over 3 years ago - TheLawRich - Direct link

Thanks for asking. Can you show me the reticle app you are looking at? This is a tricky subject and some people in the audience might consider it an advantage. So the idea on this kind of thing is it’s easily available to everybody or it shouldn’t happen.

But again, thank you for thinking ahead and being open about it, I appreciate that.

over 3 years ago - TheLawRich - Direct link

It’s a good point, we should message that particular issue further. Will look into ways to do that (one of the intro tiles maybe). We’re very aware the forums audience is a small but really passionate group of people, as you say. On the other hand anything we say here tends to be amplified by that passionate group to other venues.

over 3 years ago - TheLawRich - Direct link

Of course - it’s easy to find on Steam for those curious, so not a secret.

The potential issue here is being whitelisted by EAC - we have a choice to do that or not, so we COULD turn it off. And what we have to determine is whether a significant number of people would think this was an unfair advantage over them.

And yes, there are monitors that do simple reticles in the center of the frame, but it’s pretty easy to say those can’t be enhanced for a specific game, since they are in the firmware of the monitor and know nothing about the game they are running. If you were really dedicated I suppose you could just draw on your screen - I dont think we can disallow sharpies =).

over 3 years ago - Kay - Direct link

The reticle suggestion is interesting. I’ll chat with the team about it.