6 months ago - Play New World - Direct link

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0s is are is this foreshadowing to pets
3s this is Pets we're bringing pets to New
5s World
7s [Applause]
10s sit hello and welcome to forge in
13s aternum the show where we talk all
14s things new world uh my name is Patrick
17s and today I'm joined by Joel and Tony
19s and we're here to talk about a really
21s exciting topic the economy uh if you use
23s the Trading Post the faction store kill
25s mobs run Expeditions you're contributing
27s to the economy and we're here to explain
30s to you what that looks like uh some of
32s the problems we face with our economy
34s and how we identify those problems uh
36s using some of our tools so uh speaking
39s problems Tony let's go ahead and get
40s started can you walk me through some of
42s the challenges in uh maintaining an
44s economy are you saying I'm a problem a
46s little
47s bit awesome so I mean when it comes to
50s economy um some of the big things that
52s we do face and some of the things that
54s we front or that we are faced up against
57s um the big one is actually wealth
59s disparity and so so what that means is
62s when you have players that play the game
63s an absolute ton then you have players
65s that maybe log in once or twice a week
66s you end up with this huge wealth Gap now
69s typically all in all you know in the the
71s reality of it that's okay on one end but
74s on the other end what happens is prices
75s start to ramp up we end up with
77s inflation there's just like a lot of
78s different things and a lot of real world
81s economic kind of terms that we face with
84s and what we want to do is we want to try
85s to keep that that Gap a little bit I
88s guess shorter if you will uh and so we
91s take a look at how is wealth being
93s distributed um you know do we need to do
96s things like distribute wealth more on a
99s weekly basis so you don't need to log in
101s every single day but then there's still
102s a source of wealth for people who do
104s want to play the game for 10 or 15 hours
106s a day and so there's like a lot of
107s complex problems trying to balance the
109s two because what we want to do is we
111s want somebody who only has a couple
113s hours a week to play to feel like their
115s time is valued and then we also want to
117s make sure that somebody who plays the
118s game an absolute ton still feels like
119s their time is valed valued but in doing
121s so not making it so they're so far
123s different that their experiences in the
125s game are just completely opposite of one
127s another yeah that's definitely one of
128s the bigger uh issues we face and it's
130s interesting that you say that like these
132s are real world problems we're tackling
134s because they are you see the FED meat
135s and they talk about inflation and how
137s rates are going to impact that uh those
139s are the kind of conversations we have to
140s have pretty frequently with the new
142s world economy because it is player
143s driven absolutely um so when we say
145s player driven economy Joel can you walk
147s us through what that means absolutely uh
149s so one thing to add to that too is that
151s players actually have the power to print
152s their own money they are the ones that
154s go out and kill a mob do an activity and
157s generate coin um so talking about wealth
159s disparity we have a tool called the
161s jinny index that we use which allows us
163s to measure uh the gap between the
167s high-end players and the more casual
169s time uh less timer players uh what that
173s does for us is we can use the data mixed
177s with a couple other dashboards that are
179s um basically faucets and syncs it allows
181s us to analyze every single value that is
184s coming in for coin and assess if we make
187s a balance change or a tuning change um
190s what impact have we caused on both of
192s those player groups and how do we
193s shorten that Gap um to some degree we
196s want a little bit there right we want to
198s make sure that the time R players again
200s as Tony said make it feel like their
201s their time is valued um but we have to
203s make sure that we control inflation so
205s we use the jinny index to monitor um
208s basically uh the amount of coin coming
211s in and the disparity between the players
213s coupled with uh dashboards that uh show
217s every single Source every single faucet
220s um and we as designers uh assess is this
224s the right place is this too easy is this
226s too hard for players to get coin um or
228s other resources as well it's not just
230s coin in that case um beyond that we also
233s have a few other tools in in our tool
235s belt uh which are um we have a uh trade
239s index that looks at the values of every
241s item in the game to see how successful
243s they are how used they are um and what
245s that does for us is really uh correlate
248s is there let's say iron is this valuable
251s or is this losing um losing its value
