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0s but the best thing is the named Dynasty
3s New Year uh armor set that's exclusive
6s to this event
8s [Applause]
12s itself hello and welcome to forged in
15s eternum the show where we talk all
17s things new world I'm your host today
19s Patrick and joining me is Rome producer
21s on the team and Nix a level designer on
23s the team so guys we're here today to
25s talk about the Year of the Dragon micro
27s event I'm pretty excited about this one
29s it's the second micro event we're doing
31s in the game first one being uh the
34s raffle bones event from last year which
35s was pretty fun it was good excess Ru
37s around and chasing down those raffle
38s bones out of the portals and getting the
40s loot from that so Year of the Dragon
42s second iteration on those sorts of
44s events Nix go ahead and talk to me about
46s where the idea came from uh for this
48s event yeah so the idea of having a Lunar
51s New Year event in New World definitely
53s comes from more of a personal experience
55s and you know a cultural background of
57s mine um so I grew up in China Mainland
61s and you know back when I was a kid
64s Chinese New Year Eve is definitely the
66s most anticipated the most exciting day
69s of all year and uh you just have all
72s sorts of fun activities to do like you
74s get to light up fireworks you get a
77s light of
78s firecrackers um you can have hot pot
80s dinners together with your family you
82s know um and most important of all you
86s get to get a huge amount of pocket money
88s from all the rat packets and uh it's
91s just so good yeah yeah that's really
94s cool so you got to leverage then your
96s personal experience to help build this
98s event um Translating that personal
100s experience into ingame how does lore in
103s game reflect you know that experience
104s that you were trying to create for
105s players well uh first of all uh the
109s Lunar New Year event is definitely an
111s event that lets the players eat well get
114s rewarded well and you know seeing good
118s uh fireworks scenes but but the Lower
121s Side you know it's also deeply draws
124s Inspirations from the the Eastern
126s culture the Oriental culture so before
129s all these uh corruption Madness all of
132s these red people coming to the island uh
135s the the settlers in ecale reach uh will
138s celebrate their New Year's Eve by
140s bringing Foods all sorts of wine family
143s heirlooms to the important areas the
146s sacred places throughout the eans scal
148s reach and they willay pay tribute to the
151s ancient dragon Dei uh by you know
154s putting those stuff on the altar in
156s hopes of a a Year's good for fortune in
159s the upcoming year so yeah and now as the
163s Year of the Dragon is approaching um
167s people are putting up a fight against
169s the corruption as well um so yeah we
172s decided to revive this tradition that's
174s awesome all right so that's a lot of
176s really interesting background on the
177s event how it came to be and how it's
178s reflected in game let's dive into some
180s of the specifics so Ramil what am I
183s actually doing in game during this event
185s okay so there's going to be a couple
187s things you're going to do first there's
188s going to be a tribute run it's obviously
191s in Ean skills reach so there's uh three
194s locations the Sky song Temple the
197s serenity Outpost and the Imperial Palace
200s So like um Nick mentioned you're going
203s to go there you're going to do a couple
205s tribute runs you're going to kill some
207s enemies you're going to kill the main
209s boss uh the corrupted Maiden which she's
211s going to drop some really cool loot um
214s the other cool thing is within the
216s settlement itself there's going to be a
219s large banquet table where you'll gather
221s multiple different ingredients to cola
224s hot uh to Coca Hot Pot uh which will
227s give you some cool bonuses for the day
230s and as well as at night the best things
232s about any New Year's is the fireworks so
235s which will really bring in the New Year
237s itself yeah really excited for that bit
239s I think this event is a great job of
240s bringing extra life to weapon scale when
242s you go there in the evenings seeing
243s those fireworks shoot off yeah it's
245s really cool spectacle and something I
246s think we're happy to bring to weapon
248s skill to kind of change up the more
250s generic gameplay that's there uh for the
252s rest of the year yeah so definitely so
253s Nick Rome was just talking about the
255s tribute runs um our players here haven't
257s yet gotten to hop in and experience
258s those uh can you give a little
260s background on what a tribute run is and
261s maybe where the inspiration for that
263s gameplay came from sure yeah so I have
266s been a fan of War tour um in New War for
269s the long time and you know it just
271s always feels great to have 40ish people
274s around you and you guys just you know
276s band together steam steam roll through
279s the hardest objectives so yeah it always
282s feels great but War tours have its
284s downsides its limits uh so first of all
287s obviously you have to wait for an
288s organizer to actually organize it you
290s might need to join a Discord to attend
292s it on time um and also sometimes you
