4 months ago - Play New World - Direct link

Transcript (by Youtube)

0s uh last time we did this episode when we
2s were looking at that data ahead of time
3s stuff was looking pretty decent yes we
5s had shipped the expansion um as I
7s mentioned by the time this episode aired
9s players were not feeling so good uh we
11s had gone from a faucet economy down to a
13s sink
15s [Applause]
18s economy hello and welcome to forged in
21s interum the show where we talk All
23s Things New World my name is Patrick and
25s today I'm joined by Joel and Tony and
27s we're here to do our quarterly economy
29s Deep dive uh we did a quick highle look
32s at the economy about 3 months ago where
34s we told you how we uh gauge the economy
36s how we look at your sentiment and data
38s to make sure it's in a healthy spot a
40s lot has happened since then we'll dive
41s into that shortly uh before we dive into
44s that though Joel can you go ahead and
45s give the audience a refresher on what we
47s look forward when we're looking at
48s economic health sure uh not going to go
50s into crazy deep but ultimately we're
52s looking at player sentiment we're
53s looking at I personally browse a lot of
55s Reddit I'm looking at the Discord that
57s we have um I'm looking for in-game
59s feedback um player sentiment is a huge
62s portion of this uh we also have a lot of
64s data which Tony and I are going to look
65s at uh today uh we have some charts to
68s bring which will be fun today um but
69s ultimately we're looking at the faucets
71s and syns of items we're looking at a
73s jinny index to see the economic health
75s for player wealth disparity um and we
78s have some other dashboards that are
79s really cool thanks to our analytics team
81s um to really help support making sure
83s that we're making the right choices
84s based on the data in game yeah so a lot
88s of vectors to consider there MH last
90s time we did this episode when we were
92s looking at that data ahead of time stuff
93s was looking pretty decent yes we had
95s shipped the expansion um as I mentioned
98s by the time this episode aired players
100s were not feeling so good uh we had gone
102s from a faucet economy down to a sync
104s economy uh Tony you want to talk about a
105s little bit what happened there and kind
107s of why that video might have seemed a
108s little out of whack with player
109s expectations yeah absolutely so so what
111s we're going to do is we're going to
112s throw on screen uh a few charts and so
114s the the first one we're going to take a
116s look at is how the economy was looking
118s at from uh at the time that we had aired
121s uh this is right after the expansion
123s launched uh the the green bars if you
126s will that is when the uh econom is in a
130s um a faucet economy meaning there's more
132s money coming in than there is going out
133s and then you can see the red there at
135s the very tail end that's a sink economy
136s that means when players are spending
137s more money as a whole than than what
139s they're earning the big green bar is the
141s spike that we got of income from umbrell
144s Salvage actually and so that's when
146s everybody was salvaging all their
147s umbrell and so that was expected and
149s then even above that you kind of see the
151s income coming in from Quest and from
152s Salvage again from umbrell and then on
154s the bottom the lines that are trailing
156s are Trade Post fees and the faction shop
159s faction shop ultimately is what turned
161s our economy from from faucet into sync
164s and so when we recorded this we saw a
166s huge spike in in umbrell uh and Salvage
169s and income and Quest and everything
171s which was looking really good and then
172s you can see that it kind of Tails out
174s and it's it's quite balanced it's just a
175s little bit of a faucet economy and then
178s it turns into a little bit of a SN
179s economy and that's just a few days in
181s when we aired the last episode and so
183s when you asked us what do you guys think
185s and we're like that went really well
186s everything seems awesome this is what we
188s were looking at now if we take a look at
191s the next chart this is going to be how
193s the economy looked when the episode
195s aired and so this is why I think we got
197s to the whole you know what are you guys
199s talking about the economy's not in a
200s good spot things are really rough right
202s now money is super tight well in the you
204s know week and a half or two weeks
206s between recording and airing everything
208s flipped now you can see in the top half
210s of this chart again the main thing is
212s the faction shop and the faction shop
214s was putting in a ton of work which
217s honestly was by Design we wanted to
219s create uh some options for players to
221s get really good gear and have control
223s over crafting and do that through the
226s faction shop as a way for us to get some
228s money out of the economy now we got a
231s lot of feedback on that we got a lot of
232s feedback that players felt like they
234s were too strapped they couldn't afford
235s to craft uh it wasn't an overall good
238s experience they felt too throttled with
239s the daily cool downs and so we made some
241s changes and so if we scroll or I'm
244s scrolling but if we take a look at the
245s third
246s chart this is going to be since the last
249s episode aired after we made some changes
252s and where we are now and so you can see
254s that we've gone from a heavy foset
