8 months ago - Play New World - Direct link

Transcript (by Youtube)

1s Well, we need a preview of mounts for the love of God.
5s Cool.
9s Oh, yeah.
11s Yeah.
12s Wish I had some coconuts.
19s Hey, everybody welcome to Forged in Aeternum where we talk about all-things New World Today we're here to talk about the August Q&A.
26s But first, you know, I'm sorry if this is a kind of a running theme of the episode, but you're probably wondering like, hey, they're shooting this in a new location.
35s It's a temporary location, and we're going to explain why we're here in the Dev Update that's right around the corner.
41s But with that, why don't we just dive into some questions?
45s When will we receive any information about the upcoming expansion?
50s I'm so glad you asked that.
52s We have a Dev Update coming that's going to be a deep dive on the expansion.
56s And on that we will answer hopefully all of your questions.
61s Will the expansion go to PTR first or straight to live?
65s The expansion will go to PTR first, but it will be a shorter PTR.
71s More details on that to come.
73s Okay.
74s On August 3rd, patch 2.0.2 introduced extreme dysync lag in teleporting and Outpost Rush in 3v3 Arenas.
84s This is causing PVP to be very frustrating and difficult to play.
89s What are your plans to fix this and how long will it take?
94s We are very aware of this.
96s Thank you for letting us know.
98s It is one of our top priorities.
99s We are working on it as hard as we can.
102s You know, desync is very complicated, so we haven't exactly got the root cause of this yet.
107s We are working on it.
108s Good news is we have - we do have some specific fixes for...
112s there's a hatchet desync, fire staff.
114s So we've got some specific fixes already coming in.
117s They'll come in with the expansion and we're working hard on it and hope to be able to give an update with positive news on it soon.
123s Are there any plans to rework Faction store rewards?
127s Like there are a few things that everyone buys, but mostly everything there is useless.
133s When you increase your rank, you already have better gear than what a store offers.
137s Maybe add some craft mods there as well or make some rotation of rewards.
143s Sorry, I know you don't like when we don't answer your questions directly.
146s This is going to be answered in the Dev Update where we talk about the expansion.
150s And so I guess the short answer is there is going to be some changes coming with the expansion, but it's just not something we're prepared to talk about today.
157s There's a lot of the concern with crit multipliers with this removal of Resilient.
162s Can we please get a bit of clarification on this?
166s So we are removing Resilient when we remove Wards and Banes.
168s That obviously is going to make certain build stronger because now you have less protection against crit.
175s What we are going to do is we're going to inherently bake in some crit protection based on equip load.
181s So that will be coming in to compensate for the loss of this.
184s Again, sort of with our theme here, it's you don't have to get this mandatory perk.
188s Instead, we're going to make it an inherent on the character.
191s All right.
191s And for Ward and Banes, I know you said you'll be getting rid of them, but what does that mean for trophies?
198s Does that mean we will have no combat trophies for each enemy type?
201s Or will Banes and Wards be two different trophy types?
205s We will continue to have the trophies that we have now.
209s I think the reason we didn't like the Wards and Banes is because it made gear feel like we said mandatory and like you had to get that.
215s But I think as a one time chase to get the trophies, I think it is fun.
220s It is just for that last little bit of damage.
222s You only need them in like the highest level mutator M3...
225s sorry, in the highest level mutators coming up.
230s When is the overhaul to Territory Influence?
233s Pushing Territory is so boring.
237s So, I hate to do this to you again, but we do have the Influence changes coming up, the changes to pushing a Territory, and we're going to be discussing that more in the upcoming Dev Update.
249s So stay tuned.
250s It is coming out rather quickly.
253s Well, we need a preview of mounts for the love of God.
257s Cool.
261s Oh, yeah.
263s Yeah.
264s Wish I had some coconuts.
267s Yeah.
267s I mean, they're coming and they're awesome, and we're really happy about them.
270s And we'll be seeing more and sharing more with you over time.
272s But like, we're really not talking about the expansion yet, but we are very soon going to be talking about this stuff.
279s All right.
280s I would really like an update on when the music sheets from Medleyfaire will be added to the game.
287s So they are in the game, but there's a bug where they're in the wrong root buckets.
291s We are aware of that.
292s In the Season Three expansion release.
294s This will be fixed and you will be able to get them.
298s All right.
298s I only have one more question.
300s You're burning through this fast, and I know we're saving some of the substance for the Dev Update we're doing very soon.
305s So I'm going to ask this next one.
308s How will you deal with current routes of acquiring BIS gear in Season Three?
313s The improvements to the PVP track have helped a little, but in general, acquiring a full BIS set requires company treasury size budgets and there is little way to work towards this through general exploring / gathering play due to the expensive and RNG-based crafting systems.
331s Well, the good news here is there's a lot of news coming.
334s We actually have a special Balance of Power episode where we dive deep on this and we'll answer this question.
341s Brief, brief preview.
343s It is getting a lot better.
345s You're going to be getting more control and you'll learn much more in that Balance of Power.
349s I think it's a safe bet that this is a huge focus for the...
352s loot is a huge focus for the expansion.
355s And, you know, we debated even doing the Q&A because we see all the questions are about the expansion, but we've made a commitment to doing them.
364s However, we also want to hold true to our goals for the expansion and like talk about that when we're fully ready.
370s So I'm aware we didn't answer a lot of your questions this time, and I hope you're patient. The Dev Update's right around the corner and you're going to see a lot of those be answered and more.
379s And additionally, you know, some of the feedback we got - because we listen to the Community, we hear what your concerns are - we heard that you don't like when we say, you know, this is also something that we would like, but we don't have anything to share right now.
394s So if your question wasn't answered in this and it wasn't answered...
398s or it's not answered in one of our upcoming videos, because we have a lot coming out over the next couple of weeks that should answer most, if not all, of those questions.
406s If it's not answered, it's likely one of those where we don't have anything to share right now.
412s But we will as soon as we do.
414s So keep asking the questions.
415s We don't mind that you keep asking it.
417s We like that.
417s We want to know what's important and what's top-of-mind for you.
420s So keep asking.
421s And then once we have a direct "Yes", a direct "No", then we'll include it in one of the Q&A is or a Dev Update or Balance of Power.
429s So with that, we really appreciate your patience.
431s We're so excited to talk about the expansion and news is coming really soon.
437s Otherwise.
438s We'll see you in Aeternum Later, everyone!
443s I kind of have this anxiety about spending these Umbral Shards that take a lot of time and effort to earn, and we recognize that.
449s So in order to smooth out that process, items are just going to drop at the high...
453s at the higher item levels, appropriate to the content that you're doing.
456s You don't need to invest an extra resource into leveling them up or anything.