254s over the last patch is there a issue
256s with it um how do we control that to
259s make sure that a low player can go get
260s that easy to acquire resource and still
263s participate in the economy and still
265s bring value that the higher level
267s players can uh then buy those resources
269s from them so we're looking at these
271s different dashboards at a global scale
274s we're looking at them at a granular
277s scale so potentially individual worlds
279s especially say when new Fresh Start
280s worlds happen we look at the individual
283s worlds to see how the health is going
284s for those for that uh index uh the jinny
287s index or for the uh uh the In-N-Outs uh
291s faucets um on top of that we also have a
293s lot of player feedback that we get from
295s uh Discord that we get from internal
298s play tests um because feeling is just as
300s important here we want to make sure that
302s players feel again that their time is
304s valuable so we couple all of these tools
307s together and we try and do an assessment
309s we sit down I think it's every Tuesday
311s right now we sit down and we have an A
313s sync about the economy and we talk about
315s what's successful right now um where are
318s resources falling behind and we've had a
320s few of those issues in the past and I'm
321s sure Tony will talk about it later with
323s uh like leather the Ironhide leather
327s being not where we want it to be uh
329s versus is lower tier Le leather um and
332s ultimately our goal is to use these
334s tools to balance out and make it again
337s as Tony said that everyone's time is
339s valued yeah I think that's a really good
340s example to touch on is leather because
342s that has been one of our you know
343s problem children for lack of a better
345s word uh Rawhide the tier one leather is
348s generally a lot more expensive than iron
350s hide the tier five leather yes uh
352s confusing right because other every
354s other resource tier five outpaces it
356s significantly just because or Calcom a
357s lot more rare than iron uh runwood trees
360s for example also a lot more rare So with
363s iron or with the uh iron height issue
365s what steps have we taken to correct that
367s and when we think about a problem like
368s that what do we do to resolve it yeah
370s iron hide's interesting because like so
373s there there's wealth and there's stored
374s wealth and and iron hide itself is such
376s a at one point was such a complicated
378s problem we went through I don't know how
380s many discussions about let's try this
381s can we do that whatever and um excuse me
385s the when we look at it at first it
388s becomes a where is the stuff coming from
391s and where is the stuff going and you
393s know the realization was everybody got
396s to endgame everybody was in highend
398s zones everybody since everybody can do
401s everything everybody was skinning all
403s the things they were killing and so the
405s you know the generation was just through
407s the roof so that was that was one
408s problem what that led to was everybody
411s storing it because it really wasn't
412s worth much but people still had room in
414s their Town storages so they would throw
416s it in I mean you know I think at one
417s point I was holding on to 50,000 or
418s 60,000 iron hi high for whatever reason
422s and so then we do some changes and we're
424s like well we can change the amount of
426s iron hi High it takes to make uh infused
430s leather I think that was one of our
431s first changes where we basically
433s adjusted the recipe to consume more of
435s it um and that helped a little bit but
438s like you don't like make a change and
439s see a difference because there's a bunch
441s of people with 50,000 in their storage
443s and then it takes like three months for
445s them to burn through that before you
446s actually see any kind of kind of return
448s and so then we start taking a look at
450s well you know when it comes to skinning
452s in particular like what are Level ranges
455s for rawh hide whether the level ranges
457s for thicky CU we had a problem for water
458s thick hiive was just like super valuable
461s because there was like three packs of
462s wolves you'd go farm so that's what
463s everybody would do and there was a ton
465s of competition uh and so you know can we
467s move some of those things around and so
469s to the the Rawhide example actually for
471s the expansion when we brought in uh dark
475s hide we had to move some things around
476s again because I wanted to make sure that
478s we had enough uh creatures at the at the
480s high end and so we kind of adjusted all
483s the level things but what that did was
484s that removed and pushed Rawhide down
487s below level 30 therefore we lost the
489s farming Zone in cutless Keys which was
491s the main source of Rawhide so now we see
493s Rawhide going up because the source is
496s obviously down uh and so it's just like
498s a lot of back and forth in terms of what
499s we
503s do it's just a lot back and forth in