256s economy or sink economy which is going
258s to be the red to a heavy uh faucet
261s economy which is going to be the green
263s this is from a few different changes uh
265s one we added the golden matter cache
267s which is the weekly cache that you can
269s craft with 20 uh gypsum orbs uh it gives
272s you, 1500 gold and 250 Dark Matter uh
275s that helped as a weekly Ubi or Universal
278s basic income that a lot of people can
280s craft uh the other side of it was the
281s winter event went off and people were
283s getting money from the winter event
284s that's kind of where you see that huge
285s bump of green uh on the right side of
288s this chart um and then last but not
290s least was the change to Golden Scarab
292s crafts so you needed the chromatic seal
294s which had to come from the uh faction
296s vendor that change went as well where we
299s got rid of that so we removed that
300s throttle kept more money in the economy
302s and so things are looking much different
304s now than they were when we recorded the
307s first episode which is why it may have
308s seemed like we felt one way and the
311s community felt completely different so
312s awesome so thanks for that deep dive I
314s think that kind of shows a lot of what
315s has happened in the last couple months
317s um and then looking forward uh as you
319s mentioned we're in a fosted economy
321s right now so a lot of that is due to the
323s winter event that event gives you a lot
324s of extra coin we do expect that to die
326s back down uh we expect to still be in a
328s fosted economy we'll be generating more
330s than we're sing but the values you're
332s seeing at this chart you know are not
333s going to be generating 40% more coin
335s each day than we s we expect it to be a
337s good bit lower yes um and when you
339s mentioned a sync economy too I do think
341s it's important to note those can be
343s healthy like one thing we care about in
345s new world is we don't want runaway
346s inflation we don't want every player
348s suddenly having millions of gold and a
350s basic iron ore costing 10,000 gold we
352s want to make sure we're managing that
353s inflation in a way that uh that coin
355s growth is gradual and new players don't
358s come into the game with an
359s insurmountable feel of holy cow I need
361s to get how much gold to be competitive
363s uh and I think that's something that's
364s pretty important to us so yeah I think
366s on on that aspect right like if you
368s think about a fresh player coming in
370s they may do like their first couple
371s quests and they get maybe five or 10
373s gold and they hit the Trade Post they
374s take a look at it and an iron long sword
377s is 700 gold and it's just a complete
379s like why is this how am I supposed to
381s get this kind of money because they
382s don't understand it yet and and keeping
384s that in check is very important yeah
386s it's also important to keep the lower
387s tier resources valuable as well so that
389s those players can immediately jump in
391s and engage with the economy go farm a
393s bunch of iron knowing that the high
394s level players need it to compound into
397s the star medal the or calcum the mythal
398s bars so it's important to make sure that
400s they the lowlevel players are engaged in
402s all aspects as well I agree definitely
405s all right so let's a quick look back at
406s how things have been going now let's be
408s a little more uh future looking so
410s there's three issues I want us to talk
411s about today uh first of these uh players
414s have indicated they do want some level
416s of random rolling with crafting we made
419s it very conscious decision with the
420s expansion to move away from that towards
423s more fixed gearing so that way players
424s could Target gear they want to get
426s things like Prismatic scarabs and aoth
428s inductors let you craft the exact item
430s you want but that's out of weekly
432s Cadence so I can't just go roll random
434s gear every day and hope I get this
435s jackbot item to sell uh Joel so let's
438s talk about that a little bit so we see
440s this brought up on Reddit and Discord
441s players want to roll we previously had
444s those uh 700 gear score items locked
446s behind chromatic seal crafts so you
448s could do one per day you paid someone
450s else for their craft we moved away from
452s that towards golden scarabs again uh how
454s has this been going are you happy with
456s this change and do you think it's
457s addressing player feedback yeah so um I
460s think we're pretty happy with this
461s update overall um I think that the
464s golden scarabs are one uh not rate
467s limited like chromatic seals uh you can
469s get as many as uh there are on the
472s market or you can go farm them um beyond
475s that uh they're also not gated by the
477s faction shop so we're not sinking uh the
480s the wealth is transferring between
481s players uh there's still a lot to learn
483s here there's still a lot for us to dive
484s into and we're still waiting to see how
486s the data plays out we are generally
488s happier with this because uh there's
490s more volume that players can craft it's
492s still a little expensive and we're still
493s watching that we're not 100% sure where
495s we're going to go if we want to keep it
497s this way uh if we want to make it a
498s little bit cheaper but for now we're
499s going to uh just watch we're going to
501s gather data on this um but I I think
