5 months ago - Play New World - Direct link

Transcript (by Youtube)

1s all right and uh why don't we get more
3s info about why you make certain balance
6s changes AGS just makes random explosive
9s changes but misses to underline it with
11s reasoning and goals for us to
14s comprehend the truth is we have a
16s 20-sided dice we keep in the back I
18s thought it was the blind monkeys typing
20s it's a dart board yes it's a dart
23s [Applause]
27s board hey everybody Welcome to forge in
29s attum where we talk about all things new
31s world and I hope you all had a great
34s holiday weekend wherever you are uh
37s today we're doing the November Q&A so
40s with that I'm going to hand it off to
42s Lovin and we are going to get started
45s immediately can you tell us why season 4
48s has less content what is new to the game
50s as many of the features on the road map
52s are either not happening or later in
54s that season yeah well I I tried to
56s address this in the uh Game Dev up or
58s the development update
61s um we just K we're coming off of a huge
64s release the the return of the rise of
66s the angry Earth um expansion and we had
70s a few quality mishaps there so we wanted
73s to make sure that going forward that
74s doesn't happen again we want to focus on
76s high quality deliverables and so because
78s of that we decided to hold a few things
80s back uh on top of that you know when we
84s talked about crossworld Expeditions
85s which was planned for season
87s 4 we really wanted to lean into it and
90s go for a full pug finder because we
91s think that would be a much better
93s experience for players and that's going
94s to cost us a little more time as well
96s so we're hearing people say they'd
99s rather us go a little slower and deliver
100s at a higher quality and we're going to
102s do that uh in Earnest going
105s forward all right um new loot system is
108s great that we can drop something that we
110s were already wearing using but why are
112s all these staff still dropped with
115s totally random perks I got int gloves
117s with Str weapons perk this is a
119s situation where where and after 35
121s Expeditions I can't get any single item
123s that I'm able to use do you see the
126s problem or it's
127s intended uh so this question is about
129s loot biasing so the way loot biasing
132s works is that some percentage of your
133s drops will be loot biased it's important
135s to realize not all of them are also
137s right so sometimes they're not and
139s that's good because it'll allow you to
140s get loot in different uh gear sets that
142s you're trying to get what loot biasing
144s doeses is it makes sure that the
146s attributes in the weapon are aligned uh
148s and we've also removed some of the
150s interesting perks from those loot
151s biasing perks but we don't currently
153s bias weapon perks so those can sometimes
156s be a mismatch and I think you know
158s that's partially intentional because I
160s think we want those perks to be very
162s special and something that may be more
164s oriented towards crafting or you have to
166s get a special named item uh so uh that's
169s the way it currently works and no no
170s immediate plans to change
172s that all right um many gamers leaving
176s again because of the missing grind
178s instead of Ward we have now Enchanted
180s Ward and health every second player is
182s using a fire staff and there is no
184s reason to craft anymore once you have
186s your two to three sets I bought every
189s season pass many skins emotes and the
192s DLC why should I continue to
195s play well first thank you for your deep
197s commitment playing the game so much
199s buying all that stuff like like we
200s appreciate it and we try to make the
202s game as good as possible I
204s think we've learned in the past that
207s having too much grind is a bad thing and
209s so we've we pulled back on that and
211s tried to make it more fun and to make
212s the chases more interesting that can
214s change gameplay with things like
215s artifacts once you get through that
217s there are still a lot of other things
219s you can do there's uh I still find chest
221s runs fun I know that's a little goofy uh
224s I mean you can play music instruments
226s there's fishing all and all the other
228s trade skills there's working on your
230s house there's changing your character
231s through transmog I think there's
234s multiple vectors of the endgame
236s depending on what type of player you are
238s and we had to try to bias toward the
240s broader group as far as the gear Chase
242s and the grind so uh like we totally
244s appreciate you playing and I'm sorry if
246s the changes like took away like some of
248s that endgame grind for you but hopefully
250s you can find some fun in other areas and
253s I've been enjoying like for me it's been
255s an opportunity to try out more builds
257s right because it is a little bit easier
258s it's like hey let me try out some
259s different things which has been really
261s fun and artifacts play well into that
263s right every time I get an artifact I'm
264s like all right I want to create a build
265s around this what can I do and I think
267s that's fun yeah and and also like uh the
271s The Outpost rushan Arenas they change
273s every time like no matter how you play I
274s still find it fun it's challenging it's
276s you know that the people playing against
279s people is a little different when will
280s Dark Ascent be
282s fixed uh that will be fixed in the next
285s upcoming
