6 months ago - Play New World - Direct link

Transcript (by Youtube)

0s hey everybody Welcome to the season 4
2s Dev update we're still in Irvine got a
5s big group of people with me today got
6s gwy who you met a couple uh Dev updates
8s ago who's a producer on New World Dave
11s who everyone knows the the associate
13s game director got Rosie the WX art lead
16s World art lead Chad who's the AI
20s lead Patrick who leads the seasons and
22s progression teams Vince who's the ux
25s lead and Dan down there who is the
28s social and mounts lead lots of leads
30s here today
31s today so before we get too deep into the
34s season 4 update I want to talk a little
36s about the road map so at the beginning
38s of the year you know we released a road
40s map that talked about everything we were
41s going to do this year and we've been
42s pretty diligent about it but in the
44s honor in the uh in the effort of full
46s transparency We've Ended up moving some
48s things out of season 4 and I want to
50s talk through those and just you know o
53s own some of the things we missed on and
54s talk about why um so the first one is
58s the season trial with mutators
61s we decided to move this to season five
62s so we could do a little more focus on
64s the Expedition coming out this season uh
67s so we are still shipping a a 10 person
69s mutator but it's going to be next
70s release and it probably won't have
72s mutators we're leaning heavily against
74s that uh another one that's not happening
76s is the seasonal trinket so with this one
80s when when we you know artifacts weren't
81s on the original road map and plan and
83s once we released artifacts it seemed to
85s fill the void of the trinket and we
87s thought before we start putting more
88s things in the mix let's watch what
90s happen with this get player feedback and
91s figure out if you know if trinkets is
93s still the right thing to do or we want
94s to go a different
95s direction um this next one is the msq
98s update so we were planning to finish the
100s msq this release in December however you
104s know we're not really happy with the way
106s that the msq update went in the last in
109s the last release and we wanted to put a
111s little extra time just to make sure we
113s give you a quality experience so that's
115s going to move into the next one uh we
117s had already talked about really not
118s being into heart rooms I think we did
119s enough of those and I think that any
121s more would get a little bit
123s convoluted um next one we're going to go
126s into this really deep later but at a top
128s level crossworld Expeditions and Arenas
130s is moving now the the reason it's moving
133s is we wanted to surprise everyone with
136s an improved group finder and we did you
139s know it's it's underway but it's going
140s to take a little longer than we wanted
141s so it's not going to make season 4
143s however we will Deep dive on that in a
144s little bit and then finally the seasonal
147s territory control again uh we we talked
151s about doing this but the influence races
153s have done such a good job of engaging
155s the players we want to get more feedback
158s and we'd rather respond to feedback and
160s improve that than try to throw another
161s system into the mix so there's good
163s reasons for it and this is just when you
165s release a road map you know 12 months
168s out you don't always know how things are
170s going to evolve over time and what's
171s going to happen in the live environment
173s so things change and we just wanted to
175s you know be open and honest and get in
177s front of the changes so with that um I'd
181s like to shift the focus to season 4 and
183s talk about eternal Frost because there's
186s some pretty cool stuff coming this month
188s and the very first thing is uh it comes
191s with a new storyline and someone's going
194s to tell you about that who's sitting
195s behind me yeah so season 4 storyline uh
198s the silver crows are back so very
200s excited to have Grace Ali Xander and the
202s crew uh back to take you on a new
204s adventure uh with this storyline we have
207s a old client Sky the spear daughter she
209s returns and warns that the varangians
211s are back up to no good uh they never
214s seem to be up to any good so we're
216s fighting them again uh with her coming
218s and bringing that news you need to seek
220s out new allies so that brings in uh Dai
223s Seido the new uh member of the silver
225s crows who you will have to fight him to
228s gain his respect in order for him to
230s join the crows um so it's one of several
232s Soul trials that come with this season
234s narrative which is super exciting we're
236s really expanding our quantity of Soul
238s trials we're doing with the season
239s narrative so so Chad you want to talk
241s about that a little bit yeah absolutely
