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1s I'm a little concerned that Kyle wants to kill us.
7s If we're being honest.
17s Hello, Welcome to Forged in Aeternum where we talk all things New World.
18s My name is Patrick.
19s Joining me today is a very familiar face, our tradeskills Tsar, Tony, and we are here to recap some of what we learn from the Season Five PTR and the cooking simplification changes.
29s So, Tony, let's take a step back to the video we filmed a couple months ago.
33s What is cooking simplification?
34s Why are we doing it?
35s Yeah, absolutely.
36s So cooking simplification is where we really took a look at the tradeskill to figure out what did we want to simplify down.
42s Where did we have too much bloat.
44s What are the players doing with the tradeskill now.
46s And how can we kind of make things a bit more streamlined?
49s And so we went in, we removed a bunch of dual stack recipes.
53s We simplified down a lot of the different tiers for things like gathering foods and crafting foods just to kind of, you know, bring it all down, into a more, concentrated tradeskill, if you will.
65s We did the leveling curve.
66s Yep.
67s I think the other big thing, to note on this one is cooking.
72s I think a lot of people are like, why cooking?
73s Yeah.
74s Because we have a lot of tradeskills.
75s Cooking was one that we wanted to start with because we felt it was the lowest risk to be completely honest.
83s This was a decent sized initiative, kind of going in and taking the tradeskill and really kind of removing a lot of stuff, a lot of moving pieces.
92s And I was much more comfortable doing it with something like cooking than, say, starting with armoring or [Patrick: absolutely] or weapon smithing.
99s So we started here, used these learnings and then as we move forward, apply that elsewhere.
104s So yeah.
104s So before we dive into some questions, you folks asked us questions a couple months ago or weeks ago, some time ago.
110s [Tony: in the past] And, time is weird these days. So before we dive into some questions, you folks asked us questions a couple months ago or weeks ago, some time ago.
110s [Tony: in the past] And, time is weird these days.
113s [Tony: it's been a blur] So we're going to answer some of those, how do you feel we landed, though, relative to those original goals for simplification of the tradeskill? [Tony: in the past] And, time is weird these days.
113s [Tony: it's been a blur] So we're going to answer some of those, how do you feel we landed, though, relative to those original goals for simplification of the tradeskill?
119s Yeah.
119s So if we take a look at it, I think high level, I think we did pretty well.
123s We definitely had some misses.
124s And we'll get to those now.
125s I think now when you take a look at the tradeskill, when you level through the tradeskill, it's much more approachable.
131s I think there's just a lot less stuff.
134s The things that you make are more usable.
136s And overall, I do feel like it was a success.
139s Yeah.
139s Menu slimmed down quite a bit.
142s And just overall, I think the refinement aspect worked out pretty well.
145s Yeah, absolutely.
146s I tend to agree, the ability to scroll through that and actually find what I want to make quickly has been such a quality of life improvement.
152s And, you know, we've taken that and applied that now to other tradeskills, which we'll talk about later.
156s And all of those are just so much easier to find.
159s What I want to make, craft that thing and then, keep on crafting.
163s Oh yeah.
163s Sometimes you don't even have to scroll.
163s You can just see it on the menu and you're like, oh, that's nice.
165s That is nice.
166s All right.
167s So as I said, though, let's hop in some questions that you fine folks asked us.
171s Sure.
172s These are all some nice softballs.
173s So first one for you.
174s You change cooking to be three items per craft, but increase the materials be five times as much.
180s What's the reasoning for this?
181s Yeah, no for sure.
182s So, I'm going to be very honest on this one.
185s We're making a lot of changes.
187s And you know, we've done economy talks as well.
191s And there was, part of it were I wanted to see if we couldn't get away with sinking more things out of the economy.
196s Yes, I understand that means more grind.
199s But I knew it was going to go to PTR, and I was like, well, if we get pushback, this is like a five minute change and we'll change it back.
204s And so we put it out there.
206s It went out with all the other other changes as well.
208s As soon as the feedback came up, I think it was on PTR for.
