Please note that this list is not all encompassing and is intended as an early look into a number of changes included within the most recent PTR build. This change list will be regularly updated, up through retail release of the game version.
World Experience
Brimstone Sands
- Improved messaging on map pins for The Great Architect
- Fixed an issue where players were not receiving an enter expedition notification when joining solo instances.
- Moved fishing mission from Edengrove to Shattered Mountain
- Fixed audio bug where participation emote had no audio. Added claps, footsteps, vocal line and trophy grab sfx
- Updated journal text to reflect new quest info
- Fixed all Town Projects that send players to The Spread and made them completable/accessible.
- Faction NPCs across the world now all have pins for map
- Prevented message spamming when trying to start a performance while in combat.
- In-game Map has been updated to remove extra markings that weren’t needed.
- Fixed a visual issue with the in-game Map where a territory didn’t appear at a certain zoom level.
- In-game Map has been updated to remove unintended artifacts present.
- Fixed an issue where VFX appeared to be spawning at the feet of several Ancient enemies in Brimstone Sands.
- Players should no longer get stuck inside of corrupted portal geometry when standing in a major Corruption Breach as it spawns
- Updated quest tracker and journal text for ‘Predator and Prey’ quest to show correct target name
- Fixed an issue with Grasping Twilight where you would always be told you failed to craft the Reinforced Leather Glove, but you would receive one and your quest would advance.
- Fixed a bug where the quest “A Stock of Ironwood” improperly awarded Edengrove Territory Standing.
- Fixed the maps pins so they appear once the player travels to Stormcourt Shipment for the quest Barrels of Unerring Accuracy.
- Made sure all the map pins for the “A Stock of Ironwood” quest had the appropriate text appear on screen.
- Made a change to the quest “Knight’s Vigil” in Monarch’s Bluffs. The quest should now properly update when approaching Knight-Regent Jin Jae if the player recalls to the Inn rather than visiting the spirit shrine.
- Updated the map pin for the location of Grizzlemaw for quest Ever Been Mauled in Everfall.
- Fixed the location name for the quest “A King’s Defense” by making sure it was Upper Harrow and not Opulence.
- Fixed a typo in the journal for “Maw of Corruption”
- Fixed an issue with the “Foreman’s Ledger” quest and the “Starstone of Shattering” quest where in some cases players could not turn in the quest to William Heron. These quests have been removed from player’s journals and players will now need to play the “Circle of Stars” questline from the beginning to reach these quests.
- Empty faction mission quest loots are no longer shown as lootable and cannot be looted until they reset
- Made sure that players could collide with training dummies inside sanctuaries.
Notable Fixes
- Fixed an issue where your head could become invisible when trying to dye your armor while wearing a full face covering helmet skin.
- Added Mutator Materia to Cache of Mutated Armaments.
- Foley Audio attached to player characters now matches the skin they are wearing.
- Updated the PVP Flagging tool-tip to include the previously unmentioned Gathering and Global Luck bonuses.
- Fixed potential server crash related to auto equipping items in game modes.
- Fixed some visual flickering on characters during specific actions.
- Fixed player’s skin (e.g. forearms) being tinted a different color in some cases during PvP game modes.
- Fixed bug with players getting into a bad rotation upon exiting some turrets.
- Fixed issue where players would sometimes fall through the ground on death.
- Fixed UI showing incorrect number of players during group duels if a player forfeited.
- Fixed bug with turrets jittering when moving the camera while controlling it.
- Improved alignment animations with interactables when running.
- Updated “The Three Way War” side quest in Everfall so that it now flags the tasks to meet each faction rep completed as long as the player has started the Faction Intro quests.
- Fixed typos for Syndicate Rank final boss Krockes description
- Updated Quest “Down Reekwater Way” to be properly listed as Level 58
- Fixed a visual issue on the Map where a few Fort’s and War Camp’s were not marked for Mourningdale, Reekwater, and Restless Shore.
- Fort Structures for Monarch’s Bluff and Cutlass Keys are visible now.
- Fix a bug where a player would get stuck speaking to an NPC after an in game cutscene.
- Fix a bug where auto running into a cutscene would disrupt it.
- Fix a bug where team wipes double penalized the player
- Fix a bug where the player is unable to Respawn to house after death in Brimstone
- Fix a bug where the player is unable to Respawn to Inn in Territories with Two Outposts/Settlement.
- Fixes bug where axe could show instead of azoth staff when wielding arcane protection.
- Added additional rocks in Ruins of Antium so player can no longer get stuck.
