4 months ago - Play New World - Direct link

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0s go ah least favorite is of course
3s Galahad I just I cannot stand him from
6s his blonde hair all the way down to his
11s [Music]
14s opinions hey everybody Welcome to forge
17s in eternum the show where we talk about
18s All Things New World once again we have
21s most of the quest team here we have
22s Carrie Berg sha Dean Paul Molina Divia
24s Das and Lou Lucent and I'm getting
26s better at this every time um and today
29s we're going to talk about the characters
30s of new world uh in the story in the
32s particularly in the main story although
33s we can go outside of that if we want and
35s talk about characters we love I'll lead
36s off by saying that Grace Ali is probably
38s my favorite character if at least one of
41s them um I love Galahad too but Grace
43s like what's great about Grace is that
44s she comes in at the beginning and she
47s you know she is she's a character who's
49s just arrived on the island and can and
51s can be a buddy to the player and be like
53s what the what the is up with all on
55s This Island like the corrupted like I
57s don't believe this I'm get let's get a
59s boat and get out of here like that's her
60s whole agenda and so I love her you know
63s her way of just like responding the way
65s any rational person might when they
67s reach this island which isn't the case
68s with everybody else you meet um with
70s that said like what do you guys think
71s about Grace what do you think about your
73s favorite characters just jump in who
75s wants to go Carrie you go first oh I
77s mean I do love Grace she is great and
80s having Irish ancestry is awesome to see
83s a figure from that you know showing up
85s in the game uh but my favorite character
89s is hands down Morgan she is just a joy
92s to write for because it's basically me
94s with all of my filters removed so it's
97s just wonderful having her opinions and
100s Views out there I'm sure that if I lived
103s on a turnam I too would be in a cave and
105s a swamp turning people lost just you
108s know to study what happens so it it's
111s nice to know that there's a bit of a
113s turnam there that's after my own
115s heart cool least favorite though you had
117s it a minute ago ah least favorite is of
119s course Galahad I just I cannot stand him
123s from his blonde hair all the way down to
125s his opinions and so the the tension
129s between Morgan and Galahad is very much
131s much prejudice against blond I'm just
133s going to say it right now like it's it
135s exists everywhere like it's so unfair to
138s be fair my sister is a delightful
140s individual with very blonde hair so okay
143s yeah that's that's what you're saying in
144s your defense I get it well it's good CU
146s Galahad and morgane hate each other
147s anyway so fitting um so I also like
150s Grace um she's pretty awesome I I would
152s love to see her you know doing the dual
154s pistol Arrow you know just wrecking face
156s in the middle of a battle I think that
157s would be amazing to do um cinematics
161s request it's going to be in more um of
165s course players can't do that though
166s that's to me that's always been the
168s maybe yeah do wielding pistols would be
170s cool though it would be cool um but I
172s think my favorite characters are imotep
175s and gazi um slightly biased did a lot of
178s the writing and staging for them in Brim
180s Stone but um they're I feel like they
184s because they're the the touch zones
185s throughout the entire Zone um you get a
188s lot of the the interplay between them
191s and um they just have a fun relationship
194s and they bring the player into that so
196s it you get the kind of fatherly uh
199s relationship with imotep and you get the
201s kind of flirty um you know friend next
205s door from gazi and and it's kind of fun
207s you get the fun reveal at the end that
208s I'm not going to spoil but go play
210s Brimstone if you haven't um they're
212s right away with gazi like you walk into
214s the zone and she's she's like hey how
215s you doing yeah um but I think least
220s favorite character that's that's a hard
221s one to pick
223s um it's less fun it's it's less fun
226s Carrie was like excited to talk about
229s murder Galahad
230s yes
233s um I don't know maybe father Russo just
236s because he's I I I don't know he he
238s comes across as very smarmy to to me for
240s some reason like it's the it's the way
242s that he relates to everything it's he's
245s like a lost puppy and it's like come on
247s just yeah be better be be best speaking
251s of lost puppies I mean that's how I
255s often feel
258s and great
260s segue that's why one of my favorite
263s characters is Yash because he is this
267s young guy who's found himself in a
270s strange land surrounded by experts and
274s he is basically trying to find himself
277s while facing the horrors of everyday
280s life so I really love Yash and I really
284s connect with him um the person I don't
288s like is lock near because I have had a
290s lot of adults in my life telling me what
292s is the right thing to do and what is the
294s wrong thing to do and often they can do
297s it passive aggressively and that's
300s that's lock need all over like even
302s though I contributed to him I want him
305s to just shut up and let me do my
311s thing that was perfect I don't know who
313s can follow that now yeah Paul you go uh
318s I mean I'm on the Morgan train as well
320s like I think Morgan is just the most
322s compelling character in the game I uh
326s there's a lot of things where she toes
327s the line between being like okay she an
330s ally but boy you have done some
332s questionable things
335s um the origins of the character are also
337s things that I really uh connect with the
339s aan lore and and sort of the Morgan fle
341s stuff which she's based in is always
344s like stuff that I really like that
345s character so plus uh having had the
349s pleasure of working with the vo actors
351s like a lot of them just being in the
354s studio with with the the uh actor who
358s voices Morgan is just like an absolute