212s Two hours, three. As soon as the feedback came up, I think it was on PTR for.
212s Two hours, three.
213s Maybe, if that?
213s And the change went into to bring it back, bring it back down.
217s You know, end of the day, obviously we want to make sure that the experience is as good as it can be.
223s At the same time, we got to make sure that the economy keeps moving.
226s And this was one of those things that we wanted to try.
227s PTR's for trying things, in my opinion.
230s And so we gave it a shot.
232s Didn't work, so we changed it.
233s Absolutely.
234s I want to kind of double down on that one point.
235s And that's like PTR's for trying things.
238s I think this this is a great example of like PTR working as it's supposed to be, right?
241s We put out changes, see the feedback, and then iterate based on those changes.
245s Can't always iterate depending on how involved the change is, but something like that super easy for us to tune.
249s And I think, you know, it's awesome that we have the ability to be experimental like that.
253s And you'll see that kind of with the rest of the simplification initiative as well.
257s All right.
258s Next question then.
258s So with cooking moving to a focus on the legendary fish, are you not worried that playing with a stat food becomes too expensive for most players?
265s Please don't say you expect people to use the lower variant foods.
269s I expect people use lower variance, so I know that's not going to be the answer that people want to hear 100%.
275s This is a...
276s this is complicated.
278s Fishing at launch had a lot of value because of food.
282s As Brimstone came out, we had the Brimstone Foods come out, which basically made fishing irrelevant when it came to gathering for high end stuff.
291s And then obviously the expansion came out further invalidating anything from fishing, because if we remember looking back more to get into this more here shortly, when Brimstone came out, there's no stat increase.
300s And so it was just same stat that that lasted longer.
304s And so once the expansion came out, now you had a much higher start.
307s And so it was completely useless.
310s The main thing that we are concerned about, I think, is the same thing that the community is concerned about as well, which is going to be the cost.
317s Right, right.
318s Now if you take a look at like Con food or strength food, I want to say between like 30 and maybe 40 gold per or 30 or 40 coin per per meal.
330s And if you take a look at fish, that can get much more expensive.
333s So we don't want people to have to spend a ton of coin all the time to be fed.
340s But at the same time, this is definitely one of the biggest levers we have to make fishing viable.
346s [Patrick: For sure.] So, I feel like.
350s And, you know, we're going to see how this goes.
351s We have a lot of levers that we can use for fishing and ultimately, long term, if we have to rework some of the buffs then we'll will rework some of the buffs, right?
359s It's data. We have a lot of levers that we can use for fishing and ultimately, long term, if we have to rework some of the buffs then we'll will rework some of the buffs, right?
359s It's data.
361s But, I feel like I want to see how people use the +48 foods for, you know, will they just use it in war and threes and OPR and those in those places?
375s Will people still be okay using a +44 when they're just out running around?
380s As someone who plays the game a lot, that's the route that I plan on taking.
383s Sure.
384s I want to go into the higher end content and I'll do that.
386s I think the big thing that we want to make sure we are cognizant of is, is how does it impact people's builds if they're doing a 300, 300 split, which a lot of people do, does this impact that a ton?
398s How much weight room is there for that?
400s I think with some of the other changes that we have coming in season five with magnify and the ability to select it, it alleviates a lot of that because those 1 or 2 stat point changes are going to completely shift to something else.
412s So I think this is a good time to give this a shot.
415s Yeah, absolutely.
415s As long as we're not impacting those attribute threshold break points, I think, which we're not.
420s That was what we really wanted to preserve.
422s And, you know, like you said, we're going to monitor this.
424s We very well may change some of the fishing rates to just cost.
427s We'll get to that in a couple seconds, but, yeah, we have our eye on it.
430s Yeah.
430s I think if it wasn't for the ability to set magnify with season five, I wouldn't have done this because it would have been too much of a change.
437s But now that we have that as well, they complement one another.
440s Definitely.
441s All right.
441s So question.
