8 months ago - Play New World - Direct link

Transcript (by Youtube)

0s so everyone sounds good we'll look at
2s this camera today or me I'll be standing
5s here asking the questions let me look at
6s you it feels pretty low
8s I don't like that I like the upshot okay
10s it makes us look more powerful I don't
12s like this angle because it undermines my
14s authority okay
17s not care at all if it looks good last
20s time it looks good it looks good leave
22s leave it I'm good to go whenever you're
25s ready to uh you're ready let's do this
29s if you don't get to talk
31s [Music]
31s [Applause]
36s hey everybody Welcome to foraging
38s eternum where we talk about all things
39s new world today is a special edition the
42s September q a video and even more
44s special
45s episode 50.
48s you might also notice we're back here in
50s our normal Studio because we have a team
53s up in Seattle and we have a team down
55s here so we go back and forth on occasion
57s we wanted to include a lot of our
59s Seattle folks in the video to make it
60s easier on them so we're glad to be back
63s we're even more glad to answer your
65s questions so with that I'm going to hand
67s it off to Michael to ask away all right
69s we've got a lot of questions today so um
72s first one uh when can I buy the
74s expansion
76s you can buy the expansion October 3rd
78s you can get it on your wish list early
81s but there are no pre-orders
83s have you identified the main root causes
86s for instability on PTR opening day and
88s are you confident they will not be
90s repeated at launch yes we have
93s identified the root cause and we are
96s confident that that particular issue
98s will not happen on day one of the
100s expansion
101s it's the beauty of a PTR it allows us to
103s catch some of these things before they
105s go live exactly and if you hop into the
107s if you had hopped into the PTR after we
109s had put the fix through you notice that
111s the stability definitely got a lot
113s better
114s cool and with all the upcoming changes
117s to the gearing system I would expect
119s that the overall process of getting a
121s very good gear set will be faster and
123s easier than before and that the need for
126s multiple sets will be reduced with that
128s in mind what are the long-term goals for
130s gear progression how do you plan to keep
132s gear progression interesting in the long
134s term can we expect faster gear score
136s increases than before like like two
138s years from now on
140s uh let me start I think first of all you
143s know one of our goals here was to allow
144s people to get uh really good gear
146s quickly like we wanted to make that
148s faster we wanted to make it less of a
150s grinding at that we wanted to make less
151s requirements to get multiple sets again
154s the focus is on have fun like that's one
156s of the beauties of a classless game like
158s ours is like you get to experiment with
159s more builds and we wanted players to
161s have that opportunity
163s uh with that said I do think like
165s between artifacts leveling them up uh
167s getting you know absolute best three
170s perks and 700 gear they're still going
172s to be a nice Runway here also uh and
174s we'll talk more about the future of
176s progression in the future
178s maybe an imbalance of Power episode oh
181s what a great place for that
183s are there any plans to change from
185s corrupted portals and invasions into
187s angry Earth portals and invasions this
190s is Rise of angry Earth after all I'm
192s dreading doing the same invasions I've
194s done for two years already
196s well I'm sorry that you're dreading that
198s um there are we don't have plans for
200s angry Earth changes but
203s if we were to do another race in the
205s future I think that would be an
206s interesting call out and it's something
208s that we are talking about and I think
209s would be a lot of fun
213s okay if you look at how demanding the
215s bis crafting is going to be along with
218s getting all the new artifacts then there
220s is a very long grind ahead of you
223s this is an interesting question after
225s the one two questions ago where it was
227s too quick so I think you know hopefully
229s we're somewhere in the middle uh I do
231s think like the the sort of the Prismatic
233s Scarab crafting is relatively expensive
236s and and that is intentional right
237s because that is pure bis best in slot
240s like it's 700 gear score you get to
242s choose all your perks uh so that is that
245s is a little bit expensive but but it's
246s guaranteed to be the absolute best
249s okay when buying the expansion is there
252s a chance we will get a discounted bundle
254s that includes a premium season pass we
257s are not bundling the expansion with the
259s season pass the season pass is an
261s in-game purchase and then the expansion
264s you can purchase through the same store
266s are the influence windows currently just
269s for testing or is the idea that this
271s will also be the time for live the idea
274s is that this will also be the time for
276s live so we'll take feedback from the PTR
278s and we decide if you know it makes sense
281s but yeah what's current what was on the
284s PTR is what we are currently working
285s with those are based on like the Prime
288s Times of server windows and and we want
290s those tight gaps right time frame yeah
293s we don't want it to be too spread out
294s because we the whole point is to get a
297s lot of PVP players into one particular
299s area fighting it out and having a good
301s time it's also super tunable right we're
303s going to see in the PTR but the live
305s audience always behaves a little
306s differently and we have
308s um we've got Cool Tools and Telemetry to
311s be able to to play with that and make
312s sure that it's always feels like Optimal
316s okay what happens to gypsum will it
320s become useless
321s uh no gypsum still has a use mainly
324s building gypsum orbs out of it uh the
327s gypsum caches uh you know are a little
329s bit less useful they're a good way to
331s sort of get up to that 620 knots twice
333s sorry let me try that again up to that
335s 625 base level If you're sort of coming
337s back to the game uh but the orbs will
339s still have good usage between the weapon
341s matrices which are used for reloading
343s perks uh and upgrading uh heart runs to
346s 700.
