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Transcript (by Youtube)

2s foreign
8s welcome to the October Dev update super
11s excited we have a lot to share with you
13s today we're going to talk about some
14s upcoming events going to give you an
16s update on the roadmap and we have two
18s very special guests here today I'm sure
21s you're all aware of the new world to go
22s podcast we have borty and Redbird from
26s Studio loot here
27s and you know they're going to host the
29s show for us so welcome yeah well thank
31s you for having us here man this is
32s absolutely incredible to be here we're
34s super pumped to be here it's a little
35s surreal to be sitting here in this seat
37s something we've talked about for a very
38s long time and uh yeah man we're just
40s super excited so thank you many on
42s Monday mornings I'd come to work and
44s just kind of quote some things that you
45s talked about on the show especially to
47s our combat guy so he might be angry at
49s you when he gets here uh I love how deep
51s you guys break down the game and that we
54s take that and like it tells us what the
55s players are saying and how everyone's
57s feeling about it and we try to use that
58s to guide us back in the game and I know
60s a lot of people have asked like get some
62s content creators in there to ask some
63s hard questions so uh
65s gloves are off like where this thing
68s gets going today have fun like dig in
69s just like it's you know just like your
71s like your podcast sounds good I look
73s forward to instigating if some sort of
75s fist fight here on on on set today so
78s it's gonna be great awesome awesome well
81s with that let's just stop let's just
82s Dive Right In
88s all right so I think we have an update
90s to the road map coming up so I think
92s we're going to talk about that a little
93s bit can we can we give predictions as to
95s what's coming up on the road map before
96s you jump in or is that something we
98s don't want to do you can absolutely do
100s that but first let me just address one
102s topic real quickly which is leaderboards
104s uh on the current road map that's
106s announced leaderboards were promised and
108s we missed that date I just want to let
110s everyone know we are working on
111s leaderboards it was a combination of
114s some priority shifts and some problems
116s we ran into creating it it's still being
119s actively worked on and when it's ready
120s we're going to release it
122s awesome I think leaderboards are going
124s to be an amazing addition to the game
125s for sure cool all right now your guesses
127s yeah let's see all right what do you got
130s I mean I I harp about this a lot it
133s raids is one of the things that I'm
136s hoping to hear a little with just a tiny
139s bit about today is is uh in-game raid
142s yeah we definitely are working on that
145s so let me let me first give a high level
146s of like where we are on our roadmap
148s process we're in the middle of what we
150s call long-term planning on the team and
152s this is where we we take a look at the
153s next you know nine to 12 months and plan
155s things
157s um so what I can give you with high
159s confidence first off is December we're
162s going to have the winter convergence
163s Festival another round of that
165s and we're going to have a new Expedition
166s come out that is pretty freaking cool
168s we're combining
170s the best parts of amrin and star Stone
174s into one Expedition that's going to be a
177s new mutation in the rotation yeah it's
179s going to be a super cool matchup it's
181s gonna be really good and it's not going
182s to be a temporary thing it's going to be
183s it's going to be live we have a name for
186s the
187s Frankenstein mutation that's going on no
189s but now I'm thinking uh starmine maybe I
193s don't know hashtag
196s we're brainstorming so nothing's off the
199s table you know what I've fallen into
201s Dave land which is bad naming
206s um and another thing we're going to have
208s is an updated roadmap so right now we're
210s going to give you an update and we're
211s going to talk about things we were that
213s we're working on and I'm going to circle
215s back to your question now which is uh
217s the raid we are for sure working on that
221s cool sand worm into a raid for players
224s and end game raid very excited yeah it's
226s going to be very difficult so that is
229s going to show up on the public test
230s realm at some point and we'll need
232s people to test the heck out of that I'll
234s be there because uh we needed to be near
236s impossible and that's the plan oh and
240s speaking of the sand worm uh your
242s followers and your Twitch chat was
244s wondering if the San worm damages you at
247s all out in the open world if you happen
249s to come upon it most of the time no but
253s there are two instances where yes the
256s sand worm will damage you and it's if
258s you happen to be unlucky enough to be
260s standing right over its mouth when it
263s breaches the ground oh yes
265s so Chad didn't lie it might be a first
269s wow yeah so uh you can't fight back
272s sorry yeah
274s take one for the team and eventually
276s you'll be able to punch them back in our
278s anger and aggression up until the red
280s comes up exactly hold on to that rage
282s yeah yeah so my uh this I don't know if
285s this is so much of a guess as it is kind
287s of a wish list item for me is is
289s territory control and some adjustments
291s coming to that system is there anything
292s like that coming up on the road map
294s we're constantly adjusting territory
296s control
297s um there are some changes slated for
299s you know the next few
302s by March for sure coming in for that uh
305s do you have any specifics on that Katie
307s so we do we are adjusting
309s um some of the the money that's going
312s around those adjustments have already
314s been announced and are in the recent
316s update by the time that this goes live
318s um but then there's even more that we're
320s doing and hunting down like
322s um how you can influence
324s um your how you assert your influence in
326s the open world and how you can deck for
328s the wars and how many folks need to be
330s slotted from your company these are all
332s things that we're chasing down but as
334s Scott said it's not it's not something
336s for right now it's something that we are
338s planning and actively working on and
339s beyond that there's some bigger changes
341s we want to make but we're not ready to
343s talk about yet all right awesome we got
345s to keep some Secrets
347s how are we supposed to surprise and
349s Delight if there's no surprise
352s I'm gonna go look at desks okay two
355s years ago you might have found something
356s yeah
359s a couple other things we're working on
361s that I think are pretty cool
363s um we're working on something we call
364s Springtime Bloom event which is our our
367s first spring event so uh we're excited
369s about that
371s this is a big one for the team
373s um
374s cross server opr oh yeah
379s it's a huge one for the community yes it
383s is yeah that's something that we have
384s been
385s um you know putting in the framework and
387s what we need to get that in place and
389s outpost rush there's a lot of talk about
392s what we should have be the first mode
394s that we can manage and Iowa is harping
397s on outpost Rush being it because I was
399s in a lower pop server for quite some
401s time and you know it took a while for
403s those cues to pop so uh I mean now we
406s don't really have that same problem but
409s it's good to be able to have those cues
411s popping super fast and with cross server
414s for Outpost fresh it's kind of yeah
416s what's great about that is once we have
418s Outpost Rush working and tuned well then
421s we can apply that technology to other
423s instanced modes which is going to be
425s really exciting yeah it'll be big we've
428s been in the other end of some tough
429s company meetings but moving you know to
432s a higher populated server and one of the
433s biggest thing things we always discussed
435s was well are the opr cues popping and
438s oftentimes they weren't so it's going to
439s be huge for those lower POP servers to
442s have the opportunity to do those things
443s in game totally there's some stuff that
446s players do that we can
448s anticipate as far as migration patterns
450s but there's a lot that we can't because
452s you guys have minds of your own you just
455s you have different you know things that
457s you're running after and you're going
458s for some people are chasing pvps and
460s people are running from PvP so like we
463s have we consider all of this but you
464s guys are going to do what you're going
465s to do so we just have to figure out ways
467s to react quickly and this is going to
469s give us more of that time to react by
471s giving you the cross server for Outpost
473s rush and as Scott said other instances
475s yeah I mean it's all about access to the
477s content you want to do as best as
478s possible yeah so the once we prove the
482s technology out where the water through
483s the pipes of outpost Rush you'll see
485s other modes coming across hopefully
487s pretty quickly thereafter and
490s I'm really excited for this is something
491s we've been working toward for a long
493s time that's big yeah another one we've
495s been talking about for a while we
497s announced this last month is well we
498s didn't officially announce it but we
499s talked about it was
501s we're working on yes gear set Management
504s Systems yeah
506s [Laughter]
508s um
509s no it's tough even having three gear
511s sets that you're managing I know some
512s people have like
514s 12 13 that they're trying to carry it's
516s hard and we understand that and this is
519s one we're taking we're taking a little
520s slowly because we want to make sure that
522s we that we make it much better and easy
525s and something so you can really quickly
527s switch you know and it's got to feel
529s good and that's the most important thing
531s well okay I'm sorry so whenever we're
533s talking about gear sets is there also
534s going to be a way to move items around
536s in your inventory to organize them
537s within the inventory now right now
539s things are like really stagnant and you
542s have to basically pull something out of
543s your inventory you can sort by time and
545s weight Etc but you kind of basically you
547s have to pull something out of your
548s inventory and put it back in to get
549s things like in a row or in an order or
552s something however you want them I'm
553s really OCD so whenever something mixes
555s up my umbral shards in the top of my in
557s the top of my inventory I got to have
559s them all together is there going to be a
560s way to move stuff around in there too
562s well I wish I could say yes but we
565s haven't really talked about that a lot I
567s I haven't seen a lot of people ask for
568s it so now it's something we'll look at