442s Any plans on top of the cooking rework to obsolete/change spawns for legendary fish with no specific purpose.
448s We're looking at you gowing guardfish.
450s Yeah.
452s Yeah.
452s There is.
452s So one thing that I did not get to for this set of changes was actually making some of these more categorical when you go to make the different meals, right.
464s And so you have your, your strength food or whatever it may be, allowing that to be swapped out for a different fish type.
470s Yeah.
471s different Legendary this time because we do we have a lot of legendary fish that are just kind of useless.
474s It bothers me.
477s It literally came down to the time.
479s So in the future.
480s Yeah, I do want to be able to do that because, like, when it comes to fishing and like the, the the fantasy of the tradeskill, I want to be able to go out on his own and throw line and catch some fish and just kind of relax.
493s Right.
493s Like that's the whole idea behind fishing, and making it more viable to do it in more places, especially with as beautiful as the game is, when we let people get out there and do their thing wherever they were going.
504s Yeah, absolutely.
505s All right.
506s You appear to be switching back to legendary fish for fishing.
509s We are.
510s Those consumables were basically pointless because of the cost.
513s One day I would love for you to get the fun/tedium/ edgelord ratio correct.
519s So I'll take this one.
520s So we're working on it, right?
523s As Tony said, we have a lot of awesome levers that we can that we can tune, that we can pull, we can manipulate this data very quickly and very easily.
530s So I think one good example here is when we ship to PTR, getting those legendary fish was, I believe, about a one in 20, 1 in 10 right from a hot spot.
539s So naturally we started seeing prices increase for fish based on speculation and something we were pretty concerned about.
544s We had set some internal thresholds of if fish crosses price, then we need to start taking further action.
549s But even before that, once we saw a feedback from PTR and started playing it ourselves, we went ahead and made some changes.
556s So hot spots are going to give you more legendary fish.
558s Hot spots are going to last longer.
560s Hot spots are generally going to be a lot better.
562s Another great change that came from feedback from you folks on PTR.
566s So are we, you know, at that perfect razor's edge now for fun/tedium/ edgelord ratio.
571s Probably not.
572s We probably have more work to do, but this is where feedback and data comes in and helps us.
575s You know, we look at the the catch rates.
577s We look at the prices on the trading posts, which I'm sure we'll cover in the economy video the next time we do one for Q2.
584s So it's constant battle, constantly trying to get that right.
588s So hopefully we're pushing closer though towards that ratio.
591s As I say.
592s Yeah, no, I think I think you summed it up really well.
594s It's a lot of the stuff that we work on is in data.
597s Yeah.
597s So, you know, well, we can't just chuck a random patch to change some values, like on a random Tuesday whenever we want.
604s It is easier to get that stuff live than, say, code changes or new art assets or whatever.
609s And like you said, I think that balance is tough, but, we'll see how this goes and then we'll make some changes.
615s Definitely.
616s All right.
617s Why the reduction of recipes that reduces options instead of making the crafting system more dynamic programmatically, i.e.
623s on craft, I select which attributes and it spits out the correct item.
627s Yeah, that would be amazing.
628s I mean, I would love to have a much more kind of dynamic, crafting system.
634s The cooking simplifications for the majority of it was just me.
638s And, you know, it's it's one of those things that we wanted to kind of see what we could attack, without disrupting all the other things that we've got going on.
647s And so, you know, if I ran into bugs or I ran into a blocker, something easy, then of course we could code support.
652s We can.
653s We can get some stuff in there.
654s I think a fully shifted dynamic, crafting or recipes while it's awesome.
660s And like I said, I would be very excited for that.
662s Yeah, that's a completely different scope on on what we were trying to accomplish for this.
666s Especially we have so many tradeskills, to get through.
668s Sure.
669s So.
669s So also some downsides to going that approach, right?
672s I think one of the benefits of the more static, fixed approach we have is I can find a recipe and I can, know exactly what ingredients I need to put into that to output, that when you go super dynamic, suddenly I have to go rely on an external website.