295s just don't have the time you know it
297s also only happens in a certain Elite
299s zones the hardest zones um in New World
303s so I figured why don't we make a faster
307s um a smaller a quicker version of this
309s war tour um a chess run but
312s accomplishable by the single player and
316s uh we have all sorts of beautiful points
318s of interest beautiful landmarks
320s throughout ens scale reach uh that are
324s undervisor it in some sort of way by
326s turning let's say skyon Temple into a an
330s event space I mean that place is
333s majestic yeah it's very cool I think
336s what you did here with tying in some of
337s the cultural aspects into a more refined
340s space to let a solo player go in and go
342s to these different areas get these items
344s and use that to build up towards an
346s engaging boss fight that drops pretty
347s cool loop uh it works great for the
350s Casual player and really helps refine
351s that idea of the micro event that we
353s were trying to push with here of the
354s Dragon so all exciting stuff there um so
357s when I when I complete my tribute run
359s Rome what sort of rewards am I looking
361s at and uh why am I doing this day after
363s day sure um there's really cool rewards
366s throughout the entire event uh the
368s banquet uh table when you cook up the
370s Hot Pot it will give you a spicy hot pot
373s which will give you a gathering yield
375s increases uh as well as increase
378s fraction tokens um the other cool thing
381s is when you defeat the corrupted Maiden
383s she will drop um gear score that's
385s greater than 625 but the best thing is
389s the named Dynasty New Year uh armor set
392s that's exclusive to this event itself so
396s get in there make sure you do the event
398s and uh kill the corrup maiden and
400s collect all five pieces yes sir dragon
402s scale yeah I got to go in there and get
404s that unique armor for my transmog I'm a
406s collector I got to get every piece that
408s drops to make sure that my uh my screen
410s is getting filled up and I'm not leaving
412s anything behind so once a year
413s opportunity to hop in and get that and
415s then the food you talked about the spicy
417s hot pot our only food in the game that
419s increases your faction token yield so I
421s think it's going to have a lot of value
422s there I'm going to want to go and cook
423s that food at the Hot Pot each day and
425s make sure that I have that food
426s stockpiled for the rest of the year yep
428s so that way I'm really maximizing my
429s faction tokens for my chromatics heals
431s and everything I'm trying to buy in
432s there so all great stuff um one reward
435s you didn't mentioned yet also we uh
437s every Lunar New Year has their red
438s envelopes so we're giving players 88
441s coin with uh the settlement uh coin
444s baskets you can get so exciting way for
446s players to earn more and more coin yeah
448s definitely all right yep
450s definitely need a lot more gold in this
452s game yes we do all right ni so you
455s worked hard to ideate on real world uh
458s tie-ins to this this event things that
460s you might get you know in any Lunar New
462s Year celebration so you talked about
463s spicy hot pot for example how are those
465s rewards reflected in game um well we
468s definitely have a lot of elements of
470s cultural significance in the Lunar New
473s Year event and uh let's let's say it
476s includes Hot Pot it includes gift sacks
479s fire fireworks and like you know open
482s space bankets um we put that in not only
486s because you know they feel good they're
487s fun to participate in but also because
490s that's just what we do for Chinese New
491s Year man that's just that's just a part
494s of the culture and for the gift sacks
496s especially um we try to tie it with the
500s theme of year of the dragon as well so
503s for each GI gift sack it includes um of
507s course it includes uh essential
509s materials like Dark Matters gypsums and
513s gems that we all need all the time um it
516s also includes dragon fish which
519s symbolizes um prosperity in the upcoming
522s year um that's why we have fish every
525s New Year's Eve dinner um it also has
528s silk and dyes a symbol of wealth and
531s after that you know everyone receives a
534s red packet of 88 coins 888 is a really
536s good number in both China and Korea
539s awesome cool well it's a lot of exciting
541s stuff so I'm really excited to see how
543s this event came together uh it's going
545s to be really fun and I'm excited to
547s explore more events like this these
549s smaller scale events help break up the
550s day-to-day that you're experiencing in
552s eternum and I think gives us something
554s awesome to uh look forward to year after
555s year so yeah definitely of course
558s awesome all right well thank you both
559s for joining me uh if you've liked this
561s episode please make sure to like And
562s subscribe and for today's Community
564s question what other sorts of things do
566s you want to see in New World as micro
568s events thanks for playing and we'll see
570s you in a tum and happy New
573s Year uh today we are here to talk about
576s a uh kind of a set of features uh called
579s crossworld Expeditions and improved
582s group
583s [Applause]
583s [Music]
592s [Applause]
594s finder