6 months ago - Play New World - Direct link

Transcript (by Youtube)

0s can we get a Caster weapon that shoots
2s bees thanks I like bees I'm curious like
5s this person must have like a camera in
8s our office because like we've been
9s talking about this feature for so long
11s it's like it's literally at the top of
14s our feature
16s [Applause]
20s list hey everybody Welcome to the
22s October Forge in aternum where we do
25s community Q&A I'm here with Dave and
27s Katie and Lovin and we are going to get
30s started so bring those fun questions up
33s first I got to ask whose birthday is it
35s today I don't know happy birthday KY K
40s thanks everybody don't be so excited you
44s okay there's no more Whispering at the
45s beginning of these everybody's in
47s timeout okay well now that we have that
49s context let's go into the other
51s questions can't believe Chuck didn't
52s sing just saying he's back in the
55s back can we expect new artifacts in
58s heart run uh in upcoming events and
61s updates uh well good news here we will
64s definitely be introducing more artifacts
66s each season uh we'll be tying them to
68s new content or events that come out uh
70s heart ruins as we've discussed in the
72s past we are going to slow down on those
73s I think we've sort of hit critical mass
75s there and I don't think we're going to
76s have them sort of come out every season
78s anymore all right um well when will the
81s transfers open up so I can go play with
83s my friends who just came back yeah so we
86s review um the active users on uh those
90s populated worlds every day and we're
92s watching to see when that reduces um
95s when we can open those up so I can't
97s give you an exact time but I can say
99s that's something that we're watching
101s very closely and those will open up as
103s soon as there's space I do want to call
105s out that just because it shows that it
107s hasn't reached the max like population
109s cap on the world that does not mean that
110s that world is not full um as I've
114s mentioned before in other um updates or
116s other videos um Nisa is one of those
120s worlds where for a really long time it
122s wasn't showing its population cap but
123s its active user base was two times every
127s other world and what we saw was we had
128s to lock that world far in advance
130s because it had long cues um so we're
132s trying to avoid that with these other
133s worlds so we'll keep an eye on it we'll
135s let you know when they're open enough
136s that all right um any plans to rework or
139s remove the debuff resilience on
141s mutations two or three reducing mutation
144s levels and removing Wards Banes then
146s artificially adding difficulty to a
148s fiveman encounter by requiring certain
150s builds for weekend Ren pretty much puts
152s us back to square one for gear checks
154s and it removes a cool debuff exclusive
156s to the sandworm which works a lot better
158s since there's 20 people to work with the
160s bosses and mutations also have a base
163s empowered level so they're already still
165s extremely dangerous even if you hit this
167s theoretical weaken cap after resilience
169s is taken into account can you repeat
173s that uh it's a it's a fair question I
176s think overall uh no immediate change is
179s planned um we've been taking a look at
181s the data uh M2 mutations have a very
184s high win rate I think we're seeing
186s people do them pretty easily I've pugged
188s a few uh and made it through pretty
190s easily uh obviously it's even easier
192s with the company um so I think you know
195s no real ples there plans no plan changes
198s let me try that there uh M3 is
200s definitely a bit harder uh I think you
202s know it is intentionally made to be
204s harder our goal was that the M3 level
206s would be harder than M10 uh we like this
209s mechanism of introducing difficulty
211s versus just increasing health or damage
214s uh I think it it Spurs you know diverse
217s builds it brings in different types of
219s weapons to get uh the different status
221s effects so no immediate changes planned
223s and I think you know M3 is going to be
226s something that's going to be harder to
227s do with pugs and I think that's an
229s understood thing uh the good thing is
231s the rewards from M2 uh get you just
234s about everything uh that nm3 can in
236s terms of gear score you can still hit
237s 700 it's just a different percentage I I
240s think it's okay that the M3s are are
242s very hard I think you need that
244s difficult content so yeah all right uh
247s is there plan of reducing the difficulty
249s of worm raid from season 2 or at least
251s make the devour heart Rune obtainable
253s through other
254s methods uh so no changes to the
257s difficulty planned here uh you know we
259s released it intentionally very hard uh
262s and our thinking is that as people sort
265s of perfect their builds we hit 700 gear
267s score they set up their artifacts they
269s sort of op optimiz that increase in
271s power for players will allow a wider
273s player base to do the sand room it's
275s going to happen organically I think it's
277s going to happen organically uh but I do
279s think you know we're looking at putting
280s the heart Rune somewhere else uh you
282s know it won't happen in the short term
283s but you know maybe in in a season or two
286s that'll come all right um okay this one
290s I've seen a lot uh when will we get a
292s fix for the tent trolls that people keep
295s posting up over the top of the quest
297s makes it very hard to play the game when
300s when people are constantly doing it yeah
302s so oh you're going to take it no you go