- Fixed an issue where curses were not being removed in mutated expeditions after the final boss was killed.
- Fixed a bug where emoting while carrying the Azoth Staff in expeditions put players in a bad state.
- Players no longer need to be in the group before an expedition opens in order to fast travel into the expedition. Players will always be able to fast travel when joining a group in an expedition.
Barnacles & Black Powder
- Updated some achievement text for Barnacles and Black Powder to be more accurate.
Dynasty Shipyard
- Retargeted mission for summoners, cut chest mission
Garden of Genesis
- Fixed an issue that caused team wipes to sometimes be applied twice in mutated expeditions.
Starstone Barrows
- Gruendgul’s skeleton minions will be properly destroyed after she is defeated
Tempest Heart
- Isabella’s subtitles now dont play for distant players
- Fixed an issue where repeater turrets could take damage from certain attacks.
- Fixed an issue that Isabella will stand still at first engagement.
The Ennead
- Removed ability for enemies to be kited into fight with Godling Khepri in the Ennead expedition.
Notable Fixes
- Fixed an issue where a player was unable to enter/re-enter an existing Expedition if someone in the Expedition is on their last weekly Expedition.
- Removed the Elemental Resist (Fire, Ice, Nature, Void) Mutation effects from all mutations. Mutations will no longer obtain the 50/75% reduction in elemental damage for the elemental type associated with that mutation.
- Mutators were disproportionally negatively affecting mages, and we wanted to equalize out the effects a bit. Specific AI will still have some inherent resistances."
- Fixed issue where the Enflamed DoT in hellfire mutators would sometimes be stuck on the player indefinitely.
AI Updates
World AI
- Reduced the damage dealt by Anubian Archers.
- Fixed an uncommon bug where Scarab AI can fall through world geometry.
- Fixed an issue that Eruptions from Corruption Breaches can kill through death’s door
- Fixed an issue where Elk’s charging won’t deal damage.
- AI no longer hitches to the left while wandering.
- Fixed a very rare issue where AI who are attacked by ranged players could run to a location and attack the air.
- Fixed an issue that slime elite enemy would causing vegetation flickering
- Fixed an issue causing Thunderking Tiger to always drop loot, it should no longer drop loot on every kill.
- Fixed an issue that some attacks from Barbary Lion won’t deal damage.
- Fixed an issue where a player can be ignored by AI.
Expedition AI
- Fixed an issue where the Anubian Guardian Reavers in statue form would wake up as invincible characters
- Fixed an issue that could cause the Goliath’s to be unkillable if one died too soon after the other.
- Fixed an issue in Dynasty Shipyard where Isabella would not transition phases correctly if players did large amounts of damage before the end of her transitions.
Game Modes AI
- Fixed a rare bug where AI can sometimes end up under the fort in Invasion.
Combat Changes
New Heartrune Ability: Fire Storm
Create a tornado that damages targets in its path. You can also craft more powerful versions of the Heartgem to fit your playstyle.
Mitigation Formula
- Updated PvP Damage Mitigation formula to better scale mitigation across a variety of player’s gear scores.
- Changed Fortify and Rend to directly scale the player’s Armor Rating. Increased Fortify and Rend caps to account for these changes.
Critical Hits
- Changed critical damage calculation to be additive instead of multiplicative.
- Adjusted critical hit chance to no longer increase by your total critical hit chance for every non-critical hit that occurs, now the chance will only increase by the weapon’s base critical hit chance for each non-critical hit that is triggered.
- Increased base critical hit chance on fire staff, void gauntlet, and ice gauntlet by 6%, on the bow by 2%, and on all other weapons by 4%.
PvP Enemy Persistent Spell VFX
Added visuals for enemy player persistent spells that appear around the volume to differentiate them from friendly spells.
Equip Loads
- Changed bonuses that increased outgoing CC status effect durations on targets, to being reduced incoming CC status effect durations on self.
- Heavy equip load - Incoming Crowd Control Debuffs: -20% reduced duration
- Medium equip load - Incoming Crowd Control Debuffs: -10% reduced duration
- Moved 300 STR Attribute bonus to be the 300 CON bonus and updated the functionality of the STR Attribute bonus to grant increased base damage on heavy attacks.
- Fixed issue with dodge rolling, going prone and then dodge rolling again provides significant mobility.
- Fixed issue where the 200 STR and 250 DEX Attribute bonuses were not consistently applying the damage bonus while some slows were active.
- Updated magic weapon heavy attack buffers to be more reliable.
