3 months ago - Play New World - Direct link

Transcript (by Youtube)

0s within the lore of the game does the opr
3s door count as corrupted due to its
6s diabolical existence ancient as it
9s currently lives way past its expected
11s lifespan lost because it can be brought
14s back to life many times or angry Earth
16s because it's a fusion of wood and
20s [Music]
21s [Applause]
25s ore hey everyone welcome to Forest in
28s aternum where we talk about All Things
30s New World world I'm Lula from the quest
32s and narrative team here to talk about
35s the season five updates for msq revamp
38s uh the exciting conclusion to all the
40s revamp that we have been doing before
43s and so quick note on where we came from
47s last time we talked about these types of
48s things it was for the updates to Great
50s cleave and Eden Grove and now we're
53s doing the final two zones Evans scale
55s and Shattered Mountain so I'd like to
57s talk about some of the cool exciting
59s things that are coming up
61s carefully threading the needle between
62s building anticipation and not
64s accidentally spoilering you if I do
67s don't worry that's why we have editing
69s things and um and also I'd like to talk
72s about some of the challenges because I
73s think it's kind of interesting the
74s process we brought to figuring out what
77s to do with not only pre-existing content
80s but more especially like pre-existing
82s environment which to me was like a
83s really creatively gratifying thing to do
87s so one thing that I'd like to show
90s through the power of our um techn magic
94s sorcery is to show you the maps of both
96s of these regions because this is where
98s some of the interesting technical stuff
100s comes and I hope we can put the maps up
102s on screen otherwise I'm going to just be
103s like gesturing weirdly which will be
106s amusing for you but maybe awkward for me
108s so here is Evan scale ah beautiful now
112s unless I'm wrong uh I believe this is
115s like end to endend the second largest
118s Zone that we have second only to
119s brimstone sounds and as you can see like
122s there's a lot of breth from one side to
124s the other if we take it from like
126s Northeast to
127s Southwest now one of the interesting
130s challenges of this Zone because of its
133s length is to figure out like how are we
135s going to thread the player through here
137s in a linear fashion um what you might
141s expect which is the obvious thing is
143s where to conclude this totally down here
145s in the southwest because that's where we
147s run imp on our world train runs and also
149s it's just just like a very climactic
152s looking area and of course you have the
155s uh dungeon fight there with the empress
157s so let's take that as our end point
160s where is our start Point well that's an
162s interesting question do you do it in the
164s north do you do it in the East um I
167s would love to show you the route that
169s we're going to take but I think that
171s would be a little bit spoilery and I
172s kind of want it to be a surprise as
175s you're going through this but as you can
177s see from the size here there's a lot of
179s different options to try to hit all the
181s pois or maybe not hit all of them and
184s let some side quest areas like really
186s make those shine so for us on the team
190s it was an interesting challenge to
192s figure out like what was that specific
193s route going to be so we could really
196s like you know raise up the really cool
198s POI locations that we already have there
200s but give them story significance
203s introduce new
204s characters um the complications that the
207s soul wardens are dealing with as well
210s and we'll talk about that a little bit
211s more later uh and now we'll go to T
214s Shattered Mountain uh now for those of
218s you familiar with this area especially
220s for doing runs on Merc you probably know
222s that this is it has a very different
225s feel from eban scale which is like vast
227s and wide here things are like a little
230s bit imp pined and as you can see there's
232s a lot of uh linear trajectory if you're
236s going west to east uh however since Merk
241s guard is such an important place you
242s know heart of corruption and everything
245s clearly that's where we have to end the
248s msq that might be a spoiler might get
251s edited out but I think it probably won't
252s be because I'm sure you'll agree that
254s like that seems like the most obvious
256s thing like all the story threads and
258s even like you know the things we're
260s seeing
261s environmentally are leading Us North to
263s that location so this presents a very
267s interesting question how do you read the
270s player through here cuz there's really
271s no perfect linear fashion you could come
274s in from the south go west and go east
276s you could do the opposite you could do
279s something that's potentially a little
280s bit more convoluted and that's kind of
283s what I decided to pitch and it works out
285s really well surprisingly again I want to
288s save that uh for you to experience and
291s certainly curious how those of you who
293s are used to going in there for uh uh