569s and I don't know if it's hard or easy
572s but it's something that I'll get on the
574s list everything's easy yeah yeah until
576s we install it it's funny because I
579s always tease the team hard and easy is
581s the wrong measurement it's time how long
582s does it take
583s it could be something easy that takes us
586s six months because we need iteration
587s after iteration and a lot of the stuff
589s that we're talking about is definitely
590s going to have to be on the public test
592s round for a little bit longer than we
593s usually do just because there's such
595s different systems than we currently have
597s in place so we should be expecting those
600s to be out sooner than normal yeah
601s awesome so don't expect it to then be
603s released very soon
607s gear sets tomorrow remember this errors
610s oh my gosh
613s uh well we talked about the sand sand
615s worm trial we have a couple more
617s expeditions that are being worked on and
621s these are feature featuring the
622s varangian nights so it's going to be a
624s little different
625s um those will be coming in you know next
627s year but we're very excited about those
630s we are making improvements to group
632s finder we've seen you know it's helped a
634s lot in getting people together but we
636s want to make it even more streamlined
637s and make some improvements there
639s and the last thing we're working on is
641s kind of a big deal it's something I've
643s wanted to get to for a long long time I
645s think it's super important and I think
647s it's going to be an end game amongst
649s itself which is transmog
651s yeah let's go
654s so if you find a cool cowboy hat I'd
655s hold on to that I got a I got a nice
658s little t-hat with purple feathers that's
661s adorable yeah I knew it was coming I
664s hoped I guess that it was coming so I'm
666s ready man I'm ready to dress up for sure
668s sounds about right yeah
670s um so we'll have like I said we'll we'll
672s have more to talk about but we did want
673s to give the community an update and
676s we're this is what we're working this is
677s what we're actively working on so these
679s these will be in the future it's again
683s I'm not going to pin down a time frame
684s but
685s I'm we're super excited except for the
687s ones that you said were in the December
690s those ones pretty sure
693s I'm gonna I'm gonna hard commit to the
695s winter convergence in Winter
697s and Springtime excellent
700s great great great perfect awesome those
703s are very exciting I'm super excited
704s about a lot of those for sure I think
706s gear sets transmog are going to be huge
708s for the game and then cross server I
710s think is probably on the top of
712s of almost everyone's wish list so that's
714s going to be awesome is there anything
716s that you guys think that we've left off
718s that's super important to your
720s communities and the community at large
721s yeah I think I think really territory
724s control is one of the things I see my
725s community harp on a lot because it's
727s very hard to get into Wars whenever
729s you're if you're kind of a more of a
730s casual player and I know Wars are kind
732s of more of an in-game hardcore activity
734s that's supposed to be you know supposed
735s to work your way up towards it but it
737s feels really bad for someone who does
739s play the game a lot and then they're
740s dated out of that content by another
742s player it's not necessarily you have to
744s reach these marks to be able to
745s participate in it it's like once I get
747s the gear once I get the items and then
749s this guy over here says I can't get into
751s the war that feels real bad so that's
752s one of the things that I hear a lot so
754s it's awesome to hear that you guys are
755s working on that that's probably one of
757s the one of the biggest ones and then I
758s think raids like red mentioned as well
760s is like a huge deal too I think once
762s more high-end really tough PVE content
764s comes in the game people are going to
765s really enjoy that you know awesome
768s people told me about this all the time I
771s I I got got one time they told me on the
774s PTR that there was a barber or an NPC
778s named Barber and so they convinced me
780s that maybe Barbershop or facial like
782s character appearance changes were coming
784s in the game is that any maybe we can
786s have hair anywhere I mean I do a fairy
789s game I got cornrows we could get wigs
792s but
793s no um I think Barber Shop's a really
795s important feature it's not something
797s that we're actively working toward right
799s now but long term I think the game it's
801s going to have to happen at some point if
802s there's anything else that the
804s communities would like from us the
805s forums are the best place to get that to
807s us our community managers are scouring
810s that getting the feedback to us anything
811s that's like really exciting that folks
814s think that we're missing I know that
815s we've given some non-committal answers
817s but you know we we are bringing in all
820s of that information and discussing it
822s with the leadership team and the dev
824s team and making sure that we are hitting
826s on the things that are most important so
827s or talk about it on New World to go
829s because you know we listen
831s you have to watch you just gotta watch
834s what I said yeah just trying to give
837s some Shameless plugs yeah
845s all right to kick things off we have
848s Katie Katie we're going to ask some
850s questions that a lot of the community uh
853s want to know is when Fresh Start servers
855s are said the word Fresh Start servers
858s yeah so
860s um we have been working really hard to
863s get fresh start worlds put together
866s um those are going to be going live on
869s November 2nd we're going to have a
872s steady stream of information so that
873s people can look forward to and plan
875s around the timing it's not going to be
878s like all the world's open at the same
879s time kind of what we saw at launch it's
881s going to be a slow roll out of world so
885s you can plan for a time that works for
886s you and hopefully avoid any long cues
890s but these Fresh Start worlds it's going
892s to be a completely new experience
894s because we have the revamp starting
896s experience and all that good stuff
897s people can't transfer into these worlds
899s so there's no old money making it in you
902s have to earn everything that you make in
903s the Fresh Start world so super exciting
905s it's gonna be awesome
907s um yeah I'm gonna be there for it it's
908s going to be a lot of fun yeah I think
910s it's going to be almost like a a
911s relaunch or something you know there's
913s going to be a lot of people there
914s playing it's yeah super exciting yeah
916s there's definitely like folks that don't
918s really you know want to do a fresh start
920s experience because they work so hard on
922s their characters but I mean it's worth
924s it to just hop on over try the new
927s experience see what it was like on
928s launch day if you missed it because it's
930s going to be a lot of you know level two
932s and three or just hanging out on the
934s beaches yeah and then that's the only
936s part that is the same is that where you
938s land on the beach the rest of it's
940s totally changed and if folks have been
942s spending any time on the public test
943s realm they've seen that it's totally
946s different by the way yeah I appreciate
949s it we were we took a lot of feedback to
951s make that make that happen so I remember
953s the first time I hopped into the new
955s tutorial and I saw the change in the
957s Wizards or the loss that are in there
958s and I kind of have a withered like feel
960s to them because there's like corruption
961s running through their bodies like veins
963s I was like Nick nailed it so good yeah
966s it is good it was really cool yeah and
968s to celebrate the Fresh Start server
971s um I'm designing a new Creator campaign
974s very much akin to kind of as a spiritual
976s feel of battle for new world right so
979s it's going to go alongside the Fresh
981s Start servers uh Fresh Start servers
983s Fresh Start worlds which one has it
984s they're fresh I mean
985s rehearsal all right fresh yeah but we
987s but we have to start worlds because we
989s want it they'll all they'll have the
990s they'll have their own names and all
991s that stuff so it's just like you're
992s joining this new world so awesome so
995s fresh start worlds uh this new campaign
997s is called return to eternum or I
999s lovingly call it return them to eternum
1001s and we're going to bring groups if you
1003s like that right return them to a turn
1006s very good yes thank you thank you I try
1009s to get a dad joke in there as much as I
1011s can oh yeah
1012s um so we're going to be bringing these
1013s teams of content creators together from
1015s around the world we're gonna have teams
1017s from North America uh Europe lat am and
1020s we're going to be putting them into
1021s their own private environment and
1024s there'll be three captains per team and
1027s so we'll have four teams it's gonna get
1029s complicated so stay good with me
1032s I'm like each team is going to have
1034s their own world so they're going to be
1036s trying to accomplish a series of
1038s objectives in that World
1040s um and as they think of them as bingo
1043s card lists of objectives so team one
1045s completes six of the eight bingo card
1048s objectives they are now done with that
1050s list and they move on to the next list
1052s which has a harder set of objectives
1055s there are four sets of objectives again
1057s ranging from easiest to hardest the
1060s really cool part is each one of these
1062s objective bingo card lists is tied to a
1065s specific twitch drop so all the teams
1068s are going to start with twitch drop one
1069s which would be a cool item the first
1072s team that completes that list of
1073s objectives and it flips to the next list
1075s of objectives they then move on to the
1077s next twitch drop an even cooler item so
1080s then the teams behind you know kind of
1081s Lights a fire under them it's really
1083s about each of these teams trying to be
1085s the first team that gets to the next
1086s twitch drop yeah and talking to Phil
1089s we've got some awesome twitch drops that
1091s we're going to be using for this event
1093s and another really important piece that
1095s I think is kind of the cherry on top is
1097s you know talking to a lot of these
1098s content creators you know they might
1100s have fallen off after a couple months uh
1103s you know in the beginning of new world
1104s and a theme that they just kept saying
1107s over and over again is like I still
1109s really like new world I want to come
1110s back to New World but I want that fresh
1113s start again and so tying it to Fresh
1115s Start servers what we're going to do
1116s with these different teams they're going
1119s to be experiencing their own return to a
1120s tournament experience with their
