about 2 months ago - New World: Aeternum - Direct link

Transcript (by Youtube)

1s you know before it turnup I never had to
4s do work but I had to
7s [Music]
11s learn remember refine then craft use the
16s wood shop to turn wood into planks then
20s the workshop to use those planks you can
23s make tools ranged weapons even fine
26s furnishings for your home you can use
28s the loom to refine plants and fibers
31s into cloth then take it to the
34s outfitting station to make outfits Tan
37s Your hides at the Tannery and once they
40s are refined into leather use it to make
43s some weapons or armor the more you use
47s these stations the faster you will be
50s speaking of faster let us speak of a way
54s to travel turn them faster than ever