296s Elite chest runs feel about the
299s trajector we take through from the very
301s first mission of that to the very end um
304s but again two very interesting zones
306s that provided two different solutions
309s for routing the player to see um as much
312s of the POI areas as we can and I'm
314s pretty satisfied with what we came up
316s with as a team and now the map is off if
319s it was there to begin with and now
320s you're back with me so uh I'll give a
322s little brief synopsis for what these
325s stories were telling in both these zones
327s are at the end of even grow
331s when we're in kedan uh the soul wors are
334s clearly at a very low point and I don't
338s mind telling this story point because
340s it's been out there a few months I don't
341s think it's going to surprise
343s everyone uh The Tempest comes into keran
347s destroys the whole place it's burning
350s Yash is losing morale uh yonas has uh uh
355s yonas is
356s dead if you didn't know that I'm so
359s sorry if if I was the one to say that
361s cuz I love him as a character but that
364s is the huge complication of that
365s storyline you know that's the um uh
369s that's the moment of darkness for the
371s soul Wen group and Where Do We Go From
373s Here hence where we start with Evan
375s scale Where Do We Go From Here uh and
378s the idea comes up from our characters
380s that it seems like based on the
383s trajectory that this war between the
385s soul war and Corruption is going that
388s they need to seek a refuge and kind of
391s build back up and the natural answer to
393s that is heading west into eban scale but
397s what we find there is that's not
400s necessarily the safe Refuge that
402s everyone thinks it might be because
404s corruption has not taken over there yet
407s but it's starting to get a foothold and
409s a foothold that the group did not expect
412s and so there's a lot of complications
414s that come out of there and we end up
416s meeting some new characters with help us
418s on the way uh new characters that we
421s help as well and uh it has a a really uh
426s emotional climactic ending uh despite
429s just being the penultimate uh zone of
431s this story revamp so that takes us to
434s Shattered Mountain what are we doing in
436s Shattered Mountain again this is
438s difficult for me to know like how much
439s should I say now and wait on but I think
444s it's as you expect it's going to be the
446s climactic moment where the soul wors are
448s striking back at the Tempest to you know
452s see who's the Victor is it going to be
453s the player or is it going to be Isabella
456s H I wonder how that's going to turn
458s out so uh yes that's a bit of a synopsis
462s of where you'll be going what you'll be
465s doing and so as we think about the
469s location and the story that you're going
471s to be having fun with uh there are some
474s other additions to that which I would
476s like to talk about very broadly we have
478s new Soul trials uh the boss fights are
481s really cool very climactic one is I'm
485s like literally not going to say anything
487s pithy about it because it's kind of
490s surprising right like I came up with a
493s concept for it ra rather early on and
495s this is like the first boss fight that
496s you'll do in this update and it was an
500s idea we passed it off to environment uh
503s the combat team the AI team and they
506s kind of just like did their magic on the
507s side while I was like wiring things
509s together and working on other parts of
510s the story so you know uh fast forward to
513s like maybe a month or so when all these
516s elements started coming online and I was
518s going into a first play test of it and
521s the way this boss battle proceeds was in
523s a way that like I wasn't expecting and
526s kind of has like a bit of a new mechanic
528s uh to to basically resolve what the
531s conflict is so I'm not going to get any
534s more specifics of that cuz I really want
536s you to experience that firsthand and
537s have you know the emotional reaction
539s that I had when when I first played it
540s but that was very exciting also new
543s additions include in-game cinematics uh
546s what we have are some of the most
548s climactic that we've put in so far um
550s I'm very excited to see
552s them but I can't talk about them just
555s yet the other thing that I would
557s definitely like to bring up is we have
559s three new 2.5d cinematics which are some
563s of my favorite things to talk about um
565s first time I was on forgun of tum that
567s is what I talked about as well and
570s I'm not sure how much that we can say
572s about this yet so I'm going to pitch
576s that we put up like a single screenshot
578s from each right here but if marketing
582s says no because we want to hold on to
584s those things for you then you're going
586s to be seeing some of my great drawings
589s that are heralded across the world as
594s being
595s memorable okay so here's the first one
598s from the piece titled uh wise man's
601s Council and this is about one of the
603s newest characters you're going to meet
604s in eban scale and what's interesting
