8 months ago - Play New World - Direct link

Transcript (by Youtube)

0s we have horses we have direwolves and we
3s have Lions it's a fairly eclectic mix
6s maybe we'll go further in the future
9s [Music]
9s [Applause]
14s welcome again everybody to forged in
16s eternum the show that is about all
18s things new world today
21s it is my great pleasure to uh introduce
24s myself from Dan Henry I'm the PO of the
26s social and the team
28s for the future we're discussing today
30s and with me is Andy manches he's a lead
33s designer for this wonderful feature and
36s the feature is mounts everybody it's
38s it's happening it's been a while uh some
42s of you out there have expressed interest
44s from time to time in having a faster way
47s to get from point A to point B and uh
50s Andy how long have you been working on
52s this thing it's been over a year I've
55s lost my sense of time while working on
57s it because it's been a wild ride time
59s flies when you're absolutely riding a
61s horse and making progress yeah uh well
64s let's start there man like I know you um
67s you were interested in mounts for a
69s while because of your your background
71s right yeah absolutely I love like um
74s Locomotion in games like second to
76s Second the feeling on a controller uh
79s the way the controls are tuned the way
81s the camera is tuned I feel like it's an
83s underused
85s in in our industry it can always you can
87s always make a game actually feel better
89s like with higher Fidelity and I feel
91s that's what we're aiming to bring to
93s mounts yeah I loved how you I mean you
95s you worked on how many racing games did
97s you work on back in the day oh tons tons
100s uh
101s at least five as a physics designer as
103s like a handling designer yeah so I was
105s pleased to bring like some of those
106s tricks and techniques to mounts yeah so
109s when when Mouse first started up about I
111s guess a little under a year ago
114s um you you I know you dove in and just
117s kind of started like you know prototype
119s things with the team like what was that
120s like yes that was the most awesome bit I
122s think
123s that we had like a blank slate we did
125s have one like pink untextured horse that
128s Kevin Christensen had made previously so
131s I feel like that was so we didn't even
133s have to set that up but we did get to
135s set up like a whole bunch of tuning
137s parameters with on a blank board and
139s then just start experimenting without
141s any pressure at that point without any
143s pressure of our deadline which is also
145s really nice plus I got to work with a
147s bunch of our new Mount coders who were
149s like with
151s that's such a good feature team
152s experience we ended up like a divine
155s intervention like with such a cool and
158s hard-working group of coders like it's
160s been an absolute Joy it really has and
162s you know anybody from the mountains team
163s that's watching right now that couldn't
164s be with us I mean thanks you you all did
166s amazing work on this thing it was it was
168s a real joy to work on
170s um you're not lying about the pink horse
171s I remember that because when it's like
174s it was an untextured horse model and
176s like
177s just so happens that our placeholder
179s texture is pink yep so it was like a it
182s was it was pretty magical somewhat
183s iconic maybe we'll make t-shirts with
185s their own yeah yeah I'll never forget it
188s um so now so we've got a whole feature
190s for mounts um you know there's there's
193s so many things to talk about it's a it's
195s a pretty big feature like we've talked
196s about often it's it's really more like
198s 10 features in one so absolutely
200s um you know I guess without without
202s giving it away any like spoilers for the
204s story and stuff but like you know what's
206s what's kind of the player experience
207s going to be in the expansion
210s um I feel like the player experience is
212s going to change a lot with previously
215s you can either fast travel which is very
218s instantaneous or you could walk which I
220s don't know I didn't find it grindy but
221s I've heard you know the world's very big
223s so it can take longer than you might
224s think I feel this is like the perfect
226s intermediary point whereby you get to
229s see all the scenery of eternum like the
231s the game world looks gorgeous and yet
234s you get to do it just that little bit
235s more speed
236s plus also I think the player experience
239s changes because you have a bit more
240s agency like we have the dash mechanics
243s so you can suddenly give a burst of
244s speed based on your Mount stamina and it
246s kind of feels good like we have the
248s screen effects the fourth transition
250s yeah I just feel like it feels
253s intuitive and cool like I like playing
255s it anyway I think I think our fans will
257s yeah there's um you know you're kind of
260s telling me like you know all the kind of
262s like little tricks that we can do to to
264s make it really feel like like a super
266s speed it's all there it feels really
268s good
269s um speaking of speed like so so what's
271s going to be the deal with speed how's
273s that going to work okay so
277s we thought about having speed as a
280s characteristic of the mount you know