683s I have to be on New World Database and figure out what do I need for this.
686s You know, when I play Minecraft, for example, I always have a second screen up telling me what to output, and I like to stay in game.
693s I think that's a big strength of New World crafting as it is today.
696s Yeah.
697s And, you know, oddly enough, one of the things that we actually see quite a bit, I shouldn't say quite a bit, but more often than you would think, even with the menus that we have currently when it comes to things like armoring or, weaponsmithing, engineering is the frequency where people forget even to put in Azoth in order to get additional perks.
714s Yeah.
715s So something that's even right there, a lot of reports, you know, things are broken.
719s We check all the logs.
721s And Azoth are never put in.
724s And so I think there's definitely some pros and obviously some cons from a more free form factor of a system like that.
730s Yeah, definitely.
731s Yeah.
732s All right.
733s Why have you decided that ruining top tier attribute foods is the best thing?
737s The expansion foods should have been left top tier with the changes to legendary fish, catch chance and cooking recipes at the price of one.
743s Food will be in the realm of 300 coin, which is really awesome quality of life.
748s Quality of life.
748s Change from a 40 coin cost.
751s So we touched on this a little bit earlier.
753s Again, this is it's tough because fishing and cooking are.
759s Are hand in hand.
760s Hand in Hand.
760s Yep.
762s We obviously don't want people going out and spending a ton of coin to feed themselves all the time.
768s 30 to 40 gold, I think, you know, was is, really fair for that top, top end food.
775s However, again, fishing just doesn't really have, root.
779s And it needed something.
781s Fishing saw much higher engagement back after launch when people needed it for the food.
785s That was one of the goals that we wanted to kind of get back to.
787s So we'll keep an eye on that.
789s And we can change quite a, you know, quite a few levers to bring legendary fish into more abundance.
797s Anybody who's played for the last six months knows there was a point where you're basically catching a legendary fish every time that your line hit the water.
804s And so we can go all the way from every fish is legendary to it's 1 in 1000 shot.
810s And so we'll continue to kind of work with those ratios to figure out what the right drop rates are.
815s And, as we keep an eye on the economy, we see the prices and we should be able to kind of control that pretty well.
821s Definitely.
822s Yeah.
823s All right.
823s Why decrease time of duration of food and make the legendary recipe cost five x the normal for only three food items?
830s This is a really stupid thing to do.
837s Yeah.
837s No.
838s It's okay.
839s Let's, let's we'll break this one down.
842s So the 5x we talked about earlier.
844s Wanted to try it.
844s Got the feedback that went away.
846s So thank you for the feedback.
848s And you know so that ones now costs are the same.
852s The, the other aspect of that duration.
856s So I kind of touched on this a little bit earlier.
859s So game launches we have our food duration was 40 minutes at a plus 40 attribute.
865s Brimstone comes out.
867s We don't have an attribute cap, gearscore does not increase.
871s It is, still plus 40 food limit on or plus 40 attribute limit on food.
877s The only knob that Design had at that point was to turn off duration.
880s So now we have a 60 minute food.
884s Expansion comes out.
885s We go from plus 40 to we get the approval to go to plus 48 for food because that's within our set allotment, which is good.
893s And then we do a I think it was plus 50 minutes was that was the baseline, on the duration for that one because that's what, you know, that that is what was approved.
902s Now, when I took a look at the tradeskills, we essentially had three tier...
908s tier five foods, two at the same stats but different durations, and then one with more stats and a completely different duration as well.
917s When Brimstone came on, we also added the, bag perks that increased food duration as well.
924s I think that peaks out somewhere between like, was a 25% or something?
927s Something around there.
928s Think on 25, 20, some. Something around there.
928s Think on 25, 20, some.
930s Either way, north of 20%, people will chase that on three bags, which is a 60% duration.
936s And so now when you have 60% on top of an hour, like our food durations, were getting very, very, very long.
943s I didn't want to set the precedent that like as expansions roll or updates roll or whatever the durations, were just going to continue to increase as gear score goes up, our food buff perks are going to naturally kind of increase as well, which is going to increase those base durations.
