Naraka: Bladepoint

Naraka: Bladepoint Dev Tracker

28 Jun


Originally posted by FUCKEDUPx30

Are you guys gonna add cross server? Im in asia but my friend in SEA i want to play on my server if they're offline and play with them when they're online. And if you dont, why??

Cross Server is definitely hard to achieve as there are a lot of things we have to overcome before making it happen, tho it is something we might be working on in the future. You can always switch server to play with your friends tho!

Thank you so much for asking


Originally posted by ziomatrixx

Hey there! First off, my wife and I LOVE the game and can't wait for release. I am sure you heard the normal, please no more bots stuff already so here are a few questions I had in mind.

  1. Any plan on adding Dagger weapons? I feel like double dagger assassin style weapons would be really fun especially on Matari!
  2. The rock paper scissors style of combat is ok but sometimes it feels like it just doesn't work, either with lag or some other issue. Any chance you will add a straight up block mechanic and then repeated blocks will break it?
  3. Have you guys thought about a free version of the game? We really feel like it would help the community be much larger and reduce the need for bots!

Thank you again and seriously the game is amazing!

  1. Devs are working on several new weapons. We will see!
  2. We already have a hero who can block - Tarka.
  3. For now, nope. We've planed tons of new stuff after launch. Hope you guys will enjoy it.

Originally posted by woyboss74

When will we be able to see gameplay of the new characters girl with the demon blade

Yoto Hime Should be playable at launch!


Originally posted by Matthausss

Will there be a PvE event at some point?

PVE is definitely something in our consideration! Tho our first priority would be to focus on the existing modes/optimizations.

Thank you so much for asking!


Originally posted by Vic-iou

Aside from Yoto Hime which was added due to your collab with Onmyoji (she's the reason I got hooked to Naraka btw), how many more characters are you planning to add after the official release? 😄

We are currently working on 3-4 new characters and they should be able (imo) to release after the official launch. We have many excellent ideas in mind and would love to put them into action!


Originally posted by c7sper

Will Naraka have a esports scene? If so, will it be worldwide? Will it be Solos or Trios?

Esports is definitely somethin in our considerations! Personally I think both are good modes for an esport event but will let you guys know if we have any in mind!


Originally posted by ArcherWong3400

Ok! Lot to answer here, let me take my time.

  1. The core of our combat system is 'unchained'. You can be a swordmaster or a sniper, or both, no limit at all. With the rock-paper-scissor system, Souljades, and arsenals, we bring these elements in to 'unchain' our players.
  2. Lots of players told me that NARAKA is easy to learn but hard to master. I totally agree with this. More casual or more competitive? We wanna explore more possibilities with our players. In this new genre, we, as the dev team, will grow together with you guys.
  3. Let me go straight to this: hero balance. I know people are talking about this, and we take this very seriously. Thanks for having these conversations guys. This is exactly what we need.
  4. Grapple is so far so good. We received some really good suggestions about grapple spam indeed. We will take a look!
  5. Bots are designed to flatten new players' learning curves. Based on our data, they are doing a good job here. For the future, bots adjustment is on our to-do list. ...
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Originally posted by meruem1714

First I just want to say I had a blast playing these past betas and really want this game to blowup when it officially releases. Here are some questions, I hope to get your guys opinion on a couple mechanics and the future of the game!

  1. What are your thoughts on the current combat system, is melee strength compared to ranged strength in a good spot, and what were the intentions for the style of melee combat? Reaction based? Combo based? Rock paper scissors prediction based? How much of the melee combat system is intended to be luck by guessing what your opponent throws next versus being able to react in time to every attack your opponent makes.

  2. What are your thoughts for the skill expression and skill cap in Naraka? How far do you think Naraka will go in terms of competitiveness and do you think lacking or low skill expression will prevent this? Is Naraka even intended to go competitive or more on the casual side?

  3. So far there have be...

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Ok! Lot to answer here, let me take my time.


Originally posted by SkyAwwal

Will you be implementing a duo game mode? (2players per team)

We are having a discussion about this. Need to be cautious when putting new modes in.


Originally posted by Leintk

Are you guy's going to add more flexibility to the key bindings? Specifically separate sprint and dodge keys if possible?

This is a good one.

Devs are taking this into consideration.


Originally posted by JaxyOP

JaxyOP here,

As a tournament participant and community leader, I would like to know if the NA region will have the opportunity to play in LAN events in the future. Is the J-Cup a LAN event? Thanks.

Hey Jaxy, yeah who doesn't want a LAN event!