287s minor okay cool very very soon stop
291s putting Prismatic drops in aptitude
293s boxes this is breaking the farm market
296s the market will collapse in one
298s month I
300s I love the uh the great omniscience here
304s uh I do believe you know and we're going
307s to talk about this more there are some
308s issues with the economy I don't believe
310s like the Prismatic items right now are
312s holding their value pretty well we
314s definitely saw a decrease over time
315s which is normal right like they come out
317s white hot especially because they're all
319s cooldown based uh and they've come down
321s but we've seen the prices sell a I think
322s they're they're at a healthyish level
324s right now so we're not seeing anything
326s right now we will keep our eye on this
327s obviously uh if they did start to
330s decrease again we would look at it uh I
331s think the aptitude boxes are a place we
333s would look uh also we have some of the
335s nodes a little higher so there's some
337s things we could tweak but no immediate
338s plans are you sure the way you balance
341s perks makes your community happy for
343s example Shing heels was broken at the
345s start because of the interaction with
347s the ank has been fixed and balanced with
349s the last update has been nerfed again
351s but now that it has tens of CDs it's a
354s completely useless perk and anyone who
356s has it in their gear should simply throw
358s it away and start over again
360s uh so let me just step back here because
363s I this is a great question and I think
365s we are happy about some things and
367s unhappy about others I think uh what I
369s am really happy about is that the pace
371s of change like how often we put up
374s balance updates has increased
376s dramatically uh previous to last year if
378s you remember we were admittedly a little
380s slow and that was a goal of ours let's
382s make balance changes more often and I
384s think I think we've hit that I'm very
386s happy with that I think the magnitude of
388s our change here recently might have been
391s a little bit too strong uh I think
393s especially with balance like I like
395s making big uh meta shifting changes with
398s expansions or when we do a big perk
400s rework but outside of that I think we
403s need to be making a little more uh
405s constrain changes and sort of pushing
407s our way towards balance uh so here I
410s think you know with the shirking hills I
411s do think we overshot a little bit uh
412s with the 10 seconds uh we'll go into
415s details a little bit and and uh balance
416s of power on why we did that uh but that
419s is something I we're looking at and and
420s we are going to be pulling back a little
422s bit on that change you know I'd add that
424s in the past if you go back a year or
425s earlier that there was a lot of feedback
427s that we weren't making enough change
428s fast enough we were nudging forward
430s nudging nudging and sometimes you have
432s to go too far and then pull back and I
434s think this is an example where we
436s probably did that but a lot of the other
438s times it's worked out and this one you
439s know it's correctable
442s Y what are you going to do about the
444s gold snc people are
446s quitting uh economy it's a hard topic
450s right now I can observe the situation
451s that in many different cases we are not
453s able to earn money loot from the dungeon
455s is 99% bonded unable to sell it and
459s crafting product is cheaper than all the
461s mats needed to craft it gold SNS strain
463s while it's mostly from casual players
466s will you be able to justify the crafting
468s gold sink it costs 55,000 gold per week
471s on chromatic orbs and aoth inductor with
474s little ways of balancing this out could
476s this be added to mutations have you
478s tried to fix resource prices it's
480s getting worse now and seems out of
481s balance for example the prices of
483s runwood and spin fiber are very cheap
486s now how do you fix it yes the chromatic
489s seals and the aoth inductors are a big
492s uh gold sync right now uh and generally
495s that's more of an opt-in situation so
496s the more timer players are that have a
500s lot of stockpiled gold and things like
502s that uh are spending on that um and
505s because it's a a Time based thing um
509s it's something that more casual players
510s that accumulate some wealth can also
513s participate in and not feel like they're
514s falling far behind that does slow down
516s the rate of uh how much is being crafted
519s in the economy and that goes to the uh
522s the prices of the resources that you
523s mentioned that were crashing um in the
526s winter uh update we're going to have
529s additional sources for the chromatic
531s seals and the azoth inductor um so that
534s should actually increase the rate of
536s higher end items being crafted uh and
538s bring those prices back up we think yeah
541s and it's important to note those are
543s additional ways to get these right so
545s we'll we'll still have the faction store
546s but there are additional ways and there
548s ways that won't have coin syns in them
549s so it'll be a way to get these that even
552s casuals super casuals uh can get very
555s easily yes and and that's a really good
557s point because uh one of our main goals
560s in the economy is to prevent like a huge
562s wealth gap between time Rich players and
564s more casual players right and so from
566s the data that that we've been looking at
569s um the
570s uh what we call the the genie Index