1122s communities and other creators they'll
1124s get to invite in but then when returned
1127s to eternum is over those servers become
1131s joinable as well so as a viewer you know
1134s I could be watching my favorite content
1135s creator and be like that world that
1136s they're creating the fun they're having
1138s in there you'll eventually be able to
1140s join that world with them when return to
1142s a tournament is over but along the Fresh
1144s Start worlds are happening alongside
1145s that yeah but you get like the the
1148s insight into what that server looks like
1150s even before you join it which is not
1152s something that we really offer it's kind
1153s of like a you know yeah you get a window
1155s a window into these special worlds that
1157s the creators are going to be kind of uh
1159s you know maintaining and manipulating
1161s and the creators themselves that are
1162s going to be involved are going to be
1164s inviting their communities in they're
1166s going to be handing out keys I'm trying
1167s so this comes out on the 24th or should
1170s come out on the 24th which is the date
1172s that we're going to drop a bunch of
1173s other information about return to
1175s eternum so go to neural.com there will
1178s be a ton of uh extra info and details on
1181s the twitch drops and which creators are
1182s involved yeah um so yeah I was going to
1185s ask you what like like when you first
1187s started talking I was like but what's
1188s how's this different from battle for new
1190s world because you know we all watched
1191s that and but as you kept talking I'm
1194s like oh no this is very different yeah
1195s yeah with yeah we learned we I mean we
1198s learned a tremendous amount with battle
1199s for new world and I think that's only
1201s going to make return to eternum uh even
1204s better so I'm really stoked about it
1206s yeah it's very exciting it's going to be
1207s a lot of fun sounds like it's going to
1209s be an incredible event it's going to
1210s bring a lot of players back I think for
1212s watching their favorite streamer and it
1214s should be good I'm excited yeah yeah
1215s who's your favorite streamer Greg you
1217s want to share with us
1218s that's a pretty easy question to answer
1221s yeah
1222s this guy G henniger I think
1226s Greg H great job
1229s he's pretty legendary I'm not a fan
1232s personally but Dad jokes but uh I am I'm
1235s a huge fan I gotcha
1242s all right so here we are with the two
1244s Daves and I think we're going to talk a
1246s little bit about combat today one of my
1248s favorite subjects in uh in the game and
1251s so I think we have some pretty tough
1252s questions that that I hope we don't get
1254s punched in the face for asking but uh
1256s but first before we start I we were
1258s talking a little bit uh earlier and I
1259s just wanted to ask you you know how how
1261s hard is it to manage all these combat
1263s modes it's something I talk about a lot
1265s and and it just seems so daunting to
1267s manage all of the different modes in the
1269s game uh it is it is very daunting and we
1272s have a ton of different modes uh and
1274s different scale combat right we have
1275s small scale of combat we have large
1277s scale combat all the weapons interact
1279s differently between all the different
1280s combat States right so it's a difficult
1283s thing
1284s um we try to keep on top of it we try to
1285s stay and look at whatever the meta is
1287s for each of the modes make sure
1288s something's not taking over let's say
1290s the Rapier just throwing it out there
1292s something like that doesn't start taking
1294s over in like one-on-one situations or
1296s things like that and adjust from there
1298s it is one of those things that we're
1300s just never there's always going to be
1302s something more to fix there's no there's
1304s never a perfect ending to it and so
1306s we're going to keep trying some of the
1308s things we are doing in our modes now
1309s though as you see in arenas like we have
1311s a healing uh starts to degrade over time
1314s right so it's one of the things we're
1315s going to start doing in our modes is
1317s actually making sure that we keep that
1318s balance a little more we might be a
1320s little more heavy-handed with it by
1321s doing those type of things in the future
1323s and opr maybe we'll have some gear score
1326s scaling maybe we'll do things like that
1327s in the future so there's definitely
1328s things we want to do to try to make sure
1330s that that playing field becomes a little
1332s more balanced and we might have to do
1334s some overarching rules on these modes
1336s now to try to curb it and it's sort of
1339s fun that it's I know it's not good for
1340s you but it's sort of fun that it's never
1342s done right like that the meta changes
1344s like when we did the perk rebalancing
1346s stuff as we introduced new weapons all
1347s this stuff keeps combat changing and
1349s fresh and it makes his job hard because
1351s you've always got to redo the balance
1352s but it makes it fun yeah absolutely we
1354s talk about a lot of time because the The
1356s Meta really does you guys do a great job
1358s with with keeping the meta fresh it's
1360s been a lot of iterations of what's the
1362s most powerful build or you know what's
1364s more frequently seen in like opr or PVE
1368s and stuff like that so that's one of the
1370s things that balance is never finished
1372s but it is nice to always have a fresh
1375s restart on on The Meta so to say and you
1378s guys do a great job with that for sure
1380s yeah so I want to talk a little bit
1381s about the nitty-gritty now that we got
1383s that out of the way let's talk about
1384s some of the weapons that are paying
1386s points for myself and a lot of other
1387s players in the game and you mentioned
1388s the Rapier yeah so the Rapier right now
1390s is used on almost everyone's back bar
1394s which I think is really part of what's
1396s contributing to what we see is Beau PR
1398s right now in opr so I guess with the
1401s Rapier there's some Nerfs coming in on
1403s on the PTR or uh for for the brimstone
1406s update but do you think that'll be
1408s enough and do you like where combat is
1409s with the Rapier with all the
1411s escapability and the maneuverability is
1412s that where you want to see combat no
1415s just to be very clear I I escapability
1418s is just is just too much right now and
1419s it's not it was never meant to be for
1421s that it was meant to be more of an
1422s aggressive weapon uh but it is being
1425s rightfully so used right now to be
1426s defensive because it can be used that
1428s way so I think we have a good amount of
1430s Nerfs coming in for it
1431s um we hope that's enough we don't want
1433s to Nerf it into Oblivion obviously uh
1436s and so we're we're right on the edge
1437s there I think we're going to be in a
1439s good spot and we'll definitely be
1440s watching and figuring that out as we uh
1442s as anniversary comes out but we do want
1445s to make sure that you know you want
1446s people to be able to run away you don't
1448s want just a ball of death like you can't
1449s just have it once somebody sees combat
1451s they're dead there needs to be some
1453s option for them to be able to get away
1454s um but this one is just too far it just
1457s went too far it's too easy to get away
1458s you can repost stun everybody and then
1460s just uh Fletcher out of there right like
1462s and it's just it's gonna it's it's
1464s indefensible and it's what's worse about
1467s it is it's not fun right like it's not
1468s fun to play against it I've tried to
1470s chase them down I wear heavy uh it's
1472s impossible for me feeling it just feels
1474s impossible I have to have a big group
1475s with me uh just to get one person down
1477s and it's just it's uh it's just not fun
1479s for the opponents either so oh man I
1481s can't tell you how happy I am to hear
1483s you talk about that in that way yeah I
1485s may have raged just a few times with uh
1487s with that one something but yeah go
1488s ahead Ren yeah so I think the the next
1491s favorite companion too the Rapier other
1493s than the bow is the musket so a lot of
1496s players complain about it in PvP
1497s obviously it is a very
1501s um I guess polarizing weapon because
1503s it's probably the worst weapon in PVE to
1506s use as far as DPS goes but in in PvP
1510s where you can scale it with the two
1512s stats decks in it and then you have the
1514s perk mortal empowerment you have people
1516s uh you know playing Call of Duty on the
1518s mountains and opr and head shotting
1520s people and and we're just you know one
1522s of the things that I think a lot of
1524s people are interested in is how hard or
1526s difficult that is to balance of a weapon
1528s because of you know it's basically if it
1530s doesn't do enough damage it's useless
1532s type of thing and where you're heading
1533s with the musket as far as balance goes
1536s I'll take this one yeah I think musket
1538s is a tough one because like you said
1539s this is one of those where the width of
1541s the game makes it hard to balance
1542s because in PVE it is it's weak let's be
1544s honest it's like it's struggling but in
1546s PvP because of the hit scan nature it's
1549s really strong so we need to figure out a
1551s way to balance both of those and that's
1553s going to take some time we do have some
1555s changes we're testing for the musket
1557s that have a little bit of fall off
1558s damage over a distance and I think
1561s that'll help sort of the the opr on a
1563s rock situation uh we have some of that
1566s and then I think also we're looking at
1567s the stamina damage it does too so that
1569s there can be a counter with shields also
1571s so I think combine those two changes
1573s we're doing some testing around there I
1574s think it'll help it on the PVP side sort
1577s of become more balanced on the PVE side
1579s we've got more thinking to do we've got
1581s to find a way to increase its damage in
1583s PVE without further exasperating the
1586s problem in PvP so we're looking into
1588s that and just trying to make it a more
1590s fun weapon also yeah that sounds awesome
1592s so one of the other pain points for me
1594s and I think a lot of other players also
1596s is flamethrower for for the fire staff
1598s right now so fire staff overall I feel
1600s like it's pretty solid but whenever you
1602s are fighting multiple flamethrowers at a
1604s time that's whenever it becomes a
1605s problem so if I'm dueling a flamethrower
1607s and they pull that thing out you can
1608s always stun them out of there and you
1609s can counter it but whenever like you're
1611s in arenas and you have this cheesy three
1613s stack with three three flamethrowers
1614s three eye Scarlets in there and you are
1616s like a melee player really the only way
1618s to counter that is to almost do the same
1620s thing because you'll have a guy flame
1622s throwing you from one side and then