- Fixed an issue where you could perform attacks with the wrong weapon by spamming the attack and swapping inputs.
- Fixed an issue where road buffs could be granted when on an area above a road, but not actually on it.
- Fishing actions are now properly stopped when teleporting, avoiding subsequent animation glitches.
- Fixed a number of spells that were consuming durability for each hit enemy instead of just the initial cast.
- Updated tooltip of the 250 STR attribute bonus to be more clear about the functionality.
- Fixed spell targeting indicators jumping when moving aim over terrain with only minor changes in undulation.
- Fixed issue where toggled abilities wouldn’t be canceled correctly when joining game modes.
- Player Collision is now disabled when entering death animation in PvP modes.
- Added text flyouts that will appear when a target dodges or evades your attack.
- Fixed issue where players could immediately transition into a fall and bypass the reaction if a stagger/knockdown was triggered while jumping.
- Added a 50% max for the Exhaust and Increased stamina regen rate status effects.
- Spell Aiming Indicators are now preloaded so that during high load periods there is no delay showing them when using an ability.
Weapon Updates
- Taunts - Added in taunt gem compatibility to several weapons and abilities to create additional choices when tanking.
- Calamity Counter (8s AOE taunt on activation)
- Mighty Gavel (4s on hit taunt)
- Maelstrom (4s on hit taunt)
- Cyclone (2s on hit taunt)
- Incinerate (3s on hit taunt)
- Windchill (3s on hit taunt)
- Petrifying Scream (4s on hit taunt)
- Blast Shot (4s on hit taunt)
- Magic Weapons - Removed mana cost on all magic weapon light attacks.
- Crowd Control Balance - Reviewed all weapons to make a more clear differentiations between attacks that are intended to be for Crowd Control, and attacks that are meant for Damage. Removed Stagger from damage focused abilities, and reduced damage for stagger focused abilities.
- War Hammer
- Shockwave damage reduced from 80% to 60%.
- Wrecking Ball damage reduced from 130% to 90%.
- Clear Out damage reduced from 115% to 100%.
- Path of Destiny damage reduced from 100% to 70%.
- Sword and Shield
- Shield Bash intimidating bash upgrade damage reduced from 100% to 75% weapon damage.
- Shield Rush damage reduced from 125% to 100%.
- Shield Rush’s Improved Rush Weaken increased from 10% to 20%.
- Leaping Strike damage reduced from 150% to 100%.
- Reverse Stab no longer staggers.
- Spear
- Javelin damage reduced from 125% to 80%.
- Perforate’s final upgrade Impactful Strikes no longer staggers and was reworked to inflict a stack of 10% weaken for 5s on each successful hit (3 stacks max).
- Sweep’s knockdown attack damage reduced from 75% to 45%.
- Greatsword
- Calamity Counter damage reduced from 100% to 80%.
- Steadfast Strike’s first attack damage reduced from 70% to 40%.
- Skyward Slash’s first attack damage reduced from 80% to 50%.
- Rapier
- Flourish and Finish no longer staggers.
- Flurry’s final upgrade Finalize upgrade no longer staggers and was reworked to apply a stack of the bleed used by the rest of the tree on successful hit.
- Great Axe
- Reap’s first hit damage reduced from 70% to 60%.
- Gravity Well’s upward Melee Swing damage reduced from 99% to 25%.
- Gravity Well’s Vortex Burst damage reduced from 125% to 100%.
- Insatiable Gravity Well Perk’s Burst damage reduced from 100% to 50%.
- Hatchet
- Feral Rush’s first attack damage reduced from 115% to 80%.
- Bow
- Evade Shot damage reduced from 125% to 90%.
- Rapid Shot no longer staggers.
- Musket
- Stopping Power damage reduced from 120% to 90%.
- Ice Gauntlet
- Ice Spikes Mighty Spike no longer staggers.
- Void Gauntlet
- Scream damage reduced from 100% to 70%.
- War Hammer
- Fixed an issue that cause the player to get into a bad state when entering a menu with Mortar Charge active.
- Indicator for loaded shots now counts down correctly when ammunition left is equal to or less than the maximum number of loaded shots for a ranged weapon ability, such as Blunderbuss mortar.
- Fixed issue where additional shots could be fire when animation cancelling the blunderbuss mortar charge ability.
- Fixed a bug where Activating Mortar Charge and swapping weapons was giving the player an extra basic attack
Ability Updates
- Penetrating Shot, Deep Strike Upgrade - Reduced damage from 20% to 15%.
- Long Range Passive - Reduce damage from 15% to 10%.