243s so uh like you were saying I think we've
245s got a total of I think four um uh solo
249s trial boss fights so we've got the daich
251s encounter um uh another uh fight with
255s the uh ice dragon as well as kind of an
258s ultimate ice Guardian um that one in
261s particular I really really like uh has
263s some great mechanics uh that we haven't
265s really seen yet uh interacting with uh
268s some throwable objects to kind of break
270s this interaction that the boss is doing
272s uh with some rooms in the environment uh
274s I think that one's really fun and then
276s an ultimate fight with mrid um uh which
279s is really cool he's got some really
281s interesting uh not seen before uh uh new
284s abilities and I think the quest
286s experience is once again up leved like
288s it's just there's so many fun quests
290s there's one where you actually play on a
292s chess board like there's a mission in
293s that like we've just found new
294s interactions in the quest that keeps it
296s sort of interesting and and really keeps
298s the narrative alive yeah personally I
300s like that you know we've we've done a
302s lot for the group The PVE group players
305s we've done a lot for the PVP players
306s recently and now we're doing more for
308s the solo players and I want to make sure
310s the message is where we care about all
311s all of the groups of players and I think
313s at a high level I love the solo sultra
316s the solo trials they're pretty cool um
319s we also have a new Expedition coming out
321s that the glacial Tarn for level 65
324s players what makes that cool well the
327s glacial TN in contrast to the imperian
329s for is going to be all icy and cold so
332s we have some real extremes in
333s temperature and it's really interesting
336s uh second half to the imperian forge so
338s we see those two sort of the the two
342s sides of the hot and the
344s cold yeah and uh just to talk a little
346s bit about uh what players are going to
348s be encountering in there uh we got some
350s really neat uh environmental
352s interactions there's icy stalactites or
355s icicles dropping from the ceiling on the
357s player um some really interesting
360s um uh kind of empowering mechanics where
363s players have to defeat it Gathering
365s flame um some new enemies with uh icy
368s ancient Guardians ice fenians and and
371s some new bosses G you want to tell us
373s about those yeah the new uh ice torso
376s boss does he have a place player facing
378s name uh sir Loth sir Loth that's right
381s yeah so we've got the ice Commander sir
383s Loth and glacial turn and I think the
385s most exciting thing about that fight is
387s just how much there is going on and
389s there's going to be a few different ways
390s that you can play it there's uh other AI
393s that are going to be buffing the boss in
396s the center there are weak points that
398s you can Target if you're focused on
400s ranged play and there's also a lot of
403s movement around the arena so heting back
406s to imperion forge you have to really pay
408s attention to what's around you and make
409s sure you're not getting caught in the
411s floor turning into lava and this time
413s you actually have a lot more control
414s over the arena itself because the boss
416s can break the bridges but you can also
418s build them back up so making sure you're
420s not caught on a platform where you need
422s to be I still haven't beat it in play
424s test yet so I'm going to need to work on
425s it a little bit harder maybe you should
428s stop playing with Dave and get other
430s people to yeah maybe more with like
433s pride and Darren they were they were a
435s little bit better but then I play healer
437s so maybe I should be keeping Dave alive
439s better I like that I think the best
442s healer in the world couldn't do that
446s um sorry um we got a couple new
450s artifacts you want to talk about
452s those yeah so uh new artifacts so for
455s those of you who are done with your
456s Chase uh from the expansion artifacts
458s we're introducing eight new ones uh
460s pretty pretty diverse cast of weapons
462s and armor so those weapons that did not
464s get artifacts with the expansion uh the
467s life staff the bow things like that
469s they're finally going to get their time
470s in the Sun and they should be pretty fun
472s for players to chase so two of my
474s favorites um Vengeance the LIF staff
477s pretty unique uh weapon here it takes
479s takes more of an offensive approach for
481s the life staff and increases the damage
482s you deal based on how many uh times
484s you're healing people so I'm sure
486s there's some pretty fun interactions
487s there for players to find there's also
489s Gladiator the round Shield uh what this
492s does is it acts as a sort of thorns
493s where when you take melee damage you