1624s somebody flamethrowing you from the
1625s other if you burn your cooldown on this
1627s guy like Shield bash this guy this guy's
1629s just flame throwing you so then you turn
1631s your focus to him but by the time you do
1633s that this guy's already flamed during
1634s you again because there's no cooldown on
1635s the weapon or on that ability is there
1637s any changes coming there absolutely yeah
1640s it's definitely a pain point for us too
1641s we noticed that a lot and so I think
1643s we're going to look at the Mana
1645s consumption on it for sure and make sure
1647s that it's actually when you trigger it
1650s you're going to know that you triggered
1651s it your Mana bar is going to know that
1652s you triggered it
1653s um and then you're not going to be able
1654s to kind of infinitely go on this anymore
1656s so I think it's it's one of those we
1659s wanted to do that to get people to play
1660s it honestly nobody's really using the
1662s flamethrower before red was um
1664s yeah I'm the grandfather of this
1666s toxicity for sure so once we got people
1670s playing it which is great but now it's
1671s just gone a little too far I think and
1673s so we're gonna we're gonna take that
1674s back a little bit it's a really fun move
1676s though I I really love that move and I
1678s think it's fun to play against and it's
1679s actually as a Defender it's I love the
1681s immediate counter you get right like if
1682s you're thinking about it like and
1683s there's only one of them like again it's
1685s fun you just run up there and stun them
1686s and you got your immediate counter to
1688s stop them from doing that so I think
1689s there's a good counter play to it but it
1690s just goes too long it and it shouldn't
1692s be that that powerful yeah yep
1695s so this is kind of back to the the
1697s Rapier and the mobility escapability
1699s thing is the armor balance and and the
1702s Dodge distance the you know the weight
1704s of equipment and and blocking blocking
1707s is something that really doesn't get
1709s used a lot do you guys have any plans uh
1711s in the future that will kind of help
1713s maybe bring people out of the light
1715s Mobility meta and maybe into more of
1717s like a medium heavy armor uh set that's
1720s maybe centered around blocking or or
1722s something of that nature yeah I think
1724s there's definitely some changes for
1726s blocking coming in the PTR we already
1728s have done some changes so we've reduced
1730s the amount of time after a block break
1731s we've also increased the mobility while
1733s blocking so those are two sort of quick
1736s changes that are already in PTR and
1737s testing and there's more things coming I
1739s think one of the things we're looking at
1741s is the stamina damage balance making
1743s sure we're tuning that appropriately so
1745s it's not overdone or underdone I think
1748s right now you know it feels like you
1750s take too much stamina damage sometimes
1752s in blocking so it makes it a little un
1754s you know unsuccessful successful another
1756s thing we're looking at is how blocking
1758s Works in group combat right because it's
1760s hard to balance like in situations where
1762s like you're getting hit by a ton of
1763s attacks how do we balance that while
1765s also making it not too powerful uh in
1768s sort of one-on-one situation so we're
1770s definitely looking at ways to sort of
1772s improve the viability of blocking yeah
1774s that sounds good I know that's a pain
1776s point for a lot of people there's a lot
1777s of people in our company I know that
1778s always complain about not being able to
1780s block and people are just dodging away
1781s all the time so that's that's really
1783s good to hear so to shift gears just a
1785s second here the heart gym ruins those
1787s are coming into the game and I think
1788s those are going to change combat pretty
1790s pretty heavily are there plans to like
1792s Implement um I know this may be a little
1794s early because we're just now getting
1795s them but like horizontal progression to
1797s add more of those in combat or to do or
1800s even horizontal progression in terms of
1802s like adding additional skill trees to
1803s weapons or like what's the thought
1806s process there going forward uh so this
1808s is our first sort of cut at some real
1810s strong horizontal progression we did it
1812s with a new ability this time and we're
1814s excited to see how plays out first right
1816s like how are people enjoying it what
1818s what is sort of the the new strategies
1820s what it opens up and I think you know
1822s this is I think a pattern that we'll be
1824s doing more often I think a game like new
1826s world with all the the cool gear and the
1828s variety of modes works well with
1829s horizontal progression so it's something
1831s we'll continue to do uh there's no sort
1833s of immediate plans or things we can
1835s announce yeah I think we're sort of in a
1836s let's get heart gems out there see how
1838s people react to it and then then we'll
1840s decide from there yeah they're super
1841s cool been playing with them on the PTR
1842s and I love they're really neat I like
1844s them a lot yeah good addition I think
1845s yeah the Rune glass gems with a hard I
1848s mean those are really gonna I think have
1850s a massive impact on the meta for sure
1853s this is an interesting question I think
1855s from maybe our standpoint but it's PVE
1858s oriented it is the uh the changes to the
1862s reduction of the damage reduction on
1864s enemies I know a lot of people's DPS
1866s weapon decisions were made off of you
1868s know what is an enemy week two what is
1870s it resistant to and now it does removal
1873s uh or the removal of that system them we
1876s already kind of see like a hatch you
1878s have to use a hatch at the DPS like do
1880s you guys have any fear or any uh
1882s announcements on maybe some changes that
1884s will help mitigate that you know one
1886s weapon as king and and PVE in general
1890s we're so we're removing the negative
1892s resistances but we're keeping the
1894s bonuses right so uh the bonuses still
1896s are pretty strong 20-ish percent to 25
1899s in our mind that should be enough to
1902s make a decision if a weapon like the
1905s hatchet is so strong that a 20 bonus
1908s isn't enough to get you off of it that's
1911s more of a problem with the hatchet than
1912s the system and I think you know we
1914s really like removing the the sort of the
1916s negative resistance part for the
1917s starting part of the game right like if
1919s you're just starting out like you really
1920s like this weapon and you know the msq is
1923s taking you against the loss right and
1925s it's like oh it sucks when your main
1927s doesn't work there so I think that's the
1929s main reason we wanted to remove the
1930s resistance side and I think you know our
1932s goal is to make the bonus side enough to
1934s create weapons University because we
1936s don't want a world in which everyone's
1937s got Hatchet for mutations right like
1939s that's that's not what we want so yeah
1941s we'll be we'll be keeping a very close
1943s eye on that making sure that happens
1944s yeah sounds good I think everyone wants
1946s Bill diversity and not to be pigeonholed
1947s into a certain build I know there's a
1949s lot of players who like to go in there
1950s and use their particular weapon and if
1952s you're not using that weapon then
1954s oftentimes it's hard to find a group so
1955s it's good to hear the build diversity is
1957s coming in so so to shift back to PVP for
1960s just a second I know we're kind of
1961s shifting gears and all over the place
1962s here but what uh what is your ideal like
1965s picture of PVP in and well let's just
1968s say like opr since that's probably the
1969s most popular game mode right now it's so
1972s range heavy
1973s um and and before we've seen like
1975s unkillable healers and some other things
1977s happen in the game what would be like
1978s your ideal meta a mixture of all or like
1981s some very heavy melee combat happening
1984s or what is the ideal meta I definitely
1987s see a little bit of mixture of all
1988s obviously we want everybody in there
1989s playing having fun uh I would like it to
1992s be a little more melee oriented than it
1993s is right now I think it's just a little
1995s bit two ranged and that's because of the
1997s how incredibly powerful like the musket
1999s is and and some of these these uh builds
2001s that let you get away with the rate of
2002s the red beer so uh I I do want melee to
2006s feel really important and this also goes
2008s back kind of back to blocking right
2009s because currently right the blocking
2010s isn't effective so as you're approaching
2013s as a melee it's it's you get into a
2015s group fight it's it's not a good thing
2017s right like if you go to block you're
2018s going to be block broken immediately and
2019s that's the terrible state to get into so
2021s I think it's trying to figure out how to
2023s get that to be a little more powerful so
2025s that people would want to do that right
2026s like and I think uh I really want melee
2029s to be more important in those fights I
2030s play melee all the time in opr I'm just
2032s trying to get the feel for it and just
2034s see how can we get this to kind of get
2036s to that better position uh but I love
2038s having snipers I think it's great that
2040s somebody's sitting back there with the
2041s musket shooting people like that's fun
2043s that's part of the game I mean I don't
2044s want anybody not to do that right so I
2046s think I love that diversity of what the
2048s roles are in the in the in the mode so
2051s for me it's just getting a little more
2053s viability to the melee which will kind
2054s of I think push push us to that like
2056s percentages will be really nicely
2058s stacked with range healing melee
2060s everything in between so I think the
2062s goal is to kind of get to that point
2063s where you can feel viable as a sword and
2066s shield like I just want you to be able
2067s to go in as a sword and shield and feel
2068s great not just do the leaping strike
2070s combo right like yeah it's more than
2071s that right like I want you to be able to
2073s go in there and feel like you're you're
2074s leading the charge going in there and I
2076s think uh that's something we're getting
2078s towards we've we've been trying to tune
2080s towards it but we still have a little
2081s ways to go it's not by no means like I
2083s said never done yeah yeah it's going to
2085s be always it's going to be a challenge
2086s to continuously improve and change I
2088s think for sure it's a tough you got a
2089s tough a tough uh a tough job there for
2092s sure without a doubt yeah just to add on
2094s that real quick I think I agree with
2096s Dave like you know combined arms is what
2098s we want we want people to come up with
2099s interesting compositions for their
2101s 20-person group uh another thing we
