about 2 years ago - Delakron - Direct link

This is something we are looking into, but I don’t have a specific timeline to share yet. It is something we’ve been wanting internally for a long time, too, but has been previously deprioritized due to other features and bugfixes. :face_in_clouds:

about 2 years ago - Delakron - Direct link

Definitely heard, and it is a personal goal of mine to be more active on the forums when possible. But it is a balancing act between scheduled tasks, meetings, reading forums, and trying to find time for well-constructed posts (and often among spicy threads which don’t incentivize engagement, especially for devs who aren’t used to really passionate topics). Alternatively, if we post too much… well, we’ll also get told to work more. :wink:

Anyhow, keep things productive and friendly (doesn’t always have to be positive) and we’re more likely to swing by! :slight_smile:

about 2 years ago - Delakron - Direct link

@baconmantis Not just any dev can make new tech. Designers or Tech Artists aren’t Engineers, etc. Different features and changes also fall under specific teams. I know you’re passionate about the feature, but everything has a cost or priority. That’s simply business.