282s slow horse fast horse old mule like
284s Black Beauty
285s type deal but actually it's kind of
288s cooler if it's a property of the player
290s character itself and it fits really
292s nicely into trade skill it means that
296s it kind of means that you untie what you
299s want your Mount to look like with how
301s you want it to behave so now you can
303s kind of do both at the same time so
305s we're not saying like always ride this
307s certain horse with a certain appearance
308s because it's fastest and that would lead
310s us into like a world where everybody's
312s riding the same thing which is kind of
314s boring so now we've like ring fenced the
316s visuals and if you want to you want your
318s horse to be faster then you simply
321s unriding trade skill XP and it will make
324s you faster eventually When You Reach
325s certain trade skill thresholds I feel
328s like that's intuitive too it's intuitive
330s for our game yeah yeah and how do you
333s earn this this writing skill aha I'm
335s pleased you've asked so who the um
338s there's there's Mount consumable food
341s but actually the consumable food you'd
343s expect there to be consumable food for
345s mounts right but I think that's more of
346s a supplement the thing that the core way
348s of earning riding XP is by completing
351s our Mount quests
353s malquess very interesting yep so we
356s wanted to do something a little bit
357s different from the regular quests
360s because it's mounts like it should be
362s more based upon travel maybe less upon
364s less upon combat for example so we have
367s added Mount it's called the mount races
369s maybe they're Mount time trials would be
371s a fairer thing to call them so get to A
373s to B within a certain time some of them
376s are tours whereby you have to go quite a
378s distance and just get to one checkpoint
380s on the other edge of the map and that's
382s kind of much more about navigating and
384s then the other ones are called rallies
385s and they're like you see the checkpoint
387s ahead of you you see the timer ticking
389s down you're going to try and get there
391s like as quick as possible you get into
393s the red and you're like you know that
395s old kind of racing game arcade Vibe
397s whereby you cross just as a thing hits
399s zero and like that feels really good
401s then you see your time extended you
402s wonder whether you can get to the next
403s one yeah it's kind of a bit different
405s from what we've got on new world like
407s it's really nice to have to be putting
409s something out there that's like a
410s completely new experience rather than an
412s extension of what we already have yeah
414s we've played we've played them a few
416s times now obviously and and yeah like
418s they're it's hard not to have a smile on
420s your face when you when you first do one
422s um uh improps to the the quest team here
424s for you know helping us out with these
426s Ben Barker especially worked really hard
428s uh but he wasn't the only one so yeah I
430s mean things are really coming together
431s on it and um
434s so in terms of
436s you know not just doing the MapQuest but
438s in getting from point A to point B are
440s there any other kind of ways to progress
444s or customize you know how you ride yes
448s absolutely so we have Mount buff items
451s which are they're kind of like trinkets
453s aren't they they're they're stats only
456s but they will change the way you ride
458s them out we have one slot dedicated to
460s your Mount stamina which is I.E your
463s dash the amount of Dash that you have
465s and it can change you can get different
467s Mount buff items that change or stamina
469s in a few ways you can either increase
471s your recharge rate or you can increase
473s your capacity or you can increase your
475s power on of your stamina of your dash
478s either on-road or off-road nice and how
482s many uh how many slots do you have for
484s these things you have two slots and then
485s the other slot is the other slot is kind
488s of more of a nod to mounted combat if
490s you think that's fair to say like you it
493s will give you a status effect
494s predominantly there there's the stamina
497s slot and then the slot for all the other
499s buff items and all the other buff items
501s for the most part are where you are
503s giving us status effect when the AI will
505s force Dismount you which is actually
506s really handy it is yeah I love the I
509s love the healing one uh it makes it it
513s kind of creates this it takes a
515s disappointing moment and turns it into a
516s cool moment yep yeah exactly so with
520s Mount so we have hippos right hippos
524s I hope we will do one day I'm sorry I'm
526s being told we don't have hippos uh yet
529s what do we have Andy we have horses we
533s have dire wolves and we have Lions it's
536s a fairly eclectic mix maybe we'll go
538s further in the future
539s you can say and without spoiling it it's
542s uh there's you know the reasons for
545s these different animal types are kind of
546s like tied into the the lore around the
548s expansion and cool ways that everybody
551s will find out
553s um I mean what's your what's your
554s favorite
556s I'm kind of a traditionalist I do like
558s the horse I feel like because it was our