2103s might do in addition to combat balance
2105s that can help opr is we'll also
2107s continuously look at how scoring works
2109s in the game rules to make sure that
2111s we're you know sort of incentivizing the
2113s type of behavior that makes for fun opr
2115s match is not just sort of like stat
2117s padding and kill padding that you
2118s sometimes see with with some of these
2120s bow PR people yeah yeah so what about
2124s Arenas we talked a little bit about opr
2126s et cetera our Arenas are you happy with
2127s the state of where Arenas are there's I
2129s don't know how you'll ever solve the
2131s problem of cheese comps going in there
2132s and just dominating the Arenas uh is
2135s there are you happy with the state of
2136s them right now I I know it no I'm not so
2140s I I don't know what we've said I said
2143s right now so just are you happy I think
2147s no it's very frustrating right now when
2149s you go against the three stacks right
2150s and it's just not a not a fun experience
2152s for any solo keyword at all going into
2154s that right you're going to be stomped
2155s and it's not fun uh it's very the
2158s keyboard punching uh kind of aggression
2160s comes out of that do we have any changes
2161s in mind that myself
2163s I think we have an asset okay
2166s so we are going to have like a group uh
2169s basically if you're in a three-person
2171s group you're going to be matched up
2172s against other three-person groups so
2173s we're gonna try to get that to happen
2174s there and then if you're a solo queue or
2176s 2q you're going to go into a separate
2178s queue so it should kind of get you away
2180s from it going against the three stacks
2181s which will help that a little bit we're
2183s also going to look into gear score
2185s scaling uh so they get people a little
2187s closer so um it's not gonna you know
2190s make everybody even but it will get
2192s people closer in uh power level so uh
2194s once you're in there you'll go up to 600
2196s and no matter what gear score you're at
2198s I'm at you guys are already at 6 25 but
2200s for everybody else they'll be going up
2202s to 600 to get a little closer you'll
2204s still have a little bit advantage of the
2205s 25 there for for people that are above
2207s it and so we're trying to get that a
2209s little more standardized trying to get
2210s that a little closer while still giving
2212s you know benefit to the people that have
2214s actually ground for their gear and did
2216s all these great things to get up to that
2217s level so uh we hope that will start the
2221s change going but definitely is not going
2223s to be the end-all be-all um and then
2225s yeah once we see the results of how
2227s that's going we're going to make more
2228s adjustments to it this is like that may
2230s be the final question we have any kind
2231s of piggybacks on his any plans for we've
2234s got the the the group finder for PVE and
2237s you're able to cue is like a tank healer
2239s DPS any plans for opr Arenas maybe since
2243s we're doing the solo and group cues the
2244s qn is a role maybe as a Healer or
2247s damaged melee type stuff uh
2249s unfortunately no immediate plans I think
2251s that's something you know we've thought
2253s about and I see value there but it's not
2255s something that's going to be happening
2256s in the short term unfortunately
2258s I think that's going to do it for this
2259s segment we appreciate it guys
2264s all right well this is a big topic of
2267s discussion in the community's territory
2269s control so let's just start off with
2271s this one of the complaints from the
2274s community is uh just the ability to
2276s participate in Wars wars is like the end
2279s game PVP experience that is extremely
2282s influential in the game owning territory
2286s and and collecting gold and everything
2288s like that so we're just uh you know
2291s first off just any like General sweeping
2293s changes that you guys can talk about in
2295s the next update
2296s yeah I think the biggest update uh
2299s that's coming in the brimstone Sands
2300s release is the revenue sharing changes
2302s right so what this does is uh the way we
2306s create income stays the same it's based
2308s on taxes and the activities but what
2310s happens is all that gold goes into a
2312s kitty now and it's distributed to
2314s companies based on certain tiers or
2316s percentages so we have like tier one
2318s towns which gets 12 and a half and tier
2320s two three and four which get down to
2322s five percent so uh you know this is a
2325s big change I think the goal of the
2327s change is is many fold one is we hope it
2329s makes all territories valuable right now
2331s we have this world where like just ever
2333s fallen windsworth are very valuable and
2335s they'll you know like things like first
2336s light yeah you're not going to make much
2338s money off that this should make every
2340s town valuable uh the other thing it does
2342s is we hope it creates like this sense of
2344s progression right like small companies
2346s can fight over the tier four towns still
2348s make a little bit money and hopefully
2349s then progress Up the Ladder into the
2351s higher uh you know higher tier towns and
2354s then sort of the last big part of this
2355s that we really like is that that income
2357s you get is modulated by your territory
2360s level and what we like about this is it
2362s gives people a reason to upgrade your
2364s talents to max level it makes those
2366s invasions and winning them more
2367s important because when you go down a
2369s couple of points uh you know you're
2371s going to be making less income so that's
2373s the big change that's coming in with
2374s Brimstone Sands it's huge yeah I think
2377s that's amazing I think that's going to
2379s solve some of the issues for sure uh
2381s with the with the influx of money going
2382s to certain companies is are there any
2385s plans in the future ever to kind of
2387s distribute the money to factions in any
2390s way versus just companies so the
2392s controlling company gets most of the
2395s money but then some of the faction
2396s benefits as well uh no immediate plans I
2399s mean we already have the faction carts
2400s which was our first sort of step at this
2402s right like so when you own that town
2404s There's a cart that everyone in the
2406s faction can do use I'll be honest
2408s they're not like super you know like I
2410s don't go out of my way to get them but
2412s if I pass by I'll pick it up right it's
2414s some free resources I think that's an
2415s Avenue we can look at to boost further
2417s and I think you know giving some
2419s benefits to the faction we're aligned
2421s with you know doing a little more of
2422s that yeah I think that would be really
2424s cool so I know one of the other things
2426s is like the war the War cooldown I know
2428s that's something that's on the uh kind
2430s of on the PTR right now if you join a
2431s company and try to leave a company you
2433s get a message that pops up that tells
2435s you a little bit about the War cooldown
2436s uh mechanics so can you explain how
2439s that's going to work uh in the future
2441s yeah just to be clear on that that's
2443s it's in PTR for testing right now it's
2444s not going to go out with anniversary
2445s it's going to go out a little bit later
2447s but um what it what it basically is is
2450s when you leave a guild you're going to
2451s go on a three-day War cooldown
2454s which means you can't join a war and you
2456s can't generate influence and um it's
2459s going to be really impactful because
2460s it's paired with company minimums for
2463s Wars meaning uh it'll be two different
2466s numbers we still haven't quite settled
2467s on exactly the number that's part of why
2468s we're testing and stuff but more on the
2472s defensive side when you're defending a
2473s territory you're going to need most of
2475s your army is going to need to be company
2477s members so because of the war cooldown
2480s we're hoping that this takes a major
2482s chunk out of the shell company problem
2484s which is you know a big part of what
2486s you're saying it's like it's when when
2488s the 50 best players on a server are able
2490s to use shell companies to just kind of
2492s go everywhere and fight in every war it
2494s severely limits the amount of War slots
2496s available to everybody else so the goal
2498s here is to change the rules of the game
2499s so that it's it's it's more confined so
2502s you have to be more strategic as a
2504s 50-person group and where you're going
2506s to hold because you can't you can't hold
2507s too many places yeah I think that sounds
2510s great I think that should fix some Pro
2511s some of the some of the problems we're
2512s seeing for sure
2513s definitely there's one more coming with
2515s that also the the war fatigue so what
2518s we're looking at this isn't you know
2520s it's not going to happen with Brimstone
2521s release but in the future we're looking
2522s at sort of limiting the amount of Wars
2525s uh a single person can do in a day and
2528s again the goal there and we would do
2530s this on an account wide basis so like
2532s because you know there's people have
2533s various alts due to emerges uh and the
2536s goal here is again to distribute because
2538s war is fun we want everyone doing it and
2540s we don't want that one small group of
2542s people determining to give uh people
2544s more of a chance to participate in this
2546s fun activity that's awesome to hear uh
2548s War fatigue is definitely a
2551s um one of those things that was
2552s discussed that could definitely make a
2554s huge difference and it's glad to hear
2555s that you guys are are working on that uh
2557s one of the other awesome things about
2559s PVP is open world I I think you know the
2563s memories of great Cleve and and early on
2567s in the game pushing territories and
2569s having that resistance of you know large
2571s groups of people was something that
2573s we'll always remember in New World do
2574s you guys have any adjustments coming
2575s that will potentially promote that great
2578s cleave open World experience that kind
2581s of we were had all having fun in during
2584s the uh uh introduction to the PVP tract
2587s yeah uh we this is a big area of focus
2590s for us uh over the longer term so so to
2593s kind of sketch out what we're thinking
2594s we're kind of thinking three major
2595s things first one being
2598s um timing Windows like that great cleave
2600s I mean like Greek leave was the place to
2603s be so it drove everybody to one place to
2605s do a formal PVP so if you can kind of
2607s Imagine a world where
2609s on a like at any given time only like
2611s two territories are generating influence
2613s right now so hopefully it will drive
2615s everybody to those zones like I mean it
2618s kind of happens organically at times
2619s like during peak times like when there's
2621s an influence push happening everybody
