13 days
ago -
New World: Aeternum
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Transcript (by Youtube)
0s | [Music] |
1s | [Applause] |
2s | [Music] |
7s | hello and welcome to forun turnament |
8s | where we talk about All Things New World |
10s | I'm your host J.R and I'm here with Gwen |
12s | and Brian and uh first off I just wanted |
15s | to welcome you if you've never seen the |
17s | show before and uh if you have welcome |
19s | back um let me just tell you a little |
21s | bit about what we do here on Forge andum |
23s | uh this is where we we talk about the |
25s | dev process some of our goals for why we |
27s | do things and in this particular episode |
30s | have a special uh topic which is our |
33s | next Outpost Rush map we have a preview |
36s | weekend coming up for that very soon um |
38s | and we just wanted to talk to you a |
39s | little bit about the production of the |
41s | map uh the development uh process and uh |
44s | also details about the preview weekend |
46s | itself so let's jump right into it so |
49s | it's been years as you know uh since we |
52s | released our original Outpost Rush map |
55s | and it is like you know the most asked |
58s | for feature so we wanted to make sure |
60s | that this new one was going to be |
62s | awesome um and uh you know we and then |
66s | it solved some of the problems that the |
67s | original map has right as beloved as it |
70s | is it's not perfect right and uh so we |
73s | wanted to make something that was maybe |
75s | a little bit more perfect um so some of |
78s | our goals for example on that um were to |
80s | like Focus the combat more um our first |
83s | map is very wide open uh it which means |
86s | that combat tends to happen in you know |
88s | just around the forts around the |
89s | objectives primarily and so and the few |
92s | the few locations on the map where we |
94s | actually funnel players um so one of our |
96s | goals was actually to go with a smaller |
98s | map that's more tightly designed with uh |
101s | a variety of combat spaces that |
103s | highlight different weapon loadouts um |
106s | we also had some uh some art goals in |
108s | mind right Brian you want to talk about |
109s | that yeah definitely we started with |
111s | about nine different Maps um we play |
113s | tested those we got two uh two I guess a |
116s | few different ones we really liked um |
118s | one of the things that we really about |
120s | coral divide is um there were there are |
123s | multi-layers to the gaml which um the |
126s | initial one was primarily on one plane |
129s | so we wanted to play with that that was |
130s | a lot of fun and then also just driving |
132s | the visuals away from the initial one |
135s | because we have so much beautiful art to |
137s | use um from New World so we went with |
139s | the um Reish pirate piratey sort of |
142s | architecture and everything a lot of |
144s | beautiful aquatic sort of elements in |
147s | there I love those pops of color and all |
149s | of the different |
150s | little little biomes there's there's a |
153s | lot of little corners and Pockets to |
155s | explore and find it's really cool you |
157s | also mentioned the the different levels |
159s | right like so that's that's a feature of |
161s | the map is it has this trench that kind |
163s | of like runs throughout the entirety of |
165s | the map and separates these islands and |
168s | very early on that was that was part of |
170s | this design for this map but something |
172s | we added maybe a little bit later in |
174s | development was a way of linking those |
177s | islands together and you want to talk |
179s | about about that uh Gwen yeah we added |
181s | buildable Bridges so something more |
183s | interesting if you are maybe a little |
186s | bit less into the combat and you really |
187s | like the PVE elements of outpost Rush |
190s | that gives you a little bit more |
192s | opportunity to go Harvest your uh |
195s | materials and actually influence the map |
198s | itself you change the level you change |
200s | the game play so it's a lot more |
203s | exciting yeah and it's fun to like just |
205s | be running around and you're you're kind |
207s | of up top you're looking down you're |
209s | seeing people run down there and it it's |
211s | definitely interesting to have that like |
213s | vertical gameplay which is something |
214s | that you don't have at all in the in the |
216s | original map jump out and gang up on |
218s | somebody that's very fun for sure and |
221s | then the little side caves and |