572s right which uh there was a deep dive
574s video with the economy team so you can
576s go look at that up uh to get more
578s information on that but the the ratio
580s between how much wealth more casual
581s players and uh like very hardcore
584s players have um has shrunk with with
587s this change and so that that was
589s something that we wanted to do and uh
592s you know it it's meeting our
594s expectations right now in terms of the
597s economy will there be option added for
600s magnify that we can lock the attributes
602s we added so eating food will not change
604s whole set also when amplify going to be
606s added to the game uh so we've talked
609s about magnify in the past uh our stance
611s on this is still the same no immediate
613s changes planning planned uh we sort of
616s like how it works and that I think I
618s think it works well with like two to
619s three pieces of magnify once you start
621s getting more it it can make some some
625s swaps difficult uh but for a single
627s build I think it's very casual friendly
630s uh and if you go a ton of magnify it can
632s create issues but I think that's part of
633s the the pros and cons of this right the
636s balance is like hey I can easily get a
638s magnify thing but then it may become a
639s little more challenging or I can get a
641s custom uh drop or craft something and
643s then it works better with my build so
645s that is working I will say we are still
647s looking at it you know we may make some
649s changes but nothing really planned in
650s the near term
653s here companies can now own five six
656s seven territories and defend them easily
658s I haven't been in a war since the first
660s four months of the game why is this
662s content so gated and so one-sided that a
665s single company can own
667s everything well it was a decision we
669s made early uh and I agree they can but
672s when you look at the data it's pretty
674s rare actually to see a company owned
675s more than
676s three however all that said I still
680s agree with it and it's something we're
681s talking about pretty heavily internally
682s doing a review on and maybe making some
684s adjustments and I think there are some
686s minor uh scheduling adjustments coming
688s out in season four that will make this a
691s touch harder because there'll be more
692s overlapping Wars touch harder to own
694s multiple yeah but that's not you know
697s that's one step we'll see what the
699s impact of that is and I agree with Scott
701s we'll continue looking at
703s this if you're going to gatekeep us from
706s getting 700 gear score gear in PvP why
708s not allow us to obtain it through PVP
710s progression or ranking system top 50% in
713s Arena access to 690 top 25% 700 gear
717s score top 5 to 10% PVP exclusive mounts
721s title skins
723s anything uh so I'm going to address the
725s first part of this question because I
726s think that's the bigger one uh should we
729s be gatekeeping if are we going to be
731s continue to gatekeep and the answer
733s there is no like that was not our intent
735s was that we didn't want Like Only the
737s Good gear comes from PVE and not from
739s PvP uh so we are making a number of
741s changes in season 4 to address this I
743s think uh the first one is uh PVP weapon
747s upgrading will be returned on and be
749s working now right so you can get when
751s you get a cool Champion piece of gear
752s you can now turn it to 700 gear score uh
755s upgrading it like you can other named
756s items that's going to be huge uh so
758s that'll be one source the second thing
760s is we are improving the caches that come
762s out of opr and U you know we all play
764s opr I know the community loves it uh so
767s the quality of that loot will be better
769s uh it'll be more loot biased it can roll
771s higher uh so I think that will also help
773s so uh and this is one step we'll
775s continue to look at it we you know
777s philosophically we agree that we want
778s PVP to be a way you can gear yourself
781s out uh that is our goal and we're going
783s to continue to push towards
785s that I'd like to see the freezing it
787s login issue addressed I have to end task
790s and restart the game usually at least
792s three to five times before it will
793s launch properly what usually happens
796s launch game it gets to the swirling
798s colors animation and that is so louded
800s in like three frames per second it
802s eventually gets to a solid white screen
804s and just freezes up sometimes that first
807s animation will work then at the AG smile
809s logo it slows down and freezes up
812s again yeah so I think uh that one is we
815s have that fixed internally and so the
817s that fix should be going out to players
819s uh either in the next minor or the next
822s major patch uh I'm not sure off the top
823s of my head but coming
825s soon is the health perk adamant going to
828s get easier to get it is uh right now
832s there is the one way you can get it
834s through an aptitude chest and we're
835s looking at giving other venues for
837s delivery yeah and see season 4 it will
840s now be a part of the general loot table
841s in samario so it'll become uh much
844s easier okay the new dungeon glacial Tarn
848s is quite good but feels a bit empty are
851s you planning to add more trash mobs to
853s fill it out a bit more uh thanks yeah we
856s we are liking the dungeon I think it
857s played well in PTR uh it's it's super
860s fun I like the dichotomy of it and uh
862s Forge a lot um we also agree with your