959s And so that's why I made the call to just move everything back down to a base 40 minutes.
964s And then kind of rework the food.
965s So now there's a plus 40, a plus 44 and a plus 48.
968s So there's a little bit more of a progression.
970s There's a little bit more of, of a growth, as you go through the journey of, of those foods.
975s And so it was jarring.
976s Yeah.
977s You know, it was a lot of changes.
978s I'm not going to, you know, disagree on that at all.
981s But that's kind of the reasoning and why we did what we did.
984s So then high level when we ship expansion ten, the dream of 24 hour staff food is dead?
989s Not really.
989s I mean, your bags may just give you plus 17,000% food duration, and then you're going to go.
993s You never eat again.
994s The dream is alive, great.
997s Next one.
998s Arena food that boosts XP or reward from arena spoils.
1001s As we know right now, both of these things are lacking.
1003s So for this one, no active plans for food that increases your arena rewards.
1007s And frankly, that's just the wrong solve.
1010s If we need to give you food to make your rewards better, then I think we've missed the mark there.
1014s Sorry.
1014s No on suck the rewards.
1016s Yeah.
1017s Arena rewards.
1017s Like we know they're not in the best spot right now.
1019s It's very much on our radar.
1021s Something that we plan to address soon here.
1023s We want arena to be a very compelling game mode, both for the gameplay itself, which I believe it is, and the rewards side of things.
1029s And as rewards are just outclassed by Outpost Rush and elsewhere right now.
1032s So yeah.
1032s Yeah, exactly.
1033s And this is actually this is something that's an interesting topic, I think, because we have had this discussion before internally about, and this is a bit of a turn, but, luck perks.
1044s Yeah.
1044s And it becomes a question of should somebody have to compromise their build or their ability to deal damage or heal or whatever in order to get better benefits for themselves?
1054s And doing something where it's like, I'm going to sacrifice my food to get better rewards makes me less useful inside of the the content in question, to boost rewards.
1063s So, like you said, I think we should just increase make rewards better.
1067s And then let food do its job.
1069s All right, so one last question for you.
1071s Yeah, cooking.
1071s This remake and cooking is a great change.
1074s Simplifying the learning curve of the game is a great approach.
1077s Do you have any plans on doing the same for arcane, like making potions be effected by the gear or decrease the amount of potions we have to craft for each expedition?
1085s Any plans on simplifying it?
1087s Yes.
1087s Yeah.
1088s So Arcana, I mean, Arcana is a big one as well.
1092s We are planning on doing simplification for more skills.
1095s Of all the trades, all the tradeskills, as we go down the route.
1098s I don't want to speak to specifics right now, but what I will say, you can look at things like, say, I think arcana is one of the ones that has a ridiculous amount of ingredients, but we could definitely get away with simplifying the ingredient list down quite a bit.
1115s Don't worry, you're not going to lose anything when we go that route.
1118s And then, other things when it's like, armoring, for example, for the expansion we did all balanced sets.
1127s And so there wasn't like an elemental set, balance set, and a physical set.
1130s It was just a balance set.
1132s And I think, you know, slimming down some of that as well.
1135s Jewel crafting, very similar, you know, very high level.
1138s But look at what we did with the expansion and we just made socketable jewelry items.
1144s I think that's a great one to touh on by the way.
1145s Like, let's give a number there.
1147s Jewelcrafting.
1147s Tony's pass on that took it from 180 recipes to 12 to 12.
1151s Yep.
1152s And then we made some other changes to get some more stuff back in jewel crafting.
1155s We're not going to go to the changes yet, but it was massive.
1158s Yeah.
1158s You know how much it simplified.
1159s That you don't need one ring per elemental type.
1161s Now you just craft the ring and.
1162s Then put the gem in that you want.
1164s And it's just it's it just it feels a lot more approachable.
1169s Yeah.
1169s And it feels like it makes a lot more sense.
1171s And there was some other shuffling in there that I, you know, we started to go down the route of.