607s about this is it someone who's kind of
610s developed a new philosophy on a tum with
613s regards to both the opportunities but
616s also kind of like the existential horror
621s of the the challenges of living
624s eternally and he has a philosophy for
627s this that works for him and he's based
629s basically wondering you know how can the
631s player kind of adopt this at their own
634s very low Point uh the next one we have
637s is called a mother's hope and as you can
641s see it's about someone who is having uh
645s difficulty accepting a new situation but
647s trying to fight against it it's pretty
651s gloomy but there's a threat of like hope
653s running through that as well and then
656s the final one is Fallen Angel and this
659s one as you can see is a very interesting
662s perspective on a character that we know
665s but seeing them from a slightly
667s different angle and someone who is a bit
671s more mysterious in our story but who's
675s providing like a different context so
677s now we're back and I hope you got to see
680s my drawings because I'm a little jealous
682s of that they're always fun to
684s show so that's the main overview for msq
687s update um play through it enjoy it don't
690s skip the cutscenes those are like the
692s coolest Parts if you want to skip some
694s of my dialogue and some of my quests I
696s mean you know I'll try to figure out how
698s to forgive you play whichever way you
700s want it's fine um but let's get to some
703s of those uh Community questions that you
706s asked us um there were a lot of
708s questions that came in about PVP content
711s I don't really have those answers but
712s Michael is going to be addressing those
714s at a later time so don't worry we got
716s those covered now your questions
724s why are we still talking about msq
726s question mark question mark question
728s mark
730s hello hello next question no I'm kidding
734s I'm kidding because I didn't talk about
736s that too specifically I mean a lot of it
739s is we're paying off on what we were
740s trying to do when we first started doing
743s the revamp of the stories and now we're
745s at the exciting conclusion which for me
748s as a develop it was actually really
750s satisfying because I I like endings like
754s you know how you get to that point where
755s you don't want to watch the last episode
757s of your show or finish you know a last
760s movie because then it's like oh no it's
761s over I'm not like that I love finishing
764s things because then it's like I can go
765s on to the next thing so for me being at
768s the very end of the story and tying
771s together not only the threads of
773s everything that came before but the
775s threads that we know come after in
777s Brimstone sounds or in alian Wild
780s that was really gratifying and that's a
781s fun place to work at and so because
785s we're tying together all those
788s threads that's why as the question says
790s why are we still talking about it
791s because this was the last time to talk
793s about it until we have like new new
795s content that's coming so we're wrapping
797s things up in a climactic way that pays
800s off on all the stuff that we did
803s beforehand and then like you know seeds
805s some new things that may or may not
807s happen all right next question which is
810s um kind of similar to this so why do the
814s devs feel that the msq is so important
817s it's a lot of effort for Content that
819s players will engage with Once surely
821s this effort would be better invested in
823s repeatable endgame
826s content both are related but uh as far
830s as a lot of the repeatability of endgame
832s content we have other teams working on
834s that and although there are uh some of
836s our narrative and Quest folks working on
839s some stuff that comes later right now
842s I've been sort of like in the middle of
844s what came before and what came after so
846s uh hence why we feel it's important
848s because again you know we set up all
851s these threads and momentum to reach the
853s conclusion and then boom here we are
855s within the lore of the game does the opr
858s door count as corrupted due to its
861s diabolical existence ancient as it
864s currently lives way past its expected
866s lifespan lost because it can be brought
869s back to life many times are angry Earth
872s because it's a fusion of wood and ore I
876s realize this is quite the Beast of a
879s question and then um and then it goes on
882s to like talk about a lot of like door
885s related puns and um I'm contractually
889s obligated to like not mention puns so
892s forgive me I can't I can't talk about
894s that part but you got to the answer on
897s this when you said that this was a beast
900s of a question because it clearly counts
902s as one of the Beast Lords so there you
905s go from me to
907s you I'm sorry I you know got rid of the
910s mystery of that but I'm glad you
913s asked okay uh next question is are there
917s any plans to make msq Soul trials
919s repeatable perhaps with mutations and
922s leaderboards uh yeah we're looking into
924s this it's not something that can happen