503s it's something that overall allows
504s players to engage with crafting more
506s frequently which is an ultimate goal
507s that we're looking for yeah absolutely
510s um on the topic of crafting the winter
511s convergence event just ended uh we had a
513s pretty big shift with that event uh
516s about halfway through where the yeti
518s horns became a rate limited item so you
520s could get far fewer tokens to that uh
522s can you walk me through some the lessons
523s we learned from that and how we'll apply
525s that to events moving forward uh yeah so
527s ultimately I think the change with hail
529s spikes is something that we were looking
531s at there was an issue with how many
534s players had to farm they were sitting at
535s these bosses for six hours a day um I
538s don't necessarily think that is the most
540s fun thing to do if I want to go change
542s and do mutators or do other aspects of
544s the game but I want to get all of the
546s stuff in the event I think that that was
547s problematic uh we also had some
549s performance issues there that this was
551s kind of a a double-edged sword or a a
554s bonus to help with some of those or
556s mitigate some of those so normally we
558s wouldn't change something mid mid event
561s um but between those two things with the
563s event and with the performance we did
565s want to change that um going forward we
567s want to aim for most if not all events
569s to be something that has some of these
571s rate limiters there will be a way to
573s grind ultimately the event but the big
576s pop of uh reward should generally come
578s from go do a thing like the Christmas
581s trees or or excuse me the holiday trees
583s um we want to make sure that you don't
585s have to just grind for hours you just do
587s a couple trees or a couple uh bags not
589s something that spends hours if not a
592s good chunk of your play session that day
593s like the uh the winter uh Warrior yeah I
596s think one of the big takeaways for me is
598s uh changing that mid event with was
599s disruptive to players and we're going to
601s really try to not do that again in the
602s future uh we're going to try to make
604s sure that this is well standardized
605s ahead of time so that way you don't feel
607s like the rug is being pulled out from
608s under you uh with your gameplay Loop um
610s so definitely something for us to
611s continue to improve on in the future
613s abolutely um so next topic is gold
616s generation so the next topic is coin
618s generation because we don't use the word
620s gold um I still see a lot of sentiment
624s out there that players feel like they
625s don't have a good way to make money um
627s how much of this is sentiment versus how
629s much of this is reality yeah no it's
632s there are many I think many Avenues in
634s in New World to to get coin if you will
637s um the winter event proven as we saw
639s from the charts earlier it's a huge
641s Spike and an easy way to kind of get out
642s there get your get your uh Exquisite or
645s your Bountiful packages and then you
647s know get a few hundred gold pretty
649s easily um the weekly Ubi through the
652s gold matter cach is another one that's
653s pretty lowkey that just about anybody
655s can do um the other side of it comes
658s from I think
660s a little bit more on the time investment
661s side when it comes to trade skills to be
663s completely honest um I know as a crafter
666s myself uh a lot of my income does come
668s from trade skills um but there are
671s Avenues out there for someone that wants
672s to do that we see uh a lot of our gold
675s income actually come from PvP whether
677s it's opr caches or or um the uh PVP
680s rewards track um there there's it's how
684s do I how do I explain this we have a
686s little bit everywhere versus a whole lot
688s in just one spot right and so somebody
691s who has a lot more variety to their
693s gameplay is going to pick up a lot more
695s gold along the way CU they're doing all
696s these little different things um and as
698s we move forward one of the things that
700s we're actually looking at and this comes
702s back to Ubi or that Universal basic
704s income is how much of these things do we
706s want to move from a daily Cadence to a
707s weekly Cadence or maybe every three days
710s uh and this will help somebody who may
712s only log in a couple days a week to
714s still feel like they can keep up while
716s somebody who logs in every day will
717s still maintain an edge because well
718s they're playing the game G more uh and
720s so those are kind of the the big things
722s that we're we're looking at when it
723s comes from what does it mean as a player
725s to earn coin yeah absolutely I think
728s it's pretty fair to say we have a lot of
730s sources that give you a little bit of
731s coin yes and all those sources together
733s they really add up that's a significant
734s amount of coin you can generate per day
737s uh but because you're getting that coin
738s in smaller increments it doesn't feel as
740s impactful I think it's a really kind of
741s a psychological barrier more than
743s anything so looking at which of those we
745s can move to a larger uh chunk I think
747s will really help that feeling of I can't
749s make coin and then we can hopefully get
751s uh feeling better for players yes great
753s example of that Salvage at one point was
755s like 20% yeah you're going to say the
756s same say same it was like 20% of our