347s we were told there was a PVP surprise we
349s might could guess in addition to the
351s influence changes was this just Eden
353s Grove and if so how are we supposed to
355s guess a lot of us were hoping for a PVP
357s zone are similar and it feels like PV
360s peers got left behind again
363s all right so there's a fair amount to
365s unpack here now I I could be wrong here
368s but I'm pretty sure we didn't say a PVP
370s special surprise if we did we were
372s referring to Eden Grove replacing First
375s Light which by the way I think the Eden
377s Grove settlement is pretty awesome
379s also PVP is like the influence change we
382s think is going to have a major impact on
384s the experience so it saddens me to think
387s that you know while we took the time to
389s add this PVP feature you still feel left
390s behind that said you know going forward
394s we have a lot more and still in mind for
396s PVP we're just not ready to talk about
398s it today is about the expansion will we
400s be able to reset our territory standing
403s no
406s good answer neither of you can speak for
409s the rest of this now all right
412s you already broke that rule weird rules
416s um thanks you don't know the rules of
418s change like a soda or something for the
421s other person no Scott you can answer the
423s rest of them if you'd like we'll see I
427s know the rules of jinx
429s come on okay question about PVE is there
432s any plan to add more end game activities
434s other than mutations dungeon scaling
437s based upon how many players in the party
438s show some love for the PVE Arenas any
442s plan to improve invasions adding or
444s changing activities which are rewarding
446s players with crafting materials stat
449s perk mods High tier crafting materials
451s Etc any plans to build upon corrupted po
454s portals roadside encounters
458s there was a lot of questions a lot of
460s suggestions what I'll say is like we we
463s really want to keep this focused on the
464s expansion however we I'll I'll give this
467s to bit we have major plans to improve
469s the PVE experience we also have major
471s plans to improve the PVP experience but
473s that's stuff we don't want to talk about
475s until we start talking about next year
478s what will happen in opr war with the new
480s level ranges with will people who didn't
483s buy the expansion be screwed
487s screwed's a hard word opr we are raising
489s the minimum level up the we're going to
491s raise everyone up to 675 so they can
493s compete I know that's not all the way to
495s 700 but that that's what we're doing uh
498s war is going to be tough like you know
500s the answer is you're not gonna it's
502s gonna be hard to get picked in war if
504s you don't buy the expansion yeah and
506s just to reiterate there's no scaling in
509s open world PVP or War but there it will
512s be scaling in Outpost rush so and arena
516s is and I know it's a favorite mode for a
518s lot of our players so you can get in
520s there and be you know somewhat
523s competitive but like Scott said this is
525s something where if you really want to
526s still be competitive on top of the
527s leaderboards
529s how will influence races work for
531s companies that own multiple territories
534s well influence raises happen one
537s territory at a time so there's not a
540s massive impact to to companies that own
543s multiple territories but you will have
545s to defend all of them so that's
547s something to consider you know you'll
549s have to defend them in war you already
551s have to defend them in Invasions and
553s then you're going to have to fight off
554s everybody in the influence Race So
557s something to consider for those that do
559s own multiple territories with the new
561s bis crafting recipes requiring so many
564s resources are there any plans to reduce
566s the amount of materials needed or adding
569s new nodes
570s we are looking at this I think we are
573s considering uh a slight reduction in the
576s Prismatic Scarab crafting we're going to
578s take a look at more data make a final
580s decision but that's that's potentially
581s likely we're also taking a look at the
584s influx of mithril on the the new end
587s resources and and we may like increase
590s the respawn time of those uh to help
593s compensate uh for that also yeah we're
595s going to keep looking and tuning as
597s needed so I will be paying attention in
599s data as well as to player reports
602s do we need to empty the first light
604s storage or are the contents there move
606s to another storage with the update
608s uh no the so if you didn't purchase the
611s expansion
613s um the
615s it's going to be the same experience
616s that you have right now in game so your
618s storage from first light uh back when we
621s introduced season two is available
623s through the storage system it's not a
624s physical location that's still something
626s you can pull from you can't add to it
