7 months ago - Play New World - Direct link

Transcript (by Youtube)

0s have 45 minutes to go and push the
2s influence uh so you're going to want to
3s go capture those Towers capture the fort
6s and generate as much influence as you
7s can throughout the race and whoever
9s generates the most will win the
12s [Applause]
15s race welcome to forg and aternum the
19s show where we discuss all things new
20s world I'm Dan hener product owner for
22s social features and today I'm with
24s Patrick Smedley product owner for
26s progression and seasons and also Rachel
29s Barnum the lead design designer for
31s influence V2 and uh we're going to talk
33s about influence V2 today should be a
35s very fun discussion I'm looking forward
37s to it uh to to set the table what's what
41s was influence V1 like uh influence V1
44s had some problems uh as players have let
46s us know so you had to push influence
48s against a company in order to declare
50s war to push influence you had to go run
52s PVP missions uh those often involved
54s capturing the fort Gathering chests
56s outside the war camp uh sometimes
58s killing players or holding an area and
59s you ran that for for probably 2 to 3
61s hours in order to generate enough
63s influence in order to declare that war
65s after you did the push then you had a
68s lottery system to determine who would
69s actually get the war um so all in all we
71s weren't super happy with it I don't
72s think players were either uh very
74s quickly The Meta developed to not
76s countering those pushes while you could
78s run out and run missions and kill
79s players in order to push down their
80s influence uh companies actively
82s discouraged that because Wars a really
84s fun game mode and they wanted to go and
86s have that war so it didn't shake out uh
88s how we hoped and here we are influence
90s too now yeah absolutely absolutely yeah
93s what I mean so looking at that when you
95s started to design the feature what were
97s your kind of goals as you when about it
99s um my goals were to really make a reason
103s to fight like this was intended to be an
104s open world PVP thing to do you have to
107s be flagged to do those missions yet
108s whenever you would run them you would
109s never run into any sort of counter at
112s all because yeah you just wanted to go
113s to war um and so part of this was the
116s goal of okay how do we actually bring
118s people together for open World PVP um
122s also not then punishing the Defenders uh
126s with a non-war at the end if they were
128s successful in their defense of the
131s territory um because again Wars are fun
134s um so those are two of the really big
136s goals with this and to really help time
139s box it bring it people together make it
140s less grindy and always go to war
143s absolutely yeah uh so basically more PVP
147s less grind and try to bring in more
149s faction part ipation yeah sums it up so
153s uh so we've got a couple of major
154s components in the feature uh the first
157s one being Towers yes yeah and we kind of
160s keep calling them Towers but they're a
162s lot more interesting than that um you
164s know even I think in the initial design
166s they were just going to be Towers but
168s then as we evolved we've made them like
172s little like just zones that you're
174s defending like little mini forts in a
176s way like just like little mini
177s encampments around the territory um and
180s they will turn on during the race and
182s you can go capture them for the um with
186s your faction and they will give you a
188s little drip of influence and they'll
189s also increase any influence that you're
191s earning from PvP missions in the other
192s Towers in the fort as well um but
196s they're really cool they're like just
197s little like we said like little mini
198s forts like you're running around you
200s actually have to navigate them like
201s you've foughten them a few times now no
203s they're great uh I think we spent a lot
204s of time on the level design of those so
206s we really considered all the things
207s you're going to consider even in a
208s traditional firstperson shooter uh lines
210s of sight since musket and bow exist we
212s wanted to make sure that those players
213s had certain advantages on certain uh
216s Towers other Towers though we wanted to
217s really uh hamper those sight lines and
219s make you have to get into the confines
221s in order to go and fight so really cool
222s experience there's there's like a a wide
225s variety of well our goal was to kind of
227s have different metas for all the
228s different Towers yeah absolutely I know
230s especially a lot during development you
232s would look at them like just need more
233s verticality like just more more up here
235s there was a lot of like Redline drawings
236s all over them for a while it's neat like
239s because that the the control Point
241s Circle goes up so there's like multi
244s levels and some of these things it's
245s really cool uh cool so that's that's
248s kind of towers in a nutshell now what
250s about the the the window aspect yeah so
254s uh there are several windows in which
256s you can actually push these so they'll
257s activate Zone wide uh those windows
259s currently are 6 7 and 8:00 uh server
262s time in the evening uh some discussion
264s over whether or not we'll keep those
266s windows we'll see PTR feedback has been
267s super helpful here uh so while that
269s windows AC though in your territory you
271s have 45 minutes to go and push the
272s influence uh so you're going to want to
274s go capture those Towers capture the fort
276s and generate as much influence as you
