over 2 years ago - Scot - Direct link

Thanks for the passionate feedback on the influence race. We hear you and we are reviewing this mechanic as we speak. This is our first real look at the influence race at scale and we are learning a lot about how it impacts gameplay from multiple perspectives. New World will continue evolving over time. If there are pieces of content or mechanics that we release but are not satisfied with, we will continue listening to you (the players) and work to improve them. In regards to the influence race: we believed it has been functioning as planned but now that we have more data, we will investigate further as it is possible there is a bug causing the numbers to escalate faster than intended. This type of investigation along with your feedback is what will help us improve New World now and in the future.

Thank you for your passion and for helping us identify this point of contention!

over 2 years ago - Scot - Direct link

So after some investigation our team has found that Influence is indeed scaling too fast. We will adjust this for the attacking Factions and will remove Influence scaling from the defending Faction. These changes still require review and testing and we plan to release them as soon as possible. We will continue to tune this and other features going forward. Your feedback helps us identify areas like these that require extra focus from the team. Thank you so much for raising awareness on this!

over 2 years ago - Scot - Direct link

No ETA yet, we want to be thorough in our testing.