3 months ago - Play New World - Direct link

Transcript (by Youtube)

0s [Music]
1s hey everyone welcome to the season five
3s Dev update I'm here with the whole crew
5s I have Scott who always waves out of
6s turn so we'll do him first we have Dave
9s Tony Dan Chad and Zach and we have a lot
12s to share uh we were supposed to have a
13s few more people but thanks to the
15s apocalyptic California rainstorm to give
17s you a hint on when we're filming this
19s they will not be able to make it also
21s our printers don't work so some people
23s may be looking at their phones um but
26s before we get in with uh with all of the
29s goodies I did want to share uh some news
31s I I know we had promised a road map in
34s May and unfortunately we are not going
37s to be able to share that until June um
40s we take our commitments serious but
41s we've got some new information on our
43s side that's just going to mean we can't
44s share it uh we are still super excited
47s about it and hopefully that hopefully
49s you can all be patient and understand
51s it's just going to be a couple weeks
52s behind where we had planned on sharing
54s it outside of that we have some really
56s good news by the time you see this video
59s the advanced group finder should have
60s launched which we're all really excited
62s about um I haven't played it in live yet
64s it actually launches tomorrow morning
66s but uh as someone who plays on a lower
68s pop server Isabella I think it's going
70s to be
71s gamechanging all right well let's start
72s talking about all the great stuff coming
74s in season five we're going to start with
76s Zach who's going to take us through the
77s winter Rune Forge trial yeah so basing
80s off what we have with the Hatcher it's
81s going to be a 10-person trial with some
83s fodder and some boss encounters got a
86s nice ancient Subterranean architecture
89s with the icy Co on it and you're going
91s to be running through there doing some
93s cool stuff puzzles and you'll have some
97s cool rewards Dark Matter new artifact
101s twice a week for bonus rewards you can
103s play it as many times you as you want a
105s week though well you mentioned bosses be
108s cool if you could talk a little more
109s about
110s those I'll take that sure uh so uh in
115s this 10 person raid uh players will be
117s revisiting uh the aidian construct as
119s well as the ice Guardian uh so players
122s have probably already uh played these in
124s their kind of their solo uh trial
126s Incarnation uh but they were actually
128s designed and developed as uh 10p person
131s uh raid bosses so uh players will now be
134s seeing them in their full Glory their
136s full power um uh difficulty wise uh we
140s want to be a little bit more uh pug
142s friendly so uh so it won't be quite as
144s hard as like a sandworm uh but
147s definitely still on the challenging side
148s the uh the Aidan construct definitely a
150s challenge of positioning uh making sure
153s to pull apart those uh those constructs
155s as they're splitting and
156s fracturing and then uh the ice Guardian
161s uh more challenges with the the Rune
163s puzzle as well as uh uh positioning with
166s the uh the Torches going to be really
168s really important on that fight uh should
170s put a pretty good challenge in front of
172s the players pretty cool it's fun stuff
175s um I heard someone mention artifacts
177s Tony do you want to tell us a little bit
178s about the new artifacts coming this
180s season yeah so for season 5 uh we've got
182s a handful of new artifacts coming out uh
184s we've got some weapons armor and
185s trinkets uh I won't go into the details
187s of you know all the uh the different
189s perks and whatnot just leave that for
191s Discovery uh but personally for me a
193s couple I'm excited about uh we've got
195s the uh gravity gauntlets which is going
197s to give you um a stacking buff on your
201s heavy attack so every light attack you
203s get 3% additional damage uh up to 10
206s stacks for your next heavy so if you can
207s like pair that with some crits you can
209s do some really good damage
211s and then the other one is the Phoenix
212s which is a trinket uh and that one is
214s every 180 seconds uh if you hit zero
217s health and you're supposed to die you'll
218s gain two seconds of invulnerability so
220s anybody who may have played a while ago
222s and used to enjoy that from berserk on
223s the hatchet uh it's there there in in an
226s artifact form so I'm really excited
228s about those two and I like the uh
230s there's a pair of boots coming out that
232s sort of encourage like the Ambush uh
234s kind of gameplay combat mechanic where
236s you get a bonus damage uh for a short
238s period of time after you go into combat
241s right so you know like your openers
243s become way more uh impactful initiative
246s role basically exactly uh and one thing
250s I wanted to add is you know we're
251s starting to add a lot of artifacts and I
253s know we've had a couple players complain
255s or or sort of mention hey it's sort of
259s two what are two it's sort of limiting
261s to only be able to sort of track and
262s upgrade five at a time well we have some
264s good news in season five we are
266s increasing that to 10 so that will help
268s players a lot that's awesome uh one last
271s thing on the subject of artifacts uh the
273s the the the improved group funer that's
275s coming out this is kind of a late update
277s but the L stopwatch which gives a taunt
279s ability will work in the role select for
283s signing up as a tank uh that's late
285s breaking update we were able to get that
287s in awesome it's awesome thanks for the
289s critical news upd yeah everybody can
292s relax it's okay now we're good um no it
295s is actually nice um so one of the things
298s we've been asked for a lot over the the
300s last year I'm pretty excited well I'll
302s I'm pretty excited to let Dave talk
304s about is uh the thing that used to be
306s sitting up there in one of our videos