- Opening Strike Passive - Reduce damage bonus from 20% to 10%.
- Finishing Shot Passive - Reduce damage from 20% to 15%.
Bug Fixes
- Fixed issue where the Bow Dodge and Weave passive was improperly extending the duration if a subsequent dodge occurred while the buff was already active.
Fire Staff
Ability Updates
- Pillar of Fire
- Increased size of the AoE from 2m to 2.5m.
- Reduced the time it took to trigger the attack from aiming from 13 frames to 7 frames (6 frame reduction)
- Removed a 3-frame delay from when the attack actually casted to when the damage was dealt.
- Reduced Damage from 170% to 165%.
First Strike Upgrade
- Changed condition from being based on target HP, but dealing 5% damage per stack of smolder on the target. Named changed to “Strike the Match”
Arson’s Advantage Upgrade
- Increased Mana gain amount from 10% to 15%.
Meteor Shower
- Updated ability to channel for 1s then cast the ability. Spell will remain active in the world for 4 seconds post cast.
- Increased damage of initial hit from 75% to 100% weapon damage.
- Updated status effect to tick at once per second instead of once every 0.75s.
- Increased the tick damage while inside from 25% to 50% weapon damage.
- Updated mana to all be consumed at once upon activation.
Immolation upgrade
- Increased mana gain per hit from 1% to 3%.
Judgment of Helios upgrade
- Changed functionality to be hitting targets inside of the meteor shower effect with light or heavy attacks will inflicts a stack of smolder.
Fiery Determination Upgrade
- Moved upgrade to be the final upgrade of meteor shower (This will force respec all fire staff mastery trees)
- Updated ability to no longer leave behind the burning AOE on impact. Damage is now focused on the impact and smolder DoTs.
- Increased attack damage from 140% to 150%.
Scorched Earth Upgrade
- Changed functionality to now apply a stack of smolder on hit.
- Sped up start up of attack
- Increased damage of the attack from 130% to 150%.
- Added grit to the base ability
Flame Out upgrade
- Removed 2nd hit, changed functionality to grant a stack of empower for 7s per target hit with the attack. 3% empower per stack (5 stacks max)
- Set the distance increase upgrade to be the base movement distance.
- Updated the damage over time effect that is applied by the ability to be the same smolder that the rest of the weapon uses.
- Increased damage from 129% to 130% (Nice round number)
Heat It Up Upgrade
- Changed the functionality to be that the ability triggers an explosion right as the ability ends (If you time the distance properly, extra damage will be achieved)
Passive Updates
- Spell Focus - Combine functionality of Spell Focus and Flare into one passive, heavies don’t consume mana, and grant 5% mana on hit.
- Singe - Changed from just lights to light and heavy attacks.
- Flare - Updated functionality to now trigger a 1m splash on impact.
- Pyromania - Reworked to be increased damage by 10% versus burning enemies
- Heat Up - Reworked to dodging through an attack inflicts a stack of burn on the target.
- Trial by Fire - Changed activation condition from being hit, to hitting a target within 4m of player. Increased damage over time damage from 5% to 20%, Decrease duration from 10s to 5s, Decrease cooldown from 120s to 30s.
- Updated all tooltips referencing the specific “Smolder” burn to state smolder instead of burn. Burn will still apply to all general Fire DoT status effects, including smolder, but smolder is a unique burn.
Ultimate Updates
- Rune of Helios
- Increased radius of the AOE from 2m to 4m and reduced damage bonus from 25% to 20%.
- Reheat Ultimate
- Changed to hitting a target with a Heavy Attack that has 5 stacks of Burn will pop all burns stacks and deal 100% weapon damage in an AOE explosion around the player. (10s Cooldown)
Bug Fixes
- Fixed issue where Meteor Shower’s Immolate upgrade was not properly functioning when using the keenly jagged perk.
- Fixed issue where the fire staff incinerate ability was not able to apply additional stacks of burn with the scorched upgrade, or additional stacks with the Flame Out upgrade.
- Fixed issue where the fire staff combat speed passive and reheat ultimate 4s timer would sometimes trigger without activating an ability or putting it on cooldown.
- Fixed issue where players couldn’t ability cancel the pre-casting aiming pose of Pillar of Fire and Meteor Shower. Those abilities should now be in line with the functionality of similar aiming poses of other magic weapons.
- Fixed issue where mana consumption was sometimes not being handled as expected when using flamethrower.
- Fixed an issue where the haste from the fire staff passive Combat Speed could persist through weapon swap.
