5 months ago - Play New World - Direct link

Transcript (by Youtube)

0s [Music]
9s all right whiskers go on ahead this gift
12s it's for you that's right it's a story
16s you love stories don't you come on I'll
19s read it to you it's the story of winter
23s convergence the time of winter
25s convergence is near where the sky lights
27s up in brilliant colors mysterious rocks
30s fall to the ground and people spread
31s presence and cheer across the island but
34s alas this is also when dark creatures
36s and wicked spirits of the Season look to
38s bring an eternal winter upon all of
41s eternum incasing everything in ice and
45s snow there are few Traditions across the
48s world that are more important than the
50s winter festivals these go by many names
53s throughout the world but they share many
55s things in common they are a time for
58s celebration and Gathering a time for
60s feasting and decorations and most of all
63s a time to put aside grudges and to
66s spread Gifts of Mart to all of your
69s neighbors and while every celebration is
71s a bit different the people of aternum
73s have come to call this time of cheer the
77s winter convergence whiskers do you
79s really think I can go faster if you spam
81s e would you like me to start at the
85s beginning yes whiskers the convergence
87s store has been updated and with even
89s more cosmetics
92s and of course a new crafting item for
94s 700 gear score
95s Players and chromatic
98s seals and of course as a and duskers
101s whisker can you
103s just let's stay focused on the story
106s it's part of the experience let's take a
108s trip down to a turnam and watch the
110s people prepare for the festivities here
112s we are in Corinth at the beginning of
114s the season the people of the village
116s prepare for the winter getting their
117s food packed and their supplies put away
119s for the coming cold but they also know
121s that the winter convergence is soon and
123s so too are they readying their
125s decorations their recipes and their
126s gifts for the celebration they'll start
129s lighting the hearts and keeping watch on
130s the Hills doing all they must to keep
133s the spirits of the Eternal winter from
135s reaching their doorstep they'll begin
137s putting up streamers in the streets
139s wreaths and twinkling candles on their
141s homes and make their way into the Town
142s Square for the centerpiece of the
144s festival the tree of
146s life no whiskers you don't need to
148s teleport to all 12 Trees for a full
150s reward you just have to go to three that
152s was kind of rude but I'll let it go and
154s each night they'll look into the sky
156s waiting for the brilliant ribbons of
157s light that are the Hallmark of the
159s winter convergence they'll wait eagerly
161s for the glowing streams to wink into
163s existence for they know that with the
165s ribbons comes the Gite and what is Gite
168s you might ask well no one really knows
171s but the people of aternum do know that
173s it falls with the Winter Lights coming
175s down in small showers across the
178s island yes whiskers gleam showers are
180s going to be much more common this
182s year but it isn't all cheer and Glee now
185s is it no for out there lurking in the
188s Wilds of the island is the winter
190s warrior looking for Wayward Travelers
192s and adventurers the warrior is a
195s terrible sight to Behold a dark shadow
197s in an otherwise festive season of Lights
200s underneath the marint and feasts is a
203s steady unease as the Eternal winter
206s threatens to overtake the island and
208s turn it into a land of Perpetual
212s Frost throughout the winter convergence
214s celebration groups of adventurers will
217s Journey out to hunt and challenge the
219s winter warrior both as a way to prevent
221s the Eternal winter but also to prove
223s their might in battle while defeating
225s the winter warrior is no easy task it is
227s a good omen for the festivities and the
229s adventurers are given an opportunity to
231s acquire gifts and trophies to show off
233s their
234s accomplishments that is if they are
237s lucky enough to survive pretty scary huh
242s Whispers wake up listen I get that maybe
244s you're not into the story but can you
246s appreciate that there's a strong
247s positive message and all this what do
250s you want to know I'm not prepared to
252s talk about that at this time can't talk
254s about that yet either but dead probably
256s forgot it on the set before we made that
258s video yeah I read the comments no you
261s can't change your appearance just be
263s happy with who you are no go ask santa
265s if you want some
267s hippos really for me oh well that's a
270s unexpected thank
271s [Music]
273s you Whispers it's a beautiful story
276s you're going to sit and you're going to
277s enjoy
279s it sorry whiskers I didn't mean to be
281s harsh you're fine though right you're
283s tough I guess what I really wanted to
285s share with you the reason for this story
288s is because of the end I'll just cut to
290s the chase during winter convergence
292s nothing makes me happier than to see you
294s your friends strangers all over the
296s world running around to turnam I guess
298s that's what the convergence is isn't it
301s it's many things to many people it's a
303s coming together of people and traditions
306s all joining hand inand to create
308s something really unique and memorable to
310s the people of a lost island for a brief
312s time at least people can find Hope and
314s joy and maybe come together to celebrate
317s the past year while looking forward to
319s the one that's on the horizon it's all
321s about having fun together I'm grateful
323s that of all the places you could choose
324s to visit you chose this place and I want
327s to thank you all for being here for that
330s yeah I hear you and we've got some great
332s stuff on the way it might not be under
334s the tree tonight but when it's time to
335s share oh yeah it's going to be as big a
337s spectical as a Gite
341s shower and to all of you out there I
344s hope you take time to not only celebrate
346s with us but with your family and
348s friends and I look forward to seeing you
350s all at the winter
355s [Music]
358s convergence
361s hey if you like the show and you want us
363s to keep doing this weekly and you get
364s value out of it let us know like
367s subscribe follow all those fun things
370s and then we will see you in a
372s turnam hey we know this wasn't a
374s traditional kind of video you're used to
376s this was made after hours at work with
378s me and Lovin and the help of his wife
381s Amy thanks Amy so this did not detract
384s from the game at all we just figured for
386s the holidays let's have a little
388s fun
393s [Music]