304s ahead cuz I was going to say how I find
306s the term trolls offensive actually not
308s just the term Trolls but the actual
310s trolling is even more
311s offensive here's a hint on when we
313s recorded this
315s yesterday it was fixed yesterday and
317s released yesterday so it's in yep okay L
321s what that guy said by the time you watch
323s this it will be fixed yes I just wanted
325s to get one answer in the whole show you
327s guys have been taking everything so it's
329s it's a done thing it was yeah it was in
331s the release it was in the minor that was
333s came out on the 17th done deal okay um
336s do you have any plans to revisit the
338s sandworm raid and upscale it to make it
340s relevant again in season 4 you're
342s introducing mutated seasonal trials
344s would be nice to see a mutated Elite
346s sandworm trial as
348s well it's an interesting question
350s especially since the previous one can I
351s just hop in before you answer if you
354s ever wonder why we don't listen to your
355s feedback because everything's about half
358s of the People Want it one way and it's
360s like 4951 quite often and this is
362s another one of those examples it is a
363s Good Ju deposition though because we
365s often see this where a good percentage
368s of the player base and we'll you know
370s we'll call you casuals um you want to
372s take part in these these modes and we
374s totally understand that um but there's
377s also these really dedicated players that
379s want this really difficult content and
381s so we don't want to leave them out well
383s I would also like not just casuals
386s because you can play the game a lot and
388s not be as good as other people and I
392s think we'll see about that um but I
395s think it's like all play style there
397s there's a we should respect all play
398s Styles and try to support them and it's
401s you know it's easy to kind of get like
403s well that's what they want that's what
404s they want we our job is to try to find
406s that balance yeah anyway and I think we
408s did that with Expeditions right when we
411s introduced season 3 we now have what
413s we're calling like the story mode for
414s everybody so you can take part and then
416s the mutations are for the harder stuff
418s so that's an example of us listening to
420s player feedback uh I think the answer is
422s sort of the same as the past question no
425s no plan changes here I think uh you know
428s we think it'll get a little bit easier
429s as people gear up and then in the far
432s future we may consider uh upleveling
435s this but that's you know that's going to
436s be many seasons from now as a streamer
439s of only new world what if anything will
442s you do to anticipate an influx of people
444s for future releases queuing for hours
447s before you can play makes it hard to
448s stream at my available time yeah so um
453s we have this mechanism so firstly this
455s was introduced with Brimstone SS which
457s was um we have a latent character um
461s system where if you haven't played the
463s game in over 180 days you're moved off
466s of your world so that it makes room for
467s the active users for the active players
470s uh and that that frees up some space
472s that reduces cues uh the other thing
474s that we did at that time was once a
476s world is locked there's an auto unhide
478s so if there's no availability or reduced
480s availability in a region we Auto unhide
482s in another world one thing that we did
484s very recently was we tested a button
487s that's on the main menu so if you're in
489s a queue and you don't want to be in that
491s queue anymore you can now from the main
492s menu and this is only during times of
495s you know High cues big population coming
498s back from the main menu instead of you
500s having to go into the game to transfer
502s you can do it from the main menu you can
503s essentially make yourself latent and you
505s can then transfer to a world that's
507s available you do you do have to go in
509s get in a queue and then back out so that
511s the system knows you were in a queue
513s yeah but once you do that the main menu
514s a button will pop up when we have this
517s active yeah and we did a test and once
519s we are ready to roll out that feature
521s completely we'll have some FAQs around
523s it so players know how it's used okay
525s awesome um can we expect a rework to
528s magnify uh the current implementation
530s makes it really bad for split stat
533s builds uh yes we hear you I think this
536s is probably the most uh noticed question
539s uh we're hearing this a lot I think uh
542s there are no immediate plans to change
544s magnify I think on the positive side for
547s more casual players I think magnifi does
550s offer a lot of benefit it allows you to
552s easily switch between some stats uh and
554s if you're not super optimizing
556s especially if you're not dual stating uh
559s it does have a lot of value uh also like
562s magnify is one of the opportunities
564s there's also you know you can get more
566s specific gear if you're trying to Mid
567s Max through the various craft means and
570s set your specific attributes so uh no
573s immediate plans though we we hear you so
575s we're we're trying to come up with a
576s solution that's still provide some of
578s the benefits to the more General
580s audience that magnify provides while
582s also helping out the split stat uh
584s people no no immediate plans yet but
586s we're thinking about it um can you share
589s any plans for optimization
592s passes uh right now we're not ready to
594s share those but I can tell you that we