926s right now but we've been thinking about
928s like you how we can make that repeatable
930s because like I said before the soul
933s trials that you'll be playing for the
935s final msq update like they're really
937s cool and I would love to see like
938s different versions of that and like you
940s know see can who can do them as fast as
943s possible and things of that nature so um
946s nothing cooking yet but it is something
948s we're thinking about and uh the next
951s question is kind of related to that as
952s well any plans to repurpose unique msq
955s pois like Carbonic Castle um and boom
960s we'll show an image of that right there
962s uh that's that the end of Monarch's
964s Bluff msq where you fight locher and G
968s and the question goes on to say and also
970s solo trials for endgame to improve
972s variety and permanent replayability PVP
975s and PV content uh yeah as with my last
978s answer that's definitely something we're
979s looking into and um you bring up a
982s really interesting point especially with
983s regards to MMOs that you know although
987s Monarch's Bluff Bluffs is early content
991s and very cool once you do it you know
995s it's true you don't have any story
996s reason to necessarily go back there and
998s as far as pvv is concerned that's going
1000s to be more confined to the multiplayer
1002s you know but you know can we take that
1004s POI and like bring it back to re uh
1007s relevance I think that's a really
1008s interesting and ongoing question of like
1010s how can we make all zones not
1012s necessarily just linear but that like
1015s there's always a reason to be like
1016s feeding back in there and going back
1018s there because like you know going back
1021s to the beginning of the game when you're
1022s like super tricked out with equipment
1023s and stuff it's like it's always a cool
1027s Journey uh given how integral repeated
1030s content is in an MMO are there any plans
1032s to allow players to repeat any of the
1033s msq content hard mode version or Soul
1037s trials as mentioned with the other
1039s questions so uh as with the other
1041s answers I hope I'm not paying myself too
1043s much uh it's something we've definitely
1046s talked about and we're super interested
1048s in doing um I don't know if we have any
1050s plans for that as of right now but I
1053s think that's a very cool way like I said
1055s before like if you can make endgame
1058s content in earlier zones that's kind of
1060s a cool perspective oh and and I should
1063s also mention about the when you ask
1065s about the repeatability of the msq
1067s content uh one thing that I can say for
1070s the uh season 5 release is that if you
1074s have finished the old msq or you're like
1076s you're really close to the end of the
1078s msq
1079s uh you're going to be able to start at
1081s the beginning of Eden Grove and then go
1083s like all the way through to the very end
1086s of that so um so there you go why don't
1090s you implement a system where if we
1092s finish the msq we unlock new PVP con
1095s content or have PVP as a part of the
1099s msq uh one problem is that the msq does
1102s nothing to prepare players for uh
1106s PVP and um gu this is also an
1110s interesting MMO uh question because
1112s you're right in the summer Gars there's
1114s like two tracks uh which is good for
1116s players because then you can choose like
1117s what your play style is going to be so
1119s for instance I focus mostly on PVE but
1123s when I'm doing certain quests I like
1125s turning PVP on just so I can have the
1127s threat of like you know watching my back
1129s hiding in tall grass when people are
1130s running by um because I don't have the
1132s best equipment I'm one of those types of
1134s players that picks equipment because I
1135s like it so if you ever see like this
1137s little grave robber girl running around
1139s who's got a Gravedigger shovel and a
1141s little captain's hat and is hiding away
1143s from you because you have better
1144s equipment than me that's me but anyways
1148s uh to not tangent go back to the
1150s question there's kind of two tracks
1151s right you have that story content and
1153s then you have the PBP content and you're
1156s right they don't really talk to each
1157s other too much and there's not any
1160s current plans to bridge that Gap but it
1163s is something that I've had in the back
1164s of my mind okay this is more specific
1168s topics to uh the revamp uh the noble and
1171s gracious Empress Zing is the best
1174s character in New World more lore and
1176s Quests for her would be
1179s great C camera two zoom in zoom in I
1184s think you're going to be pleasantly
1187s surprised is the msq ever going to
1190s reunite us with the ship captain that
1192s brought us to eternum uh we did that was
1195s in great
1196s cleave um or United us with that guy the
1200s ship captain met in the bar who
1202s suggested we travel to a tourn at the
1205s start of the
1206s game you might also be pleasantly
1210s surprised why did my character even
1213s decide to go to a tum what did that guy
1215s at the bar promise
1217s me well I mean only you can answer that