2622s swarms there that's when there's like
2624s the most fun and open world PVP right
2626s now we'll hope we hope will happen is
2628s with these time Windows that'll just
2630s happen all the time and then once that's
2632s in place uh one of the one of the really
2635s cool things about Overworld PVP is the
2637s Ford control points which are you know
2640s every Fort has like a faction buff that
2643s it gives but each of them also grants
2645s um uh influence extra influence on PVP
2648s Mission turn in so if you can imagine
2650s multiple control points within each
2653s territory I didn't say a number I just
2656s said multiple one of the things that
2658s we're not sure about but yes yes so
2661s now you can start to wonder like what
2663s like different factions could be
2664s controlling these and again it's all
2666s within a window of time so like
2669s everybody's gonna swarm their fight over
2670s these points and might like the number
2672s of forts you have control the multiplier
2674s you get for those factions exactly this
2676s this multiplier might go very very high
2679s which would again hopefully address one
2681s of the problems with bbp missions and
2682s influence right now which is that it can
2684s seem like it takes a very long time yeah
2687s that seems pretty interesting I know I
2688s know one of the problems whenever you
2690s implement open world PVP systems like
2691s this though is oftentimes you'll have
2692s big huge zergs running around just
2694s dominating everything which can take
2697s away from the experience a little bit is
2698s there any mechanics uh implementing or
2701s or you're planning to implement to try
2702s to have some like not necessarily super
2705s small scale but to prevent these huge
2706s zergs from just dominating the map it's
2709s it's an area where I mean I think we're
2711s we're heading into Uncharted Territory
2712s we're going to have to play test we're
2714s going to have to feel things out I mean
2715s I know some things that we're talking
2717s about are like you know lock Windows
2718s where like once a fort is claimed it can
2720s lock
2721s um I mean Dave if you have any other
2722s thoughts yeah no I think the other thing
2724s is this timing window isn't going to be
2725s like an hour either right like it's
2727s going to be the main thing we want to
2729s avoid is the 2AM pushes right like as a
2731s as a company owner it sort of sucks to
2733s have to defend those pushes yeah you
2735s can't do it like so I think the the idea
2737s of the timing window is to give a broad
2738s enough time frame where uh you know it's
2742s not like a big circle like one hour ago
2744s there but you know shallow enough to
2745s where you can't do those sorts of things
2747s and the other part I like about it is
2748s like it'll feel more like you can win as
2750s a Defender right right now it feels like
2752s I'm just going to lose eventually as a
2754s Defender anyway so why bother counter
2755s pushing too much with this if you have
2757s let's say you know a couple hours window
2759s like if you can defend in that then
2761s you're safe until your next window opens
2763s up and I think that'll be a nice feeling
2765s for those Defenders yeah uh so yeah and
2767s you know so let's say we add multiple
2769s Fort points you've got the different
2771s locations for faction missions so I
2772s think the goal is to have a couple
2774s different hot spots in the territory
2776s when that timing window is on not just
2778s sort of one big ball right that'll be
2780s awesome yeah that sounds like a lot of
2781s fun yeah those improvements are are
2784s insane to hear about the final thing we
2786s really have for you guys is practice
2788s Wars they've been kind of teased a
2790s little bit but when can the community
2792s kind of expect that we can see these
2795s practice Wars kind of come in and to
2797s live uh this one's not on the roadmap
2800s right this second but it is definitely
2801s something that we we all really agree
2804s that we should have for many many
2805s reasons I mean you know we want we want
2807s to give more content to more players we
2809s want to give companies a chance to
2810s experience war and practice and get
2813s their skills up in it
2814s yeah so it's something like Dan said we
2816s agree with that we want it's just
2818s there's higher priorities at the moment
2820s so it's not on our short-term list yeah
2822s I think that'll about do it you have any
2823s more questions for this no territory
2825s control thanks guys I appreciate that
2827s those changes are something to get
2829s excited about for sure so we appreciate
2831s it
2834s all right well next is our crafting
2837s segment with Phil and Tony we appreciate
2839s you guys joining us we got a lot to talk
2841s about uh for crafting yeah thanks for
2843s having us yeah yeah it's crazy to be
2845s here in the studio talking with you guys
2848s um I mean as a first timer I'm just
2850s excited to be here Mr Redbird and Mr
2852s Brooke Bodie Brody
2855s yeah
2858s we're glad to have you on the show today
2860s man thank you for joining us here flip
2862s the tables yeah I love it awesome so hop
2866s right in here the first one we have is
2868s uh there's been a lot of adjustments in
2870s the way you experience gain experience
2872s when crafting such as aptitude and
2875s everything like that are there anything
2876s we can uh kind of can you comment on how
2879s the pacing is for crafting right now and
2881s and where you kind of stand there sure
2883s yeah let me I'll jump in first here
2887s um one of the big focuses that we've uh
2890s been working on over the past like half
2893s a year I would say is trying to get that
2896s pacing smoothed out in your progression
2898s between all the Gathering then the
2901s refining and then the crafting so as you
2904s kind of go up those rungs making sure
2907s that you kind of keep Pace with all of
2910s those in line where and you're
2912s incentivized to go gather higher end
2914s resources refine those into higher
2916s materials and then use those materials
2918s to build hiring crafts they're not just
2920s like focusing solely on iron swords to
2922s 200 right I think that was a big uh
2925s lesson that we had at launch and seeing
2927s how people were interacting with the
2928s system and really something we've been
2929s working hard to improve and so I feel
2931s really good about the way that kind of
2933s gathering and crafting not work with our
2936s latest release or sorry Gathering and
2938s refining and then crafting is feeling a
2940s lot better and we've got a lot of ways
2942s to like juice up the experience and the
2945s time it takes you to get from one to 200
2947s but
2949s I still think it can be improved a
2951s little bit though too yeah yeah I think
2953s it's pretty well said I think one of the
2954s big things that should help with that
2956s um is going to be the changes for you
2959s get the double XP for the initial first
2961s time you craft something around because
2962s like right now when you go through and
2963s you craft a new level it's like of this
2965s tier how many of a specific thing do I
2967s need to craft well I'm going to go make
2969s you know 140 Ironwood swords and you
2971s know that's it but now that you get that
2973s double bump for all the individual
2975s crafts at least you get some more
2976s variety in there it should help it feel
2977s a bit more fresh and give you those
2979s those bigger I think bumps of
2981s progression which would be really good
2982s yeah totally um and it just incentivizes
2984s you to like it's almost like a little
2986s bit of a checklist too like craft
2989s everything yeah and uh and at least we
2991s reward you now for going up you know you
2993s hit that new rung oh I can craft star
2995s metal weapons now okay well you know I'm
2998s gonna get double XP if I craft a sword
2999s and a a hatchet and you know a bow and
3003s everything yeah which is pretty nice I
3005s think it's a feels bad moment a little
3006s bit whenever you are crafting just iron
3008s swords or whatever over and over and
3010s over again and you don't really get a
3012s lot of benefit of then leveling up
3013s quickly yeah right you know one of the
3015s things that we saw early on right was
3016s the whole like how many tens of
3018s thousands of arrows do I need to make
3020s yeah
3021s Ash stain arrows like I've had a few
3024s things where it was just like just just
3026s do this that's not the experience I'm
3029s guilty of the stain I took those
3031s opportunities for sure so I think one of
3034s the other really big things about
3035s crafting is we have the introduction of
3037s scarabs coming with Brimstone Sands we
3039s have we've seen Timeless shards come
3041s into the game recently as well so all of
3043s these things are kind of lending
3044s themselves towards making crafting
3046s better items a little bit easier uh so
3049s is that like because getting getting a
3051s this item in new world is pretty hard
3052s it's elusive so I think you know for me
3055s I think getting that item is probably a
3056s good thing because it it keeps the it
3058s keeps you trying to chase that that good
3060s item but it sometimes it is a little bit
3062s frustrating a little bit too hard almost
3063s so so heading in those directions with
3065s like the Timeless shards scarves is that
3067s something we see more of in the future
3068s and like a kind of an easier way to get
3070s those items yeah uh two areas I think we
3075s were really sensitive to right now and
3077s we've heard a lot of community feedback
3079s on this as well uh is generally like the
3083s cost it takes to actually craft one of
3085s these items and to roll some people
3087s might refer to it as gambling a little
3089s bit I don't know I mean some people some
3091s people who
3093s knows but uh but you know it
3097s the fair assessment because you know it
3099s either cost you a lot of time or a coin
3102s to go get these resources and then you
3104s know you throw them in the pot at least
3106s we give you an item unlike some other
3107s games out there that might not give you
3109s anything uh but
3111s um that kind of leads into the second
3113s point so cost is one vector that we're
3115s really sensitive of and we want to be
3117s respectful to that time and that coin
3119s investment anyone's putting in and the
3121s other one is just more agency and
3123s control over that and um yeah I don't
3126s know you want to talk to that part a
3127s little bit Yeah so I think like the big
3129s thing right like you go through you
3131s level up you get to 200 and then you're
3133s like I'm gonna craft some stuff but if
3134s it feels like what you're after is just
3136s unobtaining them you just kind of stop
3137s and you get disengaged and so Thomas
3139s shards were kind of a first step golden
3140s Scarab is going to be another step but
3142s it's a super it's a very you know it's a
3145s thin line for us to walk because if we
