over 3 years ago - FinF - Direct link

Hi RedFury43, you will be able to declare war when the invasion is over. You will not lose your influence and the territory will still be in conflict. We are going to see how we can improve legibility of that screen. It also looks like there is a bug where the invasion is not correctly reported in the tab but it looks like a UI issue. I will relay that information to the team, thanks for reporting it. Let me know if you have any issues with declaring war after the invasion is over.

over 3 years ago - FinF - Direct link

I will ask our QA team to verify right away! Thanks for letting me know.

over 3 years ago - FinF - Direct link

Hi, we have people currently looking at that issue. We take that issue very seriously and understand the frustration.

over 3 years ago - FinF - Direct link

Hi Peter, we are looking at the issue and are hoping to get a fix it soon. Sorry for the inconvenience it’s causing at the moment.

over 3 years ago - FinF - Direct link

FYI - When you declare war on a territory, there needs to be 24 hours before the moment the war is declared and the defending company siege window, else war gets declared on the next day. But if an invasion happens the next day, the war declaration button gets blocked. In that case, the invasion is not yet visible in the User Interface (because it happens the next day). We are aware of the issue.

over 3 years ago - FinF - Direct link

Regarding not being able to declaring war and getting that message in the tooltip “Cannot declare war, your company did not contribute enough influence.”, it’s because although your faction has tipped the territory into conflict, your company did not contribute enough influence on that territory and therefore you are not allowed to declare war. Other companies from your faction who contributed enough influence will have the possibility to do so though.

It’s explained in the screenshot above “Your company HAS NOT contributed enough influence to be eligible to declare war”.

over 3 years ago - FinF - Direct link

Thanks for reporting it, I’ve seen other reports indicating the same issue. I will relay that to the team.

over 3 years ago - FinF - Direct link

It would be really helpful for us if you could provide these info next it happens (or if you remember when that happens last time, that works too):

  • Company name.
  • World name.
  • Territory name.
  • Date and Time at which you put the territory in conflict but could not declare war.

Your help is much appreciated! Know that there are other factors at play that enter into consideration when picking which company can declare a war and it’s possible that the outcome you experienced is perfectly legit. We are going to be able to verify that once we can look at the data.

over 3 years ago - FinF - Direct link

Sorry, I will need the territory as well if possible (I updated the original post).

over 3 years ago - FinF - Direct link

Hi, we are actively looking at that thread and verifying data for reported cases. In order to do that, we need the following information: company names, territory names, estimated date / time you attempted to declare war. Thank you!

over 3 years ago - FinF - Direct link

Hi, we have found an issue with how influence contributions were getting counted. We found out that some updates could be lost and not counted at all. That issue was causing some companies to not be eligible for the vanguard, even though they had contributed much more than the required influence. The bug is now resolved. Please let us know if you encounter any further issue with declaring war in this thread and we’ll investigate further. If you do, please provide all the necessary info. We are sorry for the inconvenience that bug could have caused.