13 days ago - Play New World - Direct link

Transcript (by Youtube)

1s hey everyone jge sigara here back for
3s another edition of the New World patch
6s no breakdown uh this breakdown is for
9s update
10s 5.0.1 uh which will be deployed tonight
13s at 11:00 p.m. Pacific Standard time and
16s we'll be down for about an hour and a
18s half so please bear with us while we
20s push that update this will be a quick uh
22s update here we have mainly fixed uh this
25s update will have a lot of our bug fixes
27s from the past uh past few weeks uh as
30s well as enabling our spring tide Bloom
32s event which uh which will be live from
34s April 17th through the end of the month
36s you'll be able to have to get some new
39s event rewards which can be purchased
41s from the bloom Herald uh by using spring
43s tide tokens we also have some general
45s fixes that I've gone in our patch sizes
49s uh were larger than necessary so we've
51s cleaned up some of that uh obviously
53s this patch should be a lot quicker for
56s download and we've also fixed some
58s general crashes on the server and the
60s client side we've made a handful of
62s fixes in combat mainly around our Slayer
66s script conversion which you were all
68s aware we made this big change for season
69s 5 specifically there was some exploits
72s with the bow which have now been
74s addressed in the open world there was an
76s issue where if you fell off a ledge
79s while you were in an um upper body
82s animation that would cause the player to
83s stop moving and also the uh the runes in
86s the winter Rune uh puzzle were not
88s appearing uh which would make it
90s difficult to solve so um those are those
93s are addressed now uh we've had some
95s economy and progression fixes we fixed
98s some error messages that were happening
100s in crafting and also the white gypson
103s white gypsum was unattainable um but you
105s can now uh get it by ritual patches uh
109s by closing major corruption uh breaches
111s like I said at the beginning of this
112s video there uh this this updates
115s primarily around bug fixing and enabling
117s our spring tide Bloom event so it's
119s short and sweet if you like to see the
121s full list of uh our patch notes please
124s go to new world.com you'll find it in
125s the 5.0.1 update for uh the patchel
128s breakdown thank you again for all the
130s continued support thanks for all the
131s feedback really appreciate it um it's
134s invaluable to us so um just want to
137s reiterate again how important it is and
140s how um how much we thank you for for all
142s that feedback we will see you in a turn
144s them see you next time everybody thanks