11 months ago - Play New World - Direct link

Transcript (by Youtube)

0s uh I think in terms of mechanics what's
3s interesting also and how we're going to
4s introduce this to players is that we'll
6s be alternating between the two maps so
8s every two weeks we'll switch we'll do
10s this new Brimstone map for two weeks
12s then the original map uh and just sort
14s of alternate every two weeks yeah I'm
15s excited to see how that plays out too
16s yeah
18s [Music]
18s [Applause]
23s forged in a tournament where we took all
25s things new world I'm joined today by
27s Patrick our Seasons design lead and Dan
29s our social po
31s today we're going to talk about a topic
34s that many of you care deeply about PVP
36s what are we doing for PVP and when's it
39s coming well I've got great news there
41s are four big things coming for our PVP
43s fans in season two uh let's talk through
46s them and let's start with perhaps the
47s biggest one crossworld opr Dan tell me a
50s little bit about what this means and
51s what it'll mean for players but simply
53s less less waiting time to get into opr
56s so we're connecting all of our worlds
58s within a region for insta or for opr and
61s that means that you just hit a button
62s and you'll be playing with a large
64s larger population and along with that
67s the leaderboards for opr are going to be
69s Regional as well that's cool so no
72s difference in mechanics it's the same
74s thing just go to modes hit play and I'm
76s in yep exactly cool and Regional
80s leaderboards uh just for the region
83s yeah
86s they're just region based this is super
88s cool and the rewards will be the same
90s for the leaderboards cool
93s uh so while we're allowing people to get
95s into matches quicker with this great new
97s feature uh we're also going to make some
99s changes to opr some adjustments to make
101s it play a little better A little maybe
102s more strategic uh can you talk us
105s through those changes Patrick yes
106s there's a number of good changes coming
107s to Apple's Rush with season two uh first
109s off is scoring changes so we're gonna
111s adjust the logic of scoring to better
113s reinforce players who are playing the
115s objectives uh no more playing a Scott
117s Lane and sitting outside just shooting
119s in their Fireball you now have to sit on
121s the point and actually actively uh you
123s know
123s defend it to really accrue a large
125s number of points which is great I think
126s it's going to change the feel of the
128s game up a little bit another change
129s you're making is the baroness encounter
131s we are putting in walls so you can no
133s longer just sniper from 100 meters away
134s and last second kill still kill steal
137s her if you want to get that kill now you
138s have to be in the area so high risk High
140s reward there another great change is
143s we're reinforcing the role of Siege
144s weaponry and walls so The Siege Weaponry
147s is going to deal more damage to players
148s and the walls are going to take less
150s damage from uh ranged weapons so you
152s can't sit back with your bow now and
154s just shoot it down got to get up close
156s and personal to be effective
157s and then the last big change that I'm
159s really excited about is the corrupted
160s portal so we're kind of completely
162s reworking that mechanic so instead of
164s showing up and depositing azoth to get
165s your token now every few minutes the
167s portal will activate and you have to go
168s there and clear out all the corrupted
170s enemies to claim the portal and by
172s claiming it you get the brute token so
174s overall it's a good number of
175s adjustments that I think will help the
176s feel of the mode and keep it feeling uh
177s fresh and more fair yeah I like
179s especially that corrupted portal change
181s because it makes it sort of like another
182s event like you've got to balance that in
184s your baroness pressure yeah I think
186s that'll be neat another slight change on
188s the scoring that I think is worth
189s mentioning is we're also going to be
190s starting to give points for blocking
192s right so the tanks of the group I know
195s sometimes you play sword board can now
196s you know as they're helping absorb
198s damage for the rest of their team get
199s some points for that yeah that's gonna
201s be great uh a third big change is a
204s brand new Arena map uh can you tell us a
207s little bit about that one yeah this is
208s one I'm really excited for I think we
210s learned a lot of great lessons with
211s Arena map number one and once we