308s you want to run with this uh yeah I
310s think you're talking about controller I
311s am talking about controller so season
313s five finally brings a long awaited uh
316s first step of control or support in New
318s World uh so as I mentioned this is step
320s one we are mostly focused on core
323s gameplay in this one so uh really just
325s making sure all the sort of running
327s around navigating combat all that feels
329s really good uh We've added a couple cool
331s things with that uh focus on core combat
334s navigation and and number one is some
336s aim assist uh which will be active
338s during PVE uh a Target lock that you can
341s use uh and also some refinements to the
343s way navigation works on the controller
345s so that is been really our Focus for
347s this release uh we also have implemented
350s uh you know a virtual cerer that'll
351s allow you to navigate around the various
353s menus you'll see a couple of the menus
355s we've added sort of hints and shortcuts
357s to already more of those will be coming
359s along along uh over the subsequent
361s Seasons we'll be trying to update all
362s the screens so there's sort of quick
364s ways to do some of the actions uh the
367s last thing I think some people may miss
369s uh in season five is there is no
370s remapping there's a couple default uh
373s options you can choose from but no
374s remapping in season five uh obviously we
377s are aware of that we are going to bring
378s it to uh you later it's just wasn't
380s ready for season five I encourage people
383s to play with the controller it's uh it's
385s gamechanging I mean it feels so
388s different and a and it feels good
390s especially if you're more of a
391s controller type of player I'm excited
393s for
394s it um all right well another thing we've
397s been that we have that we've been
399s promising for a long time is the
402s finalization of the 1360 msq update so
406s msq 2.3 which finishes the story you
409s want to give some high levels on that
411s yeah just high level because there's
412s going to be a a full Forge in aternum
415s that details all this so I don't want to
416s spoil it uh but like Scott said this is
418s sort of the culmination of the msq 2.3
420s pass all the way through uh and this one
423s we focused on Evans scale reach and
425s Shattered Mountain uh sort of bringing
426s the rest of the story in uh it brings
429s with it two new Soul trials which are
430s going to be super fun it brings in a
432s host of new igc's uh a couple of the new
436s like sort of painterly cinematics uh so
439s it's great and I think most importantly
440s of all for the solo players out there uh
443s you will now be able to do the whole
445s story uh of the Isabella Arc all the way
448s without having to do Expedition you can
450s do it all solo so pretty exciting stuff
453s I think the Isabella fight is a blast I
455s think uh you know Chad and his team have
457s done a great job making that it's like
459s it's really come together it's a it's a
461s cool Final stamp on that story from from
464s Hardcore story to
467s cooking but we have made some changes to
469s cooking so why don't you take us through
470s those Tony yeah absolutely so uh we do
473s have a lot of changes to uh cooking uh
475s coming up here in the future I'm not
476s going to go into too many details
477s because we're going to have a forge and
478s a tum coming out shortly after this
480s video as well as some more fun cooking
483s Shenanigans uh in the future after that
485s but the high level of it is we wanted to
487s take a look at the trade skill now that
488s we have uh a better understanding of
490s what players are chasing what players
492s are making what players are cooking um
494s there was a lot of stuff in the cooking
497s trade skill we really wanted to pair
498s that back and really focus on what
499s players we're using so we cut back
502s significantly on the recipes uh we did
505s tuning on uh experience curves as well
507s making it easier and more fluid to
510s uh and just a whole lot of changes uh it
513s really Slims down the crafting menus
515s which helps with performance uh just all
517s in all I think the changes make it feel
519s a lot more focused I guess if you will
522s uh and so really looking forward to some
523s of the changes we have for cooking uh
525s and other things as we simplify those as
527s well yeah I think the exciting thing is
529s to see the response to this and then if
530s we like it start looking at other trade
532s skills and repeating the pattern yeah
533s exactly that's a really good point you
534s know the the feedback that we get from
536s this is going to influence and then you
538s know motivate how we approach other
540s trade skills as we do these in the
542s future and and so what can players
544s expect in terms of like the things that
545s they've already cooked or like their
547s existing items like how that's a great
549s Point yeah so let's say um so I can I'll
553s talk to split stat Foods right and so
554s maybe you have uh Focus strength food uh
558s for whatever reason and when this patch
560s comes out uh what we're going to be
562s doing is whatever the main stat is for
565s the split stat Foods you're going to be
567s getting the same tier as that as a
570s primary stat so if you had Focus
571s strength at tier four you're just going
574s to have a tier four Focus food and
577s that'll go all the way through and it
578s does it for uh crafting Foods Gathering
580s Foods because again a lot of the
582s simplifications uh there's just one tier
584s for crafting and Gathering now as well
586s we lower the level requirement to use
588s those uh and again it just should feel
591s like a much more polished experience
593s that's awesome uh we have a change
596s coming to opr Dan that you want to talk
598s about yeah uh some some of us glimpsed
601s this in a in a PTR a few ptrs back but
604s uh we're very excited that we um we've
607s done some we we've we've got this ready