222s | everything that you can kind of take |
223s | cover in if you're if you're getting it |
225s | from above so yeah there's a there's a |
227s | lot of really fun stuff to discover in |
229s | that map yeah and one of the other |
230s | things uh is like um having just like |
233s | reduced sight lines so in the original |
236s | map um it because it was so wide open we |
239s | had problems with like snipers this map |
241s | it doesn't you know negate that entirely |
243s | there's places for that in the new map |
246s | but there's also like places where |
247s | that's less of a of a of a concern and |
250s | that was kind of one of our goals for um |
252s | you know just kind of varying up the |
254s | combat spaces to highlight the different |
257s | weapon makeups like I mentioned yeah I |
258s | worked on the the initial one way back |
260s | when and there were a lot of like we we |
263s | mentioned a lot of sort of issues that |
265s | would pop up that we really didn't |
266s | anticipate so I remember spending months |
269s | um kind of like making sure that there |
271s | we were getting rid of a lot of sniper |
272s | spots and everything so um that was |
274s | another thing that was really nice to go |
276s | into this and and kind of address it |
278s | from the beginning instead of sort of |
279s | retrofix or retrofit some of the the |
281s | fixes along the way yeah we we did go a |
284s | little bit light on that like with this |
287s | one though right cuz we there are still |
290s | there are places where like you can |
291s | climb and we intentionally left those in |
294s | and they're they're around like the |
295s | center uh the center Fort um because we |
299s | kind of wanted to see |
300s | like is this a problem like you know we |
303s | we know we had some problems like that |
304s | in the original map um and this is one |
307s | of those things that we'd love to get |
308s | feedback on um things like that things |
311s | like the buildable Bridges like how |
312s | impactful are they to how the match |
314s | plays and just in general like what do |
317s | you think about the layout like are |
318s | there changes that you'd like and uh to |
320s | talk more about the preview weekend like |
322s | how can you um how are players going to |
324s | get into this to try it out well you can |
326s | get into the live preview the same way |
327s | that you get into any other Outpost Rush |
329s | map so as soon as the live preview goes |
331s | out on Friday February 7th at 10: a.m. |
335s | Pacific you'll be able to queue up for |
337s | the live preview in Coral divide just |
339s | through the activity finder like you |
340s | would with any other Outpost retap you |
342s | can go in there play the whole weekend |
344s | until we call the preview at an end on |
348s | Monday February 10th at 7:00 a.m. |
350s | Pacific and if you join we're going to |
352s | be handing out XP boosters for every day |
354s | that you join and play a match and we're |
356s | also going to hand out golders coconuts |
358s | during the legacy of Cris event for all |
360s | of those live preview |
362s | participants and Gwen how do they let us |
365s | know what they think about the map I |
367s | would love to hear everyone's feedback |
369s | on the map you can put it in Discord |
371s | Reddit any of our usual Community |
374s | channels or you can put it in feedback |
376s | through the game itself and we'll be |
378s | checking out feedback putting it towards |
380s | the next release of this map as well as |
383s | other future Outpost Rush maps and that |
385s | brings us to our community question and |
387s | what we'd most like to know is what game |
389s | modes you would most like to see in New |
391s | World please leave your suggestions in |
393s | the comments below can't wait to hear |
396s | what you guys |
397s | think and if you liked this video and |
400s | you want to see more videos like this |
402s | please like And subscribe and either way |
405s | we're going to do another video next |
406s | month where we're going to be talking |
407s | about uh the outcome of the Outpost Rush |
410s | preview and the feedback that we got |
412s | from you guys and uh what changes that |
415s | we'd want to make um going into the |
417s | final release so hope you can join us |
419s | for the that and uh thanks for watching |
421s | and we'll see you in a turnup see turn |
424s | thank you |
425s | [Applause] |
431s | [Music] |
435s | [Applause] |
437s | [Music] |
439s | [Applause] |
441s | [Music] |