758s income and players are like this is
760s worthless cuz you're getting like three
761s coin uh per Salvage of an armor or a
764s weapon um you just don't feel that even
766s though the trickle of it you go into a
768s Mythic dungeon you just get a ton of
770s gear you you just don't feel those three
772s coins so finding ways to make it pop
774s more and feel more valuable um because
777s it's really more of a perception issue
778s because you can't see or feel those big
781s amounts coming in it's little small
783s increments
785s absolutely all right so last topic I
787s want to cover in one I was reading about
789s uh in the Discord this morning actually
791s is uh resource availability for tier
793s five and tier 5.2 yes I think we covered
796s this in the first episode actually how
798s mithil ore was significantly uh less
801s valuable than or calore uh that's a
803s problem we identified and we've taken
805s some steps to correct that um Joel can
807s you dive into the problem a little bit
809s uh what are players feeling here and why
810s is that an issue absolutely so um as the
814s expansion was coming out um we just
816s didn't have enough mythal nodes in the
817s game uh so we opted to increase the
821s volume of mithril for the spawn rate for
823s how much it was giving uh and that
825s caused a glut of mithil in our game um
827s unfortunately on the flip side of that
829s there's not enough or kelum to refine up
833s because again we want to keep the value
834s of the lower tier resources viable we
837s want to make sure that the items have
839s purpose in our game um so now we have
841s this really strong bottleneck especially
843s around tier five resources and orac
845s kelcom because things like mithil were
848s so abundant so not only do we need to
851s address the abundance of mithil we have
853s to sync that abundance out so it gets
855s back to a valuable level so even as we
858s make changes there's going to be a a
861s slow churn of making sure similar to
864s like the the the iron hide previously
866s thank you um there was thousands upon
869s thousands of it sitting in players uh uh
871s storage that just needed to be sunk out
873s so this is going to take a little bit of
874s time we have we still have more to come
876s on what we want to change here Antonio
878s will talk about that in a moment um but
881s there is a lot of work to do with making
882s sure that we get rid of the excess
884s mithril still making that resource feel
886s valuable um and doing right by the
889s previous resources as well such as orac
890s calcum and the the the need for morbit
893s ultimately yeah absolutely so as Joel
895s alluded to uh what steps are we taken to
897s correct this and what have we done
898s already already and what might we be
900s looking at in the future yeah so the the
903s most recent changes that came from this
905s uh we went ahead and readjusted the
907s mythal vein uh respawn times and relax
910s those back down so they respa much
912s slower uh that original change had a
915s couple implications one was there was
916s just a ton of Mythril everywhere uh two
919s the gameplay Loop was to just stand at a
921s node and wait the 3 minutes for it to
922s respond which is not it's it's not fun
925s gameplay it's not good gameplay so
927s that's one of the changes uh the other
929s changes that we're looking at are do we
930s want to make any changes to how much or
932s calcum it takes to make methil uh do we
935s want it to use less or Calum do we want
937s to have an orac Calcom node give you
939s more raw orac calcum or instead um what
942s do we want to do to or Calcom in order
945s to kind of adjust for the amount of
946s mithil that can be made or mythal that
948s can be used um that's one step the other
951s thing and this is something that we
952s touched to earlier was the changes to
955s Golden Scarab crafts with us removing
958s the daily limit
959s and we'll put a chart on the screen and
961s what you can kind of see is has
962s happening to some of the other resources
964s uh from right before the change to
968s Golden scarabs to ungating them uh the
971s resource value started to come up and
973s that's because consumption came up
974s because people are starting to churn
975s through and just make golden Scarab
977s recipes again now you can see or is kind
980s of lagging behind it's not doing what uh
983s what wood had done or uh what fiber had
985s done and that's because as Joel
987s mentioned there's just a glut of it
989s people need to kind of burn through
990s first so as we mentioned in the first uh
994s economy uh video some of these changes
996s are a bit slower some of them take time
998s just because we need to wait and see how
1000s much of this stuff do we have left in
1002s the economy how much can get burnt out
1003s and then what do we need to do kind of
1005s adjust from there so that's kind of what
1007s we're looking at uh at the end term all
1009s right awesome all right so I think that
1011s about wraps us up uh thank you both for
1013s your time here and I think we we dove in
1015s pretty deep here and we'll do this again
1017s uh in the future for today's community
1019s question do you prefer daily coin
1021s faucets or do you prefer weekly coin
1022s faucets which would you like to see more
1024s of uh if you've liked what you've seen
1025s here please like And subscribe and we
1027s will see you in the
1031s [Music]
1032s [Applause]
1038s [Music]
1042s Trum