about 2 years ago - Luxendra - Direct link

Greetings Adventurers,

If you encounter a bug while playtesting the PTR that is NOT related to combat, please post it here in this thread using the template below so we can get as much information possible to provide to the team:

  • What is your character name in the PTR:
  • Describe the issue you are experiencing:
  • Is this a bug or an exploit:
  • (if a bug) How did the issue effect your gameplay:
  • (if a bug) Were you able to recover from the issue:
  • (if a bug) Please include a screenshot or video of the issue that you have experienced:
  • What are the steps to reproduce the issue as you experienced:

We thank you for helping us improve New World and for helping us keep this thread focused solely on the bugs and exploits you are experiencing in the April PTR!

about 2 years ago - Delakron - Direct link

@Hiply Thanks for the report! We went back to use some older backtory setups for this test in order to get some better faction spread. Our next PTR patch will have this resolved.

about 2 years ago - Delakron - Direct link

@realnerf Correct, we regularly change our backstories, which dictate what players spawn with at character creation. We have not deleted older PTR characters for a few months now, to provide some level of persistence. Because of that, players could end up with different gear setups – such as the case you pointed out where you have a GS 600 item (from prior mutators testing).

Additionally, no matter the backstory, we try to provide a small level of variance/randomness as well; the same backstory box could grant you a slightly better or worse item. But if you continue to use a character created from the GS 600 backstory, your unopened boxes should still grant similar items.