361s pleasure
362s um I I have um it's hard to pick just
367s one morgane is my favorite but also big
370s fan of Rema um having been the primary
373s writer on season 2 Rema was a character
376s that I got to sort of like invest in and
378s and see a little bit more for so that's
380s a personal vanity project I think uh I
383s really um like her and sort of the
386s journey that she went on uh for season 2
389s as far as is my least favorite it's I
392s maybe I'm just not going to go down the
394s negative path like I do it I there are
398s there are characters that from storyline
400s I I think that I'm like H loch's one
404s like oh you're the villain I can't stand
406s you
407s um uh Thorp I think is another character
411s where I'm kind of like boy I don't like
414s you man uh you are question individual
417s yeah um although I do there's a journey
421s with Thorp that I do like so so there's
424s it's it's hard really any any good
427s villain uh in any story should be
429s somebody that has something there that
432s you connect with I mean we we see that
433s in popular media all the time and I
436s think Thorp ticks those buttons as does
439s Isabella um and a lot of our others
442s so um so yeah I I I look forward to
447s exploring some of these characters more
448s and seeing who we bring in
450s as we go forward with our story and what
451s else we we can explore so those of you
454s playing the home game already know that
456s Adon is my favorite probably because she
459s hates
460s humans there are other reasons though uh
464s but there's just something about her
465s prickly nature which is just like always
468s extremely hilarious to
470s me what's that she's a hedgehog she's a
472s hedgehog apparently I hadn't seen her
474s now I can't unsee that when I go into
476s the game now thanks Carrie uh but I
479s think I mean obviously with the
481s expansion pack you see that there's
483s really cool Arc to her like going into
486s her godhood and everything like that and
489s to what extent I've worked with her and
491s written some lines for her I've tried to
493s like expand the depth of her character
496s just like a little bit and that's a fun
499s way to explore you know who she is where
501s she's coming from especially emotionally
503s like I feel like one of the more
505s interesting three-dimensional aspects of
507s her is there is this prickliness which
509s is pushing the player back a little bit
512s because the player is human but it makes
514s me ask the question like why is she so
516s prickly like is it just because she's
518s trying to keep the island safe and
520s nurture nature or is there something
523s she's not talking about yet or doesn't
525s want to talk about so anyways oh and
528s least favorite character I've actually
530s been mulling this over the whole time
531s everyone's been talking because I'm like
532s I don't know who I think I'm the type
535s personality type when there's something
536s I don't like I just forget about it so I
538s probably have a better answer somewhere
540s in my unconscious so I'll just go with
542s hapless how
544s because I
547s love wants are mushroom he seemed just a
550s bit too random and it was just like
552s after the uh the characters I met with
555s LA and Reese and Grace that sort of had
558s this Baseline and then there here's this
560s guy Who's acting in a way that seems way
563s different than the other ones and it
564s just felt like it wasn't fitting to me I
567s promise I'll go back and double check
568s and see if I have a take now but at the
571s time I remember not bonding with him as
574s much as
575s Adana so you like yeah you like the
578s prickly types not uh not the hapless
580s types I get I mean that's fair
583s discriminatory like that I know I admit
585s it
586s fully I'm sorry all of his Truffles and
589s you're just like I did steal his
590s truffles though cuz that's also the kind
592s of person I am so no one mention yonas
595s oh because he's like god tier so like
597s everyone has to like him he's awesome
599s yeah I I mean Jonas is like a he is the
602s really the first custom character we had
604s in the game so he's like yeah and he's
607s maintained um but yonas is an awesome
609s character and I think the voice actor
610s for that a he's a great actor and like
613s it's you know I think we need more you
615s know we need more characters like yonas
617s actually like more representation
618s because we yonas is African and that
621s makes him an interesting character we
622s didn't explore that too much in his
624s character but it's something that uh
626s that I think we we want to do more of
627s we've we've talked about it with some of
628s our future Zone
631s um a lot of the characters which we've
634s spoken about they're from msq and
636s they're from like side quests but um
640s even like with the ambient NPCs the one
643s that really stands out for me is Bella
647s Ruby
649s because um even though she has a small
653s part her entire wish of wanting to look
658s how she feels
660s inside connects with the cops Crone and
664s makes everything more um believable and
670s I love that she does that even in that
673s little part and they are like I wrote
677s her so
679s yay and then there's dog who has no
682s lines and is just amazing dog dog is
686s best is his best boy yeah there's a lot
688s of great characters Seasons that we're
690s not even touching on yeah um for sure
694s Xander Xander is great too we also all
697s forgot about bames bar bares yes of
700s course Rebecca you know Rebecca kind of
702s brought that was her dog's name right I
704s think that's where they came from um so
707s yeah a lot of folks who've contributed
709s uh to this experience these characters
711s um who were not here but who were
712s awesome and who made a huge difference
714s on this project um all right well that
716s wraps us up uh the community question is
719s you know which characters do you love
721s which characters do you hate uh let us
723s know and of course like and uh and
726s subscribe and uh and then we'll see you
730s in a
737s [Music]
746s turnament