over 2 years ago - TrevzorFTW - Direct link

Hey everyone.

I am just finishing reading through this thread.

Firstly, this thread was not made with the best intentions for the community in mind. It is clear from the wording of the initial post that this was meant to be inflammatory and cause unrest here in the forums. The forums are meant to be a constructive and enjoyable place for players to come and talk about, feedback on, and express their fandom of New World. While we openly agree that there are issues with the game that we have constantly stated we are working to resolve, toxic threads such as these are not welcome here in this community.

Next, in regards to transfers, the team is still working to resolve the issues that have held up transfers for everyone. They want transfers to be enabled just as much as you do. When we have more information, you can be certain that we will be sharing it.

Finally, this thread is now locked as it does not promote a healthy discussion here in our forums. We understand that there is frustration around waiting for transfers to be reenabled and we ask your continued patience while the team works to resolve the remaining transfer issues.

Thank you for your understanding.