- Fixed issue where meteor shower could sometimes apply multiple stacks on a target.
- Fixed an issue where Pillar of Fire could trigger Rune of Helios prematurely.
- Fixed a bug where Runes of Helios’ cooldown could display wrong values when entering a game mode.
Great Axe
Ability Updates
- Gravity Well is now considered a ranged attack.
- Charge - updated incorrect range description from 10m to 15m.
Bug Fixes
- Fixed an issue where Engage could hit twice.
- Fixed issue where some damage bonuses were not properly functioning with the Great Axe Bloodlust ultimate.
- Fixed issue that would cause Gravity Well vortex to disappear if a target hit by it died immediately.
- Fixed issue where the roots applied by the gravity passive for the Great Axe would apply though blocks. Also updated the icons for those roots to show as red to indicate it is negative.
Ability Updates
- Tuned Primary and Heavy attack homing to be consistent with other melee weapons.
- Giant Slayer - Updated tooltip to be more clear on the target needed to be above 90% health and not self.
- Path Of Onslaught Quick Charge Bonus - Increased the time it takes to charge a heavy attack while in the Path Of Onslaught stance to be only 50% faster instead of twice as fast.
- Crosscut - Increase cooldown from 15s to 20s.
- Relentless Rush, Adaptive Rush Upgrade - Reduce the root from 1s to 0.5s.
- Giant Slayer Passive - Reduce damage from 20% to 15%.
- Swift Onslaught Passive - Changed activation condition to trigger off of ability hits and not ability activations.
- Updated several of the Greatsword tooltips to add clarity to when the stances take effect. Included information in the base stance nodes to state that the stances are activated after completing an ability. For the attacks that have multiple hits, added information to indicate which portion of the attacks needs to be completed to activate the stances.
Bug Fixes
- Fixed issue where the Greatsword Relentless Rush and Skyward slash abilities would apply their effects through blocks.
Ability Updates
- Defy Death Ultimate - Reduced invincibility to 0.5s and grants 500 HP + 50% of max health upon activation and reduced cooldown from 75s to 60s.
- The intent of this change is to prevent Defy Death from being a risk free situation. It still saves the player from death, but just doesn’t allow the player to recklessly remain in the fight while not having to focus on their health values.
- Fortifying Strikes - Changed activation condition from three consecutive light attacks to one heavy attack
- Enraged Strikes - Change from being all basic attacks to Heavy attacks and Abilities
- Berserking Refresh Upgrade - Updated to be 5% life steal while berserk is active instead of granting a flat amount of HP while active.
- Desperate Refresh - Set up a cap of 5 activations per attack for the cooldown reduction passive to match similar passives for other weapons.
Bug Fixes
- Fixed issue where the Relentless Fury and Accumulated Power passive durations could not be extended.
- Fixed issue where the Relentless Fury and Accumulated Power passive damage bonuses from the empower would not be applied to non-slash damage.
- Fixed issue where the Desperate Refresh passive was not working with thrown hatchets
- Fixed an animation issue when pressing prone or crouch at the same time as Aim Throw.
- Fixed issue where the critical throw passive for the hatchet was not differentiating melee vs ranged throws.
- Fixed issue where the hatchet ability Infected Throw’s upgrade, Mortal Power didn’t properly portray the extended duration of the upgrade.
Ice Gauntlet
Ability Updates
- Ice Pylon
- Added ability to despawn Ice Pylon by holding ability input for 1 second while Ice Pylon is active.
- Added Ice Pylon health details to description.
- Entomb
- Updated description to include dodge as a way to exit Entomb.
- Added Entomb health details to description.
- Wind Chill
- Added ability input delay of 0.6s after ability starts to avoid accidental cancelations.
Passive Updates
- Cold Reach - Updated distance from target from being further than 15m to within 15m of a target.
- Empowered Frost - Increase mana gain while performing an attack while inside a frosted area from 3 to 6"
Bug Fixes
- Fixed issue where Ice Shower’s Punishing Storm upgrade was not properly functioning when using the keenly jagged perk.
- Fixed issue where the Ice Gauntlet Entomb ability would bypass the Mana Stop mutation effect.
- Fixed Ice Pylon preventing Gathering Storm from triggering after 3 consecutive light attacks.
- Fixed a bug where melee attacks homed towards friendly Ice Pylons.
Life Staff
Ability Updates
- Absolved passive - Updated to be for heavy attacks only. Since all magic weapons no longer cost mana on lights.