505s terms of what we can do and then you
506s know how do we balance um the the
509s overall input to the output
513s um
516s sorry hold Patrick context to the
519s audience why is a dog barking so a dog's
522s barking because last minute I had to
524s bring the dog in with me so she's over
525s there anxiously looking at me and wants
528s to come uh be pet so we're going to try
530s to make her stop barking we're sorry
532s she's very cute yes need get her a
535s little bit do you want her next to you
536s bring I think that'll make her be quiet
538s yeah bring her over sorry no it's a good
541s episode dude come here hello all right
544s set your ass down come
546s here are is this foreshadowing to pets
550s this is Pets we're bringing pets to New
551s World sit so we move some stuff around
553s for the expansion to make sure we had
554s enough room ended up moving levels
556s around and so Rawhide is now harder to
558s get so then that sends you know the
560s value up now the the knock on effect of
562s that right is rawhide becomes more
564s expensive so all the other Leathers
566s become more expensive because they all
567s rely on Rawhide so now we have to go
569s Circle back figure out you know where
571s can we massage the level gaps to maybe
573s bring cutless ke back into the play do
575s we not do that and do we change the
577s amount that rolls when you skin a level
580s 29 creature instead there's a lot of
581s ways that we can kind of adjust it and
583s the question is like what is the right
584s way sure and then we have to watch that
586s data for a while another thing to add
587s there too is that there's some
588s resistance to the price increasing like
590s you yourself said you had about 50k of
592s that stored um and we're very meticulous
595s with our changes it takes a long time to
597s make sure that we validate we're making
599s the right right choice uh in some cases
601s we may make a change and we may wait for
603s a while because it takes a while for the
605s players to drain that out of the economy
607s right so uh in the case of Rawhide we
609s made a change prior to the expansion and
611s it took a few months but we started to
613s see price correction now again expansion
615s more recently uh we're starting to see
617s uh spikes and shocks to the economy uh
620s as everything settles with the new
621s update right but prior to that it took
623s about 2 months for that iron hi High to
625s settle out of the economy and ultimately
627s get back to a healthy price right uh so
629s those are the type of things that we're
630s using the tools that I was mentioning
632s before to measure and control and make
634s sure that they retain value and that
636s they're useful to all players and that
639s everyone can find Value quickly and
640s easily and engage in the economy at a
642s low level even yeah exactly you know uh
645s wooden coin I think is another really
646s good example you know sitting uh at work
649s one day and going through the dashboards
651s and seeing that this goes to our item
652s faucet and sync that we have a overflow
655s of like it was like 98 and a half% on
658s wooden coins which means that 98 and a
660s half percent of all wooden coins that
661s come into the economy are just sitting
663s there and no one's using them for
664s anything and we're like what are we
665s going to do with these things they have
667s absolutely no value and there's just
668s like hundreds of thousands of these
669s things everywhere and I think it was
671s Izzy he was like just burn them and turn
672s them into charcoal literally burn them
675s we can we can burn them and we did that
676s and then their value came up and you
678s know now you get a good bump for
679s charcoal for and it may not be the best
682s thing to do with them but it still
684s worked and now they have value and so
686s you know it's it's not it's we have a
688s lot of options so it's it's always fun
689s to kind of mess with sure all right so
691s when we're designing new content uh
694s economic implications are a big thing
695s there so we make a new season pass for
697s example we have to be very meticulous
698s about what we're putting on that season
700s pass and how that's going to impact the
702s economy um so Joel I was hoping you
704s could talk to me a little bit about when
705s we're designing new content what sort of
707s expectations do we have for how that
708s performs economically and what
710s considerations do we have for how new
711s items might impact the economy
713s absolutely so when we're making a new
715s item generally we're looking for the
716s long-term health of that item how does
718s it fit in our long-term goals so we're
721s setting up kind of a average price range
723s what we think its value will be and
725s that's not one for one for what players
726s will actually decide ultimately when it
728s gets into the economy but we're looking
730s for specific targets to monitor the
732s health of that item uh after we start to
