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Hello I am new to the game just bought it last night and I am absolutely having a blast I just wanted to know whatever one and the developers think about doing a 2v2 arena like the 1v1 ranked arenas?

being able to queue with two buddies and getting ranks together would be really cool it’s one of my favorite things to do with my best friend in games like wow and halo and smash brothers couch online co op. Lots of great memories playing 2v2s and i would love to see it implemented like the ranked 1v1s!!!

Amazing game!!!! So much fun!!!!

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over 4 years ago - /u/Jaaxxxxon - Direct link

2v2 is unlikely, but 3v3 is something we're looking into, along with a larger team mode. reason being 2v2 is pretty bad meta-wise, as the team who gets the first pick wins the following 2v1 most of the time. in a 3v3, if a person dies a 2v3 is much more of a recoverable situation.

over 4 years ago - /u/Jaaxxxxon - Direct link

Originally posted by Leaga

I believe its been soft confirmed as something they are interested in doing. However, the one infuriating thing about this dev team is that they refuse to give any kind of timeline, roadmap, etc on what stuff is in development. They officially announced ranked 1v1 would be in the game about 2 days before the patch that added it when they announced that there would be a patch in 2 days. The last couple patches there was no official announcement ahead of time. Just, bam. New stuff in the game.

BTW, I dont mean to be super negative. that's also something I love about the dev team. They just added the ability to throw small shields in the last patch and I had no idea it was coming. Pretty damn entertaining to suddenly see Captain America supercuts in this sub with no warning. I just kinda wish there was a bit of a balance between the two extremes.

Point is: I definitely expect it at some point but would be equally surprised by it being tomorrow as it being in 10 months.

we're working on some foundations for a larger team mode - first off we're reworking skirmish since you can just hide atm and win if you have more players. once that's done, we're looking into some potential 5v5/6v6 modes that could function as an official ranked/comp mode, but we're not sure.

part of the issue was a lack of communication within the team, but that's been solved. the other reason why we're not super communicative with stuff is that we work on a lot of things, and not all of them make the cut to be added to the live build. We'd rather underpromise and over-deliver than do the opposite :)