1176s And I think it just it makes the, the fantasy of being a jewel crafter more realized.
1183s And I'm excited for when that stuff hits PTR to get feedback on all that and see how that goes.
1190s Absolutely.
1190s Yeah, it's going to be I hope it's going to be received well.
1195s The crafting menus are much more slim than they used to be.
1199s But like some of the other goals, for example, is, you know, like when you start your journey through crafting, we have the first time craft bonuses.
1210s XP curves have been reworked.
1211s And so as long as you make one of everything, you'll get like level 100, level 150 out of a Tradeskill now.
1217s So, you know, I played the game at launch.
1220s I made thousands of iron swords.
1223s You know, tens of thousands of arrows and then threw them on the ground like, that's not good gameplay.
1230s And so I think a lot of that stuff has gotten better over the last couple years.
1235s And with this, it's it's going to get even better.
1237s Yeah, absolutely.
1238s Tony's been locked in an engineering station for a couple months now, tinkering away here to find that perfect balance.
1243s And I'm pretty excited with, you know what, what you've shown.
1246s A lot of systems, like timeless shards, for example, going down a lot.
1249s Yes, a lot of good stuff coming, that we're pretty excited to share.
1253s Yeah, yeah, I think the timeless shards is another big one.
1256s Anybody who's had a timeless shard in your in your inventory, all of a sudden you've got 25 options or whatever it is at the top for all the different things.
1263s So you know we're going to simplify that down.
1266s So you can just like timeless shard what attribute you want.
1269s Boom within the craft.
1271s And it's just it's so much it's so much better.
1273s Definitely.
1274s all right.
1275s So I think that pretty much covers it for covering this round of both cooking Q&A, season five PTR response.
1281s Yeah, and a little sneak peek at what's coming down the roadmap there.
1284s Yeah.
1285s Thank you for joining us today.
1286s We're about to go pop off to the Tradeskill showcase to find Aeternum's best chef.
1291s But if you've liked this video, please like and subscribe.
1293s Leave a comment.
1294s Message us in Discord, come chat with us.
1296s We're going to leave you find folks with the Community Question.
1298s Which Tradeskill are you most hoping to see specific changes in, and what are those changes?
1303s Thanks for joining us and we will see you in Aeternum.
1307s Hello everyone, and welcome to today's Tradeskills Showcase.
1311s We're going to go over cooking and determine who is a Aeternum's Next Cooking Star.
1317s We have three contestants today.
1319s First up.
1320s Hello all, I'm Raelynn Hampton.
1322s I am a Producer on New World.
1324s And which faction are you representing today?
1326s I'm representing Syndicate.
1328s And next up we have.
1329s My name is Kyle Richter.
1330s I am an Engineering Manager for the Services team representing the Covenants.
1334s Finally.
1335s Hi, I'm Rachel Barnum.
1336s I'm a Game Designer on the Social team, and I'm representing Marauders.
1340s And we have our esteemed panel of judges who will be judging the banana pudding that we create today, both on taste and presentation.
1349s So the each member of the panel has ten minutes to create the most beautiful and best Aeternum banana pudding following a recipe.
1359s So are you ready?
1362s I'm ready!
1362s You're not ready.
1363s Everyone get ready.
1365s Let's go.
1367s All right.
1370s Okay.
1372s Can I have the little that that measuring cup thing?
1374s No.
1375s Oh, no.
1377s Oh, no.
1378s We're going for speed and efficiency here.
1379s We're estimating already?
1382s This is how I operate in the kitchen.
1384s For real?
1384s You didn't see that.
1386s All right.
1387s Do you all wash your hands?
1388s Yes, chef.
1388s Everyone wash.
1389s Yes.
1389s Yes, yes.
1392s Oh, yeah.
1393s Food poisoning.
1394s Not allowed.
1396s That is not allowed right now.
1401s What's your strategy today, Rachel?
1402s I see you have accessories.
1405s I do.
1406s Today it's all about the fashion.
