9 months ago - Play New World - Direct link

Transcript (by Youtube)

0s [Music]
1s [Applause]
6s hello everybody and welcome to I on a
8s tum a new type of video here on the
10s channel where we talk about everything
12s you have to look forward to this month
14s and new world today we're going to talk
16s about what's coming to the game in April
18s what's coming here to the video channel
21s as well in April and we're going to put
23s game director Scott laying in the hot
25s seat to talk about your
27s feedback so you may be wondering who's
29s this on my screen you know me better as
32s Lydia in Discord but I'm Leela your new
34s world Community manager and I'm really
37s excited to be stepping in front of the
39s camera today whereas most of my work is
41s behind the scenes a little bit about me
44s I've joined the team recently and I've
46s been really enjoying playing the game my
48s main play style is to use fir staff and
51s Ice Gauntlet which I know might be a
54s little op but that's enough about me
57s let's talk about what's happening in
58s game so let's get started started what
61s do we have to look forward to in game in
62s April the first thing is actually
64s tomorrow April 2nd with the season 5
67s season of the Guardian update coming to
69s the game we know it's been a bit delayed
72s and we thank you for waiting patiently
74s we're really excited to finally bring
76s this update to the game now let me
78s refresh your memory about everything
80s that's coming in this update first we
83s have the winter Rune Forge seasonal
84s trial this is a trial for 10 players I'm
87s really looking forward to playing it
89s myself in addition addition to that we
91s have cooking updates that we've talked
92s about here on the channel eight
95s artifacts which I'm really looking
97s forward to getting for
98s myself we have native controller support
101s which I know some of our players in
102s Discord have been looking forward to as
104s well in addition to that we have mounts
106s being able to be used in
108s opr as well as the thing I'm most
111s looking forward to the final addition of
114s the main story Quest update I'm really
117s looking forward to taking a brand new
118s character all the way through this new
120s main story Quest next up we have the
123s spring tide Bloom event returning to the
125s game between April 17th and 30th to
129s participate in the event you can visit
131s various centerpieces and party bags
133s throughout the settlements in the game
135s and you can earn lots of different types
136s of rewards like dyes event food event
140s currency to spend for more rewards
143s diamond gypsum and 700 gear score
147s patterns I'm really looking forward to
149s getting the new pop dance emote just to
152s spoil it a little bit it goes like
155s this and coming to the channel for
157s forged in aternum this month we're
159s cooking up something really fun for next
162s week on April 8th we're going to be
164s answering all of your cooking questions
166s about the trade skill update as well as
168s finding out who is atum's next cooking
171s star in addition to that this month we
174s have balance of power coming to the
175s channel to talk a little bit about
177s weapon balance as well as an economy
179s update so look forward to those so one
182s of the things I do as your community
184s manager is read your comments feedback
186s and concerns about the game every day
189s this is in our Discord channels Reddit X
192s and everywhere you might talk about new
193s worlds in those places I see a lot of
196s hot topics come up so what I want to do
198s today is put game director Scott Lane in
201s the hot seat to answer that feedback and
204s talk about your concerns for the game so
206s let's dive in hi everybody and welcome
209s to the hot seat I'm here with Scott Lane
211s game director to talk about all of your
214s top feedback and
215s concerns okay one things that I see a
218s lot in our player community spaces like
220s Discord and Reddit is talking about
222s having to wait till June to hear more
225s about what's coming for the future of
226s the game can you give us a little more
228s insight into the reason why we have to
230s wait it can but first I want to say
233s thank you for like taking the time to
234s talk with me it's really fun and I'm
236s excited to get to know you better and to
237s have just a tighter tie in with the
239s community team MH so why is June
241s important a few reasons one it allows us
244s to create a moment because we are
246s planning to announce something pretty
247s big that's going to impact a lot of the
249s players both old and new um but also
253s there's this thing called Summer game
254s Fest that happens in June and it's a
256s place that we can hit a broad audience
257s with the announcement allows us to have
259s a little more impact and it just makes
261s most sense from the game side to do it
263s that way um I did want to comment
265s because uh when I talked about this last
267s time
268s June it people interpreted that it was
272s being pushed down on me or the game team
275s to do june this was a group decision
276s like we all thought June was the best
278s for the game so this was like when I say
280s it kills me that I can't talk about
282s stuff it's not that I'm being told not
283s to it's that it makes the most sense not
285s to for the game right now so we just
288s understand being impatient I'm a very
290s impatient person myself so yeah it's
292s really hard like and I just like I'm
293s really excited about all this stuff and
295s I'd love to share it and I am fully
297s aware people are sick of hearing that so
299s I'm not going to say that stuff
301s okay okay so next up one of the other
304s topics I see players talk about a lot is
306s player server populations so they're
309s being reduced we have merged some
311s servers but players are concerned about
313s overall population in the game what can
315s we say about that and what are our plans
317s to improve I think you know it's a fair
320s thing to be concerned about like like
321s pops are coming down and and it's you
