Transcript (by Youtube)

3s well now it's good to see you're still
6s breathing name's Grace Ali the grace Ali
12s finest ship's Captain you're like to
13s meet around here and this this is the
16s aisle of a turn settle in because from
19s what I've learned so far we're both
22s going to be here for a very long
25s time wherever you come from in the old
28s world you best just forget about it it's
31s gone and the rules there whatever they
33s were well they don't apply on a tum
36s there are a few things same as they were
39s though personal hygiene suitable attire
43s I think you'll want to be losing those
44s salty rags and get something that offers
46s a little more protection pretty as they
50s may be these beaches are crawling with
53s things that aren't too friendly to new
57s arrivals so let me guess you set sail
61s for this place with dreams of
63s Fantastical Treasures Fountains of Youth
66s Cities of Gold that kind of thing well
69s the good news is that part's true
71s aternum borst him with opportunities for
74s riches and glory and then there's this
76s living forever business but anyone who's
79s been here a while will tell you
81s immortality is not as shiny as it might
84s seem but there's no need to go dwelling
86s on the darker aspects of the Island
89s right now it may not be paradise but
92s there's towns here and at least a few
94s decent folk and trade sure enough Co to
98s be made if you know what you're doing
100s and I'll be your lucky charm in that
103s respect friends shorten the road they do
106s so stick with me and we'll have you
108s feeling at home in a tournament no
119s time for