562s default because we had that old pink
563s horse like I just feel I just feel an
566s attachment yeah you got to keep it going
567s for sure it's true I'm with you I like I
570s think just you know nothing beats the
572s fantasy of your horse taking you across
574s the land but
576s the wolf and lion are way cooler than I
579s thought they'd be yeah because they're
580s done there's something about a giant
583s wolf that just reminds me a little bit
584s of Game of Thrones which I think for
586s sure yeah I'd say what's your favorite
588s um not your favorite what's your what's
590s what excites you most about the future
592s now that things are wrapping up I have a
595s I have two answers like a small thing
596s and a big thing the big thing is the
599s Mount quests because it's just fun to
600s race it's fun to get that mechanic into
602s new world and it feels good
605s um but the smaller thing which kind of
606s surprised me is the fact that we changed
610s the parameters so you're much faster on
613s amount on-road than you are off-road and
617s like that was your idea if I recall
618s correctly and it was kind of like it was
620s kind of a game changer because it really
622s did change
623s it changed the way you think about
625s traveling on a mount and it made you
627s make all these splits
629s second decisions like I used to do a
631s Mario Kart on on snares let you decide
633s whether if you cut a corner even though
635s you're going to lose the speed for not
636s being on road are you going to be net
637s quicker and like you can you can kind of
639s do all those calculations on the Fly and
641s I think it made a difference otherwise
643s if they were the same speed you'd just
645s be b-lining to your destination which
647s might be cool but I like this yeah I'm
649s kind of excited about that uh I mean
651s obviously everybody knows the the player
654s already runs a little faster on roads
656s but I mean what what are the speed Delta
659s end up being it was
662s for the horse I mean for the mount
664s much bigger than the player by a factor
667s of maybe five or something maybe I can't
669s think of the numbers at the top of my
671s head but we definitely did like stretch
674s out
675s we we took the rule that we had for the
677s player and like
679s and like just amp that up yeah it's it's
683s some of the some of the time trials are
687s you know like go like clear this vast
689s distance of the world and you kind of
691s have to you know use your knowledge of
693s eternum to to plot a course and
695s and uh the way the roads are in the
698s world are you know they're so they're so
700s interesting with this kind of speed on
703s roads you really feel it like kind of it
706s it's it's a whole new way to play the
707s game absolutely is our roads do kind of
709s meander so you're often like you're
711s often like cornering in ways you don't
713s expect and or are kind of my favorite
715s bit of the quest line is when you get a
718s I like doing the same race for a second
720s time at a harder speed at a harder speed
725s um limit at a harder time limit because
727s the first time you do it I find like
729s you're just getting your bearings on it
731s and you're seeing if you can do it like
732s that but the first time and the second
734s time I feel you're more like mastering
736s it which is yeah I've always feel that's
739s a more satisfying experience yeah and I
741s I think hopefully our town was to find a
744s good balance where it's fun to play
745s these things it doesn't feel grindy it
747s doesn't feel like it takes forever
749s and you know it's a I think it's
752s probably the fastest trade skill that
754s we've ever made where you know you're
756s going to be able to get to Max pretty
757s quick yeah I think so I reckon if you're
759s good at it you'll be able to do it in
760s about like 10 hours do you think maybe
762s less something I mean we've we'll see I
765s mean there's a lot of factors and
766s everybody's going to play it differently
768s um and then anybody who doesn't feel
769s like doing the races that's what the the
771s food is for yeah yeah
774s we were talking earlier about those uh
776s gear the pieces of gear that you can
778s equip
779s um where did we cover them all or were
781s there more no there are more so we only
783s talked about the visual the non-visual
785s but we also have visual only items there
788s are Mount attachment items so
791s we predominantly use Shields but you can
796s also skin them with cool MTX kind of
799s trade skill related uh skins like my
802s favorite is the basket of fish they're
804s kind of like that that's your favorite
806s it's my favorite interesting okay it's
807s got like a eclectic mix I I can I can
810s live my fancies as being a fisherman on
812s my horse
813s taking in my hall of salmon for sure I
817s mean it's so detailed I I have trouble
818s with it because I can almost smell the
822s you know the olfactory aspect to it yeah
825s maybe we need some animated flies just
827s flying around the top that's a really
829s good idea uh we're gonna we're gonna do
831s that as soon as we get off camera
832s excellent uh and then we also have like
835s like flags and uh yeah we're gonna this
838s is this is an area where we're