735s get it into the economy we're looking
736s for long-term Health making sure that
738s that item has a purpose uh that it has
742s continual faucets and syncs for it uh
745s going forward uh so good examples would
747s be new resources that we're seeing in
749s the expansion we'll continue to use
750s those in in um uh new crafting recipes
754s uh kind of a poor example would be the
756s flame core my fault um it's one of those
758s things where uh it doesn't quite make
761s sense and it's something we're going to
763s look at assessing and and kind of
764s addressing what do we actually want to
765s do with this because it doesn't really
766s have a home currently right so I think
769s really the key of this is making sure
771s that these items one have an immediate
774s value that we're kind of addressing at
775s the start uh and to longterm they really
779s have a home in a place uh in all
781s crafting not just in a a little pigeon
783s hold area right we need to make sure
785s that these things are valuable again uh
787s longterm and that they have a purpose on
789s the loot tables that they have a purpose
790s in the economy um to the wooden coins we
793s can always find ways to remove them or
796s change them uh but it's something that
798s we're always actively addressing to make
800s sure that these items continue to bring
802s value y absolutely no I think you said
804s it really well and it I think the fun
806s part about it is when we go into
808s something like Seasons Joel will come to
811s me like hey can we throw like this stuff
812s for like crafting materials or whatever
815s and it's almost always yes but um that
818s kind of back and forth and the ability
820s to have so much flexibility with what we
822s do with our stuff and how we can like
824s well we have access to this let's pigeon
825s hole it and move it over to here it's
827s just I don't know it's a lot of levers
828s and knobs it's a lot of fun to play with
830s for sure all right last question for you
832s two uh we just shipped an expansion
834s super exciting what is one thing that
836s has surprised you about how uh the
838s economy has been impacted from the
839s expansion I know for me uh golden scar
842s prices I thought they would stay a lot
843s higher than they did and they have
845s certainly come down a good bit so
847s interested in your thoughts yeah what
849s what surprised me with the expansion and
852s the economy um honestly this may be a
856s weird answer how stable it's been it's
858s actually looked really good and I was
860s very scared I was petrified we just
862s changed just about everything in the
864s game and
866s from uh you know a designer who's
869s looking after and uh keeps an eye on the
872s economy for the whole game when you have
875s thousands and thousands of changes
877s you're like I hope I did a lot of this
879s math right and you know I really hope
881s this goes well and I think we were all
884s on some level waiting for something to
886s hit the fan or something to go
887s completely sideways and knock on W it's
891s been really good so it's it's been it's
893s been fun so it's been enjoyable so for
896s me uh somewhat similar um it's like
898s performing surgery when you're going
900s into a new expansion there's a lot of
902s changes and it's really hard to measure
903s exactly what is going to have an impact
906s um similar feeling when we launched as
907s well uh ultimately I'm very surprised
910s that that the coin economy hasn't
912s changed too much in fact it's more
913s stable I think than it's been in a long
915s time um but then there's also little
918s nuances with a lot of the the resources
920s to where most of them are generally good
922s I think there's some some areas that
923s surprise me players are going faster
925s than I expected with more the resource
926s and the gear side of things um but I
928s think that's an overall positive
930s experience and it feels good to get to
932s the end and uh get all of the resources
935s and gears you want gear you want to
937s engage with that in-game content um but
940s the coin economy is really where I was
942s surprised I expected there to be a few
944s more uh just minor issues in there and
947s it it's been extremely stable it's very
950s proud of that and that brings us to our
952s community question and before we uh get
954s to the community question though I want
955s to thank you both for joining me for
956s this high level overview of the economy
959s uh if you folks have liked this let us
960s know and we're happy to do a more
961s quarterly Deep dive into what's
963s happening in the economy what some of
965s the hot button issues are and what fixes
967s we have for those sorts of issues uh so
969s with that said our community question
971s for the day uh what's your favorite part
973s of the economy to engage in and what
975s ways are you making gold end game uh
976s thank you for joining us and we'll see
978s you in the
980s [Music]
981s [Applause]
988s tum
991s la