629s for those that purchase the expansion
631s you now have Elysian Wilds
633s um storage so you can put things in take
636s things out it acts just like the rest of
637s the storage in the world but if you
639s didn't buy the expansion you can still
640s get access to Eden Grove which adds that
642s storage back so you really didn't miss
644s out on any storage capacity exactly but
646s if you're wondering specifically about
648s what happens to the first light stuff
649s it's it's still there okay we will take
652s your stuff all right um yet
655s [Laughter]
657s that was her
659s okay
661s does anything happen to existing named
663s items at gear score 590 I assume they
666s can drop at a higher gear score after
668s the update but the ones in our inventory
670s remain at 590 and can no longer be
672s increased
673s uh yeah so this is one of those things
676s that if you have named items at 590 you
678s should upgrade them pre the expansion
680s because they won't be upgradable post uh
683s the good news is that post it'll drop at
686s 6 25 so you will no longer need to
688s upgrade them so upgrade them now if you
690s have them otherwise you'll get new
692s shinier uh better ones post expansion
695s anything new about the first light
698s standing that you stole from us the
700s achievements are unreachable as well now
706s well
708s we are replacing it with the Eden Grove
710s standing that you can start to to build
712s up and same with the achievements there
714s uh
715s you know sometimes you have to do what
717s you think is in the best health of the
718s game and while first light was a zone
721s that people hadn't played the truth is
723s the heat map showed there wasn't a lot
724s of activity there and it made a lot more
727s sense to rather than add another Zone to
730s the side of the map to further spread
731s players out to try to give players like
733s a closer place to go because one thing
735s we have learned is they'll have players
736s like that proximity of each other and
738s the more we can support that the better
739s so
740s yeah and I mean just to add on to that
743s the reason why we chose first light is
746s because there wasn't a ton of players
747s and the ones that were there were really
749s at the Fort capping it for the bonus and
752s we preserved that with season two we
753s moved that to Weaver's Fen so that's
755s something that you still get we preserve
757s the storage for you so you can still
759s take things out and now we've added Eden
761s Grove storage so it's it's evened out
763s and you can start that grind for the the
765s territory standing again
768s okay
770s there's a very hot topic on the Discord
772s form about the fresh server question
775s will there be at least one fresh server
777s where after a month transfers will be
779s opened or the server merged because many
781s of my friends want to play the expansion
783s but completely from scratch without a
785s damaged economy
787s so no there will not be fresh start
789s servers with the expansion and as far as
793s the damaged economy
795s um that's that's been a long time since
798s we've had dupes and those those horrible
802s beginning game experiences that we
804s totally own and we have righted you can
808s still play on Fresh Start worlds that
810s are around since the post Brimstone Sans
813s launch so those are still around as long
816s as they have the no transfer in mark on
819s them then feel free to join those ones
820s or join a legacy server because it's a
823s lot of fun too
824s heyo I am worried about the state of the
827s game after introducing pay to win to the
829s game can someone please clarify what
831s happens to the players that do not buy
833s the expansion will PVP be equally
836s balanced for free and paid players are
838s they able to use the same gear and
840s weapon thank you
843s yeah so I don't look at it as pay to win
846s I look at it more of a pay to continue
848s the game to play to keep progressing
850s both your level okay to have access to
853s the new content and continue growing
855s your character
856s um which I think is a pretty common
857s theme in the genre
860s that said you know we are still giving
863s pill players that don't buy the
865s expansion access to new content like the
867s Eagan Grove settlement which is a pretty
869s big deal I think
870s also we're trying to do our best to keep
873s them competitive in PvP while keeping it
876s fair for everybody by you know Outpost
878s Russian Arenas raising it to 675 so they
881s can at least compete and be a part of it
884s but overall like you know
886s the expansions where the new content and
888s the new Hot Stuff is yep so I've heard
891s that people who put new world on a disk
893s drive have a pretty bad experience uh
897s could we speak to this yeah I think the
900s minimum requirements for new world is a
902s disk drive that goes at 2 000 megabytes
905s per second that is going to be really
908s really hard to achieve on any hard disk