1407s Honestly, fashion is the most important part of cooking.
1410s So.
1411s Yeah.
1412s Looking stylish while doing so?
1414s Absolutely.
1414s Yes.
1416s I'm a little concerned that Kyle wants to kill us.
1422s If we're being honest.
1424s But the whisk game is strong in all three.
1426s So it's difficult to tell.
1427s Kyle, what's your cooking skill in New World?
1431s It's a whopping ten.
1434s Is your cooking skill in real life better than your cooking skill in New World?
1437s I would be very surprised if so.
1439s Okay, so we have a strong contender.
1443s I just cannot get this off.
1447s Our strongest contestant today beaten by the Vanilla, maybe?
1452s Contestants, we have, oh.
1455s Six minutes left.
1456s Oh, my God, six minutes you have.
1458s So you have to be a ninja.
1459s I am saying.
1461s You should be done stirring and now decorate.
1465s Oh.
1467s This is the decorating phase.
1469s It should be interesting, I think so.
1471s I can I request an extension.
1476s How're we doing on time?
1477s Because it's like they're not even close.
1481s They have about 3 minutes.
1482s Oh, so good for you.
1484s It's fine.
1485s Everything's fine.
1486s I mean, they're just on a day to day, so I know how to pull it together?
1491s I told them they want to win for chocolate and I don't see any chocolate in it.
1497s She's got an edge, she might get her Hippo wish.
1501s This is way too thick.
1503s Are there any bananas in your banana pudding?
1505s Right?
1506s No.
1506s Okay.
1508s I don't know what I'm doing.
1510s Good I think it is a requirement.
1513s I guess.
1514s There's no way.
1515s Okay, you know what?
1516s I'm going to.
1518s We're going to go.
1519s Do you.
1519s You have a minute and a half, everyone.
1520s A minute and a half.
1523s We're in finishing touches territory.
1526s Are we in finishing touches territory?
1527s Interesting.
1528s We should be...
1530s power tools were not as part of the recipe.
1534s Oh, don't you worry about it.
1536s What is she doing?
1540s She brought power tools to a cooking competition.
1543s Y'all, this is a decorating competition.
1546s It is.
1546s Oh, no, I didn't.
1548s Okay, okay.
1551s Let's just.
1551s I don't know what this is.
1553s We're just.
1553s Just you wait.
1555s Okay.
1556s Last minute additions.
1559s Wait wait wait wait wait.
1560s There's no way.
1560s Can we do 30s 30s?
1564s We're so close.
1567s Okay, I will make the executive decision to give you two more minutes.
1577s Okay.
1577s Can I could I move off set for a second?
1579s I need I need to find an ingredient.
1580s My gosh.
1581s Six five.
1582s Four.
1584s Three.
1585s Two one.
1586s Hands off.
1588s I can't.
1588s That's okay.
1591s Okay.
1592s Well done.
1592s Everything well done.
1596s Place your presentations here at the front of the table for the judges starting down here.
1602s Okay.
1602s Our first presentation we have to do.
1605s Raelyn, would you like to talk to us about the concept here?
1609s Hippos in Aeternum, please?
1613s Thank you.
1614s Yeah.
1614s Compelling.
1615s Excellent.
1615s Compelling concept.
1616s Okay.
1617s Is there a perfect bite that we should be looking for here?
1620s So I would say for Scot.
1624s Chocolate.
1625s Katy, you know, I don't know if you're fruity, chocolaty, banana-y,.
1629s Oh I'm fruity.
1629s Clearly.
1629s Then obviously right down here in the hippo snout.
1632s Okay, this is a hippo.
1634s Yes.
1635s This is.
1635s It's excellent.
1636s I would like to confirm that my artists are much more talented than I as the Producer, but I am very much inspired by their great talent.
1643s It looks like a rabbit.
1645s Let's go.
1646s The bisquik needs one more.
1647s Oh, God, that's probably great.
1654s Better than it looks.
1658s But not bad.
1658s It really has a staying flavor on your tongue, right?