324s it's we haven't been as communicative as
327s we have and that's going to make players
329s you know be a little less interested in
330s what's going on what we're what we're
332s banking on is that what we come out with
335s June and then some of the stuff that
336s comes out later this year is impactful
339s enough that like excites the players and
340s brings some back and brings in a lot of
342s new players yeah so I understand the
345s concerns I share the concerns and I'm
347s I'm a player so I'm in those worlds um
350s and you can you can feel it um also
353s worth noting when people say there's
354s only x amount of players playing mhm
357s they're kind of attributing the amount
358s of people playing in one moment to how
360s many you're playing in an entire day or
362s an entire week or an entire month and I
363s don't think that's a fair attribution
365s right but I think it is fair to say that
366s the numbers have been going down and
368s like again pretty confident that what
370s we're going to be talking about in June
372s and later the stuff later this year is
373s going to turn that around another thing
375s that comes up often is that our
376s responses about PVE versus PVP in the
380s game is that we often say more players
382s participate in PVE in the game than PVP
386s so despite that being the fact um a lot
389s of our PVP players are our most
391s dedicated players they they play a lot
394s of hours they care a lot about the game
395s they talk a lot to us so how do we sort
399s of prioritize their needs even as a
401s smaller portion of the population no
404s matter what we say it's never going to
405s be enough and I agree with that as a
407s player because they're always going to
408s want more and more I I think you know I
410s I've touched on this a huge part of the
412s announcement is going to be a new PVP
414s thing can't really say what it is but I
417s think we've also demonstrated you know
419s with the cross World stuff we've been
421s doing for PVP modes of stuff that's
422s coming with uh Arenas that we care
425s deeply about PVP the influence races
427s we're supporting it um but in truth
430s there's you know it's five to one
431s players that focus on PVE versus PVP and
434s so we have to have a majority of our
437s investment investment there but we still
441s care deeply about PVP and I think PVP
443s has a lot of the legs that keep that are
445s back there and the players that are
446s really passionate about the game yeah
447s definitely I see that a lot is that our
449s PVP players are really knowledgeable off
452s the game are really passionate they
453s participate a lot and I'm really glad to
455s have them in our communities so
457s definitely I hope they they do have
458s something to look forward to when we can
460s talk they absolutely do so yeah and it's
463s worth noting that you know when when you
465s go through the feedback from the PVP
467s players it's really good it's really in
469s depth very hard to find alignment uh and
472s you see that internally so we don't want
475s to just go oh someone wants this or
476s someone wants this we're trying to
477s really understand what changes we need
479s to make that's why like when influencers
481s races came out we we put a lot of
483s thought and time behind it before we
484s rolled it out to make sure that it had
486s the best chance of success MH and sort
488s of going off that discussion one thing
490s that comes up a lot as the biggest
492s request I would say from our PVP players
495s is about an oppr map is can you say
498s anything about how we decide whether or
500s not to prioritize that sort of feature
503s request
504s so this is probably not going to make
507s everyone happy but I don't think people
509s just want to opr map I think people say
511s I want an opr map but I think they want
513s another mode and I think they want a lot
514s more than a map and it's really easy to
516s condense a request Oh no just give me a
518s map if we just gave them a map I don't
520s think that would satiate what they're
522s really looking for that's it's not going
524s to hit the need right I would rather try
527s to figure out like what's really going
528s to satisfy them and you know what
530s sometimes that takes longer yeah but
531s it's worth it because you know I could
533s put a little bandaids on things and
534s that's not going to work long term for
536s the players they want in my opinion uh
539s when I dig deep in the players I talk to
542s they want they don't want us to
543s rearrange the map they want a different
545s mode M and I think that's just something
548s that I see a lot as a community manager
550s when players are giving feedback I think
552s it's really helpful and and important to
554s really talk about like the problem that
557s you want to solve or like what's the
559s what are you actually feeling about the
561s game or the problem rather than
563s specifically focusing on one solution
566s cuz that's certainly one solution but
567s it's not the only solution right to to
570s giving our PV players all the PVP
572s players asking for a new opr map maybe
574s 10 or maybe even 20% of them really do
576s just want to rearrange map but I don't
579s think that's going to you may want that
581s but then when you start playing I don't
583s think that's going to give it the legs
584s that that they're hoping for I think
585s what they want is like I said I think
587s they want they want you to change
589s gameplay somehow make it interesting in
591s a different way MH yeah so the next
594s thing I wanted to talk about is how we
595s consider player feedback in our
597s decision- making so what do we do
599s whenever um feedback seems to go against
602s popular opinion or our development plans
605s let's start with the popular opinion
607s because it's a
608s real it's a real tricky part of it
610s because when you look at one place for
613s your
613s feedback it seems like that's popular
616s opinion you have to realize that is you
618s know 1% of the overall player base and
621s even smaller of the potential player