839s definitely gonna expand in the future
840s but the idea being that there are some
843s of these things that are like super
844s exclusive and yeah like nothing it's
847s very high visibility right because the
848s mount is so huge yeah absolutely it's a
851s good way to show off particularly the
852s one that gets a few comments is the
853s Anvil like the idea that you stick an
856s anvil to the the slot onto the back left
859s and the back right of your Mount and
861s there is Mount agnostic so it will
863s transfer from the horse to the wolf to
865s the lion
866s but like just putting an anvil on the
868s thigh of your Mount I don't know like
870s it's kind of like a mount workout
872s that's exactly right make some buff
877s oh man yeah uh and I think um
880s you know that they're kind of you know
882s one of the one of the things you'll be
884s able to earn these things from are PVP
886s activities which
888s um could maybe segue us into talking
890s about so like what are the ways in which
892s we've tried to you know we obviously we
896s don't want mounts to unbalance the game
898s in any way right so what are some of the
900s ways that we've tried to combat that
902s both in PVE and PVP well we've certainly
905s done our due diligence on how much we
907s think it affects PVP yeah we went
910s through a few iterations huh yep and we
912s have changed the rules as to whether you
916s can be mounted when you're doing a PVP
918s Quest or whether you can be mounted in
921s certain game modes
922s and I feel like
924s I don't know if you agree I feel like
925s we've tried to be as unrestrictive as
928s possible without ruining anybody's game
930s experience because we want to kind of be
931s a laid-back gamer absolutely and Power
933s Players let them do and play the way
935s they want yeah that line between PVE and
938s PVP was helpful I think yes because like
942s the PVE side of it
944s um
945s you know our tent is if you're playing
947s the game normally you can't you can't
948s just use them out to like cheese through
950s all the content so I think we we hit on
953s a pretty good balance of when enemies
955s will Dismount you you know based on
957s level differentials and player Health
959s like you put in and all the other things
961s but uh but PVP it's it's still just like
966s just any hit from another player yeah
968s Dismounts you and I think that's the
970s right thing like it's they aren't it's
972s easy to be a bit more evasive on a mount
974s and when you're playing when you're
977s against AI that's kind of fine that's
979s kind of fun you can escape if you want
980s you can fight if you want but in PvP it
983s would be annoying if you're a PVP player
984s and you hit a mounted player and they
986s didn't instantly Dismount yeah and hey I
989s think it's kind of fun like it's a fun
990s AIM now you get your bow and arrow see
992s if you can shoot someone off their horse
994s it's it's very yeah it's um
997s it's very interesting it's I think it
1000s changes the game in cool fun ways uh
1002s Oliver play tests so far have been uh
1005s wild cackles of laughter so yeah
1008s um but yeah it's definitely been one of
1010s our big focuses and I think it's one of
1012s the things we'll be looking at really
1013s close once the feature is live did you
1016s did you have anything else you wanted to
1017s go over before we wrap there is the more
1019s elaborate mounts that you can get from
1021s the MTX store that we didn't talk about
1023s so and the dying
1026s so the armored the mounts don't die like
1029s they're they're they're Immortal just
1030s like the player character it's a
1031s tournament after all but actually dying
1033s the colors on your mounts
1036s um if your Mount is armored and you can
1038s get the armored mounts from the MTX
1039s store you will also be able to find
1041s Mount dies and you can do some really
1044s cool stuff to the Almond amounts the um
1047s one of them you can make kind of look a
1048s bit like Captain America
1050s which particularly is fantastic if
1053s Captain America were a horse if he were
1055s a horse there's a lot of possibilities
1057s for self-expression absolutely and I
1059s love the fact that we had like an
1061s armored style and when the art would
1063s come in you'd see it first on the horse
1065s and you'd be like well how is that going
1066s to be adapted to what will that look
1068s like on a lion or on a wolf and how will
1069s like the size of the armor slightly have
1071s to change and then like the art guys
1073s just nail it they've they're having a
1075s lot of fun concepting these you can tell
1077s yeah well that wraps it up for us uh if
1080s you like the show and you want to see
1082s more be sure to like And subscribe tells
1084s us that you uh you like what we do in
1086s here and before we wrap hell here's
1088s Community question for you without using
1089s the word hippo what mounts are you
1091s looking forward to most seeing making
1093s their way into New World
1095s thanks Andy for your time thank you
1098s thank you for watching see you in a
1099s tournament
1101s today we're going to be talking about
1102s the new weapon coming out on the
1104s expansion the flail
1106s [Music]
1107s [Applause]
1113s [Music]
1116s [Applause]