- Removed the required connection between the Absolved, Mending Touch, and Blissful Touch passives in the Healing life staff tree.
- Sacred Ground upgrade, Holy Ground - Reduced power of the increased stamina regen rate from 50% to 25%.
Bug Fixes
- Fixed issue where the spell cast target indicator was not moving smoothly.
- Fixed for players that are using a Life Staff unsheathed, with non-sticky targeted healing active, near a valid healing target, and with both actions bound to the same key:
- Fixed a bug where players, using a Life Staff as described above, could unintentionally ping by pressing the key bind at a specific interval while running forwards or strafing.
- Fixed a bug where players, using a Life Staff as described above, could not ping on the map.
Ability Updates
- Traps
- Adjusted the cooldown to only trigger after the start up of the attack, so that if the ability is interrupted prior to 1 frame before the toss occurs, the ability will not go on cooldown.
- Tuned Aim Down Sight accuracy to reduce effectiveness of rapid long range shots.
* Accuracy will be reduced when moving and aiming quickly.
- New passive Steady Hand
- Replaces Ballistic Advantage.
- Increase Accuracy of any musket shot when Aim Down Sight is maintained for 2s. Increased Accuracy will reset after a shot is fired.
- Steady Hand passive activates in 1s and resets on shot while in Shooter Stance.
Greater Accuracy - Updated to remove accuracy penalty from Hip Shot.
- Updated the Musket’s aiming reticle’s appearance to better function with the musket accuracy system.
Bug Fixes
- Fixed an issue with Reload animation repeatedly playing when spamming an ability key during a reload when Trap or Sticky Bomb is assign to that key.
- Fixed issue where players could sometimes get into a broken state with the musket when transitioning into abilities from prone.
- Fixed issue where the player could sometimes move at a faster rate than intended movement speed for a few seconds while tossing the sticky bomb. And fixed issue where sometimes players couldn’t move during the throw if they initiated the throw while idle.
- Fixed issue where Sticky Bomb wouldn’t deactivate properly when teleporting.
- Fixed issue where the musket traps root was not consistent with the normal diminishing returns on roots when applying the root to a target with a trap while the root is already active.
- Fixed issue where throwing a trap with the musket sheathed would result in the cooldown being activated even though the Double Trap upgrade was unlocked.
Sword & Shield
Bug Fixes
- Fixed issue where the sword and shield’s defensive formation ultimate showed the incorrect value for its radius. Incorrectly showed 2m instead of 3m.
- Fixed an issue where sword and shield’s defender ability VFX would not display when used by other players.
- Fixed an issue where players would be considered “In Combat” when activating Defender’s Resolve without taunting an enemy.
Void Gauntlet
Ability Updates
- Void Blade
- Added ability input delay of 0.6s after ability starts to avoid accidental cancelations.
- Baleful Tether
- Buffs and debuffs now start at maximum values and no longer scale up.
- Increased projectile size from 0.4m to 0.5m
- Increased impact damage from 10% to 100%, and added damage text to the tooltips.
- Increased tether range from 15m to 20m.
- Tethered Focus Upgrade
- Increased mana regen rate increase from 100% to 200%.
- Soul Eater Upgrade
- Changed trigger condition to be if the tether ends or is broken.
- Essence Rupture
- Increased impact damage from 50% to 100%, and added damage text to the tooltips.
- Increased projectile size from 0.33m to 0.5m.
- Increased projectile speed by 50%.
- Oblivion
- Updated Invigorating Oblivion to grant 25% stamina regen rate instead of granting a flat amount of stamina per second.
Passives Updates
- Efficient Harvest
- Remove the condition for being below 25% mana, and changed health drain reduction from 50% to 35%.
- Deadly Range
- Updated the condition to be against targets with an active debuff, and made it work with both light and heavy attacks.
- Fervent Thirst
- Updated to work with both light and heavy attacks.
- Cleansing Harvest
- Replaces Refreshing Harvest.
- Changed functionality to be that Harvest Essence removes one debuff from self. (3s cooldown)
- Leeching Bolts
- Removed the target health percent condition, reduce amount of bonus healing from 30%→20%.
- Extended Suffering
- Updated to work with both light and heavy attacks.
Bug Fixes
- Fixed a bug causing Void Blade from not properly appearing on players.
- Fixed a bug where the status effect from the Slowing Tether perk didn’t properly show its scaled value in the tooltip.
- Fixed issue where the void gauntlet Baleful Tether wouldn’t always function properly when triggered near the max range.
- Fixed an issue where players would be considered “In Combat” when using Harvest Essence.