278s can throughout the race and whoever
279s generates the most will win the race
282s Rachel you've you've worked a lot with
283s the scheduler system any stories about
286s that um yeah uh gosh the scheduler is
292s fun I will say um so any stories about
295s the scheduler itself I mean we've gotone
297s a lot back and forth on the timing that
298s we wanted we originally even had had
300s like 2hour races and we did some testing
302s with that and it was a little too long
304s we wanted to definitely feel a little
306s bit more confined and game mody um so
308s that went down quite a bit um trying to
310s figure out what times and then we were
313s going back and forth like you can't
314s really have a war and an invasion and
316s this happening all at the same time in a
317s territory um and so this is where we've
319s landed at this you know at this point is
322s just having these three races a day with
324s our 12 territories and then um being
326s able to do a nice little cycle of events
328s in that territory yeah obviously you can
330s only do so much when like without
332s without a live audience to right and
334s it's cuz these things are scheduled and
337s they're 24 hours and their cycle so you
339s know we're we're going to be watching
341s when it's live and yeah um but yeah I
344s think I think they're they're definitely
345s going to bring well for for sure in
349s every one of these there's going to be
350s PVP yes in the area that's that's for
353s sure um so in terms of like why why
357s might I want to go participate in an
359s influence race on the server because
361s it's fun it's fun it is fun and it's
364s also really rewarding to be honest like
366s we were just talking before this about
368s there's the caches at the end of the
369s race if you participate and those are
371s pretty good at the end um but all the
374s throughout the race like they unlike
376s other game modes because this is just
378s open world PVP um you get all the other
381s rewards just as you do um as you do an
384s open world PVP we've made the um actual
387s killing of players a little bit more
388s valuable and earning PVP XP you'll earn
391s it more often um even what they drop is
394s a little bit more valuable in this
395s release um when you recapture Towers
398s capture the fort their values have gone
400s up quite a lot in this you're still
402s doing PVP missions throughout as kind of
404s secondary objectives and also to earn
406s influence all those rewards as well so
408s if you're a really active participant in
410s this race you're getting a lot like I
413s feel like this is becoming one of the
414s more efficient ways even to earn uh
417s rewards on the PVP track yeah that's the
419s goal right if you want to go get that
420s artifact on that PVP reward track or get
423s that Prestige gear go run an influence
424s race it's super fun content I think a
427s lot of players remember the early days
428s of new world when we first launched and
429s you have that mad rush where a lot of
431s open world PVP due to player density
433s we're hoping to recreate that here with
434s the influence races right there was I
436s remember there was one video of like
438s bunch of players like going over a cliff
440s at one point and there's at least one
442s tower that you'll see that where we
444s placed it that that was kind of an
446s inspiration for that Tower placement so
449s all those are definitely inspirational
450s in terms of uh where we place them and
452s how they look and then there was there
454s was one last kind of a sleeper change
456s that we made to for so outside of the
459s influence races obviously um players
462s play all day not just during these times
464s um there will still be PVP hotspots now
467s throughout the day um at the forts so
469s now whenever you go and capture a fort
472s uh it will be locked for an hour there
473s will be a timer on the map you know when
475s that fort's going to be available again
477s um so you know where the action's going
478s to be all day uh whenever whatever Fort
481s you want to go get another nice change
483s about that too is now your faction's
484s guaranteed that buff for an hour but I
486s find the you know where the fight's
487s going to be at all times to be a lot
488s more fun I'm super excited about that
490s one CU When I log on first thing I do is
492s open my map and look for those cross red
494s swords to go kill someone right and half
496s the time the forts are empty because
497s they're available 24/7 so that more
499s targeted PVP for someone like me is
500s going to be just huge yeah or you just
502s go sit there solo just wait for the 10
506s now PP XP whatever it
508s takes absolutely so that's that's kind
511s of the highlevel uh influence V2 uh
514s package of changes um and that kind of
517s wraps us up uh that brings us to the
519s community question today which is uh I
522s think I think this kind of calls for a
523s more open-ended one than usual I mean
525s there's a lot here there's a lot to this
526s so if you're a PVP player please share
528s your thoughts um like we said we'll be
531s watching and live um in fact we're about
533s to go into PTR right now and and play
535s the first one literally right after this
537s video it's going to be awesome
540s so uh so yeah thanks so much for
542s watching and please like And subscribe
544s if you like this want to see
546s more and someone was like Hey what if H
548s what if the tentacle reached out from
549s the portal and grabs the guy and that
551s turns out to be really the cool the
553s coolest part of the
553s [Music]
555s [Applause]
561s [Music]
564s scene