495s then inflict a bleed on the player so
497s some interesting interactions there uh
500s Dave any other favorites from you yeah I
501s got two favorites also uh one I know all
504s the bow players felt left out your bow
506s is coming bolt Caster uh it's really
509s cool it does uh as you can guess
511s lightning damage but the other nice
513s thing is it does is if you hit someone
515s with full health you get a stun uh so
517s that's going to be very interesting to
519s see the power of those plus a stun uh
522s another one I love is Quick Draw gloves
525s uh what I like about this is it really
526s changes the gameplay right it's not just
528s numbers uh every time you swap weapons
530s with this G with these gloves on you get
532s a little bit of immunity so it's neat to
535s sort of like plan out your weapon swaps
537s and and sort of have a different Vector
538s on gameplay so some pretty interesting
540s ones I'm really excited about the DPS
542s life staff I haven't even come close to
544s finishing my artifacts so far so those
546s are just going to go on hold for a
547s little bit so I can do my life stuff
550s yeah I think like I mentioned this in
551s the uh earlier part but I think
553s artifacts just changes the game and it
554s gives they're so fun as Chase items at
556s the end like really awesome we're also
559s bringing back some of our favorite
560s seasonal events we have the winter
562s conversion Festival in the legacy of
564s Cris and I don't know about you Patrick
565s but I am looking forward to seeing those
567s gleit Come Sailing In I'm excited too
569s and that's a great segue because one of
570s the bigger changes with the convergence
572s this year is we're really increasing the
574s frequency of those Gite meteors they're
576s such a cool thing uh in tum and you only
578s get to see it for a month out of the
580s year so we really wanted to make sure
581s that players are seeing a lot of those
583s at night and it's really lighting up the
584s sky um outside of that you know the
586s standard reward Suite so new armors to
588s chase new emotes and one of the I think
591s coolest things about the uh converion
593s this year is we're changing the way
595s crafting works with these uh holiday
597s events so what we're doing is
598s introducing a new resource the pristine
600s Gite Chunk from the shop you can buy
602s this and that'll let you craft a
603s guaranteed 700 item with some fixed
605s perks and should be really uh awesome
607s way for players to hop into events like
609s winter convergence and get some great
611s gear out of it um outside of that Legacy
613s crass as you touched on so there's going
615s to be a new pickaxe might be best in
617s slot might not but what it does have is
619s a unique Skin So players can go chase
621s that there's also two new statues that
623s come from the event from uh each of the
625s corrupted cyclopses those will be fun to
627s decorate your house with okay
630s next Vince you want to tell us about
632s some of the inventory changes quality of
634s life improvements uh sure yeah we've
636s we've been Gathering feedback uh for a
637s while now on inventory and some changes
639s um and I'm glad to announce that you
641s know uh really big changes are coming in
643s um so one of them is that basically
644s right now the view of your inventory
646s items is all two columns so you have
647s like two columns of and it gets really
649s long if you have a lot of Rewards or a
651s lot of of things in specific category um
652s you can now change that to one column so
654s we can go wider um you can also
655s reorganize and and um either uh change
658s the order of of all your categories as
660s well as turn on or turn off some
661s categories too so if you really don't
664s like gems you can hide them all um and
666s you can you can change all this sort of
667s edwill um if you like the two Comm
669s layout you can also move things from one
671s Comm to the other if you like all the
672s crafting stuff on the right um and all
674s your gear on the left or the other way
676s um you can make all those Chang as well
677s um and another cool feature that people
678s have been asking about um that we're
680s really excited too is within each
681s category you can do batch crafting based
683s on Rarity so you just check the box of
684s the Rarity of stuff you want to or
685s Salvage you want to salvage um and then
687s you basically just Salvage all so if you
689s if you're like Scott Lane you want to
690s salvage all your Commons and legendaries
692s you can go do that um if you're like DV
694s and you're anti-blue and you just want
695s to Nuke all of that Rarity you go for it
699s so we think we think you know we're
701s really excited about this one and we
702s think um we've you know we've addressed
703s a lot of the the feedback but please
704s keep it coming and we'll continue to