213s launched Brimstone Sans I think everyone
214s all the players all of us internally we
216s saw this aesthetic can we want that
218s Roman Coliseum and we're really
220s delivering on that with the new Arena so
222s it's a lot more complex than the first
223s one first one just has the two pillars
225s to line of side players against this is
227s a multi-level Arena so there's different
229s sides of it you can kite players around
231s the middle it's going to really change
232s gameplay and I'm really excited to see
234s how different weapons perform on it yeah
236s I think it's it's radically different
238s yes yeah and I think it will hopefully
241s our goal is to have almost different
243s strategies different tactics play out in
245s it uh I think in terms of mechanics
247s what's interesting also on how we're
249s going to introduce this to players is
250s that we'll be alternating between the
252s two maps so every two weeks we'll switch
254s we'll do this new Brimstone map for two
256s weeks then the original map and just
258s sort of alternate every two weeks yeah
260s I'm excited to see how that plays out
261s too yeah
262s uh and then a fourth change so this all
265s sounds great but we want rewards also
268s Dan so tell us has there been any
270s changes to the PVP reward track uh
272s there's been a couple yeah uh the
274s directionally and the goal is to like
275s get you better rewards earlier on in the
278s track so uh gypsum and shards and uh bis
281s items all come earlier in the track and
283s uh just in general it's meant to allow
286s USB player to just do PVP to get those
288s awesome Rewards
290s yeah I think that's super important
292s right like PVP players want to do PPP
294s activities and this will give them the
296s opportunity I don't think it'll be like
298s their sole way to be able to gear but
300s it'll be much more like you won't have
302s to do as much other stuff to gear up
304s which I think is great it's a lot more
305s efficient like playing through this
306s internally I'm seeing a lot more oranges
308s on the track and that's pretty exciting
309s for me yeah I think I I'm very excited
312s about it I think our Philly players will
313s be awesome absolutely so that's four big
316s changes for season two but that's not
318s the end of PVP right like obviously it's
320s just the beginning there's also
321s something pretty big coming in season
323s three we've talked about a little bit
324s about it but tell us a little more Dan
325s uh we uh we've got influence V2 coming
329s out which uh is going to basically uh
333s it's it's big we'll we'll tell you a lot
335s more about it a little later on but for
337s now the the main thing is that influence
339s races will be uh kind of like more
341s directed more scheduled so much higher
344s density in that influence race to earn
346s the War deck into territory and we're
348s adding control Point Towers to each
350s territory to fight over uh this is I
353s think something that that everybody's
354s kind of been wanting for a while we've
356s talked about it on this before
358s um and the goal for those is uh kind of
361s similar to that new Arena map you know
363s bring in some more like leveled play
364s some verticality some some obstacles
367s that can kind of
368s challenge you to come up with a better
370s strategy based on which Tower you're
373s fighting over so it's really cool we're
374s play testing it now and it's a lot of
376s fun yeah I love the feel of it like well
378s how I've described cheese it almost
380s feels like an open world mode right
381s because there's this timed energy
383s there's a concentrated density of people
385s you go here there's objectives I think
387s it's a really nice blend between the
389s open world feel of the game and sort of
391s like an instance mode like opr exactly
393s yeah definitely the change I'm looking
395s forward to the most I'd say open world
396s PVP is my favorite thing in our game and
398s the organic feel of it is so great and
400s these towers just really provide it it's
401s gonna be fun yeah you've been pushing
403s for this for a long time yeah awesome
405s hey well thanks everyone for joining us
407s today in sort of a a dive into PVP uh
410s please uh continue to like And subscribe
412s if you like these shows and we have a
414s community question for you we're
416s interested in what you think the biggest
417s change for PVP should be in the upcoming
419s Seasons uh let us know
421s uh thanks and we'll see you in a
423s tournament
427s [Music]
428s [Applause]
429s [Music]
434s thank you
437s [Music]
438s [Applause]