3146s make it too easy well not everybody has
3148s everything and if we make it too hard
3149s now you're just completely disconnected
3151s you don't want to involve the system
3152s anymore right and so I think there will
3154s be ways for us to continue to give more
3157s agency I guess if you will
3160s um because as long as it like is
3161s required like the scarabs for example
3163s you know you take a look at you know
3164s what is the play time what are the
3166s activities people have to do people are
3168s out there having fun they're adventuring
3169s they're doing their thing and they're
3170s getting a reward to have more agency
3172s that's awesome yeah and more ways we can
3174s figure out how to do that I think the
3175s better yeah for sure yeah the scarabs is
3178s something I'm looking forward to as a
3180s crafter and to improving my
3182s gambling uh Habit but at least like you
3186s know a two good perk item is still you
3189s know better than uh nothing right like
3193s it's still like you could have a good
3194s two-part item and you could either trade
3196s that for a good amount of money or or it
3198s could be really useful to you in your
3199s gameplay there's a lot of like other
3203s ideas we have floating around there of
3204s like how to actually and where you guys
3206s you ask like can we see more of that in
3208s the future I think yeah I don't know if
3210s it's going to necessarily take the form
3211s of an item though versus more of a a
3214s refinement to a system uh but again it's
3217s like still a tight rope that we have to
3219s walk of like making it the pursuit fun
3222s uh but not just overly easy where
3225s everybody kind of has this but um you
3228s know definitely want players to feel
3229s like they're looking for better items
3231s versus just trying to find a single good
3233s item yeah yeah and I think actually on
3235s that point right like there's this and
3237s there's almost this and for a lot of
3239s people almost bis is good enough yeah
3240s and so there's still a market for that
3242s and I think there's still a Chase for
3243s that right A lot of people of course
3244s everybody wants Biz but like if you find
3246s something that's really really close
3247s that can hold you over for a while
3248s that's still a huge win yeah yeah for
3250s sure absolutely so this is a this is a
3253s big one for Crafters we have any plans
3255s we got we got music yep uh so now any
3258s plans what's any additional crafting
3261s skills that are coming to to New World
3263s in the upcoming future
3266s got ideas
3268s we could edit it out we have ideas uh
3272s but uh I think one of the my favorite
3275s Parts about new world uh as a game in
3277s general is how good I think our our
3280s trade skill section is
3283s um getting lost in the open world uh
3285s like it's literally fun to chop down a
3287s tree like in our game which is yeah it's
3289s hard to say for other games I've played
3291s and um
3292s so we definitely want to continue to
3294s support that
3296s um nothing specific to really say but we
3298s are taking inspiration from other open
3300s world games and uh some of our favorite
3302s experiences we've had over the years as
3304s Gamers ourselves and like trying to
3306s figure out what does that mean in a
3307s tournament
3308s um yeah it's very elusive answer but uh
3311s it's just I will say trade skills is
3312s something we're going to continue to
3313s support for for a long time yeah awesome
3315s sounds awesome sounds like the future is
3317s bright for gatherers and Crafters I like
3318s that I think so good or just you know
3320s players that want to do something else
3322s other than just kill monsters all day
3323s yeah there's all yeah we'll have plenty
3325s of that for sure but yeah but yeah that
3328s other stuff that you can do I thought
3329s that was a a cool
3331s um uh reaction to our our musical
3334s instruments like yeah people loved it I
3336s actually like you know it's fun when I'm
3338s waiting for a a chest run to start or
3340s you know I mean a holding pen waiting to
3343s get out for like an uh opr or war and
3347s you know someone's just kicking it
3348s playing some music and people are
3350s dancing moating all right yeah I gotta
3352s say when you know you're doing a portal
3354s run or a chest run and you're at a
3356s portal and someone off to the side just
3358s works out the freaking upright base and
3359s just starts playing while everybody else
3361s is playing I laugh every time listen
3363s yeah they're they're
3364s exploiting Donuts from they are people
3367s spamming the chest closing button there
3369s yeah they know what they're doing yeah
3372s just uh I hate to expose those people
3374s but that's exactly we know you know who
3375s you are you know who you are the one
3377s thing I will say to that though and I
3379s think you said it really really well is
3380s you know future trade skills how does it
3383s wrap into the rest of the world you know
3384s music came online I was like oh yeah
3386s music is cool but then when you start
3387s looking at the Buffs and stuff that it
3388s gives you music is actually quite
3389s impactful yeah and so anytime that we
3391s add something else how does it hit the
3394s rest of the ecosystem that's in the game
3395s there's a lot of Leverage there's a lot
3396s of switches a lot of knobs but what is
3398s the right way to integrate to all those
3401s different things and it can make the the
3403s trade skill have a whole lot more kick
3405s than just like adding something that's
3407s kind of Standalone which is something
3409s that's something I think new world does
3410s a very good job at is all the trade
3411s skills are pretty impactful in the game
3413s and the Gathering is probably some of
3416s the best I've ever it is the best I've
3417s ever had in any MMO for sure so one of
3421s the other things there's a pain point
3422s for players that uh you can't really see
3425s what recipes you have at any given time
3427s so so one of the questions that I have
3429s is that do you have any plans ever to to
3432s kind of create a system that's almost
3433s like an achievement system or like a a a
3436s separate menu not necessarily where it's
3438s a crafting station but like where you
3440s know you see your tabs for achievements
3441s your bio all that stuff maybe you have a
3443s a recipes Tab and then within that
3446s screen you could see maybe like your you
3448s know your Furnishing or your cooking or
3450s whatever and have them listed and with
3451s check mark beside which ones you
3453s collected et cetera just a way to keep
3454s up with it first for some for players be
3456s able to chase those those items yeah as
3459s someone who likes that stuff as a player
3461s I I really like that idea I think it's a
3464s cool idea um I I will say we don't have
3466s plans to do it currently
3468s but thank you yeah and um and no I uh I
3472s think it's a conversation that uh Tony
3474s and I can really dig into outside of
3476s this and and really figure that out like
3478s okay that's that's cool there's a lot of
3480s value there I think yeah I think because
3481s it ties into there's there's a couple
3483s issues that could be resolved there one
3485s is what do I have what don't I have
3487s um two you know if I want to cook a
3490s certain meal or whatever what
3491s ingredients do I need for that right
3492s there's friction in there trying to
3494s figure that out while you're out you
3495s know and uh you know in the wild farming
3497s or whatever you may be doing so I think
3499s there's there's definitely some areas
3500s that can be massaged
3502s um you know right now if you go into
3503s your trade skill screen and you know you
3505s click on say uh weaponsmithing if you
3508s will you just have that super long list
3510s on the right there's just a lot I think
3511s that we can do uh within the screens we
3513s already have to just make that a lot
3515s more pleasing to interact with awesome
3517s awesome that'd be great big addition of
3520s the game one last question uh you spoke
3523s a little bit about this earlier is is
3525s depth of crafting is there anything we
3527s can expect that maybe expands of upon
3529s the depth of the current trade skills
3530s that we have
3531s it's a good question
3533s um what I will say right now is that
3535s it's something we talk about a lot it's
3537s conversations that come up a lot and a
3540s couple different vectors kind of keep
3541s bubbling up to the surface which is uh
3544s something I mentioned a little bit
3545s earlier which was how can we give
3547s Crafters better control over what
3549s they're crafting that's a that's a big
3551s thing that we talk about a lot we're
3553s we're constantly examining ways we can
3555s do improvements to the current system so
3558s it's not like necessarily new crafting
3560s but it's just like optimizations to
3562s existing systems to make those better to
3564s give Crafters a little bit more
3566s stability in what they're crafting
3568s um on top of like what we're already
3570s doing with those scarabs in this in the
3571s Timeless shards and then the other topic
3574s is identity which I'll I'll sort of Tony
3576s to yeah yeah so like one of the big
3578s things and a big talking point with
3580s constantly like kind of circle back to
3582s is player identity and when it comes to
3584s crafting Gathering refining crafting all
3587s that whole I guess ecosystem is uh such
3590s a big part of new world but like how can
3593s a player have more identity within it
3595s right what can they do to separate
3598s themselves from the crowd if you will
3599s and how can they you know how can we
3602s give them more depth in a system and so
3604s you know when we speak to the Future
3606s whether or not it is you know additional
3608s trade skills or you know additional
3611s recipes are there other ways that we can
3613s allow you to put in time to get rewards
3616s that are a bit more
3618s specific with what you have interest in
3620s uh and so I think there's a lot there
3621s that we can work with and uh I'll just
3624s say that I'm really excited for the
3625s future
3626s I'll leave it at that that's great
3628s awesome sounds like some pretty
3629s interesting stuff coming in for the
3630s Crafters then I like it yeah I like it
3632s in more depth more and more systems it
3634s sounds awesome yeah yeah looking forward
3636s to it all right well I think that I
3637s think that actually does it yeah so
3640s thank you guys thank you yeah I
3641s appreciate it thanks for having us yeah
3643s you're welcome you're welcome here
3644s anytime appreciate it
3650s all right so now we're here with Rob and
3652s Mike thank you guys for being here we
3654s have a couple of questions for you today
3656s about Brimstone so the first question we
3658s have on the docket it's one that a lot
3660s of players want to know is are we going
3662s to be able to fight the sand worm that