623s base so while it sounds really loud if
626s you just follow that signal every single
629s time you're going to make a game for a
631s very specific group of people and it's
633s going to be a smaller audience that is
634s going to be you know able to keep you
636s allow you to support the game now don't
639s mix that up with it's not important
640s because those folks are really important
643s to us we just can't like follow
645s everything they're asking for so we need
647s to understand you know as from there it
651s becomes goes back to the last one which
653s is why do they want this what are the
655s goals they're looking for how can we
657s achieve those how can we fit those in
659s with other things we're doing and we
661s start to look at it's a simple Roi
663s return on investment how much can we
666s invest here versus here uh are we you
669s know we we segment all the players so
671s we're tracking okay we've taken care of
673s this group we've taken care of this
674s group we've taken care of this group and
676s we try to circle around and uh you know
680s as every place I've ever worked we don't
681s you know we have finite resources we
683s don't have infinite resources so you've
685s got to you've got to like look at all of
687s that you've got to you know talk to the
689s players not just the ones in one area
691s but in other areas um I think Scott
694s mentioned this in the last Q&A Scott our
696s engineer we do a lot of lapsed player
698s surveys and we get a lot of really good
701s directional d uh guidance on that and
703s understanding we all play the game much
706s to the surprise of some of the people
709s why we play a lot of we play the game a
710s whole lot um and we use all of that
714s together to try to you know do what we
716s think is best for the game we also have
718s some insight that the player don't have
720s right on longer term plans and the
722s reasons you know things that are coming
724s in the future so we look at features
726s that are going to from a vision stampo
728s fit in to our longer term goals and
730s where we're taking things hope that I
732s mean it's a it's a super complex answer
734s and it's like unfortunately I probably
737s left out half of it because it's it's
739s just there's so much that goes into the
740s decision- making you know it's it's and
743s there's a lot of people involved yeah
745s one thing I like to say to players is
747s that feedback is important but it's
748s really one piece of bigger puzzle so
751s whether it be resources overall all
754s goals for the game different aspects so
757s it it's definitely important but it is a
759s piece of a bigger picture so I think
760s it's important to keep that in mind yeah
762s no for sure
764s uh it all matters and it all kind of
768s goes into your brain and helps form the
770s opinion but at the end of the day I have
771s to make decisions that I think are you
775s know best for the entire audience right
778s okay so my last question
780s um is there anything you wish players
782s better understood about your
785s job about my job no but I think um
789s sometimes when we do the these q&as and
791s talk um things get like misrepresented
795s uh for instance in the last one I was
798s really sad because we you know at some
800s point I think one of the questions was
802s something along the lines of um you are
804s you all fully dedicated to this and I'm
805s like we sure are the dev team really is
808s and people took that to mean Amazon
810s greater wasn't or Mark like I'm being
812s and that's just couldn't be more from
813s the truth if Amazon wasn't totally like
816s they are so behind us and like I'm so
818s fortunate with where we are I think when
820s I when I qualify things like the dev
822s team it's because I don't want to speak
823s for players right right I want to make
825s sure that the perspective is from like I
828s don't know what everyone's thinking I
829s only have evidence of what I think and
831s what the people above me think um and as
833s a player I know what I think but I want
835s to make sure that when we're talking
837s about this stuff it's like there's no
840s conspiracy theory or anything we all
841s want this to be successful definely and
843s how we get there you know we may not
845s align on uh with the players especially
847s like like right now some of the more
849s vocal groups but I I think the direction
851s we're going I'm really confident in it
853s I'm excited about it and I again I just
855s can't wait to share it um and I think
857s the last question answered more about
858s you know how we make decisions is about
860s the job
861s but I just I guess if I was saying
863s something to the players like we want
865s this to be successful for as long as
867s possible I love this game when I'm not
870s working which is a lot of hours I'm
871s usually at home in World playing and I
874s can tell you that a lot of people on our
876s team are like that it's it's exciting we
878s we love a tum like it's something we
880s like we really believe in yeah thank you
882s so much for being here in the hot seat I
884s hope I didn't drown you with too many
886s questions I am so first off you're
888s welcome but I'm I'm really excited for
890s your new show I think you're going to be
891s swimming in compliments and you're going
892s to make a massive Splash with the
894s players it's it's it's awesome the one
896s thing I really hope though is that you
897s talk to other people on the team because
899s you don't want to dive in with me
901s anymore I think like seeing more faces
903s will help this group a lot and with that
906s I hope this keeps your hopes for the
907s game afloat and that brings us to our
910s community question as your community
912s manager I want to know have you ever
914s taken part in an in-game event run by a
917s player if you have I want to hear all
919s about it in the comments if you like
922s these videos and you want to see more ey
923s on a tum and hot seats please like And
926s subscribe to the channel and with that
928s I'll see you in a turn
931s [Music]
932s [Applause]
932s [Music]
942s them