1663s Yeah.
1663s No.
1664s I mean, yeah, the texture was good.
1665s It was a little bit of an afterbite.
1666s Thank you, chef Raelynn.
1667s You're welcome.
1667s Well done.
1668s Now next up we have Chef Kyle.
1670s Could you tell us about your presentation.
1674s I tried to, give it some kind of appeal by, layering in a pool of whites.
1683s Yeah, that sounds appetizing.
1685s Pool of white.
1687s Is there a is there a perfect bite?
1690s I mean, it's all of it.
1692s Okay.
1693s Dive in.
1693s Yeah.
1695s You see the way I presented it?
1699s Made that possible for you.
1706s Oh, God.
1711s That look is not inspiring.
1713s We used boxes.
1714s How did they. We used boxes.
1714s How did they.
1716s I was impressed that he could match the consistency of the banana with the...
1724s Is it?
1725s Is it that bad?
1727s Let me try it without the wafer.
1730s The wafers are a little.
1731s Oh, God.
1732s So when things are very soggy and weird.
1741s Just get it in there, Katy.
1755s Content complete.
1757s I'm okay with just my one bite.
1759s Thank you, Chef Kyle.
1765s Alright that the reaction was worth it.
1769s Oh, good.
1770s Okay.
1770s Is there a palate cleanser?
1774s Chef Rachel, do you want to come around to the front to show the pudding staff?
1779s So this is a new weapon I'm proposing for our game.
1784s It is the banana pudding staff.
1789s Plunger?
1789s Can you drop that plunger down a little bit so I can see.
1791s Yeah.
1791s There we go.
1793s It melted a bit in the time that they were trying to eat Kyle's so.
1798s Did you leave the wrapper?
1799s Is that by.
1800s Is that by design or.
1801s She left the wrapper of it.
1802s Is there a JIRA for the wrapper being on there?
1805s It's gonna be peanut butter.
1807s We marked it as "Won't do".
1808s So unfortunately.
1811s Okay.
1813s She's going deep.
1815s Okay.
1821s Yeah.
1822s Doesn't Katy make you feel like you're watching Fear Factor?
1828s Be nice.
1830s All you got is cool, but it's just whipped cream.
1833s I don't know, like.
1833s That's why.
1836s I get some, though.
1838s I get some pudding.
1839s Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah.
1840s You know, it's there.
1842s Yeah.
1848s Nods.
1849s Nods are good.
1850s Not bad.
1850s Okay.
1851s All right.
1851s Okay.
1852s Thank you.
1853s Judges.
1855s Would you like to deliberate?
1856s Can we.
1857s Please deliberate?
1858s Would you like to deliberate with the staff of banana?
1860s Oh, thank you so much, but no.
1862s Okay.
1862s Kyle leaned into the bananas.
1864s It was the only one that, like, fully leaned into the banana and then.
1868s Okay.
1869s All right.
1871s All right.
1873s If it was on style alone, I think Rachel would have had it in the bag.
1877s I think the plunger's is going to win.
1879s I'm definitely.
1880s A dirty, dirty marauder.
1882s I know.
1883s Well, we also need your help.
1885s Okay.
1885s Yeah.
1885s We are ready to give the verdict.
1887s So in best presentation category.
1890s Yes.
1890s The winner is...
1892s Chef Rachel.
1894s Thank you.
1894s Well-deserved.
1896s Great job.
1897s Well done.
1898s And in best taste category.
1899s Chef Raelynn. And in best taste category.
1899s Chef Raelynn.
1903s Hippos in Aeternum?
1904s Sure.
1905s At some point and and best effort.
1907s In Effort in best effort category,.
1911s We can just skip it.
1912s Chef Kyle.
1913s Yay!
1915s you showed up!
1916s Good job everyone.
1918s Now, before we go, do you think you can do better than these three?
1922s Join us on Discord for the cooking contest that we're having there where you can submit your own recipe.
1928s Be it banana pudding or anything else from Aeternum.
1931s So I'll see you there.