1220s question um I was promised adventure and
1224s the Shipwreck I got
1227s both are we getting more of a storyline
1230s within Shattered
1234s Mountain you
1236s are in the original release msq at one
1240s point you recruited the faction leaders
1241s and had them gather kirun and when you
1244s came back after defeating Thorp in the
1246s depths the place was burned down since
1249s the revamp I don't believe I've seen any
1250s mention of the faction leaders in the
1252s msq will be reintroduced at any point in
1255s the
1256s future yeah uh they are conspicuously
1260s absent aren't they um that was because
1263s as we were putting the new story
1265s together the idea of the conflict with
1268s the factions it didn't seem to fit what
1270s we were doing so we sort of thought that
1273s you know hey let's have the msq over
1274s here and then we'll have the faction
1275s leaders over there doing their own thing
1278s now that being said there's nothing
1279s saying that we wouldn't like necessarily
1281s bring them back in at some point
1283s somewhere um because there are some
1285s really cool characters that I would
1286s personally love to write for and work
1288s with
1289s um so but it's good that we have them so
1292s that is definitely an option uh no plans
1295s that I know of right now or if there are
1297s plans that I know of I'm not going to
1299s talk about it just
1300s yet uh oh here's a slightly related
1304s question are there any plans to revisit
1306s the regions not touched by the revamp
1308s and then goes on to say cutless keys
1311s rwater rless Shores morningdale Etc uh
1315s to bring these up to par Quest wise with
1317s the rest of the game yeah we do have
1319s some plans on some of them um cannot
1321s comment on that just yet pumpkin of
1323s pumpkins asks Lula why are you so insane
1326s I don't know we don't know okay I accept
1330s it I I am merely asking you to join me
1334s in this hallucination that I'm
1338s not um not a question here but this is
1341s kind of an interesting topic uh the
1343s Hopkins jokebook is one of the best lore
1346s pages I have found please consider more
1348s like this it made me search for other
1351s parts uh like no other lore page did I
1355s did not write this thing I will pass
1356s along your comments to who did um and I
1359s like uh the point that you make at the
1361s end that you said you know not only did
1363s you engage with this content but it made
1366s you want to seek out the rest of it and
1368s I think that's one of the best things to
1370s do in a game like ours that has a strong
1373s aspect of exploration which is not just
1377s in lore notes but like adding a little
1379s bite-sized morsels around where you know
1382s to you specifically that is speaking to
1385s you on a level where you want to seek
1387s out and get more uh what brought about
1389s the delay in the final stage of the
1391s revamp and how will it be uh how has it
1395s been improved by the extra development
1397s time I kind of covered this a little bit
1399s for uh before but basically this gave us
1402s time to get uh the new boss fights in
1405s and uh the new uh IDE gc's just polish
1410s them to like an even bigger luster um
1412s and also gave us some time to take some
1414s things that ambition wise we wanted to
1417s do and uh to me as a Storyteller
1421s whenever you say that hey you have a
1422s little bit more time to make this even
1423s more awesome for
1424s players that is something that you know
1427s a writer like myself will not say no to
1430s so it definitely gave us uh a even
1433s better quality than it would have been
1434s before so um I hope you haven't been too
1437s impatient with it and I've been happy to
1439s wait um it's going to be live soon and
1441s I'm excited to get it to
1444s you will the brimstone msq ever get
1448s changed to be unlocked at level 55 or
1450s maybe just introduce some more questing
1452s before that uh currently the pre-b msq
1457s can be finished at level um 49 Tempest
1460s included and there can be a case made
1462s for finishing it at a much lower level
1465s um and my point is that as a player if
1468s you like you're a bit stranded to not
1470s have much to do for about 11 levels of
1472s just doing side questing uh yeah that's
1475s fair critique but I don't think you're
1476s going to have to worry about that with
1478s the revamp anymore uh with the extra
1481s quests that we've added to each zones
1484s those have been scaled exp wise in such
1486s a way that there's going to be a lot
1489s stronger level progression for where you
1491s ended off in Eden Grove all the way to
1494s the end of Shattered Mountain so ideally
1497s by the time you get to the very end uh
1499s you'll probably be able to go right into
1501s Brimstone Sands and like not have to do
1504s any kind of grinding or doing just side
1506s quest before that becomes
1509s active so so the short answer is no but
1512s yes are there any plans to just stop
1515s writing stories and let the local
1518s streamers Run The Narrative of each
1524s server are you trying to put me out of a
1527s job in this
1530s economy um okay the short answer is no I