911s drive unless it's like raid zeroed and
913s like all this optimization so most
915s likely you're going to need an SSD to
918s hit those speeds so please the game
920s plays a lot better you'll remove a lot
921s of the micro stuttering and enjoy it a
923s lot more
924s okay
926s um and finally so what should players be
930s doing between now and the expansion that
932s would be valuable after the expansion
936s first it's always valuable to just play
938s and enjoy the game and have fun uh one
941s thing that I would probably do is if
943s you're if you're one of those people
944s that's into the msq and you're working
946s through it and leveling again especially
947s if you came back and you'd stop I would
949s actually stop it before entering great
951s cleave
952s and then we've redone that and there's
954s all this new Exposition on Thorpe and
956s the fight's really cool and it'll pick
958s up and carry you through that and I so I
960s would stop at the end of Weaver's phone
961s right before you go to Great cleave and
963s if you've already completed the app to
966s say
967s um Tempest right so a lot of people I
969s know got up to Tempest and maybe didn't
971s go through Brimstone Sands make sure you
974s go through Brimstone Sands because up to
976s Tempest you're getting like 500 level
978s gear and then in Brimstone the quest
980s line drops like 6 15 gear score items
983s 620 gear score items so you can start
985s picking up at least like those items get
986s you ready for Elysian Wilds in the
988s higher level zone so definitely complete
990s Brimstone Sands if you have not
993s um I think if you're a Min maxer there's
996s a lot you could potentially do depending
997s on how deep you want to go like uh one
1000s thing I would get all my crafting skills
1001s up to 200 all my refining skills up to
1003s 200 uh I would probably stockpile enough
1007s materials to ensure I could get to 250
1009s very quickly like if you're going to do
1012s melting you know you'd probably need
1013s around 1300 orients so prepare all the
1017s materials for that I'd get my weapon
1019s masteries all up to 20. there's lots of
1022s good strategies uh on that uh what else
1026s might I do I might start getting
1028s materials that you know will be useful
1029s uh gypsum orbs like we talked about have
1032s some use so if you don't have those I
1033s would gather some of those and I'd get
1036s all my gear ready uh you know to fight
1038s in a legion Wilds you know there's going
1040s to be a lot of angry Earth there's going
1041s to be a lot of beasts there we did get
1043s rid of wards but remember there are now
1046s the new Ward potions which sort of are
1048s longer lasting so have a couple of those
1050s ready and have gear ready to uh to fight
1053s the Wilds of Elysian
1055s yeah and I I would you know once the
1057s expansion comes out
1059s I wouldn't rush through the content I
1061s would take your time and enjoy it go get
1062s on the go get that horse cruise around
1064s go up and check out Eden Grove because
1067s the settlement is really cool and that
1069s like there's a lot of neat stuff that
1071s you could just see by you know yeah
1073s getting them getting lost in the world a
1075s little bit well if you're Syndicate you
1076s have to go up to Eden Grove anyways to
1078s start your Elysian Wilds questline yeah
1080s so you're already in there Marauder is
1084s in Covenant we'll have to take a little
1085s detour from where their starter quests
1087s are
1087s or rush to 700 and own an arena 100
1091s that's all we're done
1093s uh anyway I think that's it right you
1096s know actually while we're here
1097s um what Mount are you each gonna ride
1099s direwolf
1102s probably the wolf I like classic I'm
1105s gonna stick with the horse okay no Lions
1107s okay I'm good
1109s cats
1111s uh all right well that's it and you know
1115s thanks to everybody for continuing to
1117s like support us and play like getting to
1119s episode 50 of this is kind of a pretty
1121s cool milestone for for us so we we like
1124s just can't stress enough how much we
1126s appreciate the support and the constant
1128s feedback and uh just love the dialogue
1130s back and forth with everybody it's it's
1132s awesome uh so
1134s if you like us subscribe we'll keep
1137s doing these otherwise you know we'll see
1138s you in a tournament
1142s okay what's wrong you're supposed to
1144s like And subscribe if you like us
1146s subscribe
1151s no but it's really on theme for clapping
1153s the knees comments too so clapping the
1156s knees
1162s okay okay
1164s at least they are what's nice is it's
1166s not just for PVE or PVP it'll be useful
1169s on both sets of gear so it sort of
1171s brings the gear together but short
1173s answer is you know we're going to
1175s continue to look at perks our goal is
1176s not to have one that clearly outshines
1178s others
1179s [Music]
1180s [Applause]
1186s [Music]
1190s [Applause]