596s have a pretty big initiative that we're
598s going to be sharing with you in a few
599s months months okay all right well with
602s new dungeons time and time again will it
605s be possible to test if three dungeons
607s available on mutations will be viable
610s any plans to add more mutation perks
612s mixed
613s Elemental uh so we have some good news
616s here I think uh if you've seen the road
618s map we have crossworld Expeditions
620s coming and I think once we have that
622s we're going to have the larger
624s population pool and I think uh we're
626s planning on increasing the mutation
627s count to three then uh so that people
630s can especially now with with artifacts
632s and mutations you can sort of get to
634s them quicker and enjoy a larger set of
636s mutations and we don't currently have
639s plans to adjust the type of mutations
641s right no current plans for that yeah but
643s that is something that we're
644s continuously looking at to see what
646s opportunities there are and then what
648s actually fits in our development
649s pipelines yep can we get a Caster weapon
653s that shoots bees thanks I like bees I'm
656s curious like this person must have like
658s a camera in our office because like
660s we've been talking about this feature
661s for so long it's like it's literally at
664s the top of our feature list um kidding
667s of course um no immediate plans sorry uh
671s the be shooter while it sounds fun we do
673s have the beekeeper I know beekeper is
675s your
676s favorite a beekeeper would shoot smoke
679s out or some kind of foggy thing and not
681s bees out of their gun well they I mean
684s it's a turn on think about the be be
686s don't want to be shot out of a gun
688s that's horrible some you talk to the
690s bees have some heart care about our
692s little animals our little insects when
693s bees die do they repopulate on the
695s island yeah yeah right like anything
698s there any bees well there's some bees
700s but I mean there's the bees there's
701s honey there's got to be bees I don't
703s want to put miserable death there are
704s the little beehives that's true you got
707s to
708s smoke okay I think we're good on this
711s let's move forward um what happens if
714s artifact drops in a bag and you are
716s unable to pick it up because I have been
718s farming pugn puru for 40 hours now and I
722s cannot get lifetaker I believe it may be
725s bugged so uh the way that it works is if
729s you don't so if it drops and you don't
731s pick it up it doesn't count against your
733s your loot limit so you'll still be able
735s to farm it and find it however there is
737s a bug right now so if that happened if
740s it dropped and then you had a crash um
743s then it did count against it so that's
745s something that we are currently working
747s on we'll have a fixed um out as soon as
750s we can um but that's the only situation
752s in which it wouldn't in which it would
753s count against your your loot limit uh
756s well what will you do to address the
757s missing 20 free battle pass uh levels
761s fast pass for people who have maxed the
763s battle pass yeah so at the time of this
765s filming that has been um those 20 levels
769s that folks lost have already been
770s provided back to them if you were
773s already at a high level and you weren't
775s able to benefit from those passes that
777s you purchased um you're going to get
779s another um another box essentially that
783s you'll use next season um and I think
785s it's going to be called like season 4
787s something that's very clear it'll show
789s up in that compensation area of the game
791s menu um and that will have your 20
793s levels in it so you'll get to use it uh
795s for the next season okay awesome um are
798s there any plans to add more gear set
801s slots right now there aren't um we you
804s know we recently removed Banes and Wards
806s and that created a scenario we think
809s you're going to need a lot less slots
811s and we didn't want to start messing
813s around with that until we saw some data
814s and watched what the players were saying
815s so we'll look at it again in a few
817s months but right now there's no plans
819s all right um when can we expect fixes
822s for named items which are unupgraded in
825s Kiln uh they should be in our next patch
828s which is tentatively scheduled right
829s around Halloween so uh we're working on
832s it yeah um any news on the next Dev
836s update shortly after the next patch um
839s we're not sure yet but it should be
841s early November um that's all the
843s questions I got you got any questions
845s for
845s yourselves no you're good what are you
847s doing for your birthday
850s uh I'm going to take a
853s nap what are you doing for her
855s birthday uh I'm going to bake her a cake
858s perfect what are you doing Scott I'm
860s working diligently he already texted me
863s happy birthday yes that was the the the
866s peak of managers wishing you a happy
870s birthday I didn't text it I slacked it
871s but let's let's be truthful here and I
873s facebooked it by the way so double oh my
878s God all right I think we're kind of at
880s the extent of this one so with that we
884s will see you in a tournament if you like
886s what you saw let us know on Twitter x x
890s oh snap Tik Tok
893s Facebook Reddit YouTube any of those
896s great places we'd love to hear that you
898s liked it uh otherwise thanks a bunch and
900s we will see you very soon in a Turnal in
904s aernal everyone that's uh PVP intense is
908s aware of is uh is ank and the synergies
912s that an has with shering heels
914s [Music]
915s [Applause]
921s [Music]
925s so