We will start with an online tournament tho. I hope we could have fun offline one day.

22 Jun

Dear Forerunners,

Thank you everyone for participating in this beta. We appreciate your continued support and feedback for NARAKA: BLADEPOINT.

In this beta, we identified a lot of problems with low frame rates and game stuttering. After agile feedback collection and technical investigation, we keep releasing one or more new patches every day during the beta and finally implemented a series of optimizations such as:

Optimized the graphic memory management logic, greatly reducing the graphic memory occupation on the premise of ensuring the visual quality. Solved the problem of insufficient performance of some graphics cards, improved the utilization rate of graphics cards, and made the FPS smoother and more stable.
Solved the problem that the FPS of some graphics cards can drop significantly under certain circumstances. Solved a number of problems causing the in-game stuttering. Currently, there are still a few situations that may cause short-term stut... Read more

21 Jun

Dear Forerunners,

Through a careful inspection, the development team has identified the cause of the game stuttering resulted from the default settings of NVIDIA Control Panel. We strongly recommend you to change your settings under the following instructions to make the game run more smoothly.

1.Right-click the Windows Desktop, then click and open NVIDIA Control Panel from the context menu.(Please do this when the game is completely shutdown!) If you cannot find NVIDIA Control Panel from the menu after right-clicking the Desktop, please download the relevant software from NVIDIA website.

2. Select Manage 3D settings on the left side, then click Program Settings on the right.

3. Click “Select a program to customize” and select “Naraka: Bladepoint”.

4. Scroll down the page to find "Power management mode", then double-click "Prefer maximum performance".

5. After finishing the previous steps, please click "Apply" on the bottom ... Read more

16 Jun

Optimized overall performance and environmental interactions:
1. Forward jump (holding forward + jump): Trigger interactions with objects around you, such as through wall running, tree climbing, jumping atop eaves and beams, vaulting through windows, etc. (These were triggered by pressing the jump key in previous versions. We've changed this in order to prevent accidental interactions.)

2. Jump (without pressing any directional key): Perform a 'back roll' to exit from certain interactions (such as climbing walls or trees, hanging atop eaves, etc. You could drop down from these with the 'C' key in previous versions, and has been changed to simplify controls.)

3. Climb up: Hold a directional key to climb up while hanging from eaves. Releasing the key before you've completed the action cancels it. (The jump key was used to climb up in previous versions, and has been changed to make less key-presses necessary in gameplay.)

4. Check: Hold a directional key w... Read more

The Final Beta demo is now available for download! You can now visit the Steam Store page of NARAKA BLADEPOINT and click "Download NARAKA: BLADEPOINT Demo" to download the game!
Here we’ve prepared a Beta FAQ for you.

1. Final Beta Patch Notes
This is a huge update with many new features and optimizations.
Details of the Patch Notes can be found at our official website.

2. Beta Schedule
Q: When will the servers be up?
A: The NA/EU/AS/LATAM/SEA servers will be open on 6/16, 10:00 AM PDT.
Here’s the detailed schedule:
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13 Jun

Q: What will be the business model for NARAKA: BLADEPOINT?
A: NARAKA: BLADEPOINT is a Buy To Play game featuring Unchained Multiplayer Combat. Players will need to purchase the game in order to have access to the provided content. Additionally, the game will also include purchasable cosmetic items like skins, battle passes, name-change cards, and other upcoming DLC. However, the in-game purchases will NOT affect the power of in-game characters. (i.e. there is no Pay-to-Win)

Q:How to activate my purchased game?
A:After purchase the game will be automatically added to your STEAM Library. You don’t need to activate the game.

Q: How do I redeem the Final Beta Gift Code I received through Pre-order?
A: For players who have pre-ordered on STEAM, the reward of Final Beta Gift code can be directly claimed in-game during the Final Beta period. If you can’t find the pop-up for the reward in-game, please quit the game and re-login.
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02 Jun

28 May

May is coming to an end, and next Beta is not far away. It’s time for a Dev Blog to talk about something NEW which will be going live in the Beta of June. So, keep your eyes peeled and let's roll!

Temulch Temulch's ability "Zephyr Wisp" has just been iterated. Now Temulch can lift himself and maintain aerial while summoning three wisps wards around his body.

Here attached a preview video. Check it out!

P.S. We’re also thinking about adjusting the Talents for Temulch. If you have any suggestion, feel free to shoot us with your idea!

Tarka Ji Adjustments of Tarka Ji focus on further enhancing his combat capability. His iterated skills will grant him unique moves, and slightly increase his agility in the battlefield.

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