609s to go out and mounts are now allowed in
611s opr starting in season five that is
615s going to be awesome I cannot waits to
618s see 20 people riding their Mount across
621s it's gonna be awesome it's gonna be cool
623s it feels like a whole new mode it's
624s really good that's great um so a while
627s ago we I think it was quite a while ago
630s we talked about that we were looking at
631s overhauling our combat system um and I
634s think we're pretty much getting pretty
636s close to Rolling that out Dave do you
637s want to share some Deeds Yeah so
639s basically we're redoing the sort of core
641s scripting system which uh drives all the
644s animation and combat logic in our game
647s uh this is a huge initiative obviously
650s uh you know it's all combat all
652s navigation uh and it's all being redone
654s in this new system uh the new system uh
657s there's actually going to be a Blog by
659s Kevin uh who's the architect who did all
661s this that that sort of Dives deep into
662s how it works because I don't understand
664s it all but the key thing to understand
665s is that it is now going to be uh
667s basically natively compiled C++ code so
670s that makes it way way faster uh which is
673s going to be great especially in sort of
674s like very complex scenes like in War uh
678s or in chest runs wherever there's a lot
679s of death density uh this will really
681s help out uh but yeah it is a major
684s overhaul uh all of our actions all of
686s our abilities everything has changed so
688s you know there is a chance that some
690s things may be slightly different
692s hopefully for the better uh but please
694s let us know if you notice anything
695s playing uh that you think is less good
698s uh than it was previously let us know uh
700s but yeah the the goals here are one
702s really help Improvement uh in
704s performance and second uh this is
706s actually a much more debuggable system
708s because it's natively compiled we can
710s set in break points we can check
711s variables all sorts of things that makes
713s it easier to to debug so this the
716s engineers in the group perhap but what
718s that means for for you all the players
720s is that it will be easier to fix bugs uh
723s and especially the desyncs which are
725s really hard to fix on our old uh system
727s will be much easier to fix so uh look
729s forward to improve performance and then
732s uh improve stability and Bug fixing in
734s the future but there might be a little
735s hump uh as we first introduced this in
737s season five where we're sort of ironing
740s out all the Kinks and let me just manage
742s expectations like we got the base system
744s in so your performance may not have a
746s drastic improvement immediately it's
748s going to enable us to stand and improve
750s it over time in a much more dramatic way
752s so day one you may not get a huge
754s performance gain but it's going to give
756s us data and the ability to go back and
758s and and make performance better and by
760s the way it will get better but there's
762s going to be more leaps coming because of
764s this framework and and there should be a
767s noticeable um decrease in like the the
769s memory footprint yeah especially on the
771s server right server and client yeah so
775s it's a big deal and uh you know we we
777s like Dave said this would be a great one
779s to give us feedback on as you know
781s remember different doesn't mean bad but
784s figure out but help us understand what's
786s bad not just different all right well
788s we're going to go back to Tony who's
789s going to tell us about some of the
790s upcoming events in season five yeah so
792s we've got a couple of year old favorites
793s returning uh we're going to have
795s rabbit's Revenge coming back where
796s you'll be able to go ahead and kill your
798s furry friends in order to get that
800s coveted chest that everybody always goes
801s after and then uh we also have a spring
803s TI Bloom uh coming around again uh with
805s some revamped rewards so we're excited
807s to see players dive into those and and
809s uh and earn some cool stuff all right
811s and we're going to finish on a positive
813s hopefully uh Dave has a surprise to
815s share about a new quality of life
817s feature that he's really built up so I
819s hope it lives up to it I think it will
821s uh Beyond just the artifact change which
823s we mentioned earlier which is great ql
825s uh another piece of feedback we've
827s gotten a lot is magnify hey this thing
830s can be hard to manage in all my builds I
832s wish I had a little more control uh and
835s you know we've gotten lots of different
836s suggestions how to do it in season five
838s we're going to be introducing a new ql
840s change where you can choose the
842s attribute that all your magnify applies
845s to what could be better than that so uh
849s we like this approach you can't like
851s individually apply them all which some
853s people had suggested we thought that was
854s a little bit too strong but here you can
855s choose one attribute for all your
857s magnify points uh and it should give you
859s a little more flexibility in terms of
861s builds especially if you use magnify
863s across multiple builds awesome all right
866s well that's all we have today thanks for
867s watching um if you like what you saw and
870s you want us to keep doing these like us
871s follow us um subscribe and all of that
875s otherwise thank you so much and we will
876s see you in a
878s turnam hey I thought the big surprise
880s was going to be uh that we're lowering
882s the cost of reec what happened one more
885s of Q update that's super important uh
887s we've got lots of feedback on respecing
890s especially in our classless system hey
891s it costs too much well guess what the
894s cost is being shattered we got a huge
896s sale in season 5 Respec is Now 50 coin
901s 50 coin
902s woohoo it's like a peck of gum come
905s on all right anyway thanks see you
909s [Music]
920s byebye