705s keep making improvements to inventory
707s it's good timing weren't you just
708s talking about salvaging legendaries and
711s how the UI creates a little bit of a
713s excess clicking yeah that that control C
716s gets a little frustrated so I'm very
717s very happy for this change and Thank You
719s Vince I think we're I think I think it's
721s a huge quality of life Improvement and
723s it's something that we're going to
724s continue to pay attention to not just
726s inventory but quality of life so earlier
728s on I mentioned uh that we you know that
730s we were moving crossworld uh Expeditions
734s and Arenas out because we wanted to
735s focus on improved group finder D why
738s don't you tell us exactly what that's
739s going to
740s Encompass yeah the weight uh it's almost
743s over uh We've almost got it uh we are
745s going to do crossworld Expeditions with
748s a uh oneclick uh group finder uh so you
752s can go as a solo you can click the
754s button as a premade group and click the
756s button you will find uh a group to play
759s Expeditions with across World um we are
762s doing uh you we're sporting all the
763s vanilla Expeditions uh we're also going
766s to support mutated Expeditions as well
770s nice and this has roll que Dan so you
772s can be assured you always have a tank
773s and healer in your grp you go into the
775s system you pick a roll it's going to you
777s know balance things out you're going
779s going to have a a bonus uh for those in
782s demand roles and uh yeah any other
785s bonuses like just to give you incentives
788s to do it every day or something like
789s that funny you should ask yes indeed yes
793s indeed there is a 3X daily bonus for
796s clicking the big random button that will
799s send you to you know wherever wherever
801s you're needed the most for to fill a
802s group right now and isn't there even
804s more Dan uh what if I think there's no
807s end to the stuff Dave with pugs versus
809s group made pre-made groups sometimes
812s you're you know you don't have that
813s coordination so it's a little difficult
815s more difficult with pickup groups are
816s there any sort of compensation or
819s incentives to help that group along yes
821s absolutely this is not an original Thing
823s by any means but we're adding a 15% buff
826s uh when you end up in a random group to
828s uh damage and uh and healing it's going
831s to be big yeah I'm excited for this I
833s think you know one of the controversial
835s topics was like should we do these
837s oneclick groupers for mutation because
839s mutations are a little bit more you know
841s makes sense obviously for story mode and
843s the easier but like for M3s uh we're
845s going to try doing it I think it's the
847s right way to do it uh but I think we
849s talked about not having them impact the
851s leaderboard right no leader board
853s placement for so that can stay pristine
855s uh yeah I think it's going to be super
857s fun like just the ability to press one
860s button uh never have to link gear again
862s never have to like you know beg for
864s groups or anything and you'll just be in
866s a group instantly it's just and for me
868s it's as much about the weight
869s not having to try to wait for a group to
871s form like with now when you're combining
873s that with
874s crossworld it's uh it's it's gonna it's
878s going to feel much more on demand and
879s that's that's exciting and healers
881s you're going to get paid extra I
882s appreciate that buff too because as a
884s Healer having like good group Synergy
886s with the people that I always play with
887s is really beneficial but now I don't
889s have to worry so thanks again everybody
892s and just as a recap today we talked
893s about some road map changes we went into
896s Deep dive on all of the Season 4
898s features including a new storyline the
899s new Expedition artifacts our upcoming
903s seasonal
904s events uh the awesome quality of life um
908s updates we've done as well as giving you
909s a little insight into where we're going
911s with the improved group finder so thank
913s you again everybody for doing that we'd
915s also like to you know elicit questions
917s for the Q&A and we've seen the feedback
921s that people feel like we're not
923s answering all of their awesome questions
925s or giving enough detail so one thing
927s we're going to do is be a little more
928s Pres sctive on the kind of questions we
930s are you know comfortable answering and
933s hopefully this will feel more respectful
935s of your time because we really do
936s appreciate you asking the questions it's
938s awesome um uh with that said if you like
941s what you saw please like us subscribe
944s all of those cool things and otherwise
945s we will see you in a tourament in season
948s 4 everyone wave
951s [Music]
958s now
962s the