865s feedback and I think we heard it from a
866s number of people in the PTR that there
868s were some dead areas in the Expedition
871s uh and the Expedition team is taking
873s that feedback to heart and we found at
875s least two other areas where we're sort
877s of creating a a pack of trash so we are
879s adding some uh and I think this will be
881s sufficient and we'll see how it plays
883s it's the first time I've ever heard a
884s community asking for more trash mobs it
887s it can be fun and as you're plowing
889s through uh any plans to ban exploiters
892s permanently it's so frustrating trying
894s to play PvP with people who abuse bugs
897s and exploits like the Rapier one or even
899s worse cheating and what about Bots and
901s gold sellers two years of game and still
903s the same so um we have made a lot of
908s progress in terms of our capability to
911s detect and action uh players for gold
915s selling uh you know chat violations uh
918s botting uh and exploits um so we do
923s permanently ban some exploiters uh
925s generally our threshold there is is
928s relatively High would say like we don't
929s want to ban people that that don't
932s really deserve it or made a mistake or
933s something but you know repeated abuse of
937s an exploit where you know ags's
939s announced like hey we know this is
941s happening don't do this or you know
943s we've we've disabled some functionality
944s or something because it's gotten too
946s rampant like we've we've definitely
947s acted on that um as far as like Bots and
950s like rmt stuff uh we are you know every
954s month we have uh band waves going out we
958s have um AC uh like Bann software
962s detection and we do Hardware ID banss uh
965s based on that um and then we uh you know
969s there's a lot of reporting going on
972s which is good like you know if you see
974s someone doing something in the game
976s that's an exploit or or you know toxic
978s Behavior definitely report them um but
982s we've also started to see some uh people
986s doing uh reporting as a service like
988s kind of like to like harass people
990s essentially and so that's something
992s we're also detecting and uh Banning uh
995s you know if you're participating in that
997s that sort of behavior um so you know
1000s it's just it's a lot to investigate like
1002s our our CS team is is super busy and our
1004s security team is super busy but we're
1007s we're always making improvements there
1009s yeah I think you know not quite fair to
1012s say it's just same thing as it's been I
1014s think our CS team our engineering team
1015s our security team have put in a huge
1018s effort over the since launch to improve
1020s on this and I know that if you see or
1022s you run into An Occurrence it's a
1023s problem and it's no fun but um we really
1027s take it serious and it's a big deal to
1029s us there's been there's been a lot of
1030s work by everyone to help with this
1033s stuff would you please give an in-depth
1036s explanation of luck in New World please
1039s how long do you have so super high level
1043s uh there's two types of luck right
1045s there's Gathering luck and then there's
1046s Global luck and the Gathering luck is
1048s specific to like you know chopping down
1049s trees mining like the the trade skills
1052s um and that increases your chance of
1053s getting like the rare special items
1055s along with what of the base resources
1057s you were you were trying to harvest um
1061s the global luck though uh is sort of
1064s applied to uh you know chest uh chests
1067s that you open in the world not opr or uh
1072s um portal uh chests uh those those are
1075s not affected by luck but uh you know
1077s like ECR chests
1079s uh loot drops from enemies and named
1081s enemies um and those kinds of things and
1084s so the way the luck works is the luck
1088s bonus from the uh the perk on your items
1091s like those stack UPS so 2% 2% 2% gives
1093s you 6% uh luck bonus and that's just
1096s added to the role that you make on a
1100s loot table or something and so generally
1102s the way our our loot tables are
1103s structured is you're going to have a
1106s with more luck you're going to have a
1107s chance to roll higher which will unlock
1109s some things to now be droppable in some
1112s cases not all loot tables are set up
1114s that way but um but it doesn't change uh
1118s how the the gear score uh that drops or
1122s the perks or anything like that it's
1124s really just like whether something drops
1126s or not um and the the things that are
1128s most affected by that would be like
1130s recipes and
1131s schematics um named weapons for example
1134s uh and in named weapons like if a if a
1136s named enemy can drop a bunch of
1138s different named weapons like it
1140s increases the chance of you getting a
1142s named weapon not a particular one um so
1146s yeah that's sort of in a nutshell how
1148s how all that works okay so let me ask is
1151s it like I'm trying to conceptualize this
1153s for people so basically you have like a
1155s general Loop bucket and if I roll a
1157s certain number I open up a better Loop
1159s bucket it think of it as like a like a a
1162s line right and so normally you can only
1165s roll in this range and now when you add
1168s Loop uh add luck it increases both your
1171s floor and your ceiling so now things
1173s that are higher up on that line are now
1176s you have a chance to roll on and it sort
1178s of like pushes up the bottom so we we
1181s have different types of loot tables we
