locked skins would be fine too. Best if they are subtle, but it'd be nice to have some way to recognise accomplishment with a specific weapon, rather than just someone who grinded out 80k for a skin.
  • Add some more achievements to the game! I had so much fun working through the initial set of achievements and it feels like there are enough new mechanics that you could create a new set of achievements.
    • Dropped Stone Kills
    • Boiling Oil kills
    • Setting people on fire with flaming ballistas
    • Jump kicks
    • Getting kills with the special king/noble weapons
    • Horse rider dismounts
    • Kill an enemy with a torch throw
    • Cat fall distances?
  • Experiment with switching Battle Royale and Horde for Team Deathmatch and Skirmish in the main menu. No one is playing BR now and it seems like there are a lot of people who would prefer a straight deathmatch than frontline/invasion objectives.

Great feedback!

We internally have data for win/completion % on maps, but there isn't too much use publishing these as there are a lot of factors that can come into play, and it's better to just get feedback on how people feel about a map sometimes. We also don't have a clean way to publish the data at the moment, it's just a mess of numbers deciphered on a spreadsheet. That being said we should be having some improvements to Crossroads INV and other maps coming soon.

edit: talking to the team today about stats being public, we'll see

I agree with the engineer stuff, team damage things as well, and we'll see what we can do on that front. More achievements aren't likely, since they are annoying to set up and pretty buggy, and to be honest they don't really add *that* much to the game, but we can see.

In any case, this is great stuff and I'll make sure the team sees this.

over 4 years ago - /u/Jaaxxxxon - Direct link

Originally posted by SpiralHam

It's extremely annoying how different weapons have different emote layouts. Like if I have a two handed weapon I believe it's X-X-3 to do the finger wag, but if I have a one handed weapon that does the fist shake instead. It makes it way harder to memorize and quickly pull out the proper emote before the moment passes.

True, we need to give emotes some love soon.

over 4 years ago - /u/Jaaxxxxon - Direct link

Originally posted by BurningPine

Please please equalize cruel voice. I can do it if you want. It is likely a 10 minute job to make his completely inaudible stand out a bit. It’s a great voice and no one uses it except for V cc4 and c3

We actually tried and it's not possible with the source files. If we boost the volume up you will hear a lot of audio artifacts and clipping, it sounds worse :(

over 4 years ago - /u/Jaaxxxxon - Direct link

Originally posted by h0wdyYall

Y’all really ought to turn the top floor of the Castillo castle into an official duel map, and maybe even convert the beautiful roof into a flat and balanced ranked duel map.

The top floor is so beautiful, and the normal duel capersion of Castello is way too big for duels, so I think it’d be great if only the top part was fenced off and used as a small sized dueling arena.

Castello wouldn't be great for a duel map, as you wouldn't get great performance. We are working on some new content for ranked though :)

over 4 years ago - /u/Jaaxxxxon - Direct link

Originally posted by GreenGhost95

Remove waist restrictions. Just let us use whatever skirts with whatever armor we want, it just limits our creativity to lock them away from certain armors.

Wouldn't work at all, due to clipping. There are a few things that clip, but having unlocked waist options would just have floating armor bits and look very off.

over 4 years ago - /u/Jaaxxxxon - Direct link

Originally posted by TheShovelOfKut

I've never once seen somebody argue against releasing win rate stats on a game. Drop a spreadsheet once a month if that's what you have. People will massage it into something more consumable by the average person. But this is a great step for balancing maps and easing tensions. If maps are actually balanced but people "feel" like they're not, then people will complain and attrition will increase.

Feelings don't matter here. The numbers are what should be driving balance decisions.

We can see what's possible, I'll talk to the team today about it. Kind of badly worded on my part, sorry about that :)

over 4 years ago - /u/Jaaxxxxon - Direct link

Originally posted by Jaaxxxxon

We can see what's possible, I'll talk to the team today about it. Kind of badly worded on my part, sorry about that :)

So, I talked to the team and it's not something we can easily implement in a way that would work that well, at least for now. It's something that could be great to have in the future, but for right now it's not feasible. :(