Transcript (by Youtube)

0s [Music]
1s so you've got your wits back about you
4s and I think it's time you know a bit
6s more about what makes a tum so special
9s sit back and let Grace om M teach you a
13s thing or two about your new
20s home you've probably already noticed
22s that we've got folks from every place
25s you can think of from the old world but
28s that's not all a tum got people from
31s every time as well you'll meet folks all
35s the way from ancient Egypt and Rome who
38s washed the shore here and haven't aged a
40s day I know sounds like a lot of shite
43s doesn't it but it's not and it's
45s something to do with this crazy magic
47s they have around here called azot I
50s haven't met a soul yet who can describe
52s azot in any way that makes a lick of
55s sense to me but it sure seems like it's
58s this stuff that makes a tum the way it
60s is
61s Legends say aat was either created or
64s discovered by the Ancients who built the
66s earliest civilizations here and these
69s ancients were the ones who invited folks
71s to come to the island and then shared
73s the secrets of Azo with them now these
76s same Legends say the Ancients were
78s benevolent almost Godlike beings but I'm
81s not so sure that's the way it was
84s whatever these ancients were about those
86s early civilizations are nothing but
88s ruins now and no one seems seems to be
90s around to tell us what happened the azat
93s however well that's still
98s here and because of that if you're on
101s this island you can't die or well you
105s can but you won't stay dead aop has a
109s power that brings anything living back
111s to life once it falls try chopping down
114s a tree way don't you give it a bit and
116s you'll see that same exact tree right
119s back as a was and ready for more
121s chopping it's the same with people if
124s you take a sword in the gullet it's
126s going to Hur like the devil and you
128s might wish you were dead but give it
130s some time and you'll be right back on
131s the
133s island as you can imagine there might be
135s some downsides to dying over and over
138s again but at least you get a chance
142s right and get this it's not just this
145s eternal life business that makes aat so
148s special either I don't know EX exactly
150s how it works but you can use it to
153s travel great distances in just seconds
156s and then there's some folks seem to be
158s touched if you ask me well they can even
161s use azoth to fight putting some oomph
164s behind their attacks are a straight up
166s magic if you'd have told me something
168s like that existed before I got here I'd
171s have told you that you were half mad but
173s I've seen it for myself now and I can
176s tell you it's as certain as day follows
179s night and you're going to need that
181s power too this place is crawling with
184s things I wouldn't want to see in my
186s worst nightmares souless husks wander in
189s the Farms walk in plants that look like
191s animals but aren't and then there's the
194s corrupted he don't want to throw too
197s much at you all at once but I'm barely
200s scratching the surface of what's here
203s maybe best to leave that stuff for later