3663s we see in Brimstone yes eventually
3666s you're going to be able to face the sand
3668s worm uh we're thinking it's going to be
3670s an encounter for more than five players
3672s uh details are still yet to come but uh
3675s you know keep your eyes open your ears
3678s peeled for upcoming news on on some of
3680s the cool stuff we're going to do with
3681s sandworm awesome that's going to be a
3682s secret and if you can I mean if you are
3684s able to defeat him you'll learn some
3685s some cool new stuff about him and like a
3688s lot of the backstory of the world that
3690s uh that related to where he comes from
3692s like his Origins which are rooted in
3694s pretty ancient eternum History Nice
3696s always great to learn more lore in the
3698s game I know there's a lot of people who
3700s love the lore of Eternal but getting
3701s more of it is always a good thing so
3703s yeah excited about that one sure no
3705s we've wandered around in Brimstone for a
3707s long time the features inside of the
3710s zone are Second To None the jump jump
3713s puzzles uh all the the chest mechanics
3716s and everything like that is that
3718s something we can kind of expect moving
3720s forward with with future zones
3722s yeah I'd say that yeah I mean the
3724s standards and brimstone are certainly
3726s you know push push the experience
3728s overall like whether you're exploring or
3730s doing quests or fighting you know groups
3732s of different groups of uh AI
3735s um and I would say that that's the
3736s standard that we're going to have going
3737s forward you know
3738s um the certainly for the quest I can
3740s speak to that like I can say you know
3741s the quest Dynamics we use that the the
3743s variety of puzzles the you know the way
3745s the story flows particularly with the
3747s story around immotep
3749s um really is is the standard that we
3751s look at when we're when we're doing the
3752s next round of quests and so the gimmicks
3754s that we put in there Dynamic events
3756s things that make you look at the world
3759s differently or interact with it
3760s differently there's so many tools that
3762s are available to you as a player and so
3764s we want to explore like you know
3765s thematically what fits the best for
3767s whatever Zone that we're working on at
3768s the time whether you know meshes really
3770s well with the biomes or the characters
3772s and overall story just like how do those
3774s integrate into you know those pois and
3777s that whole experience yeah it's been
3779s awesome just running through Brimstone
3780s on the PTR has been quite the experience
3781s unlike any other Zone in the game so far
3784s it's just really really good the jump
3785s puzzles and all the intricacies of the
3787s Zone have been really really interesting
3788s a lot of fun to run through no doubt so
3790s we also have like Brimstone and the new
3792s player experience the quests have just
3794s been completely redone everything is is
3796s like so much more streamlined the story
3798s is a lot better
3800s um the the lore is really starting to
3802s come to life now are those all things we
3804s can expect to happen like moving forward
3806s into the future is that something you
3807s guys are leaning more heavily into are
3809s are those types of of mechanics in the
3812s game like just very much story driven
3814s type of quest Etc yeah I mean I would
3816s say you know we're very focused on
3818s creating memorable characters that make
3820s an impression and you get to interact
3821s with multiple times rather than just
3823s like everywhere you go there's some new
3824s character who offers you some sort of
3826s you know laundry list task to do like
3828s actually having characters who are who
3830s are traveling with the player their
3831s stories are unfolding as you go your
3833s relationship with them is evolving and
3835s and hopefully you know it may it keeps
3838s everything you know more interesting as
3840s you go through these things and of
3841s course
3842s um as we just mentioned you know the the
3844s the quest types like the variety and the
3846s activities that you do that's something
3847s that we're going to continue I mean I
3848s would say it's even going to get better
3849s because we're looking at like we're
3851s taking all the lessons that we learned
3852s from Brimstone Sands and using those
3854s we're improving our tools
3856s um and getting a better grip on like you
3859s know how how dense to to place quests
3863s and characters and stuff like that for
3864s for the best experience yeah it's good
3867s to hear I I think story building and and
3869s building relationships with players and
3871s the and the character and the lore and
3873s the game is like a recipe to keep people
3876s interested uh in new world like long
3879s term as far as the story development and
3881s everything like that goes yeah I mean
3882s and I would add just that you know we're
3884s we're going to be introducing a lot more
3885s characters who are historically or
3888s mythically based like so the names you
3890s recognize you know you meet immotep and
3892s a few others who I won't you know uh say
3895s a name right now because you may not
3897s have met him yet but but yeah but yeah
3899s you'll be meeting a lot of more
3900s mythological figures characters from uh
3902s well in RSC you meet where you fight sir
3905s Wayne but we'll have other characters
3907s from the Arthurian Mythos that come into
3909s the game and yeah a lot more you know a
3913s lot more recognizable names that I think
3914s players will see and every and every one
3916s of them has a unique eternum twist you
3918s know like how did they get here what's
3919s the real story around behind the myths
3922s that you've read and how that relates to
3924s this and continue to build upon uh all
3927s the the great visuals and landmarks and
3929s places to explore and and tying like all
3932s those thematic themes that you'd get in
3934s the story and the lore to these physical
3936s places that you like oh I wonder what's
3938s over that Ridge line or what's behind
3940s that Alcove of trees like always having
3942s that thing kind of leading you forward
3944s and and just presenting a beautiful
3946s world but now just expanding that world
3948s that's what I love about Brimstone
3949s itself is like now we're introducing
3951s this brand new desert experience and we
3954s want to continue pushing that forward
3955s with you know zones in the future yeah
3957s sounds amazing amazing I think new world
3959s is sitting Prime for all kinds of
3960s expansion for all types of different
3962s stories because of the way that the way
3964s that the land is where is kind of laid
3965s out in this mysterious feel around
3967s around eternum that you can almost bring
3969s in anything you want or any culture you
3970s want and add it to the game and I think
3972s that's pretty exciting for players
3974s moving forward because there's no tell
3975s them what we're going to see and I'm
3976s here for it I'm ready to see what's
3977s what's out there next for sure
3980s yeah the final thing I think we have for
3982s you guys is is the Zone size I mean
3984s Brimstone is almost three times as large
3987s as any Zone that we've seen on the map
3989s it's the first Zone that's been added
3991s since live is this what we should expect
3993s moving forward as far as Zone size is
3995s this Brimstone Brimstone is an exception
3998s to the rule in the sense that it's it's
4000s a desert and the desert had to be vast
4002s so it had to be very big to support a
4005s lot of the stories and themes that we
4006s were pushing for so I would say it's
4009s towards the extreme large end of what
4011s our zones would be and I think they're
4012s they're typically would be more the size
4014s of like uh like an ebb and scale or even
4018s a reek water so more nominal in size but
4022s that's because we want to tell you know
4023s more stories more unique have more
4025s unique things that happen in the world
4027s so not saying never it just really
4030s depends what are the story influences
4032s that are driving us what are the
4034s experiences that players need to go on
4037s on that journey and that'll kind of
4038s dictate what size things really need to
4040s be yeah one of the things we talked
4042s about and one of the things that I think
4043s you can there's a high likelihood you'll
4045s see it or you know a big themed area
4047s that's perhaps multiple zones it's like
4050s you could see Brimstone we could have
4051s broken it up into three different zones
4052s based on the size and we may have some
4055s areas like that in the game uh coming up
4057s as we expand into more you know
4059s you know World lore mythology type stuff
4061s yeah sounds awesome I get kind of
4063s excited about the about the story for
4065s sure I like to get really immersed and
4066s really drawn in and I think the new
4068s player experience is part of that that's
4069s really going to help draw players in and
4072s I'm just excited to see what's what's
4073s out there and what's to come man so
4075s should be great yeah because it's going
4076s to influence uh the NPCs that you
4079s interact with the Enemy types that are
4080s there the cool new weapons and gear that
4082s you're going to get yeah so yeah bring
4085s it on yeah we're excited about what's
4087s coming it's going to be good yeah us too
4089s all right well I think that about does
4090s already well I gotta you know my
4093s community would be very upset with me if
4095s I didn't know it publicly apologize to
4097s Mike for oh yeah you do you do need to
4100s apologize you owe him an apology what do
4102s we do what happened it was in the uh
4103s yeah I have this may have tea bagged you
4107s during it may have it definitely
4109s happened
4113s let me thank you for doing that it
4115s wasn't aggressive there was some bribery
4118s I'm pretty sure Lane is the blame
4126s I mean Community team correct me if I'm
4128s wrong
4131s [Laughter]
4135s not mine I can scoop back if you guys
4138s need to settle this no oh no I'm going
4140s to resolve the beat that'll be fair okay
4142s cool yes the culprit is somewhere else
4144s yeah all right well I think that'll do
4146s it for this segment thank you guys it's
4147s awesome
4149s all right well that does it for the
4151s October Dev video Scott again we want to
4153s thank you for having us out it's been a
4155s long time dream of ours uh to be out the
4157s studio so thank you yeah absolutely just
4159s echoing the sentiment that red has here
4161s it's been incredible thank you for
4162s having us out it's been a super fun day
4164s and uh we we just appreciate you guys a
4166s lot thanks for coming thanks for all the
4168s hard questions today and
4170s you know just to finish it off thanks
4172s for all the support again like we've
4174s been listening to you for so long it's
4175s fun to finally meet in person and
4177s can't be happier having you here so
4179s thanks awesome