1534s I I'd very much like to keep making
1535s these stories um but you kind of hit on
1539s an interesting point that I I was sort
1541s of getting to before about you know
1545s players kind of being inclusive of the
1547s narrative are like driving it I think
1550s that's a really exciting question that
1552s I've been trying to answer for New World
1554s thinking about you know future content
1556s and stuff that we might do can you put
1558s in the ability to replay key cut scenes
1562s for the main story Quest
1565s um some of the 2.5d cinematics are so
1570s you can go back and review those as far
1572s as the igc's are concerned I'm not sure
1575s if that's something anything anyone's uh
1578s talked about I think there might be some
1580s sort of technical issues with that um so
1584s don't quote me on that but I can vouch
1586s for at least some of the 2.5d Cinematic
1588s are things you can go back and review
1592s again are there any msq Easter eggs you
1595s wish were better known why does everyone
1597s keep asking me about hippos all the
1600s time do you guys have a plan for future
1604s updates like expanding the msq into the
1607s mid 1800s or early 1900s since the
1610s island is stuck in time but the rest of
1613s the world keeps moving
1616s on that's an interesting question uh I
1620s have I have Divergent thoughts on this
1623s one there's a lot of characters in
1627s Antiquity and up to around the 1600s
1630s where our story takes place that you
1633s know I'm very interested in bringing
1636s into the story and I think if you ask
1637s anyone else on the narrative team and
1638s Quest team they probably have people as
1640s well um without naming names uh there is
1643s one really interesting person from
1646s Antiquity in Europe that I'd love to
1648s bring in and then alternatively there's
1651s someone from Asia who is actually
1653s contemporary to the time in which our
1655s game takes place and what's interesting
1658s about that person is they drop out of
1661s the historical record like we have a
1664s decent amount of History up to within
1666s like a couple of Decades of where we're
1669s at in time but we don't know what
1672s happens to this person at all so it's
1674s easy for us to say that you
1675s know they go through the door they get
1678s get whisked away from a tum um so those
1680s are those are two historical characters
1683s before the dates you're mentioning that
1684s would be interesting to bring in and so
1687s with that wealth of of
1692s possibility the question that I would
1694s want to be asking our narrative team is
1697s if we were to say like move forward in
1699s time and have
1701s that what do those time periods give us
1705s on a whole level right because again so
1707s many interesting characters historical
1709s or mythological we can bring in but like
1711s specifically on these time periods
1714s rather than just having like super cool
1716s people is there something else we can do
1718s like is there
1720s some technology that they've created
1723s that can then be extrapolated in like a
1725s really big way so if it isn't just
1728s character-based if there's some sort of
1729s like McGuffin we can bring in I think
1732s then that's the kind of answer that I
1736s would want to be using to like bring
1738s those types of things in and uh ah we
1741s are at the last question here we
1743s go can you give us a glimpse or sneak
1746s peek into the next large content SL
1749s expansion storyline uh what new
1751s characters are we going to meet next or
1753s what Adventures are we setting out on
1756s that information's already out there if
1758s you play the leian Wilds expansion pack
1761s rise of the angry earth that is
1763s specifically at the end of the game
1764s there
1765s is what what would we want to call it an
1768s an omen a prediction a deao saying of
1771s what's going to go on like there are
1773s some really interesting visuals that
1776s some of which you can definitely take
1777s literally some of which you can take
1780s metaphorically but even that's probably
1782s a little bit literal too but anyways
1784s like there's a wealth of visuals and
1786s things that the uh narrator of that
1788s piece is telling you that is going to
1790s give a strong indication of where we
1793s want to go
1794s next I have other information in here
1797s here but I would rather not spoil
1800s anything so so that takes us to the ends
1804s of the questions I hope you enjoyed that
1806s which brings us to our related Community
1808s question which is do you like this
1809s format uh of having this Q&A sessions if
1813s so we can keep doing this for the rest
1815s of our for in ATT tum that are coming
1817s and not just Story related stuff PVP or
1821s whatever we happen to be talking about
1822s uh on that specific episode uh let us
1825s know and we can do that going forward so
1828s make sure to please like And subscribe
1830s that lets us know to keep going with
1831s these further and touch on topics that
1833s are interesting to you and we'll see you
1835s in a
1838s [Music]
1839s [Applause]
1845s [Music]
1849s tournament