1182s have what we call and and or tables so
1185s an and table is the higher your roll you
1188s get everything you know a chance at
1190s everything and an or one is like you
1191s only get one thing but now you can roll
1194s the better stuff on this end and so the
1197s increasing the floor makes it less like
1199s you're going to get like common or or
1202s like not great how high does the CE
1204s go all the way
1207s so uh generally rolls are out of like
1209s 10,000 and so like a uh like a luck perk
1213s of like 1% is like a bonus of 100 on
1215s your rooll um and so uh I think it it
1220s really depends on how the particular
1222s table is set up in what Rarity we want
1224s an item to be um and for some special
1229s things we have uh like pity tickers
1231s right like for example for the rabbit's
1233s Revenge we have like the chest and the
1235s mask and you know after I think it's
1237s like 200 and 400 kills or something like
1239s that like you're guaranteed to get it
1240s but for the vast majority of things like
1243s just having more luck is going to make
1245s it more likely that you'll get it at
1247s some point but all the roles are still
1249s totally independent for the most part
1251s all right so are there plans to address
1254s teleporting during races it could be
1257s particularly frustrating when you're
1258s faction has lower numbers and you are
1260s unable to assist by sending additional
1263s people to the
1265s point um yeah so right now we don't have
1267s any plans to change the teleport
1269s mechanics uh right now you know it's a
1271s server stability issue like combat is
1274s very expensive operation and so like we
1276s can only have so many people in an area
1277s before it starts degrading the
1278s experience for everyone else so we we
1280s kind of have to have some limiting
1282s factor that that gets players out of
1284s that very dense uh block of activity um
1288s I do want to address the question though
1291s uh because there should not be a
1293s situation where
1296s um the the that two of the factions
1299s don't have as many players in that fight
1301s as they can get so we have a per faction
1304s limit and then we have a total PVP flag
1307s player limit um and what that means is
1310s that you know we wanted because of the
1313s server scale issues I just mentioned we
1314s wanted to give a little bit more wiggle
1316s room for uh you know two factions that
1319s were like really like going after it to
1322s to have more players there so the the
1325s per faction limits are actually a little
1327s bit higher than what they would add up
1328s to for the the total player limit um and
1332s so uh unless you're the third faction
1334s and you're kind of underrepresented and
1336s both other factions are both very
1338s heavily represented there you should not
1340s be in a situation where your faction
1342s can't get more people into that
1344s particular
1345s Tower and the towers are all
1347s independently uh
1350s limited all right and uh why don't we
1353s get more info about why you make certain
1356s balance changes AGS just makes random
1358s explosive changes but misses to
1360s underline it with reasoning and goals
1362s for us to
1364s comprehend the truth is we have a
1366s 20-sided dice we keep at the back I
1369s thought it was the blind monkeys typing
1370s it's a dart board yes it's a dart board
1372s no uh like one like I'm sorry you feel
1376s that way and it it it's kind of makes us
1378s sad because like one of the big reasons
1379s for this show is to talk about the why
1381s that you know Scott just went into some
1383s of and Dave's does on top of that Dave
1385s runs another show that you may not be
1387s aware of called balance of power every
1388s Wednesday that talks about the balance
1391s changes and the and the reasoning behind
1392s it not every Wednesday just uh the
1395s Wednesday following the Q&A update sorry
1398s Mr Lane thank you Mr Lovin I appreciate
1401s that correction on the spot um some
1404s Wednesdays Dave has the balance of power
1407s update and that those are you know
1408s another way to communicate with the
1410s players so we'll take the feedback and
1413s we'll try to get better at it um it is
1415s something we we've actively been working
1417s on though I want I just want to be clear
1418s so so you understand that and it's
1420s important that we explain the why behind
1422s stuff um so yeah so we're trying and I
1425s guess we'll have to try harder okay uh
1427s that is all I got all right everybody
1430s well that's uh that's all we're going to
1431s answer today thank you for the questions
1433s um we really appreciated the new format
1437s where we gave some parameters around the
1439s questions we'd love to hear how you felt
1440s about it if this felt a little more
1442s targeted towards stuff that you know
1444s answered the questions you wanted us to
1446s answer uh so let us know that on you
1448s know however you talk to us Reddit X
1450s Discord all those great places uh want
1454s to wish everyone a great holiday season
1456s in case we don't see you want to thank
1459s uh Dave and Scott for coming in and
1461s Fielding questions with us and if you
1464s like what you saw let us know follow
1466s like subscribe and all those fun things
1468s other wise see you in a turn
1472s byebye uh today we're going to talk
1474s about what balance is like in coming up
1477s into season 4 and with the recent
1480s [Music]
1481s [Applause]
1487s [Music]
1491s release